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BeautyandthesoulOracle I Create African American Tarot and Oracle Cards🤎🤎🤎


A few things to keep in mind if you’re a Woman Who’s Pretty, Successful, Mature, & Happy…

🚨Stay away from unhealed women

🚨Stay away from unfortunate looking women

🚨 Stay away from miserable women

🚨 Stay away from hating a** women

🚨 Lastly, Stay away from Immature women

Sadly, Women like this are everywhere (which is why My female friends list is at a two) and apparently they’re unsafe to be around…Protect your peace, protect your face, protect your temple, protect YOU! That is all folks….


Energy Reading: Earth Signs🌍 (Ta**us, Virgo, Capricorn)

🚨Reminder to all: This is a General read NOT a Personal one! If it’s not your story, don’t worry! Check for your Moon & Rising signs for more clarity and keep in mind whatever doesn’t resonate now can resonate later on…

Earth Angels….Listen! I need all this energy y’all serving especially Ta**us! (Well the good part of it) The overall Energy is that you mfs got somebody New coming yo way and for some of y’all…well it’s about damn time ain’t it?!🤨 if you’re guarded let your guard down because I’m sensing a Loooove connection over here for some of y’all😍😍😍 also, if you’re already with someone beware of you or your person meeting someone who’s caught one of y’all’s attention😬😬😬 don’t give in to temptation now! For others, this is all about the growth and the newness that your and/or your person is bringing into y’all’s relationship❤️

Ta**us♉️: Main Male
Well whoever the hell this person is that’s coming your way they’re letting it be known they’re on their way baby! Okaaay I ain’t mad!😜😜😜 now for some of you I do wanna caution you that this person could be married or it’s you that’s married…you know y’all Ta**us sneaky asf🙄 but anywho if that’s not the case, this person may be very successful and may be a bit older than you and can teach yo lil young a** a thang or too😂 either way! I like this person…very strong Masculine energy‼️

Virgo♍️: Theif
Virgins, I’m sensing some of you may have either just went through a nasty breakup and for some it was a nasty divorce! You may have felt like this person was able to walk away with everything or with something that you felt belong to you or vice versa…could’ve been a custody battle involved too. If this is something that happened a while ago it looks like you’ve been having a hard time trusting people and may have shut yourself off from the idea of welcoming someone new in your life but I’m seeing that you should give love another chance Virgos…not everyone is out to hurt you or wants to take from you babe…

Capricorn♑️: Poverty
Caps, I see that you may have not even had the time for yourself let alone someone else coming in trying to swoop you off your feet! Some of you have been too busy with work and may feel depleted afterwards leaving you with no energy! For some of you you’re still battling some emotional traumas or you feel as though you can’t emotionally give to a relationship right now either because of work or because your are still healing or working on yourself…I understand that…Either way Caps! Maybe you need to welcome someone into your life at this time…you may be feeling a bit dead inside or as if your life is just dull and redundant…this new person may change all that😘😘😘

That’s it for you Earth Angels, please Like, comment, & share if you’d like to 🥰


Energy Reading: FIRE SIGNS🔥 (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

🚨Reminder to all: This is a General read NOT a Personal one! If it’s not your story, don’t worry! Check for your Moon & Rising signs for more clarity and keep in mind whatever doesn’t resonate now can resonate later on…

Heyyyy to my fellow fire classmates! We have the overall energy Regain your focus‼️
Some people, places, or things got your mind everywhere BUT where it actually needs to be and I can agree with this because I have been alittle all over the place…Some of you are needing to make an important decision and it’s gonna take for you to clear out the clutter in your mind to gain mental clarity…some of you are anxious about something or your intuition has been trying to warn you that something is getting ready to happen.

