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Measuring Life In this magazine we going to explain some Metrology's topics, like the beginning of the metrology and why the necessity of mesure in the daily life.


Pizza Hawaiana!, recuerda que en il fratello pizza contamos con servicio a domicilio y puedes pagar con tarjeta!

Our calibration lab is ISO 17025:2005 Accredited and registered to ISO 9001:2015.  Let our metrologists help maintain yo...

Our calibration lab is ISO 17025:2005 Accredited and registered to ISO 9001:2015. Let our metrologists help maintain your calibration requirements by providing expert service for your company.
CALIBRATION DISCIPLINES: RF/Microwave, Electrical, Mass, Torque, Temperature, Dimensional, Mechanical, Thread/Plug/Ring Gauges
REPAIR: We can evaluate your obsolete or damaged test equipment for repair or replacement
TEST EQUIPMENT: IAC MASTERSCANNER (New standard for thread calibrations), Starrett (Precision measurement tools), and Reed Instruments (Test Equipment)


Extraction, Characterization and Modification of Castor Seed Oil

This paper present the results of an experiment about extraction and characterization of crude and refined castor oil. Castor oil is pale amber viscous liquid derived from the seeds of the plant Ricinus Communis, sometimes known as ricinus oil. Like any other vegetable oils and animal fats, it is a triglyceride, which chemically is a glycerol molecule with each of its three hydroxyl group esterified with a long clown fatty acid. Its major fatty acid is the unsaturated, hydroxylated 12-hydroxy, 9-octadecenoic acid, known familiarly as Ricinoleic acid. The fatty acid composition of a typical castor oil contains about 87% of ricinoleic acid.
For the Castor Beans Processing the unit operations involved are: Clearing, drying, winnowing and grinding. To obtain the castor oil they used a Soxhlet Extractor this process is realized poured a solvent into round bottom flask, in a separated way place the sample in the thimble and inserte in the centre of the extractor. When the solvent boil, the vapour rises through the vertical tube into the condenser at the top. The liquid condensate drips into the filter paper thimble in the centre, which contains the solid sample to be extracted. The extract seeps through the pores of the thimble and fills the siphon tube, where it flows back down into the round bottom flask. The castor oil produced in this research work was analyzed for different properties and they conclude that the oil is of good quality and could be recommended suitable for industrial usage, the same for the crude and refined oil.

KPAN, U. G., JIMOH, A., and MOHAMMED, A. D. (2006). Extraction, Characterization and Modification of Castor Seed Oil. Leonardo Journal of Sciences. ISSN 1583-0233, p. 43-52


A comprehensive review on biodiesel as an alternative energy resource and its characteristics

I think the author try to explain us is the fact that the fossil fuels are depleting day by day, and there is a need to find out an alternative fuel to fulfill the energy demand of the world, and biodiesel is one of the best available resources that have come to the forefront recently. This document is a review of the different ways to make biodiesel since the oil extraction to the physicochemical properties.
This document start with an Overview of global transportation sector consumption and emissions production and Biodiesel as an emerging energy resource after that we got all the things about biodiesel production like feedstocks commonly used, the oil extraction methods, Biodiesel production technologies (The most commonly used is Transesterification ), Properties and qualities of biodiesel, etc.,
The interest fact for me is the transesterification and the cetane number because the first, is the main point for biodiesel production In this reaction, 100 lb of fat or oil are reacted with 10 lb of a short chain alcohol in the presence of a catalyst to produce 10 lb of glycerin and 100 lb of biodiesel. About the cetane number is a measure and indicates the quality of the product is the indication of ignition characteristics or ability of fuel to auto-ignite quickly after being injected. Better ignition quality of the fuel is always associated with higher CN value. It is one of the most important parameters, which is considered during the selection procedure of methyl esters for using as biodiesel.

A.E. Atabani, A.S. Silitonga, Irfan Anjum Badruddin, T.M.I. Mahlia, H.H. Masjuki, S. Mekhilef. (2012). A comprehensive review on biodiesel as an alternative energy resource and its characteristics. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 2070– 2093


Three Types of Measures

Use a balanced set of measures for all improvement efforts: outcomes measures, process measures, and balancing measures.

Outcome Measures

How does the system impact the values of patients, their health and wellbeing? What are impacts on other stakeholders such as payers, employees, or the community?

For diabetes: Average hemoglobin A1c level for population of patients with diabetes
For access: Number of days to 3rd next available appointment
For critical care: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) percent unadjusted mortality
For medication systems: Adverse drug events per 1,000 doses
Process Measures
Are the parts/steps in the system performing as planned? Are we on track in our efforts to improve the system?

