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A few days ago Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority banned Former Pakistani PM Imran Khan's speeches on media. They issued a statement in which they

Florida Uhuru leader defends Russia, bashes Colonial powers after FBI press conference  Jul 29, 2022, Eritha ‘Akile’ Cai...

Florida Uhuru leader defends Russia, bashes Colonial powers after FBI press conference
Jul 29, 2022, Eritha ‘Akile’ Cainion, who ran for mayor and is now the leader of the St. Pete Uhuru group, led the press conference. Cainion defended Russia, saying the U.S. and other "world Colonial powers have been collaborating against Russia for well into the early 1900s."

"The history of the African People's Socialist Party is to unite with any forces that unite with the anti-colonial struggle. and we feel that is a just struggle. This is a propaganda campaign against Russia. We can have relationships with whoever we want," Cainion said.

Eritha ‘Akile’ Cainion, who ran for mayor and is now the leader of the St. Pete Uhuru group, led the press conference. Cainion defended Russia, saying the U....

Ethiopian Ambassador to Russia Alemayehu Tegenu Aargau said in an interview with Sputnik that his country won’t allow th...

Ethiopian Ambassador to Russia Alemayehu Tegenu Aargau said in an interview with Sputnik that his country won’t allow the US to legislate its relationship with Russia. He was asked about the “Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act” that was tabled by Congress in late April, which will require the State Department to “regularly assess the scale and scope of the Russian Federation’s influence and activities in Africa that undermine United States objectives and interests” and determine how the US could respond to its rival through “democracy”-driven programs.

Ethiopia’s top diplomat in Moscow said that “Yes, I have heard about it [bill]. Look, Ethiopia is a sovereign country; we keep all the relations and contact with any states based on our national interest, national dignity, and sovereignty. Our foreign relations will only be managed by ourselves, not by any other state. This is the standard of Ethiopia with regard to any bill. Ethiopia wants to strengthen bilateral cooperation with Russia. We are an independent country that can decide on our own issues.” This position is in line with international law and aimed at pursuing his country’s objective national interests.

To elaborate, they lie in comprehensively expanding its cooperation with those countries like Russia that are leading the global systemic transition to multipolarity. One form that this takes is Ethiopia’s eagerness to participate in Russia’s financial multipolarity platform, which Ambassador Alemayehu also talked about in his Sputnik interview. To be absolutely clear, Ethiopian-Russian relations aren’t directed against any third parties but are mutually beneficial and aimed at accelerating the emerging Multipolar World Order that’s to the benefit of the vast majority of humanity that resides in the Global South.

No self-respecting country, let alone the historical cradle of anti-imperialism and Pan-Africanism that Ethiopia is, would ever allow a foreign country to legislate its interests with any other. What America is trying to do across Africa through its earlier mentioned act is reassert its declining unipolar hegemony through neo-imperial means. Its representatives arrogantly regard themselves as viceroys over the dozens of countries in that continent, which is actually racist whether they’re conscious of it or not. The US has absolutely no right to meddle in their foreign policies, especially towards Russia.

By refusing to let this happen, Ethiopia is proudly flexing its strategic autonomy and leading the rest of Africa by example, which aligns with its historical role in the continent. This is all the more impressive a position considering that the TPLF-driven Hybrid War of Terror was unleashed by the US against this country as punishment for its balanced foreign policy, which shows that the conflict completely failed to eliminate Ethiopia’s independence. To the contrary, Ethiopia is redoubling its commitment to becoming the African leader of multipolarity as proven by the prioritization of its relations with Russia.

Iranian oil tanker’s cargo seized in Greece after US requestGuess what Iran did within 24 hours????

Iranian oil tanker’s cargo seized in Greece after US request

Guess what Iran did within 24 hours????



The issue of law and order is as old as mankind's history. A synthesis of magical power, religion, science a philosophy meets to come up with the order and a

Check my latest article on Imran Khan! His Life is in danger!

Check my latest article on Imran Khan! His Life is in danger!

Former prime minister Imran Khan said on Saturday his life was in danger and that he has recorded a video in which he has taken the names of all those who

PM Imran Khan is in serious danger

PM Imran Khan is in serious danger

On 3rd April 2022, the joint opposition submitted a no-confidence motion against Imran Khan but the speaker of the national assembly rejected the motion.

UAE energy minister: OPEC has had countries at war before, and we did not take a side

UAE energy minister: OPEC has had countries at war before, and we did not take a side

UAE Energy Minister Suhail Al Mazrouei speaks to CNBC's Hadley Gamble at the World Government Summit in Dubai on Tuesday.

List of companies still buying Russian crude oilSo far, the bloc’s 27 members have been unable to agree on an embargo, w...

