Stacy here... Let's talk about Reward vs Reinforcement in a searching context.
The difference matters! And it matters because one is something you give and one and something that can actually improve your dog's performance. A Reward is something in your pocket that you give your dog when they find the hide. (This also includes food on the hide if you choose to "pair" though that is not the context I am referring to).
A Reward can be food or a toy. It is what the dog receives. It's odd thinking about a toy in this way but we will get to that!
Reinforcement is something that increases the chance of a behavior or outcome in the future. Translated, this means that a Reinforcement makes my odor obedience and performance better. Reinforcement builds MOTIVATION. The trick is that reinforcement is more difficult because you have do something that the dog finds reinforcing.... which means that you actually have to engage with the dog and not just be a walking treat pouch. That takes Skill... and it is something that so many instructors just don't teach (I do by the way if that isn't clear!)
Reward is a WHAT. Reinforcement is both a WHAT and a HOW.
When we "Food Reward" which is in parenthesis because that is what it commonly is called.... even though what we REALLY want is "Food Reinforce", it's easy to get hung up on WHAT you give your dog. When you try to get better performance you can end up in the Arms Race of Nosework where you are constantly trying to give your dog something better. This is one of the greatest fallacies of the sport! Why? Because it's only half of the equation.
This becomes obvious when we swap the words to "Toy Reward". Would you ever just hand your dog a ball or would you PLAY with it? Unless the dog TRULY just wanted to hold the toy it becomes a kind of a silly picture because we generally and naturally gravitate to playing with the dog with the toy.... Playing with a Toy is actually "Toy Reinforcement" even though it's incorrectly
WEBINAR TONIGHT!! Who will see me there??
Thursday November 21 @ 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET
"What ARE those Skills for Summit and Elite?"
Summit or Elite curious? Do you want to know how to decode those skills so that you know WHAT or HOW to train them?
In this webinar, we will look at current trends and examples to understand just what skills are being tested. It's way more than just training "close proximity hides" or "elevated hides"... it's about thoughtful placement of challenges. By looking at these trends and examples, we can start to build a training plan focused on skill building and trial preparation. Oh yeah.... we will ALSO cover HANDLER SKILLS because YOU are a part of the equation too!
Most examples will be Summit level, however I will also use examples from more challenging Elite trials as well as the new ELT-P level.
If you are new to these levels or experienced and want to up your game, make sure to join me! This webinar will also benefit AKC Detective handlers, however examples will be focused on NACSW Summit and Elite.
This webinar will also be an excellent preview to my new class in December, NW530: The Upper Levels: Building Skills for Elite and Summit.
Watch the trailer!!
Register at:
Crystal is selling her limited edition custom embroidered Reinforcer #payattention hats for $30 free shipping. You have until Thursday, Oct. 17 9am CST. The Google form is in the comments. The colors are in the video.
Episiode 107" "How do you Define Struggle?"
“You really have to be observant and try to see, ‘what can my dog cope with, versus what can't they cope with?’ And ‘what's going to be the downstream implications of doing that?’”
How do you define “struggle” in dog training? Today, our hosts, the Dames of Detection, Robin Greubel, Stacy Barnett, and Crystal Wing are breaking down just that, sharing potent personal stories that will shift your perspective on canine learning curves. Together, they probe the gap between expectation and reality, dissecting how 'struggle' can embody both momentary challenges and the broader journey toward canine mastery.
Navigating the delicate dance between pushing your pooch and knowing when to pull back is an art form. Our hosts take us through strategies to avoid overwhelming your companion, including the art of breaking down tasks and considering external factors like climate, all while keeping your dog's well-being at the forefront.
We wrap up the convo with an exploration of stress — not all stress is bad, it turns out. Distinguishing between the type that fosters growth and the kind that hinders it, Robin, Stacy, and Crystal share relatable anecdotes that illustrate how to harness the right amount of challenge in training. All this and more in this episode of K9 Detection Collaborative!
Listen to this episode on any of your favorite podcast players or our website to see the show notes and special links:
Check out to enjoy the freebies and tell your friends so you can keep the conversations going.
Stacy can be found @scentsabilitiesnoseworktraining on Facebook and Instagram
Robin can be found @K9SensusFoundation on Facebook and Instagram.
Crystal can be found on Facebook @CBK9coach or @evolution_wdc
#bombdog #explosivedetection #noseworkdog #scentwork #k9nosework #k9handlers #k9training #k9partners #podcast #
Episode 106: Bomb Dog Research, Odor Purity, and Research Update with Dr. Lauryn DeGreeff, Dr. Michele Maughan and Jenna Gadberry
“It's sort of like giving a chocolate cake recipe to different people. Just because you gave them the same chocolate cake recipe, the cake molecularly may not be the same because you may level off your one cup of flour. I may do heaping cups of flour. It will still go boom, but it [the varying makeup of different explosives] doesn’t smell the same to the dogs.”
Dr. Lauryn DeGreeff, Dr. Michele Maughan, and Jenna Gadberry, along with Robin Greubel and Stacy Barnett dissect the complexities of non-detonable canine training aids. You'll get a rare behind-the-scenes look at the intricate dance of odor chemistry and the safety measures paramount in training with both traditional and peroxide-based explosives.
Join us as we confront the challenges of contamination in training aids with our canine detection experts and champion the cause for greater investment in olfactory science, all while navigating both perspectives of peer-reviewed research and its real-world implications.
Listen to this episode on any of your favorite podcast players or our website to see the show notes and special links:
Check out to enjoy the freebies and tell your friends so you can keep the conversations going.
Stacy can be found @scentsabilitiesnoseworktraining on Facebook and Instagram
Robin can be found @K9SensusFoundation on Facebook and Instagram.
Crystal can be found on Facebook @CBK9coach or @evolution_wdc
#originalbiosensors #collaboration #research #trainingaid #lauryndegreeff #michelemaughan #jennagadberry #odorchemistry #bombdog #explosivedetection #noseworkdog #scentwork #k9nosework #k9handlers #k9training #k9partners #podcast #dogtraining #k9 #SAR #militarydogs #relationshi