For diabetes: Percentage of patients whose hemoglobin A1c level was measured twice in the past year
For access: Average daily clinician hours available for appointments
For critical care: Percent of patients with intentional rounding completed on schedule.
Balancing Measures (looking at a system from different directions/dimensions)
Are changes designed to improve one part of the system causing new problems in other parts of the system?

For reducing time patients spend on a ventilator after surgery: Make sure reintubation rates are not increasing
For reducing patients' length of stay in the hospital: Make sure readmission rates are not increasing

Alejandro Tejerina Olvera
Elzbieta Kmiecik

Quality and calibration.The instruments, machines and equipment that are using in the metrology’s labs need to be calibr...

Quality and calibration.

The instruments, machines and equipment that are using in the metrology’s labs need to be calibrated before their service and after that if is necesary “A calibration software of equipment have to apply of this way such as, when we apply we can show the trazability of the measurement in the laboratory with national patterns" (medical, Instrumentation Tecnology).
Calibrate an instrument or measurement standard is necessary; It is good to have one good resolution, current calibration, providing a true value, this is to be used for comparison with the instrument subjected to measure calibrate an instrument or measurement standard is necessary; It is good to have one good resolution, current calibration, providing a true value, this is to be used for comparison with the instrument subjected to measurement.

The calibration can apply easily this determination of the relation with a nominal value of a standard element, or it can close the correction (setting) for remove the mistakes (medical, Instrumentation Tecnology). We need to have a calibration certificate to check that the instrument we are using is right.
The correct calibration of equipment provides the safety of products or services that meet the specifications requeridad. It is necessary learn to calibrate each instrument right for a better quality service

Published by: Delgado Dulce.


In the 18th century many important events that changed the course of metrology, some were the industrialization and development of mass production systems were given. All this promoted the renovation of measurement systems as the old units were not precise enough and at this point in history was now necessary to improve the measurement system. The development of modern metrology boosts the production of weapons of Le Blanc in France and Eli Whitney in the US. The French Revolution led to a fundamental reform of statewide strikes a fair and uniform system of units. In recognition of these system units by the Convention of the International Metro 1875, it led to the unit of length, which "standard meter" was called. . The "Metro" was defined as one ten-millionth part of the quadrant of the meridian (longitude 90 degrees latitude along a meridian) and extrapolated from measurements of the meridian section of Paris between Dunkerque and Barcelona.1 (JL Bucher "The metrology handbook", 1st ed., ASQ Quality Press, 2004). In 1799 the meter was finally realized as a standardized and accessible measure as a platinum bar, copies of which were exhibited in the Paris area, so that the public could directly compare lengths. This caused an international standardization in trade, such standardization is still present to this day.

Published by: Enrique Rojas Anaya
Weckenmann, A., Krämer, P., & Akkasoglu, G. (2012, April). Metrology-Base for scientific cognition and technical production. In Advanced Materials Research (Vol. 498, pp. 169-176).


It is interesting to think that throughout the course of history, metrology is present in every aspect. There are many civilizations that implemented the first steps, an example is the ancient Egyptians. They were the first to understand the importance of metrology, as applied in the construction of the pyramids, and the most amazing thing is that they did it with great accuracy that even surprised our time. The Egyptian royal cubit was then one of the official measures can be seen as an example of a yardstick. The Egyptian royal cubit was made in relation to the body parts of a pharaoh or king who ruled at that time. The reference was the length of the forearm from the bent elbow to the tip of the extended middle finger plus the width of the palm of your hand. The royal cubit teacher was made of granite and its copies, which were given to the workers were either wood or granite. This pattern was so important that the workers were responsible for bringing the elbows to the end of each full month period. These elbows were compared with the teacher and whether there were any failures or deviations, workers could be punished even with death penalty. This shows the degree of importance was given to the rules, traceability and calibration during the construction of the pyramids. An interesting fact worth mentioning is that Egyptians built the pyramids with a maximum deviation of 4 cm side length of 230 m.
Published by: Enrique Rojas Anaya
Weckenmann, A., Krämer, P., & Akkasoglu, G. (2012, April). Metrology-Base for scientific cognition and technical production. In Advanced Materials Research (Vol. 498, pp. 169-176).


