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About silence and ascending (see question below↓):
My comment: Silence is prevalent in higher dimension because ascenders enter a resting-reflecting-healing phase after ascending (elevating). After all the hard work to ascend and all the difficult struggles of releasing lower-dimensional elements, we are weary, craving a rest, craving healing, craving silence.
Also: we KNOW how weary other ascenders are. So we bless ourselves and others with silence.
For these reasons, higher dimension is a mostly silent place. This is the dimension for healing ~ the silence here facilitates healing.
Even in lower dimension, coming into silence facilitates healing.
Also: coming into silence (an hour of stillness) facilitates the attempt at ascending.
Plus: it allows for intuition to surface above the noisy disturbances ~ which speeds up the process of ascending.
Yes, we must speak up in these times. Yes, we must share information.
Ascenders cultivate a way of expressing and sharing without disturbing their inner stillness.
You may find that the highest dimensions above (heavenly dimensions) are more noisy than the healing dimension, due to the joyous laughter and spontaneity and songs.
Once you reach heavenly dimensions, your healing is complete, and a bit of noise no longer disturbs you. ✴
Mēlin Syu, Ascenders Academy.


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders update ~ 30 September 2566 (2022)
The "dark" side ~ page 1:

Hello dear Ascenders ♥ I trust you are healthy & happy.

The first lesson I teach in my Ascenders Academy is that there are differing dimensions open to us: higher dimensions and lower dimensions. These are differentiated dimensions ~ not separated but divided, and significantly differentiated. You've heard of heaven above and hell below ~ well, there's a reason why they are divided. Circumstances differ between heaven and hell.

When you read about the two sides (forces) of existence, ask first about the context. Circumstances are different in context, depending on the relevant dimension. In lower dimensions, the two sides (forces) seem to be in opposition ~ struggling for dominance. Often it seems that the negative side is winning. But this is mostly pretense ~ a simulated view of existence.

The truth is seen in higher dimensions : the two sides of existence actually benefit each other, in a mutually-beneficial symbiosis.

What are these two forces / 'sides'? Light & dark. Positive & negative. Male & female. Pro-active & inertia / decay. Angelic / demonic.

You'll read much speculative content about these two chief forces. It may seem an interesting topic ~ enticing to your curiosity. But don't get pulled in too deeply ~ you don't have to delve that topic. All you have to do is cultivate discernment. All you have to do is learn the skill of discerning between the two sides.

As children begin to mature and think for themselves, they become aware of the two sides. They begin to notice that there is a positive side, and a negative side. That there is light, and dark. That there is angelic, and demonic. This experience of noticing is : awareness. It is an automatic early element in growing up as a human, in gaining maturity.

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❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth) .. Community page .. Contributions welcome. Contact: Master Mēlin @ NEN ~ facebook message.

© Master Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 30 September 2566 (2022) .. NEN #8


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders update ~ 30 September 2566 (2022)
The "dark" side ~ page 2:
Awareness is the first phase of mastery ~ after that comes awakening, and finally true mastery : the skills of being alive. Mastery includes the skill of spiritual alchemy : turning negative into positive.
1. awareness
2. awakening
3. alive (alchemy)

I teach this in my Ascenders Academy. The first phase must be completed, then the second, before the third & final phase can be attempted. Alchemy isn't a difficult attempt, but it takes practice ~ applying positivity for pro-active manifesting. Living in the light.

"Ascenders" are those who push to lift out of the dark side, up into the light, out of despair into pro-active manifesting. Many consider themselves light-workers. These are humans, existing in human realm. Most humans strive for goodness, and work to contribute to positive progress.

In spirit realms (the realms of Subconscious) various energies swirl around. Some are scripted for positive activity, whilst others are scripted for negative activity. Some are scripted to "play a game between light & dark" ~ those are the two sides opposing each other : the "light" side and the "dark" side. This applies solely to spirit realms ~ in human realm, we don't have any such "game" of pitting light against dark, west against east, male against female, angels against demons.... We have solidarity in human realm ~ we pull together in the same direction.

Most of human realm prefers to be angelic rather than demonic. Most humans prefer to be kind and caring. Most of us prefer to be positive rather than negative. Positivity practice is very popular in human realm. Practicing peace (either by meditation, or tai chi, or yoga, or simple prayer) is very popular. Humans seek relaxation. We seek blessings. We seek pleasure. We seek comfort and convenience. We seek happy feelings. We don't go looking for pain.