Aries♈️: Pathway
Ram Gang, I’m seeing that you’re needing to be patient about your situation and also find some sort of Joy in the path that you’re on although the road to getting where you want to go has been a bit tedious😩 I’m seeing that you need to keep going and don’t give up…for some of you, something that you’ve been waiting on or for, for about a year or two is about to arrive whether it’s a something or someone! It should Arrive to you during Winter season/the holiday season which we are in now🥰

Leo♌️: Journey
Alright Lions, idk why I’m picking up this energy but some of you or someone specific has not been able to move around like they want to because of car troubles😬 for others of you, I feel like this is about a Job that you feel stuck at, unappreciated, or you’re just not happy there anymore, this could also be a dead end relationship that you feel tied to…spirit is wanting you to get crystal clear on your next life moves and figure out where and most importantly who you want to be or are being called to be. This will or have required you to become isolated but you are definitely getting ready to embark on a new journey as soon as you get out of your own way!

Sagittarius♐️: Poverty
Okay Saggies, I’m not sure why this Female energy keeps popping up! It could be a relative, a friend, a partner whoever! But I’m sensing maybe a Boss or Manager for some of you! Not sure if you were fired or denied a pay raise but Saggies you too moght be needing to think about your priorities right now and if staying at your place of employment is right for you…for some of you this is about someone needing you financially and you’re not sure how long you can continue on helping them or if you should because you have your own problems! For others this is simply about you needing to get out of your Scarcity mindset, stop worrying about if you have enough and just go for it. Someone’s sending a letter to some higher up person about their Career and hoping they have what it takes to get the Job and/or impress the Company…

Okay Fire signs, That’s all I have for you! Please Like, Comment, & share if you’d like to🥰

Earth Angels you’re Next sugar🥰🥰🥰



What you say Boosie Badazz❤️❤️❤️

General: Sagittarius ♐️ Reminder to all: It’s General! If it’s not your story don’t worry, Take what hits home and leave...

General: Sagittarius ♐️

Reminder to all: It’s General! If it’s not your story don’t worry, Take what hits home and leave the rest…

Alright Saggies, Some of y’all have been receiving some heavy spiritual Downloads! I don’t know why I’m feeling like this but some of you are ignoring signs or dreams you’re having about a fire sign! Could be a friend, family member, lover, etc…

Now you could be having some weird dreams or dreams you would consider nightmares and spirit is saying don’t ignore them…

If you’re unsure or don’t trust your own intuition just yet, you are needing to do some inner work and that could be what spirit is warning you about…

Something or someone is in the way of the path your meant to be on or is causing some sort of disruption in your life whether it’s family, friends, whoever…

Someone deceased loved one has been trying to connect with them heavily to talk with them or is trying to help them heal or recover from something and the only way their able to reach you is through dreams and that person could be a fire sign🔥 as well. This person has showed up repeatedly to let you know that they’re still with you and this person wants you to continue to move on with your life…HAPPILY❤️

Something about somebody’s childhood is significant too…idk if someone who’s crossed over is trying to remind you of a time back when you were a child or them but either way…I’m finna stop this reading right here because it’s getting too heavy😔

Y’all love reading next Sag!


General: LEO ♌️ Reminder to all: this is a General read! If it’s not your story don’t worry! Maybe next time it will be🥰...

General: LEO ♌️

Reminder to all: this is a General read! If it’s not your story don’t worry! Maybe next time it will be🥰Take what resonates and leave the rest…

FIRST! Let me apologize Leo gang, I got sidetracked like I always do and didn’t get to your reading until now😩 please forgive me…

Okay Lions, It looks like your hard work is finally getting ready to pay off for you or you are receiving love from the universe heavily…I’m also getting something about a gift being given to you or some type of inheritance.

What I’m also picking up is that someone may be trying to win you over or apologize with gifts, money, or whatever it is they know that you love and I’m seeing that you need to still continue to move forward with your life and away from this person…

Leos, for some of you it looks like all your problems may disappear over night or a money situation or problem is going to be resolved for you…

It’s like you’ve been waiting for something to finally happen for you and it can finally breathe, relax!!!

