Every company needs a Digital Marketing enthusiast in an organization who is trusted with monitoring, executing, filtering, and measuring the social media presence of a company. In our company that is Jelena.
#castvio #mediacompany #videoproductioncompany #videoproduction
Here is interesting content from our Creative Content Manager - a unique role in our company!
#castvio #videoproduction #mediacompany #videoproductioncompany
In the past 7 years, video usage goes exponentially and that is the most important reason to start using it in your company. This year, we can expect bug jump from 2021 according to same percentage from last year and in the first 5 months this year.
#castvio #mediacompany #videoproduction #videoproductioncompany #videoeverything
Nurbek is a sports enthusiast, but he is also into the creative side of video production! 🎥
Check out the video and find out his advice!
#castvio #videoproduction #videoeverything #mediacompany #meetouremployees
We have a lot of vulnerabilities today when it comes to cyber security, and you can't fix them all
in once. You need priorities, and Hive Pro was on @gitex_global to help companies with it.
Tune in to hear their approach in the new episode of #TechWaves podcast. 🎙
Repost from @gitex_global
Anand Choudha, CEO of Hive Pro talks to GITEX GLOBAL about the importance of Vulnerability Prioritization technology and neutralizing cyber-attacks in a booming IT industry.
#GITEXGLOBAL #Cybersecurity #Cyberattacks #Dubai #Technology
#castvio #videoproduction
Meet Brylle Piolo, one of our Video Editors from Phillippines 🇵🇭
Brylle loves to learn new things, and that is his advice for constantly improving yourself. If you ask us, we couldn't agree more! 👌
#castvio #videoproduction #mediacompany #videoproductioncompany #meetourteam
Will Serbia be the country that will host Specialized Expo 2027?
We hope so! 🤞
Repost from @expo2020serbia
🇷🇸We have announced Belgrade's candidacy for hosting Specialized EXPO 2027!
Serbia has a long history of participating in world exhibitions, and this year the country celebrates 136 years since the first World Exhibition in Antwerp. As the hugely successful presentation of Serbia at Expo 2020 Dubai is coming to a close, we decided to present our capabilities to the world by doing what we do best – be the HOSTS.
We hope to see you in #Belgrade in 2027!
🇷🇸 Најавили смо кандидатуру Београда за домаћина cпецијализованог ЕКСПО-а 2027. године!
Србија има дугу историју учешћа на светским изложбама, а ове године обележава 136 година од прве Светске изложбе у Антверпену. Како се Србија изузетно успешно представила на #Expo2020Dubai, одлучили смо да своје могућности представимо свету радећи оно што најбоље умемо – да будемо ДОМАЋИНИ.
Надамо се да се видимо у Београду 2027. године!
#Expo #Expo2020Serbia #SerbiaCreatesIdeas #District2020 #Exibition #Dubai #SerbiaCreates
Today, we recall memories from the #Serbian Pavilion when Serbian basketball players performed at the 3X3 Expo Championship! 🏀
🏀 Присећамо се како је било на Павиљону Србије када су наступили наши баскеташи на 3X3 Експо шампионату!
Repost from @expo2020serbia
#Expo2020memories #TBT #3X3 #Expo #Expo2020Serbia #SerbiaCreatesIdeas #District2020 #Exibition #Dubai #SerbiaCreates
Check out the episode from @thechangeofficer and @stepconference and meet revolutionary skincare brand from UK.
Repost from @thechangeofficer
Coming to you with a fresh episode from our @stepconference series is @chaymaesamir, founder of the revolutionary UK skincare brand @madeby.sunday! ✨
Chaymae spotted a widening gap in the cosmetics market three years ago and took full advantage of it by crafting a business that understands the needs of its clients.
Chaymae spoke to us about bootstrapping a startup as a woman in business and shared how her company authentically connects with its customers by subverting the traditional conventions of skincare marketing.
Check out the full episode by tuning in via your favourite podcast listening app. Find the link in our bio! 💪🏻
🎥 @poddster
#veganskincare #womeninbusiness #womeninleadership #femaleentrepreneurs #startup #podcast #TheChangeOfficer #femalefounders #skincareindustry #skincare
One more 6-months journey is over, and we are rewinding our memories of many inspirational performances. 🎵
Repost from @expo2020serbia
Throwback at @satorimusica performance at the @expo2020dubai!
Why did he choose the very ancient Vinča as a theme for representing Serbia at the world's biggest event, but also for his upcoming album that is coming out in collaboration with the @exitfestival?
What impressed him the most about Vinča's culture during a visit to the site? What does he advise his younger colleagues?
Мали осврт на наступ @satorimusica на @expo2020dubai!
Зашто је изабрао баш древну Винчу као тему за представљање Србије на највећој Светској манифестацији, али и за предстојећи албум који излази у сарадњи са @exitfestival?