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❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth) .. Community page .. Contributions welcome. Contact: Master Mēlin @ NEN ~ facebook message.

© Master Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 30 September 2566 (2022) .. NEN #8


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders update ~ 30 September 2566 (2022)
The "dark" side ~ page 3:
Most humans prefer to live in the light. Learning how to do this, is our foremost priority. For those aiming at a comfortable, convenient, healthy, happy lifestyle, studying the interplay between the "light" side and the "dark" side in lower dimension is a waste of time. Rather come into higher dimension, where the light already rules over darkness, where pain is relieved by healing, where positivity replaces despair.

In higher dimensions, male & female are complimentary. West & east collaborate. Light & dark are the contrasting nuances of the Cosmos : the cool shadow beneath the trees and the warm sunshine glancing through the clouds.

Life is easier upstairs. Blessings abound, abundance flows. Healing serves for health and longevity. People are happier in higher dimensions. Come upstairs, ascenders. Come upstairs!

See my next post: "Who to follow & what to do now, in New-Earth."

Also look for my special Ascenders' events ~ workshops, retreats & meetups. The Ascenders Academy opens in June 2569 (2025).

Master Mēlin.

❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth) .. Community page .. Contributions welcome. Contact: Master Mēlin @ NEN ~ facebook message.

© Master Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 30 September 2566 (2022) .. NEN #8


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update ~ 23 September 2566 (2022)
Ascenders and the Threshold ~ the exit from ego-energy ~ page 1:

Hello dear Ascenders ♥ This post is a further delving into the topic of "The Threshold" ~ and how it applies to Ascenders.

I wrote in my previous post about the work of the Ascenders in pushing our planet over "The Threshold" into the potentials of viability, into a future of continuance. We have named this future "New-Earth" ~ although it is our same original planet, but elevated into the higher potentials for continuance & viable sustainability.

The people pushing themselves into higher potentials are named "Ascenders". I am one of the Ascenders. We work for a future of continuance ~ avoiding apocalypse. Even within ourselves, we aspire and strive upward into higher potentials for viability, improvement and mastery.

The effort of crossing over that threshold into a future of viability has many elements. I'll write about the element of "ego-energy" :

One of the clearest differences between an ascender and people remaining in lower dimensions, is ego-energy (see ★ below↓). Ascenders are more aware of energies ~ especially ego-energy. We discern (discriminate) ego-energy. Ascenders usually display remarkably less ego-energy ~ not necessarily evidencing an actual reduction, but displaying less ego-energy. Ascenders may possibly still carry plenty of ego-energy, but they display less of it. They seem to have mastered self-control, so as to apply higher energies, above ego-energy.

As we liberate ourselves from ego-energy by loosening its grip on us, we begin to apply higher energies. Ego-energy is a lower primitive energy, the driving force of all emerging consciousness. To cross over the threshold of consciousness requires the exit from ego-energy (however long it takes). It could even be described as "the breakthrough of consciousness" (see ★★ below↓).

Awareness, increased consciousness, awakening, aspiration, mastery ~ these are the higher states of ascenders, in New-Earth. We are those who push upward. Lifting into higher potentials through personal effort has the side-benefit of cultivating mastery within us, replacing ego-energy as the driving force. Mastery takes over from ego-energy, and so we gradually make our exit from ego-energy: pushing up, and out.

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© Master Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 23 September 2566 (2022) NEN #7


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update ~ 23 September 2566 (2022).
Ascenders and the Threshold ~ the exit from ego-energy ~ page 2:

Making our exit from ego-energy brings remarkable changes to our demeanour, externally visible to others. We become more stable, more peaceful. We seem more amenable. We display more meekness. Mastery → meekness. Perhaps that's why the ancient prophecies predicted : "The Meek shall inherit the Earth".

That's my view on this topic. How do you see it? Write your views in the comments below. See my next post: The "dark" side.

Master Mēlin.

★ You'll notice in my pages, I never refer to "my ego" or "your ego". My view is : you don't HAVE an ego. You're simply in the grip of ego-ENERGY.