For some it’s a career opportunity that you’ve been waiting on that you didn’t expect to come your way and now, here it is…it might be an opportunity that’s far away and may require you yo relocate but if it is, I’m seeing you should take it still…

If you come up on some big money Leos don’t tell nobody…somebody or multiple people are gonna have their hand out!

Your love reading is next sugar❤️❤️❤️



It’s okay to Not be okay….

General: ARIES ♈️ Reminder to all: if it’s not your story don’t worry, take what hits home and leave the rest…Hello fell...

General: ARIES ♈️

Reminder to all: if it’s not your story don’t worry, take what hits home and leave the rest…

Hello fellow Aries🥰

Okay Ram Gang, it looks like some of you have been wating to see an end to your financial issues or you have been thinking of ways to create residual income or how your business can see more sells/customers…

Your faith is being tested to see just how much you trust that in due time, you will have all that you need and that there is no need to worry about anything.

Some of you have been or is easily distracted by the mundane and/or by someone and is needing to focus your attention on what’s more important.

Someone may be going through some confidence issues and is needing to watch how they speak and think of themselves! By being so hard on yourself you’re manifesting the very things you don’t want in your life. The number 38 and/or 3’s are standing out to me so this is confirmation for those seeing 3‘s

Some of you have a bright idea for something or will be thinking of something brilliant…keep it to yourself though…it’s alot of copy cats out here as you can see what I’ve had to deal with this morning🙄

Alright Rams, your love reading is next…


General: VIRGO ♍️ Reminder to all: if it don’t apply let it fly! Take what resonate and leave the rest…Alright Virgins, ...

General: VIRGO ♍️

Reminder to all: if it don’t apply let it fly! Take what resonate and leave the rest…

Alright Virgins, I’m seeing there’s some mental clarity coming to you about a decision that is needed to be made…

Some of you I feel that you are deciding to leave your emotions at the door when it comes to certain things and decisions.

Okay, I’m getting that someone has let a person knock them off their square or distract them from important things. I feel like you’ve let this person distract you enough and it’s time to put it to rest…

Some of you may have had to make the difficult decision to walk away from a relationship or partnership that just wasn’t working out and for some this could be a Job or Career…

Idk who I’m picking this up for but someone is wanting to write a book or express themselves through writing about their Love experiences or a relationship that lead to heartbreak…

IF not then, I feel like this failed relationship, failed career, etc were meant to put you on a path a path that leads to your purpose or something that you have a true passion for…

Bro I’m hearing “I’m ready to tell my story” y’all are funny😂😂😂

Love reading is next Virgo🥰


General: TA**US ♉️ Reminder to all: it’s General NOT personal! If it’s not your story, don’t worry! take what hits home ...

General: TA**US ♉️

Reminder to all: it’s General NOT personal! If it’s not your story, don’t worry! take what hits home and leave the rest…

Okay Ta**us, I’m not sure what’s going on with your health but it looks like you’re gaining your strength back or is needing to work on it…for some of you spirit wants you to listen to your body and sit your a** down, or this could be about your diet…

I feel that you’ve been feeling as if there is no end to something that is going on in your life and you may feel stuck or as if you can’t move forward because of this but I’m hearing the storm is almost over!

For alot of you, spirit wants you to become more strategic and plan better which is why they want you to spends some time in isolation a little bit and for some of you spirit is making you sit down through your Health because they knew you wouldn’t do it any other way and for some of you spirit says stop ignoring what your body is telling you to do because things may get worse if you don’t…

For some, you just need a good rest and if so, GET IT!

I also feel that something is about to manifest for you or you’re about to receive some good news and it could be concerning your health…if not it could be career related or someone else around you is receiving this news…

All in all though Ta**us, sit ya a** down if you know you’re supposed to be doing that you stubborn mf🙄

Ya love reading next…



General: Capricorn ♑️ Reminder to all: if it don’t apply let it fly! Take what hits home for you and leave the rest….Oka...

