Rooted Gracefully

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Rooted Gracefully Encouraging and motivating women to become rooted in the Word of God.

Good morning! Happy Monday.It has been a busy few weeks but all good things 🤗. Lots of new Bible Studies and resources c...

Good morning! Happy Monday.

It has been a busy few weeks but all good things 🤗.

Lots of new Bible Studies and resources coming soon.

Let's get a head start on our week by worshipping the Lord🙌🏻!!

This is one of my favorite hymns.

When the roll is called up yonder, will you be there?

🎧Download "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder" Hymn mp3 (on Patreon):💿 Hymn CD's:

We are fully known and fully loved by God. What a wonderful humbling truth. No burden, hurt or shame we carry is a secre...

We are fully known and fully loved by God. What a wonderful humbling truth.

No burden, hurt or shame we carry is a secret, He knows everything, don't hold back give Him everything🙏

Our Heavenly Father, thank you for this wonderful comforting truth. Thank you for fully loving us while fully knowing us. Thank you for being our Anchor and our Light. Thank you Lord for being our All and All. Amen.

Spring is in full swing! Many of you are probably getting your gardens ready so you can harvest yummy fruits and vegetab...

Spring is in full swing! Many of you are probably getting your gardens ready so you can harvest yummy fruits and vegetables and grow some wildflowers 💐 and truly make magic that starts with some tiny seeds.

I’m not much of a gardener, but I AM excited to plant some seeds this season: seeds of prayer! 👏

🙏 Prayer is one of the simplest ways to transform the world around us and I’m ready for some change! This month’s Bible Study titled Planting Seeds With Prayer starts Monday May 20th where we’re going to talk about things like:

😬 Why we need to pray for our enemies
🤨 The importance of praying for our political leaders
🤷‍♀️ What to pray when we don’t know someone well

And more!

If you’re ready to plant some seeds of prayer and grow in your relationship with the Lord, join our women’s Bible study group here:

Good Morning and I hope everyone is going to have blessed Sunday🙏I just wanted to share something I had seen in another ...

Good Morning and I hope everyone is going to have blessed Sunday🙏

I just wanted to share something I had seen in another Christian group. I don't know who the author of these questions are but they are sure helpful to help us dig deep when we spend time with God🙏

May these questions bring you so much blessing and may the author be blessed as well.

Have a wonderful Sunday🌷

Happy Friday!One of the areas the enemy and our flesh likes to attack is about not being perfect. Well, we know that we ...

Happy Friday!

One of the areas the enemy and our flesh likes to attack is about not being perfect.

Well, we know that we are not perfect, that is WHY we need Jesus! And to help us fight the good fight we will be starting our next Bible Study: Prevailing over perfectionism, on Monday April 15th. You can join us in our private group: Rooted Gracefully-Women's Bibles Study Group

Have a blessed weekend! 🌷

What a blessed day! We celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour with 3 very special church services.Photo was...

What a blessed day!

We celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour with 3 very special church services.

Photo was taken after sunrise service as the sun was shining in church.

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter.

As Easter draws near and we start to think about Jesus and what He went through before being crucified and what He endur...

As Easter draws near and we start to think about Jesus and what He went through before being crucified and what He endured on the cross, it makes me love our Lord and our Father in Heaven even more.

There are many things that can cause fear and dread in our lives, being a child of God brings relief of those fears because we know He is always with us.

But there is one fear that we as the children of God will never have to endure, because through the grace of God and the love of Jesus, He endured it on the cross for each and everyone of us.

To be forsaken by God.

For a while God turned His face away from Jesus (the darkness that fell over the earth during the crucifixion)

When I start to think about this my body starts to shake, I can feel the sweat starting to form, my stomach starts to turn just at the thought of the horrific feeling it must be to be forsaken by God. However as a child of God that is a fear I will never have to endure and I cannot praise and thank God and Jesus our Lord and Savior enough for this amazing wonderful gift.

If you have not given your life to Jesus yet, please do so before it is too late. Nothing in this world that scares you will make you so afraid as to be forsaken by God. He gives life, He gives love, He gives grace and mercy, and by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior He gives eternal life!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the wonderful gift of grace that we receive through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Thank you for giving us the gift of everlasting life with You. Lord, I pray that anyone who reads this and has not yet received You as their personal Lord and Savior that they will give their hearts to you. Amen.


It has been a busy and challenging few months and I apologize for not posting regularly.

The comfort and the guidance of the Lord has really kept my head above the water these past few months and things are starting to get back into routine.

Please visit this page regularly as we will post the schedule for the upcoming Bible studies in our private group as well as list the free Bible study resources that will be available on our website. 🌷

Have a blessed day🙏

Surely many people have asked this question to themselves: Why am I here, what is my purpose?  I know I have asked this ...

Surely many people have asked this question to themselves: Why am I here, what is my purpose?

I know I have asked this question too, and being a Christian I do know that my main purpose is to love and glorify God in everything that I do, and that is so amazing!

We also have different roles, we are daughters, sisters, some are wives, mothers and each of these roles is a purpose in themselves, again amazing.