★★ Buddhism highlights the exit from the cycle of death & rebirth ~ describing the actual permanent Birth as "liberation". Once you are Birthed/Born into Consciousness (out of the cosmic "soup") ~ described as The Awakening ~ then you are effectively liberated from the cycle of 'recycling'. Once you become awakened to your personhood, you cross "The Threshold" of viability (personhood) ~ making your exit from the lower cycle wherein pre-personal energy-packets are recycled and rebirthed continually, until the actual Birthing Into Consciousness. SGS Buddha (Siddhartha Guatama Sakyamuni) said : "You don't HAVE a soul which survives". His aim was to facilitate the awakening of Personhood ~ the actual Birth of your Person (out of the egg of ego-energy?), after which rebirth isn't necessary anymore. You are now Birthed/Born into Personhood, which entails Buddha-nature ~ risen out of and above the cycle of death. Your personhood is awakened and won't easily die. Death is conquered. The Threshold is crossed. Viability is achieved. Life-continuance is attained. Whatever you become or explore thereafter, is your free choice ~ spirit, soul, angel, demon, human, animal* : it's your free choice, in your Buddha-nature.
*These are various forms of consciousness, as I teach in my Ascenders Academy.
Buddhist practice is an excellent method to cultivate moral fibre (by practicing right-doing), which cultivates mastery. In Buddhism, the angels (devas) are said to live in higher dimensions (with more mastery), whereas demons are said to live in lower dimensions (in ego-energy).

❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth).

© Master Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 23 September 2566 (2022) NEN #7


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update: 16 September 2566 (2022).
The Threshold ~ page 1:

Hello dear Ascenders ♥ Today's topic is interesting and relevant at this time, as it pertains to ascenders and New-Earth.

There's a natural threshold in life ~ a dividing line between viability and non-viability. All that succeeds in crossing this threshold by achieving viability, proceeds into continuance and growth / progress. All that fails to achieve viability, falls below to return to the cycle of decay, decomposition and destruction (de-structuring).

In our physical bodies, this threshold is indicated in the levels of acidity in our blood, and eventually in the entire body. Our natural blood pH must be slightly alkaline for homeostasis (physical viability). This can be achieved by maintaining a balanced nutrition, with mostly raw foods: fruits, tree-nuts, greens (also sea-greens) and a few vegetables.

Most people don't have this information, so they fail to achieve this essential physical necessity for viability. Consequently, most people live in a state of physical acidosis (acidemia) ~ the blood pH is too acidic. That places them below the threshold for physical viability. It places them in the cycle of physical decay and decomposition.

Interestingly, our bodies make an attempt at keeping us above the threshold for our physical survival ~ by pro-actively leeching minerals from our bones & joints (even from our teeth), to rebalance the blood pH. The result is arthritis in our joints, osteoporosis in our bones, and tooth decay. Our intelligent bodies would rather risk those ailments than to allow acidity in the blood, which is the emergency signal for impending decay and death.

Similar threshold parameters rule in various aspects of life ~ in physics, in outer space, in planets, in the plant & animal realms, in the makeup of human beings (psychological, emotional, psyche, mental, social), and even in our society. There is a dividing line between that which can survive, and that which can't.

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❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth) .. Community page .. Contributions welcome. Contact: Master Mēlin @ NEN ~ facebook message.

© Master Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 16 September 2566 (2022) .. NEN #6


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update: 16 September 2566 (2022).
The Threshold ~ page 2:

Apocalyptic potentials constantly swirl beneath the threshold of viability for each&every planet. It has nothing to do with religion, or culture, or even inhabitants. Planets have their own kaleidoscope of potentials for viability and non-viability. Obviously, planetary inhabitants do impact those potentials ~ especially a civilization organized into a society.

A civilization doesn't necessarily rely on a planet, but any society hoping to attain continuance and progress (with or without a planet), must first achieve viability. It must cross The Threshold. It must achieve a viable sustainability. People do realize this (having noted the potentials for failure and/or apocalyptic catastrophe) and nowadays, sustainability is a popular topic of focus.

For ascenders aiming into New-Earth, the aspirations of sustainability and viability become our calling. Our foremost priority is the survival and continuance of our planet ~ because our species still relies on our planet. We devote ourselves to the work of protecting and conserving our planet (as I wrote in NEN #5 about avoiding nuclear fallout and/or global nuclear catastrophe). We aim to achieve the continuance of our planet and species. Nature conservation, global resources management and social sustainability have become the focus of the Global Goals of our United Nations.