List of companies still buying Russian crude oil

So far, the bloc’s 27 members have been unable to agree on an embargo, with Germany warning against hasty steps that could push the economy into recession, and, some countries, such as Hungary, opposing any bans.

An EU embargo would require unanimous approval from all 27 member states.

Many buyers in Europe have shunned Russian crude voluntarily to avoid reputational damage or possible legal difficulties.

Others, such as commodity traders Trafigura and Vitol, have continued buying Russian crude under existing long-term contracts.

Both, however, told Reuters that they had not agreed to any new deals since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which Moscow calls a “special military operation” and which began on February 24.

India and China, which have refused to condemn Russia’s actions, have also continued to buy Russian crude.

The following lists of major buyers of Russian oil:
Neftohim Burgas
A Bulgarian refinery, owned by Russia’s Lukoil, and, with Russian crude accounting for about 60 percent of its intake, continues to refine Russian crude.

Russian crude continues to account for about 14 percent of the intake at Germany’s largest refinery, Miro, which is 24 percent owned by Rosneft.

Germany’s refinery, 54 percent owned by Rosneft, receives crude oil via the Druzhba pipeline.

Indonesian state energy firm PT Pertamina is considering buying crude oil from Russia as it seeks oil for a newly revamped refinery.

The land-locked Leuna refinery in eastern Germany, majority-owned by TotalEnergies, is also fed Russian crude by the Druzhba pipeline.

Hellenic Petroleum
Greece’s biggest oil refiner relies on Russian crude for about 15 percent of its intake. The company earlier this month secured additional supplies from Saudi Arabia.

Italy’s largest refinery, owned by Lukoil-controlled Swiss-based Litasco SA, processes Russian and non-Russian crude.

The Hungarian oil group, which operates three refineries in Croatia, Hungary, and Slovakia, continues to be supplied by the Druzhba pipeline. Hungary is opposed to sanctions on Russian oil and gas.

Zeeland Refinery
The Dutch refinery, 45 percent owned by Lukoil, declined to comment on whether it was using Russian crude oil.

Rotterdam Refinery
Exxon Mobil declined to comment on whether its Dutch refinery in Rotterdam was using Russian crude oil.

Hindustan Petroleum
India’s state refiner bought two million barrels of Russian Urals for May loading, according to trading sources last week.

Indian Oil Corporation
India’s top refiner on March 23 bought three million barrels of Urals for May delivery from Vitol, trade sources said. This is the second purchase of Urals by IOC since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.

Nayara Energy
Indian private refiner, part-owned by Russia’s Rosneft, has bought Russian oil after a gap of a year, buying about 1.8 million barrels of Urals from trader Trafigura.

Some years back Mahlangu tracked down this gentleman, Stephen Goodson, former director of the Reserve Bank and he flew h...

Some years back Mahlangu tracked down this gentleman, Stephen Goodson, former director of the Reserve Bank and he flew him in for the interview. Goodson held the secret documents of ownership for the South African Reserve Bank. Goodson had sent some documents to the public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane because she was investigating the ABSA bailout(CIEX REPORT).
In her report, Mkhwebane found that ABSA has stolen from the Republic and had to pay back the billions the Apartheid government paid ABSA just weeks before the democratic dispensation in 1994.
As Mahlangu drove Goodson to the airport, Goodson got the first death threat.
Goodson was killed three days after this interview aired.
It was the biggest watched interview on Straight Talk with Sifiso Mahlangu on ANN7.
Rest in Peace Goodson.

John Pilger interviews former CIA Latin America chief Duane Clarridge,

John Pilger interviews former CIA Latin America chief Duane Clarridge,

For those who believe in the whole thing about how the US fights for freedom and democracy or whatever, there was a time when CIA -- before it openly integra...

Gamechanger moment for Russ1a Uses Hyperson1c Missil3s. Air def3nse stand no chance against K1nzhal

Gamechanger moment for Russ1a Uses Hyperson1c Missil3s. Air def3nse stand no chance against K1nzhal

Janet Lambrouvor 7 StundenVery interesting and illuminating article:‘The security concerns of Russia arising from Ukrain...

Janet Lambrou
vor 7 Stunden
Very interesting and illuminating article:

‘The security concerns of Russia arising from Ukraine’s intentions of joining NATO have been widely discussed in the media. But the IMF’s link with Ukraine which is a parallel issue has scarcely received much attention. The IMF, as is well-known, “opens up” economies around the world for the pe*******on of metropolitan capital by making them “investor-friendly” through the adoption of a host of anti-working class and anti-people (“austerity”) measures; and such “opening up” typically involves the taking over of natural resources of the countries and also their land areas by metropolitan capital. The mechanism that the IMF typically uses towards this end is the imposition of “conditionalities” for giving loans to countries that are in need of balance of payments support.