Шта га је највише импресионирало о винчанској култури током посете локалитету? Шта он саветује својим млађим колегама?
@serbiacreates @privredna_komora_srbije @ministarstvo_ttt
@satorimusica @exitfestival
#Expo2020 #Expo2020Serbia #Expo2020Dubai #District2020 #Dubai #SerbiaCreatesIdeas #Serbia #SerbiaPavilion #MusicEvent #Vinča #Culture #ExitFestival #EXIT #SatoriMusica #SatoriLive #Dance #Live #LiveMusic #Balkan #BalkanMusic #ElectronicMusic #Satori #MusicFestival
Would you wear a perfect combination of traditional, modern, and futuristic clothes inspired by Serbian heritage? 😊
Repost from @expo2020serbia
Looking for some fashion inspiration? 👀
The costume of the host has been decorating the Serbia Pavilion for the past 6 months, and it was designed as a perfect combination of traditional, modern, and futuristic 🥻.
🪡 The three sets of costumes take their inspiration from Serbia's heritage - from the Neolithic Vinča culture to the present day. The costumes incorporate elements of local folklore, medieval iconography, and motifs from Yugoslav brutalist architecture, as well as diverse fabrics, from silk and leather to linen and neoprene.
Тражите модну инспирацију? 👀
Ношња домаћина претходних 6 месеци украшавала је Павиљон Србије, а осмишљена је као беспрекоран спој традиционалног, савременог и футуристичког 🥻.
🪡 Три комплета ношњи инспирисана су нашим наслеђем – од неолитске винчанске културе до данашњих дана – и садрже елементе локалног фолклора, средњовековне иконографије и мотиве југословенске бруталистичке архитектуре. Саткана су пажљиво од разноврсних тканина - свиле и коже до лана и неопрена.
@serbiacreates @privredna_komora_srbije @ministarstvo_ttt
#Expo #Expo2020Serbia #SerbiaCreatesIdeas #Fashion #Vinca #Costumes
Behind the scenes of the amazing dancing atmosphere of Serbian music. 🎺
Repost from @expo2020serbia
Vlog #6 is here! See how our visitors enjoyed the kolo dance and the sounds of traditional Serbian music. 😎📯
Влог #6 је ту! Погледајте како су посетиоци уживали уз коло и звуке традиционалне српске музике. 😎📯
@serbiacreates @privredna_komora_srbije @ministarstvo_ttt @serbiatourism
#Expo #Expo2020 #Expo2020Serbia #Expo2020Dubai #District2020 #Dubai #SerbiaCreatesIdeas #Serbia #SerbiaPavilion #Tradition #SerbianDance #SerbianMusic #Kolo
Tonight at 8 pm at @expo2020serbia YT channel watch the new episode of the podcast and #expodubai experience. 🎙
Repost from @expo2020serbia
Rock star, showman, surrealist Dr. Nele Karajlić talks about an exciting guest appearance at @expo2020dubai and reveals how he raised the Al Wasl hall to its feet 💃🕺!
👉 Don't miss the premiere of the podcast on Sunday at 8 am on our YouTube channel.
Рок звезда, шоумен, надреалиста Др Неле Карајлић говори о узбудљивом гостовању на #Expo2020Dubai и открива како је подигао #AlWasl дворану на ноге 💃🕺!
👉 Не пропустите премијеру подкаста у недељу у 8ч на нашем #YouTube каналу.
@serbiacreates @privredna_komora_srbije
#Expo #Expo2020Serbia #SerbiaCreatesIdeas #District2020 #Podcast
Lead of real estate market place Jonathan Steingiesser says that it's interesting to see what the world has to offer even tho the pandemic, and we couldn't agree more.
Join us for the new episode from #TechWaves Season 2.
Repost from @gitex_global
“Dubai is a launch pad to Africa, South Asia and to the rest of the world.” Jonathan Steingiesser Head of Product Design at @propertyfinder tells us about his thoughts on the region’s startup ecosystem, and why GITEX Global is the best place to get involved.
All of that and more in this new episode of #GITEXTechWaves
#GITEXGLOBAL #Technology #Startups #Innovation #Dubai #MiddleEast #GCC #castvio #videoproduction #podcast
After the world premiere and great attention of the world public and media, the project "Prehistoric MetaHuman" - a virtual revival of prehistoric man from Lepenski Vir, was presented at @narodnimuzej, and visitors will have the opportunity to meet with it until May 4, 2022. 😊
Repost from @expo2020serbia
Након светске премијере и огромне пажње светске јавности и медија, пројекат „Prehistoric MetaHuman” – виртуелно оживљавање праисторијског човека из Лепенског Вира, представљен је у @narodnimuzej, а посетиоци ће бити у прилици да се са њим упознају до 4. маја 2022.