General: Capricorn ♑️

Reminder to all: if it don’t apply let it fly! Take what hits home for you and leave the rest….

Okay, someone is teaching someone about the power of prayer and/or How to pray. Some of you may feel like it’s your calling to guide or mentor people about Prayer or meditation and how others can get what they want from the universe with prayer, this is awesome Caps🥰

Some of you may have had your prayers answered and is now seeing the power of prayers…I feel like someone is praying with a friend or family member because this person may be down on their luck or going through a tough period in their life.

For some of you, what you’ve been praying for has or is about to transform your life in many ways and I feel for majority of you, it has already started to happen...

Some of you are about to reveal something either to family or to the world period, this is something that you’ve been afraid to confess but you’re no longer worried about it…

For some of you this secret or revealing that you’re about to do is about your spiritual gifts. You may come from a heavy religious background or family and you’ve been worried about the backlash of what they would say or think but, you’re deciding to walk in your truth and if family, friends, or whoever don’t like it…they can….well you said it first Caps🙄😂

Whew! Well, I’m not mad at y’all…live in your truth baby, the world will catch up eventually…

Alright your love reading is next🥰


General: CANCER ♋️ Reminder to all: this will not applt to everyone! Take what resonates and leave the rest…Okay so I’m ...

General: CANCER ♋️

Reminder to all: this will not applt to everyone! Take what resonates and leave the rest…

Okay so I’m officially a Cancer right now although my moon and rising sign is Cancer lol…Cancer it looks like a portal of opportunities and abundance is opening up for you dear! 😍

A new Job offer, career taking off, business ventures, you name it! You are in for some good news! some of you have been working tirelessly and you’re finally starting to see the fruits of your labor or something is starting to grow right before your eyes!

Alot of new beginnings here as well and for some even new Love is on the table!

Someone is hesitant about a really big move that is needed of them and this move could be a literal one! If you’re not sure if this is something your ready to do spirit says meditate/pray on it…but I feel like for some of you it’s in your heart and you KNOW this is something you truly want to do and I’m all about people going after what drives them so I say DO IT‼️😍

There’s an overflow of universal blessings here especially for those who’ve experienced many setback and hardships down for a while…your good Karma is finally here for you Crabby patties, I’m so happy for you 🥹 and good luck with everything and congratulations on all the success coming in…

Alright, let’s see if your love story is as good as your general…😏😏😏

Love: SCORPIO  ♏️ Reminder to all: If it’s not your story, don’t worry! Take what hits home and leave the rest…Scorps!!!...

Love: SCORPIO ♏️

Reminder to all: If it’s not your story, don’t worry! Take what hits home and leave the rest…


Lol, I feel like you’ve had your last straw when it comes to that codependent a** relationship and decided to call it quits! I don’t think you or that other person was expecting things to end so abruptly but hey! It had to be done and if it wasn’t done by you guess who’s the reason behind it? YUP! Your ancestors😂 they said they had enough of you being a WUSS or sucker for this person and not standing up for yourself…

Now, this is not for all but for some of you I feel like you delt with this person out of the fact that…you love LOVE, you love being in a relationship, you love being next to someone, all that lovey dovey s**t…your are in love with the idea of love and will let that “Idea” tear you apart if that means you get to stay in a relationship and be “In love” and your ancestors ain’t having that no more with you so I feel like they’re blocking love from you for now until you learn to get that ish under control!

Now for some of you, I feel like because of a or many Codependent relationships, you have sworn off of love and you’re still very much guarded towards love and/or people…you may be obsessed with the idea Love is not for you or that real love may never come your way but your ancestors are there to help you through it…

Idk why I’m also picking up that somebody got cursed out or a really bad explosive argument happened that possibly caused a breakup…somebody must’ve said some foul s**t😂😂😂 okay this is not funny😔😔😔 I’m sorry Scorps, I hope this love thing gets worked out for y’all…

That’s a wrap for y’all Scorpios, until next time! Like, comment, & share if you’d like to🥰

Cancer ♋️ y’all the last of the water babies I gotta do so get ya a** on up in here😏😏😏


General: SCORPIO ♏️ Reminder to all: if it doesn’t resonate, it’s not your story, take what hits home and leave the rest...