We also know that God blessed each one of us with gifts, talents and opportunities and we really want to use it for His glory, the only problem, sometimes we don’t know how to do it. To find that specific purpose that uses our gifts and talents to bring glory to God.

The best way to find out is to search the Scriptures. Proverbs is Wisdom literature and that is where we will find ourselves in our next Bible study.

Join us in our study Proverbs for Your Purpose, so that we can learn how to live effective purposeful lives in every role the Lord has given us.

Study starts Jan 29th-Feb 3rd

Our next bible study Proverbs for your purpose starts on January 29th- Feb 3rd in our Rooted Gracefully-Women's Bibles S...

Our next bible study Proverbs for your purpose starts on January 29th- Feb 3rd in our Rooted Gracefully-Women's Bibles Study Group

With this study we turn to the Lord and His Word to learn what our purpose are and how to glorify Him through our purpose.

Join our group here: Rooted Gracefully-Women's Bibles Study Group

It never ceases to amaze me how God answers our prayers. It is just so amazing that when we ask the Lord to open our hea...

It never ceases to amaze me how God answers our prayers. It is just so amazing that when we ask the Lord to open our hearts and minds to His Word, the wisdom and answers we receive starts this process in our heart, soul and mind which can only lead to worship and obedience.

Today was one of those days. For a while I have been praying for the Lord to use me for His purposes wherever He wants me to be in service for Him. There are two opportunities that the Lord showed me and I became a bit worried and fearful, because what if I can’t do it? Both are a bit out of my comfort zone.

This morning during my quiet time with the Lord, Philippians 4:13 was one of the verses that came up. Philippians 4:13 “ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (KJV)

Now I know a lot of times this verse is used way out of context, so by understanding the context it really opens our eyes.

Paul went through some very difficult times, he was imprisoned, shipwrecked, hungry, beaten. (2 Corinthians 11:24-29) but he knew that He was able to endure all this because the Lord gave him the strength. He had a task, to share the Gospel and regardless of what Paul was going through, the Lord gave him the courage, strength, wisdom, everything he needed to continue in his task.

This same strength is in us too, through our Lord Jesus Christ. When God gives us a task to do, even if it is outside our comfort zone (which we should expect when we follow Jesus) He gives us the strength to accomplish it for His glory.

If you also have been praying for direction on how to serve God where He can use you, be prepared to go where He leads you, He will strengthen you.

Dear Lord, thank you for showing us in Your Word that You are our strength. You provide the strength, wisdom, courage, anything we need to serve you better everyday. Help strengthen our faith to know that You lead us where we need to go for Your purpose and Your glory.

(Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels)

Happy Saturday.I hope this first week of January started of great. Our Bible study for this month starts on January 10th...

Happy Saturday.

I hope this first week of January started of great.

Our Bible study for this month starts on January 10th in our group here on Facebook.

This study had been available previously but we always learn more no matter how many times we do a study.

21 Days Walking with Jesus through the Gospel according to John.

Let's start this year by walking with Jesus and keep following Him. 🙏

Find your copy here:

(Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage)

The last study in the Gracefully Fit Women's Bible study series: Stewarding Your Body For His Glory, is now available on...

The last study in the Gracefully Fit Women's Bible study series: Stewarding Your Body For His Glory, is now available on our website.

You can also join our Rooted Gracefully Women's Bible study group as we do this study together starting on Monday November 13th.

The previous studies are also still available on our website.

Have a blessed day!
Rooted Gracefully team.

Such a beautiful and powerful message. Praying for Israel🙏

Such a beautiful and powerful message.

Praying for Israel🙏

How should Christians view the attack of Hamas on Israel?The brutality of the Hamas attack is shocking for most people and many are in denial of what just ha...

Happy Thursday,  I hope it is a beautiful sunny day where you are and that you can enjoy quiet time with the Lord in you...

Happy Thursday, I hope it is a beautiful sunny day where you are and that you can enjoy quiet time with the Lord in your favorite place.

Very excited to update you on the upcoming Bible Studies for the next few months Lord Willing 🙏

Have a blessed day!
The Rooted Gracefully Team.

Join our Women's Bible Study Group here:

Most of us really enjoy decluttering and purging our homes. Unfortunately when it comes to the clutter in our hearts, we...

Most of us really enjoy decluttering and purging our homes. Unfortunately when it comes to the clutter in our hearts, we are not as excited to dig into those dark corners.

With this Bible study we are going to invite the Lord to come into our hearts and show us through the light of His Word, the things we need to purge from our hearts.

You can find the study resource here: or you can join our women's bible study group here:

For the Bible journaling study this month, I am doing Hints & Whispers from By The Well4God. It is the first time doing ...

For the Bible journaling study this month, I am doing Hints & Whispers from By The Well4God.

It is the first time doing one of their Bible study devotionals and everything is just so beautiful.

Looking for to learn and journal.

If you enjoy Bible Journaling go check out their website:

Managing Your Emotions Biblically is our second study in the Becoming Gracefully Fit Women's Bible Study Series.In this ...