In addition, however, to this general role that the IMF plays, there are occasions when it plays a specific role, namely, that of supporting the U.S. government’s cold war objectives. And in the case of Ukraine, it has played this specific role almost from the very beginning, apart from its general role of opening up the Ukrainian economy to metropolitan capital.

Prior to 2014 when Viktor Yanukovych was the president of Ukraine, that country had been in negotiations with the IMF as part of its trade integration with the European Union. The IMF had asked Ukraine to undertake a number of “reforms”: to cut wages; to “reform” and “reduce” the health and education sectors, which in Ukraine were major employment-generating areas; and to cut the subsidy on natural gas that was provided by the State to all Ukrainian citizens which made energy affordable for them (Bryce Green, FAIR, February 24). President Yanukovych was reluctant to implement these “reforms” which would have imposed a heavy burden on the people; he stopped negotiating with the IMF and started negotiating with Russia instead.

This became his unpardonable “crime”. Breaking off negotiations with the IMF was tantamount to escaping the hegemony not just of international capital intent on imposing a neo-liberal regime, but of the Western imperialist powers, especially the U.S., and hence the NATO. In other words, NATO and the IMF were not seen as distinct organizations, each working in its own sphere of operation, with its own objective; but organizations with similar and overlapping objectives. The U.S., peeved at Yanukovych’s temerity at turning to Russia instead of the IMF, decided to restrict further “damage”, and he was overthrown in a U.S.-sponsored coup which was carried out with the assistance of the N**i elements in Ukraine that had been in the forefront of anti-Yanukovych demonstrations in the run-up to the coup. These elements have now become formally incorporated into the Ukrainian army through the inclusion in it of the Azov Battalion, a far-Right, all-volunteer, infantry military unit that earlier formed part of the military reserve of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The government that came to power after the 2014 coup restarted negotiations with the European Union, for which it obtained a loan commitment of $27 billion from the IMF after showing its “good intentions” by cutting the gas subsidy to citizens by half. This loan had several notable features: first, it was huge, much larger (in fact more than six times) than what the IMF would normally provide in a comparable situation; second, it was given to a country in the midst of a civil war (as Ukraine then was), which is against usual IMF practice; and, third, it was known from the very beginning that the loan could not possibly be paid back, so that the only means through which it would be sought to be recovered would be through metropolitan capital taking control of the country’s land area and mineral resources (the most prominent of which is natural gas).

The IMF’s operations in Ukraine in 2014, therefore, bring out not just the typical aspect of its policy, which is to open up the economy to metropolitan capital, but an additional aspect as well, namely as an aid to U.S. cold war objectives. The objective of opening up to metropolitan capital, the markets, land, and natural resources of Ukraine could have been served in 2014 even with a much smaller loan from the IMF. But the extraordinary size of the loan underscores the nexus between the U.S. administration (that wants Ukraine within its orbit), the Ukrainian oligarchs (who want to take their wealth out of the country in dollars or Euros), the post-coup government (that has to arrange for all such transfers), and the IMF (that has to foot the bill).

Now, in the wake of the invasion by Russia, Ukraine has again approached the IMF for support; and the current IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva has recommended to the IMF board of directors that it should provide that support. The precise amount of support and the purpose for which it is being asked is still not clear; but one thing remains certain: after the current crisis comes to an end in that region, no matter what form that resolution takes, Ukraine will become a second Greece in Europe. In the case of Greece too, the IMF loan was much larger than is the usual practice for that organization. Most of it was meant really to ensure that the European banks that had lent to Greece got back their money. And now Greece is caught in the vicious grip of perpetual debt.

The IMF, it follows, has altered greatly from the days of its inception. When it was started at Bretton woods in 1944, it was part of an international regime that was predicated on the pursuit of a dirigiste economic strategy. In fact, John Maynard Keynes, the British economist who had been an advocate of dirigiste intervention, along with Harry Dexter White, the American representative, had been the principal authors of this international regime. While each country imposed and continued to impose trade and capital controls, if a balance of payments problem arose in a particular country then it could borrow from the IMF in order to “stabilize” its own economy. From this, the IMF evolved into a protagonist of “structural adjustment”, where it did not just give loans to tide over the transitional balance of payments problems (until the economy experiencing a balance of payments deficit had “stabilized” itself), but actually promoted a neo-liberal regime, namely a set of policies entailing the dismantling of all trade and capital controls, privatization of public sector assets, the introduction of “labor market flexibility” (which means attacking trade unions).