General: SCORPIO ♏️

Reminder to all: if it doesn’t resonate, it’s not your story, take what hits home and leave the rest…

Scorpios, I’m sensing a bit of emotional turmoil here baby what’s going on?! I mean if you’re like me then the weather changes deeply affect your emotions so that could be something that’s happening but for some of you…

Please get out of your head and stop focusing so much on the hurtful past and what you don’t have right now…I feel like some of you have been replaying things or situations over and over again in your head. This could be about a relationship or you just feel like things in your life just keep falling apart and I hate to be the one to tell ya this Scorps but you could be Manifesting this s**t in by being so pessimistic…

If you need to talk to someone do that but feeding and giving in to your negative thoughts is not going to help you babes…

You have Destiny here which represents the wheel of fortune which is great! Things will start to look up for you but the universe needs you to fight back a bit…

Some of you definitely have some healing and rediscovering to do of yourself, instead of focusing on what went wrong, how everything’s going wrong, this and that…try and go within to see what you can fix within you to help bring in all this wonder and awe the universe is wanting to usher in for you…

Also, whatever project, Job, etc you’re doing spirit says give it time to grow…

Your love reading is next Scorps🥰


General: PISCES ♓️ Reminder to all: if it don’t apply let it fly…If this doesn’t resonate check your moon, rising, & ven...

General: PISCES ♓️

Reminder to all: if it don’t apply let it fly…If this doesn’t resonate check your moon, rising, & venus signs as well.

Okay Pisces, You may have been having some weird dreams or what appears to be nightmares…someone has probably be seeing a weird creature or something strange looking in their dreams😩 but, this “thing” that’s appearing in your dreams is trying to reveal something to you about yourself or teach you something but you are too afraid of it…

For some, you may have either seen something or heard something strange and you feel that it’s just your imagination but deep down you know it’s not…

Some of you have a true spiritual gift that spirit is trying to assist you with tapping into but you are either too afraid or are choosing to ignore what it. Spirit wants you to let go of the fear of it and embrace what has been given to you…

Okay, somebody either needs too or has tapped into doing breathing exercises to breathing medication and has tapped into something they weren’t trying to tap into…

Some of you, this is about growth and that your spirit guides are asking you to not be afraid to let go of the unfamiliar and welcome in a new way of being…

Love reading is next Pisces❤️


General: Aquarius ♒️ Reminder to all: It’s General NOT personal, if it doesn’t resonate then it’s not your story, take w...

General: Aquarius ♒️

Reminder to all: It’s General NOT personal, if it doesn’t resonate then it’s not your story, take what hits home and leave the rest…

Aquarius, I see that some of you have are afraid of this new beginning that’s happening or is getting ready to happen in your life. For some I feel this is about your career…perhaps, there’s a move you have to make and for some this move could be literal and although, this may be something that is like a dream come true for you, you may still be afraid to actually take that leap of faith…

Spirit wants you to continue to focus on all the things that can go right instead of what can go wrong, focus on how this can be an adventure of a lifetime for you…

For some, you could be hearing from someone you’d really been wanting to hear from…this could be a Job/Job offer thats in another state, country, etc…you’re still afraid to actually accept it but I say do your research on it, do whatever you have to but this move may be something great for you…This is something that will get you back on your path to greatness because some of you have definitely lost your motivation and thrill for life in general and you need to find it again…

Your love reading is next Aquas


General: LIBRA ♎️ Reminder to all: if it’s not your story, don’t worry…take what hits home and leave the rest…You know w...