We're on the right track with those goals. We sense the beckoning of The Threshold, and we push for the achievement. New-Earth waits beyond ~ continuance for our planet, the success for our society, and peaceful positive progress. A harmonious co-existence between people, and nature. Those are the rewards of New-Earth, having crossed the threshold of life into the higher potentials above & beyond.

See my next post: "Ascenders and The Threshold ~ the exit from ego-energy."

Also look for my special Ascenders' events ~ workshops, retreats & meetups. The Ascenders Academy opens in June 2569 (2025).

Master Mēlin.

❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth) .. Community page .. Contributions welcome. Contact: Master Mēlin @ NEN ~ facebook message.

© Master Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 16 September 2566 (2022) .. NEN #6

Ascenders' update ~ in the news today:Taiwan’s president offered condolences to China over deadly earthquake in Sichuan...

Ascenders' update ~ in the news today:

Taiwan’s president offered condolences to China over deadly earthquake in Sichuan

By Staff Reuters, posted September 5, 2022 10:57 pm EST

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen said Tuesday the country would show restraint in the face of “Chinese provocations" ...

Taiwan‘s government expressed its condolences to China on Tuesday for an earthquake in Sichuan province and said it was ready to send rescuers, in a sign of goodwill to Beijing despite weeks of military tensions.

Taiwan’s presidential office said President Tsai Ing-wen had offered her “sympathy and concern” after Monday’s 6.8-magnitude quake in southwestern China which killed at least 46 people.

Apart from also expressing her condolences to those who had died and their families, Tsai hopes search and rescue and post-disaster recovery work can proceed smoothly and normal life resume as soon as possible, the office said in a statement.

The office was not aware of any Taiwanese casualties, it added.

Taiwan’s fire department said separately it had assembled a rescue team of 40 people, one search dog and five tonnes of equipment which could immediately leave if given instructions to do so, saying it was “committed to the spirit of humanitarian care and disaster relief without borders”.

China has not said whether it will allow in overseas teams to help with search and rescue operations.

Taiwan, which frequently suffers its own earthquakes, sent a team to China in 2008 after a massive temblor struck the same province of Sichuan, killing almost 70,000 people and causing extensive damage.

(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Kim Coghill and Lincoln Feast)

Taiwan's presidential office said President Tsai Ing-wen had offered her "sympathy and concern" after Monday's quake in southwestern China which killed at least 46 people.


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update: 9 September 2566 (2022).
More about New-Earth: current details ~ page 1:

Hello dear Ascenders ♥ We're looking at the open portal beneath & behind us ~ and it is scary. The apocalyptic potentials of war & catastrophe glare up at us, threatening to destroy our hopes & efforts for New-Earth.

Russia is still anchored in lower dimension. Ukraine has lost her footing in higher dimension, and she's getting pulled down into Russia's lower-dimensional drama. China indicates signs of moving toward Taiwan in a military way, which may possibly open potentials for war. So how can we be confident of our ascending into New-Earth?

1. Remember that the lower potentials must be allowed, and are a natural part of evolution (see NEN #6 The Threshold). The Guardians of Human Realm* (I'm one of them**) have been working to keep lower potentials open (for apocalyptic scenarios) but to confine those potentials into simulations for spirit realms ~ whilst opening higher potentials for Human Realm. Fortunately, most of spirit-realms' citizens preferred to ascend above apocalyptic scenarios. The deist circles are looking at the new deist scriptures (such as "The Urantia Papers") and are keen to move forward into that.

*Our work is an Inter-species collaboration, with written communications in all joint decisions. We collaborate solely with local Ascender Angels (never with spirits nor soul-spirits, which are pre-personal energy-packets / consciousnesses existing in the realms of subconscious).

2. The higher potentials include:
2.a) Preventing nuclear fall-out (contamination of our planet's skies, waters & soils) because our prime priority is to preserve our future on this planet until we can move beyond to other planets. New-Earth (as I wrote in NEN #2) is the higher-potential future of our physical planet Earth.
2.b) Keeping the peace between the military-nuclear nations on Earth ~ not always easy, but many humans work as peace-keepers.
2.c) Encouraging, empowering & educating the humans who work in the projects for our future: city designers, engineers, scientists, politicians, activists ~ to focus on CLEAN technology, which would facilitate the potentials for New-Earth.

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© Master Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 9 September 2566 (2022) .. NEN #5

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❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update: 9 September 2566 (2022).
More about New-Earth: current details ~ page 2.