Ана Илић, виша саветница председнице Владе Србије за креативне индустрије и туризам, која предводи тим платформе Србија ствара, уз чију подршку је реализована ова важна иновација, истакла је њен значај:
🗣 “Ова иновација је веома важна, и њену важност ћемо у потпуности да схватимо када заживи и прелије се у друге креативне индустрије а и у друге области друштва и живота уопште. За платформу Србија ствара је ово велики понос да смо учествовали и подржали један овакав пројекат, да смо препознати као важни партнери од наших најнапреднијих научника и технолошких иноватора”, истиче Илић.
👀 Погледајте како је било на отварању и не заборавите да посетите Народни музеј.
New episode - tonight 🎙
Repost from @expo2020serbia
The new episode of the podcast with our guest @stefanmilenkovichofficial will be premiered on Sunday at 8pm on our Youtube channel 🎥.
Нови подкаст у којем гостује @stefanmilenkovichofficial премијерно ће бити емитован у недељу у 20 ч на нашем #YouTube каналу 🎥.
#Expo #Expo2020Serbia #SerbiaCreatesIdeas #District2020 #expo2020dubai̇
#castvio #videoproduction
Put on VR glasses, take the joysticks, and enjoy the journey of 7 museums and galleries in Serbia. 🎨
Repost from @expo2020serbia
Vlog #5
Remember @i_paestka, our Resident Manager? Let's go to the exhibition space on the second floor and see what he has prepared for us today! 🤔
One of the most interesting sections of our pavilion is called Serbia Creates Experiences. Here, with VR headsets, you can learn about the cultural heritage of Serbia through art, science, history, and museums - all at your fingertips!
Meet the greats such as Tesla, Pupin, and Milanković, who changed the world we live in, as well as the bards of Serbian painting such as Paja Jovanović, Nadežda Petrović. Let's not forget @exitfestival, one of the best festivals in the world! 🕶️🖼️🎶
Finally, embark on a virtual tourist trip around Serbia - get to know its natural beauties and cultural monuments, and make plans to visit it soon in reality! 🇷🇸🚗💨
Влог #5
Сећате се нашег @i_paestka? Хајде да кренемо до изложбеног простора на другом спрату и видимо шта нам је припремио за данас! 🤔
Један од најзанимљивијих делова павиљона зове се Србија ствара искуства. Овде, уз помоћ #VR наочара, можете да упознате културно наслеђе Србије кроз уметност, науку, историју и музеје - све на дохват руке! 🤔
Упознајте великане као што су Тесла, Пупин и Миланковић, који су променили свет у којем живимо, као и бардове српског сликарства као што су Паја Јовановић, Надежда Петровић. Не заборавимо и @exitfestival, је
We are so used now to working from home due to pandemic, but it looks like through the lens of companies?
We had a chat with Shahnawaz Sheikh from AmiViz and talked about how companies want to ensure that their employees communicate securely.
Repost from @gitex_global
Amiviz is the region’s first B2B enterprise marketplace focused on cybersecurity business and last year, they chose GITEX GLOBAL to connect with key CSOs, IT directors, CTOs, and more.
GITEX is truly the place to reach important decision-makers from many global tech companies. Here’s Shahnawaz Sheikh, Amiviz’s VP Business Strategy, to vouch for that!
Available on Spotify and YouTube 🎧 #GITEXTechWaves
#GITEXGLOBAL #Technology #Cybersecurity #Innovation #Cybersecurities
Who wouldn’t stand on their feet when you hear this performance?
Repost from @expo2020serbia
Inspired by the past, creating the future!
The throwback of the "ethno-techno" solo accordion performance of maestro @officialmaestro who raised the audience to their feet at the celebration of the National Day of Serbia at @expo2020dubai!
👉 Watch the video.
Инспирисан прошлошћу, креира будућност!
#Throwback на „Етно-техно“ соло хармоника наступ маестра @officialmaestro који је дигао публику на ноге на прослави Националног дана Србије на @expo2020dubai!
👉 Погледајте видео.
#Expo #Expo2020 #Expo2020Serbia #Expo2020Dubai #District2020 #Dubai #SerbiaCreatesIdeas #Serbia #SerbiaPavilion #PetarMarić
#Ethno #SerbianMusic #Accordion #castvio #videoproduction
What is Digital transformation beyond the culture part?
Going generations pushed companies to move to the new tracks. How Demanding is it for the finance field, you can find out in conversations with Hussein Malhas in the new #GITEXtechwaves episode 🎙
Repost from @gitex_global
GITEX GLOBAL is the only event to engage and bring together 200+ of the region’s government entities looking for meaningful public-private partnerships — and that is one of the main reasons @Infobip, the world’s most connected cloud communications platform, chose GITEX.
Their VP Revenue, Hussein Malhas, talks to us about the rise of FinTech in the region in today’s episode of #GITEXTechWaves. Available on Spotify and Youtube 🎧
#GITEXGLOBAL #DigitalTransformation #Digitalization #Technology #Innovation