General: LIBRA ♎️

Reminder to all: if it’s not your story, don’t worry…take what hits home and leave the rest…

You know what Libra…your scales sure stays unbalanced don’t it?🙄

Some of you need to find Balance and for ONCE decide what is is you truly want! You could be battling some sort of anxiety and it could possibly be over s**t you have no control over or it’s about your past or future or both!

Some of you are wanting so desperately to see things grow and manifest in your life and spirit is saying As long as you continue to put you focus and persistence into what you want to see grow it will happen for you in due time…

Some of you could be worried that you are doing the wrong thing, making the wrong choice, not doing something good enough, etc…if you’re mind is out of place everything else in your life will be as well…YOU OUT OF ALL PEOPLE KNOW THIS LIBRA‼️

Stop stressing Scales! Because from the looks of it spirit is about to assist you with something…

Also, there is is someone getting ready to step in to help educate you on something that will help grow your business, help you with a project, or to teach you about something that can bring you financial stability but you HAVE to be ready! Other wise…you’ll miss out on the opportunity!

I Also feel for those who are into Some form of artistry, a person who has knowledge about what it is you do is getting ready to offer you some advice or wisdom on how to better your skills and teach you how to sharpen your craft…

Your love reading is next…


General: GEMINI ♊️ Reminder to all: If it doesn’t apply let it fly! Take what resonates and leave the rest…Gems💎 💎💎….I h...

General: GEMINI ♊️

Reminder to all: If it doesn’t apply let it fly! Take what resonates and leave the rest…

Gems💎 💎💎….I had to continue to start over until I finally got the message to use a different Deck along with my own deck and your message finally came through! Although, I feel like this message is for someone very specific…

Someone’s Father is either writing a letter to them or vice versa! Either way, I feel some form of forgiveness is needed here because someone is still holding on to wounds and past mistakes that their Father has caused them…If this is the Father writing you then I feel this is coming from a sincere place, your Father has maybe faced some heavy Karma or has learned a valuable lesson and how they regret deeply not being apart of your life and/or wishing they had made better decisions and had been the Man you needed them to be…

For some, you’re Father is no longer here and you may have come to the realization that by not forgiven him has done more damage in your life then good because maybe you’re a Father yourself now(for the men out there) or if you’re a Woman, you are dealing with or dealt with a Man who is just like your Father and this was only meant to teach you to forgive the man you could never forgive…

Someone could be watching there Son turn into something they never wanted their Son to be and they feel they only have themselves to blame…this Father feels like a complete failure and that they wish they did better with their Son…

All in all, I feel like healing and forgiveness needs to take place here so that you and/or Both of you can finally have peace or be at peace…

If this is a Woman, forgive your Child’s/Children’s Father! Holding on to hurt and pain about this person has haunted you enough all because this person could never be the Man/Father you wanted him to be for you and your children…Forgive him and know that his Karma will eventually catch up with him and that somewhere down the line he will see his mistakes and it will eat him alive‼️ you focus on your Karma and try to bring as much good Karma your way and let go of all things that does not help you grow as a person…

Alright, Your Love reading is next Gemini


Saturday Reading for the Collective…Decks used: Starry Beginnings by: Cassi WhiteSpiritual Newz Message Deck by: Beautya...

Saturday Reading for the Collective…

Decks used: Starry
Beginnings by:
Cassi White
Spiritual Newz Message Deck by:

Hey All, Happy Happy Saturday and I hope everyone’s weekend is so far GREAT!

Okay Collective,

I’m getting that alot of you need to create a healthy balance between your work life and personal life. Some of you are literally workaholics and is so laser focused on what you want to achieve that you never just take a break from the hustle and just enjoy yourself.