2.d) Encouraging, empowering & educating the humans who work toward REDUCING nuclear technology for military use.
2.e) Encouraging, empowering & educating the humans who directly contribute to New-Earth: our healers, nature people, ascenders ~ those referred to (accurately) as light-workers: bringing light and working in lighter energies (not so heavy).

Commenting on a) above: Russia did threaten to bring a nuclear war against "the west" but we saw in June that Russia will do nothing to upset China ~ such as: contaminating China's skies & waters with nuclear fall-out. So: even if Russia does use nuclear weapons against other nations, she will refrain from causing a planetary nuclear fall-out / contamination.

Commenting on b) above: China has decided for a "harmonious future" which means that she avoids war ~ but she retains the option of war. For that reason, the peace-makers are working to facilitate peaceful options for China (especially relating to Taiwan & USA).

Fortunately, Russia has published her commitment to "broad international co'operation' ~ although she clearly has her focus on alliances with eastern nations. That indicates a hidden sinister influence to pitt east against west ~ but the peace-makers counter this sinister influence by facilitating harmony between all nations (see NEN #8 The dark side).

Please pray for the peace-makers. Facilitating harmony between nations is an ongoing task.

That's our update for today. Please let me know your questions about New-Earth. See my next post: 'The Threshold'.

Also look for my special Ascenders' events ~ workshops, retreats & meetups. The Ascenders Academy opens in June 2569 (2025).

**If you are interested in working with the Guardians of Human Realm, please contact me directly (I'll need a full CV from you, maximum 5 pages in an A4 PDF).

Master Mēlin.

❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth) .. Community page .. Contributions welcome. Contact: Master Mēlin @ NEN ~ facebook message.

© Master Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 9 September 2566 (2022) .. NEN #5


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update: 2 September 2566 (2022)
The 'end-of-time' event (as it happened on 8/8) ~ page 1:

Hello dear Ascenders ❤ I trust this finds you healthy & happy. Here is an update:

On 8/8 (August 8) the event referred to as 'the end of time' was effected ~ I did it myself personally as one of the Guardians of Human Realm. To seal the event, I published a page online and announced the event to the Ascender Angels.

What is the 'end-of-time' event?

The dimension of time has been described as the 4th dimension. See my page "About dimensions" →

As we become aware of the impact of the influence and impact of time in our existence, we enter the dimension of time. We add awareness of that dimension to our consciousness. The human species has been in awareness of that dimension for many long ages ~ ever since we began to measure the passing of time through sun-dials, star-maps, moon-festivals, seasonal schedules, clocks and calendars.

Each & every individual born onto our planet (in all realms and all time-lines) reach a maturity when he/she enters the dimension of time, joining the human species in its awareness of this vast dimension. Some of us ~ such as followers of the Taoist creed (and Buddhism) ~ intentionally and effectively move beyond the dimension of time, exploring the sensations of 'timeless-ness'. Those advanced humans may actually experience the sensation of time 'stopping' ~ for those individuals, the experience may serve as the 'end-of-time' for themselves privately.

For human realm collectively, the 'end-of-time' happens when we begin to time-travel. Although time-travel experiments have been attempted, such experimentation has been secret and unofficial. Some yogis may possibly be time-traveling in secret. Collectively as a species, we humans are not yet officially time-travelers.

I've preparing to launch a time-travel venture in my private business. I pushed the project to launch on the auspicious date of 8/8 (August 8). On that morning, I officially published a page online about time-travel, thereby effecting the 'end-of-time' event for this time-line of planet Earth. Other pages will follow in the coming months, gradually bringing human realm into the adventure of time-travel.

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© Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 2 September 2566 (2022) .. NEN #4.


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update: 2 September 2566 (2022)
The 'end-of-time' event (as it happened on 8/8) ~ page 2:
In New-Earth, which is anchored in the higher dimension (above the 4th dimension), humans enter fully into the adventure of time-travel. It is one of the benefits & rewards of ascending. To my knowledge, time-travel is safe only for ascenders (as I shall fully explain in the coming months). The technique for time-traveling that I'm familiar with, works only for ascenders. See my page "What is an Ascender?" →

So: this event ~ 'the end-of-time' ~ has officially happened, and will proceed to roll into the awareness of humans over the coming months & years. It wasn't a necessary factor in activating New-Earth, but these two events co-incided with each other by chance, and I was able to do the task on an auspicious date.

