If your life has been in shambles like mine the past 2 days...this one's for you! Guess who's the comeback kid😉💪#weareblessed #Romans828 #BeEncouragedToday #GodOverEverything #beblessedyall
Round 2 as promised 🫶
On my heart to share❤️ still grieving with God but enjoying the amazing memories.
Sorry for the audio on my phone but I still felt to post. And at the end there was someone walking by so that's what I was laughing about.
I recorded once more and will post that one too just for the sake of you being able to hear every word.
Anyways may this be a blessing🫶🙏
Today's Self-Care Prayer 🙏 #evaluate #pray #peacefulpause #relationshipwithGod #selfcare #prayerforyou #prayerforme #loveyall #beblessed
A bit of encouragement😉 May this encourage your heart🙏 #familyinchrist #christian
My prayer for you🫶#spiritualgrowth #Godencounters #relationshipwithGod #myprayer #foryou🙏 #InJesusName #beblessedyall
Let's chat🔥 Please don't forget who you are #childofGod #kingdomidentity #Jesus #relationshipwithGod #christianencouragement #beblessedyall
My prayer for you this week🙏 I send the word of HEALING over you. #psalm107v20 #Godsword #BeHealed #berescued #inJesusname #befree #iPray #Amen #beblessedyall #blessedweek
You are Amazing😉🫶🙏 #christianencouragement #madeinHisimage #receive #blessedtobeablessing #beblessedyall
Hey Hey❤️ Can we chat real quick? #christianwalk #personalrelationship #letsgrowtogether #prayingforyou #prayingforme #beblessedyall
May you Learn to receive🙏🫶 #prayerforyou #testimonytime #Godsgifts #justforyou #christianencouragement #InJesusName #beblessedyall
Oh how He LOVES you and me🥰#blessing #Godlovesyou #shinebright #jesuslovesme #chosen #Beloved #beblessedyall
My reflections on Chapter 43, being cared for by God👑🙏❤️❤️❤️
May this be a blessing to you!
Love y'all🫶
You are His Beloved🫶 #Godlovesyou #inprocess #beblessedyall
Happy Independece Day! I know its not Friday, but Had to run this one back on Independence day😉🫶#freeinchrist #freeindeed #IndependenceDay2024 #beblessedyall
How are you? #christianencouragement #checkingin #growthinGod #loveyall #youvegothis #GodHasYou #keeppressing #rest #keepgoing #Godlovesyou #youmakeHimproud #beblessedyall
#Godwill #justforyou #Selah #BeBlessedToday
Psalm 127:2 He gives His Beloved Rest❤️ #Selah #rest #perfectpeace #jesus #beblessed #loveyall
To the grieving heart🙏🫶 #storytime #Fathersday2024 #grievingmydad #missingmydad #Christ #AFriendIndeed #letHimin #prayerforyou #fathers #wholefamilies #InJesusName #beblessedyall
#MorningPrayer #givingthanks #settledheart #trustingGod #beblessedyall