From being a facilitator of a dirigiste regime, the IMF in short has become a destroyer of the dirigiste regime and an instrument for ushering in a neo-liberal regime. It has become an instrument in the hands of international finance capital, enabling its pe*******on into every corner of the globe. But it is not just an instrument of international finance capital; it also serves as an instrument of Western metropolitan powers that stand behind this capital. While defending the interests of international finance capital, it gets dovetailed into the entire coercive apparatus of Western metropolitan powers.

Putin is by no means a struggle against the hegemony of international finance capital. He is no socialist carrying on an ideological battle against the domination of a neighboring country by an organization that acts in the interests of international finance capital. His concern is only with Russian security; it is confined only to Russia not being hemmed in by NATO. And his offer of help to Yanukovych in the place of IMF “assistance” arose only for this reason. He is in other words concerned only with the role of the IMF as a promoter of U.S. geostrategic interests, not with the role of the IMF as a promoter of neo-liberalism in general. In fact, the gross inequality, and even absolute destitution that a neo-liberal regime spawns are not too far from what Putin himself has “achieved.”’

Prabhat Patnaik is an Indian political economist and political commentator. His books include Accumulation and Stability Under Capitalism (1997), The Value of Money (2009), and Re-envisioning Socialism (2011)


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed on his first visit to an Arab country since the Syrian war began 11 years ago.
The meeting marks the clearest signal of warming relations between Syria and its Arab neighbors


The figures on the Yemen War are truly shocking. Yet our government ministers continue to do business with Saudi Arabia. When we talk about Ireland's Neutrality we must have a conversation about how Shannon Airport is used by US contracted military planes while the US provides logistical and weapons support to the Saudis for their 7 year bombing campaign.

London takes back 'Putin regime change' claim

London takes back 'Putin regime change' claim

The UK has said the official misspoke when said Western sanctions aimed to topple Russia's President Vladimir Putin

Putin and Macron joint press conference In Moscow

Putin and Macron joint press conference In Moscow

DescriptionHIM HEM NOW delivers the world's kicking happening while going deep on what is eating the bean from the inside. Correspondents are everyone in the...

The constitution reform in Kenya

The constitution reform in Kenya

Kenya is one of the countries on the Eastern side of Africa. It is the country that dominates and is seen as the powerhouse of the five East African countries

The junta in Mali gives French ambassador 72 hours to leave the country 🤣🤣🤣🤣https://youtu.be/_x2OZ1rKz1cHaulamba la Nang...

The junta in Mali gives French ambassador 72 hours to leave the country 🤣🤣🤣🤣https://youtu.be/_x2OZ1rKz1c

Haulamba la Nangobe

Mali on Monday gave the French ambassador 72 hours to leave the country after describing comments by the French foreign minister about its transitional gove...

Apartheid Did Not Die is a 1998 Carlton Television documentary, written and presented by the Great John Pilger, which wa...

Apartheid Did Not Die is a 1998 Carlton Television documentary, written and presented by the Great John Pilger, which was directed and produced by Alan Lowery, and provides analysis of South Africa's then-new, democratic government. He asks the inevitable question i.e. "who are the true beneficiaries of democracy -- the black majority or the white minority? John Pilger was banned from South Africa for his reporting during the apartheid era. On his return thirty years later with Alan Lowery, he describes the extraordinary generosity of a liberated people. He observes that while "Apartheid based on race is outlawed now, but the system always went far deeper than that. The cruelty and injustice were underwritten by economic apartheid, which regarded people as no more than cheap expendable labor. It was backed by great business corporations in South Africa, Britain, the rest of Europe, and the United States. And it was this apartheid based on money and profit to allow a small minority to control most of the land, most of the industrial wealth, and most of the economic power. Today, the same system is called -- without a trace of irony -- the free market.

Apartheid Did Not Die is a 1998 Carlton Television documentary, written and presented by John Pilger, which was directed and produced by Alan Lowery, which p...

Denmark says its troops in Mali on basis of 'clear invitation'         Clear invitation from who? The territorial integr...

Denmark says its troops in Mali on basis of 'clear invitation'
Clear invitation from who? The territorial integrity of Mali should be respected. That is the exact statement you made against Russia.

said on Tuesday its troops deployed to as part of a French-led counter- task force were there on the basis of a "clear invitation", ...


Two divisions of Russian S-400 Triumph air-defense systems, en route to Belarus to take part in military exercises aimed at evaluating the two countries' abi...

This is When Ex Corporal Adabuga Was Owning The Show

This is When Ex Corporal Adabuga Was Owning The Show

Who Killed The Judges? A Look Into The Infamous Cross Examination Of One Of The Architects Of The 1981 Coup In Ghana



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