Managing Your Emotions Biblically is our second study in the Becoming Gracefully Fit Women's Bible Study Series.

In this study we learn why God gave us emotions and how we should manage our emotions Biblically.

This study will help build the foundations for our next study: Decluttering your heart. (October)

Our study starts on Monday September 11th and you can join us in our Women's Bible study group here:

Prefer studying on your own, you can download the free study guide on our website.

As we continue our Becoming Gracefully Fit-Women's Bible Study Series our next study is: Managing your emotions Biblical...

As we continue our Becoming Gracefully Fit-Women's Bible Study Series our next study is: Managing your emotions Biblically.

Come and join us in our private group here on Facebook from Sept 11th-15th. The workbook will also be available on our website.

Today is the last day of the Finding Your Identity in Christ Bible Study and all I can say is WoW!The Word of God never ...

Today is the last day of the Finding Your Identity in Christ Bible Study and all I can say is WoW!

The Word of God never ceases to amaze me, and these truths are so precious.

It is not to late to join us for this series. Becoming Gracefully Fit-Women's Bible Study Series

The Bible study workbook is available for download on our website. You can also join us in our womens Bible study group.
Rooted Gracefully-Women's Bibles Study Group

The next Bible study in the series is Managing your emotions Biblically and it starts September 11th.

Have a blessed day, and don't forget to spend time with the Lord today🙏



We are on day 2 of our Bible study : Finding your identity in Christ, and all I can say is WOW!

God's Word is amazing. Even though I did a Bible study on this topic months ago and used my notes to help compile this study, again I am learning new things that are also again helping with the next Bible study in the series (for September)

If you would still like to join this Bible Study series you are welcome to do so, you can also find the resource on our website.

The Bible study is called: Becoming Gracefully Fit-Women's Bible Study Series

We will be studying a few different topics in the series, and they all lead into each other. Be sure to check our page and website for updates on when we release and host the next topic in the series.

Let's praise God for His Word and for teaching us everything we need to know about Him and how we should live for His glory! 🙏

I absolutely love in depth Bible studies and I can sit for hours reading and studying. I also really enjoy Bible journal...

I absolutely love in depth Bible studies and I can sit for hours reading and studying.

I also really enjoy Bible journaling. It is so relaxing to be creative while spending time with the Lord.

It has been on my heart now to do a Bible garden, still learning what it is, but I guess everyone has their own unique way of doing bible study.

It is so fun to create these printables, there is quite the learning curve, but I will share some of them here as I create more of them.

Please look in the album section for the photos of the ones already there. Just save the photo and print of as you need them.

Today will be gardening day for me🌷

Have blessed day🙏

Do you enjoy Bible journaling?

Now Available on our Website: Finding Your Identity In Christ Women's Bible Study:As Christian women it is important for...

Now Available on our Website:

Finding Your Identity In Christ Women's Bible Study:

As Christian women it is important for us to understand who we are in Christ. The world, our flesh and the enemy throws countless lies at us. In this study we will let go of the lies and find our firm foundation of who we are in Christ.

You can join us in our our Bible Study group on Facebook from August 7th-11th, 2023 or you can study at your own pace.

This study is the first part of the Becoming Gracefully Fit Women's Bible Study series that is written from a Biblical Counselling perspective.

You can join the Bible Study Group here:

You can also study it at your own pace and you can download your free copy of the workbook on our website:

May this Bible Study be a blessing to you.

Have a blessed day,
The Rooted Gracefully Team

Good Morning, happy Tuesday.  Super excited to announce our next Bible Study Series.Becoming Gracefully Fit; Women's Bib...

Good Morning, happy Tuesday. Super excited to announce our next Bible Study Series.

Becoming Gracefully Fit; Women's Bible Study Series:

As women we set the tone for our household. When we are confused in our identity, not managing our emotions Biblically and our hearts are cluttered with things of this world, it has a negative impact on us and those around us.

For the next few months were are going to get rooted in the Word of God to help us become gracefully fit in our soul, spirit and body so that we can be the virtuous women the Lord Called us to be, for His Glory.

You can Join us in our Bible Study group on Facebook or with the email series.

Topics we will be studying:

August: Finding Your Identity In Christ
September: Managing Your Emotions Biblically
October: Clearing Clutter From Your Heart
November: Stewarding Your Body for His Glory

You can sign up here to join us for free:

Rooted Gracefully Team.

During my quiet time with the Lord this morning, I was reading this verse Romans 6:22.It is such a great reminder that w...

During my quiet time with the Lord this morning, I was reading this verse Romans 6:22.

It is such a great reminder that we have eternal life. What a wonderful graceful gift from our Lord.

It is a reminder that everything here and now in this life is just this life, it is temporary and we have eternal life, a life where we will spend eternity in the presence of our Lord and Savior, our King.

Have a blessed day!

Happy Monday!Today we started the Let your light shine Bible Study, there is still time to join us in our group. If you ...

Happy Monday!

Today we started the Let your light shine Bible Study, there is still time to join us in our group.

If you are not able to join us this time, no worries, here is a great resources on versus in the Bible about light.

Enjoy studying these verses!



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