So: now we are able to move into New-Earth without qualms from our subconscious scripting about 'the end-of-time'.

(The task also produced the completion of my own private preparation to begin my public work as one of the Guardians of Human Realm ~ as I've been doing this work in private for many years.)

New-Earth now lies open and ready ~ waiting to be discovered, embraced and celebrated by the ascenders ~ with all her blessings flowing abundantly ~ including time-travel.

See my next post: More about New-Earth ~ current details.

Also look for my special Ascenders' events ~ workshops, retreats & meetups. The Ascenders Academy opens in June 2569 (2022).

Master Mēlin.

❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth) .. Community page .. Contributions welcome. Contact: Master Mēlin @ NEN ~ facebook message.

© Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 2 September 2566 (2022) .. NEN #4.


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update: 26 August 2566 (2022)
Ascenders tips for empaths & psychics ~ page 1:

Hello dear Ascenders ❤ I'm writing this specifically for those who are effecting their relocation into higher dimensions & New-Earth.

A portal for ascending is wide open, yes. That portal is always open, but it has widened in recent years due to the increasing number of people who are pushing upward. I reckon the portal will remain stretched for some years, perhaps widening even more.

Ascending into New-Earth should be relatively easy for ascenders, except if you're clairvoyant / empath. For people sensitive to spirit realms, there may possibly be discomfort as lower-dimensional energies pull on you in resistance ~ especially if those energies have been comfortable in feeding off you, or having you in their melodrama.

This page is specifically for those struggling to break free from previous entanglements with lower-dimensional energies.

Most important is to anchor your certainty that those energies are NOT ready to ascend into New-Earth, but you ARE ready ~ and to be committed to your ascending & relocation. As the portal remains open between higher & lower dimensions, the energies remaining below (as we depart and ascend) are still able to access us and pull on us.

Here are a few tips on dislodging lower-dimensional energies:

1. Try to relax and be realistic ~ if you have been feeding those energies for many years, there may be energy-tentacles woven into your body and into your mind. It will take time to detach those tentacles and shed them ~ perhaps three months or more.

2. Always apply this sequence: first Loosen, then Lift, then Let-them-fall (see 4 & 5 below↓). Never try to dislodge an energy before you have lifted yourself up into a higher dimension. First UP, then OUT of their clutches.

3. It's easier to dislodge energy-tentacles from your body (4↓) than those woven into your mind (5↓). So: treat them separately. ↓

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❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth) .. Community page .. Contributions welcome. Contact: Master Mēlin @ NEN ~ facebook message.

© Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 26 August 2566 (2022) .. NEN #3


❇ New-Earth News ❇ Ascenders' update: 26 August 2566 (2022)
Ascenders tips for empaths & psychics ~ page 2:
4. How to detach & dislodge energy-tentacles from your BODY:
~ schedule an hour in the morning after waking, and an hour in the evening before sleep-time.
~ sit upright in a quiet place on a comfortable seat about waist-height, such as a kitchen-counter, legs dangling loosely down, hands held out over your thighs for balance.
~ Loosen: breathing gently rhythmically, begin to gently sway your body in a small circle (from the hips) to loosen all attachments.
~ Lift: gently lift yourself smoothly into a higher dimension.
~ Let-them-fall: as you sway & circle, allow lower-dimensional energies to detach from your body and dislodge and fall below to lower dimension.
~ if they try to communicate, ignore them: maintain your elevation and allow them to drop below.
~ keep your own energy elevated in higher dimension.
~ remain calm and apply patience: this may possibly require a few months.
~ alternate the direction: sway & circle the other way around.
~ stop swaying and rest, breathing gently rhythmically.
~ gently loosen your neck using various head movements but GENTLY ~ you will feel the knots & entanglements gradually loosening: this may possibly require a few months.
~ move your shoulders to loosen knots & entanglements.
~ reclaim your own body: gently take mastery of your body.
~ cherish your privacy & intimacy with your own body: don't allow new 'residents' to move in.

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❇ New-Earth News ❇ What's happening in Ascender Dimension (New-Earth) .. Community page .. Contributions welcome. Contact: Master Mēlin @ NEN ~ facebook message.

© Mēlin Syu, New-Earth News, 26 August 2566 (2022) .. NEN #3




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