Biodiesel (fatty acid alkyl esters), a substitute to diesel fuel, is produced from renewable natural sources such as vegetable oils, animal fats and microalgal oil. It is biodegradable, sustainable, and also environmentally beneficial, thereby providing lower gas emission profile.
The direct use of vegetable oils as fuel in compression ignition engines is problematic due to their high viscosity and low volatility.
The viscosity of vegetable oils can be better improved with transesterification reaction, a process which seems to insure very good outcomes in terms of lowering viscosity and enhancing other physicochemical properties.
Transesterification is a chemical reaction involving triglycerides and an alcohol of lower molecular weights using homogeneous or heterogeneous substances as catalyst.
Even though transesterification reaction catalyzed by alkali homogeneous catalyst such as sodium and potassium hydroxides yields higher conversion of vegetable oil to methyl esters in short time, the reaction has several drawbacks: it is energy intensive; recovery of glycerol is difficult; the catalyst has to be removed from the product; alkaline wastewater requires treatment and free fatty acids (FFA) and water interfere with the reaction. The presence of water lowers the activity of catalyst, while FFA react with the catalyst to produce saponified product . The formation of soap reduces the biodiesel yield, and causes significant difficulty in product separation and purification. Thus, biodiesel and byproduct, glycerol have to be refined. Ineffective biodiesel separation and purification causes severe diesel engines problems.
This paper reviews the technologies employed with emphasis on the most suitable practice for effective separation. Membrane separation seems to be the most suitable for this purpose and is the focus of this study.

Published by Javier from:
Atadashi, I. M., Aroua, M. K., & Aziz, A. A. (2011). Biodiesel separation and purification: a review. Renewable Energy, 36(2), 437-443.


Do you know whats is the next step about the metrology?
Alejandro Tejerina Olvera
Keith Calvert, Engineering Director Contract Manufacturing North America, The Tech Group

All businesses and market segments embrace continuous improvement, some at faster rates than others. Rapid prototyping has made significant advances over the past 10 years by embracing three-dimensional models, high-speed machining, modular tooling, new steel alloys, and many more innovations. These innovations have reduced lead times while keeping costs in check. While the healthcare industry has made use of these technologies, demands on component and assembly validation have increased as well, resulting in an increase in the timeframe for validating molds that often exceeds the time needed to build the mold. There are, however, new technologies and processes that original equipment manufacturers can adopt to help streamline the validation cycle. One area of focus should be metrology.
Metrology is the science of measurement. Metrology includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement.


Have you ever wondered what is the distance between the earth and the sun?
This distance we can calculate without to be metrologist the only problem is how. There is a system of units that system allows to have a only measure for a thing, for example if a wall measuring 10 m is the same as in Mexico in China, or Brazil. For this reason the experts discovered a solution for that, we can know the International system of units, it has 7 basic units…

Published by: Dulce Delgado Gudiño
Giovannetti, V., Lloyd, S., & Maccone, L. (2006). Quantum metrology. Physical review letters, 96(1), 010401.


Did you know?...
All the people need the metrology in their daily life. The metrology is the science of measurement, What kind of measurements can we do?
The metrology born of the necessity of measure this definition is not new.Well when we talk about metrology we say that is about all the things that we can use or has a physical form. For example, when a housewife prepares the dinner, she needs to know what exactly quantity she has to do. Also when you go to work you need to know what time is it to be punctual. All the people have a metrologist inside of them. There are different kinds of measurements, but whole of these are necessary in our live.
Published by: Dulce Delgado Gudiño
Hentschel, M., Kienberger, R., Spielmann, C., Reider, G. A., Milosevic, N., Brabec, T., ... & Krausz, F. (2001). Attosecond metrology. Nature, 414(6863), 509-513.

Learn more about the history of metrology In the past, ancient Egyptians were among the first who understood the importa...

Learn more about the history of metrology

In the past, ancient Egyptians were among the first who understood the importance of metrology very well and applied it in the building of pyramids with an amazing accuracy. Not only Egyptians profited from metrology but also metrology profited from the activities of Egyptians. The royal Egyptian cubit can be seen as such an example. As stated in the royal Egyptian cubit was made related to the parts of the body of a pharaoh or king who was reigning at that time. The reference was the length of the forearm from the bent elbow to the tip of the extended middle finger plus the width of the palm of his hand. The master royal cubit was made of granite and its copies which were given to the workers were either from wood or granite. The workers were responsible to bring the cubits back at the end of each full month period. These cubits were compared to the master and if there were some failures or deviations, the workers could be punished even with death penalty. This also shows the degree of importance which was given to standards, traceability and calibration during the building of pyramids. Egyptians built up the pyramids with a maximum deviation of 4 cm in the lateral length of 230 m.




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