For some you have been trying to think of ways to to create that balance and for others I’m seeing that you have been working tirelessly on some sort project or work project. If you’re on the fence about giving up on a project because it’s taking too long to progress you need to have patience because it looks like you may want to choose to do something else but I only caution you to do that if what you are doing is NOT your passion anyway…

All in all though, you may just need to take a break, clear your mind, and for some you do need to get out and enjoy yourself a bit more.…

Also, I’m getting in order for you to hear what your heart is saying m, you need to ground yourself and get into a meditative state…you are overwhelmed.

The heart and root chakra needs to be your focus right now.


Like, share, & comment if you’d like to🥰


Full Moon in Aries Reading: LIBRA ♎️

Reminder to all: this reading is General NOT personal! If it resonates cool if not, it’s not for you! Take what hits home and leave the rest…

Libra! Quick question, How much do you trust in the universe to deliver to you what you’ve asked it for?

This full moon is asking that you remain in your faith and know that what you asked for is already yours! spirit says keep your Gusto! and let go of waiting for the results of what you’ve been trying to manifest slow and steady wins the race here. If you’ve been worrying about how something is going to turn out spirit says stop worrying!

Also, stay certain of what it is you want and focus on perfecting your craft. I’m also getting that whatever you have been working on the progression of it may be slow to take off but this is done on purpose! Spirit says to live in your passion for what it is you’re doing and if this is not something you’re passionate about truly…you need to move on to something that is your passion.

All in all Libra…It’s coming to you ALL OF IT! Just don’t lose your faith….


Single to Mingle Reading: SAGITTARIUS ♐️ Reminder to all: this is timeless! Take what hits home and leave the rest for s...

Single to Mingle Reading: SAGITTARIUS ♐️

Reminder to all: this is timeless! Take what hits home and leave the rest for someone else…if it’s not your story don’t worry! Maybe next time sugar😘….

Okay Saggies!

How the single life: Two of Swords & Page of cups

Okay, the feeling I’m getting throughout this entire reading is that you or someone else is not wanting anything serious right now but i feel like it’s a front! Someone is afraid of opening up and being vulnerable when it comes to love possibly because of the fear of heartbreak…also, I’m getting someone has trust issues with someone whom they’ve been seeing and because this person has been showing red flags you are turning the other cheek…although, you may not want to because you really like/liked this person and was hoping to see where it would go…😢 if this is not the case, it looks like someone is wanting to approach you or you them…but someone is afraid of rejection and the sad part is…is possible that you both may feel the same way about each other but nobody’s doing anything🙄🙄🙄

Where’s it going: Page of Wands & Nine of Pentacles

Oh lord, idk why but I just picked up the energy of someone not being sexually satisfied with someone whom they’ve been seeing and is possibly looking elsewhere for that satisfaction…y’all nasty 😜 I’m also feeling that someone is just simply needing some sexual entertainment of some sort…also, some of you mfs been playin wit yaself!!!🤪🤪🤪
Either way, I’m seeing that for now, you may be okay with just having something with no strings attached because you may have been enjoying your own company lately and don’t want that to be interrupted…only when it’s time for you to get one off😂 if this goes back to that person that’s been trying to make an offer of love to you, this person may not have what it takes to satisfy you or is just not what you’re looking for🤷🏾‍♀️

Advice from spirit: Eight of cups & Knight of Wands

Saggies, you might get that macho man/woman you’ve been looking for afterall! Spirit is saying that you need to be honest with yourself about your emotions though, the single life has been getting to you lately and that’s fair. But spirit ask you, what is it that you really want in a person? Cuz i know you sag, ONE thing can be off about a person and it doesn’t even have to be a big deal but it be a big deal for your stubborn ass! Have you been too harsh on the people that have been approaching you? Or is it that you’ve really just been focusing on your sexual desires and ignoring fulfilling what you need emotionally and mentally in your life? I sens that this person is a Water sign who’s been wanting to get with you or connect with you in some way…I just heard Rihanna Rude boy…that song matches perfectly for this energy and on that note I’m leaving cuz you damn Sagittarius is something else hunny😩😩😩😩




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