Check out my devotional in Arise Daily this morning called “The Bee.”
When I said, my foot is slipping, your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. Psalm 94:18 (NIV)
Watching our tiny new friend, I heard my grandson say, "You can do it, little bee! I know you can. You have to believe in yourself, bee!"
On a trip to the pool, we saw a bee struggling in the water. I quickly grabbed the top of my water canister and after a few attempts, I got him to a safe spot. "You did it, Mimi," my grandson screamed. But the bee was barely moving. "Come on, little guy, MOVE," my grandson cried out as the little bee struggled to extend his wings. "Let's give him some space," I said.
The little bee started to walk right back to the edge of the pool. "No, no," my grandson cried out. Sure enough, plop! We watched this happen several times while cheering from the sidelines. "No, no, go back! You're going to fall!"
Each time we scooped him up and placed him back on the concrete. When he finally flew away, we both screamed with excitement; I, too, was caught up in a six-year-old life-saving endeavor. "We saved his life! We saved his life," we screamed while jumping up and down in the pool.
This story is unlike last summer when I rescued another bee from the pool. I placed his tiny body on the pavement, and my three-year-old granddaughter walked over and said, "Ewwwww, a bee," then proceeded to smash it with her flip flop.
Like the bee, how many times do we go back to something God has asked us to stay away from?
We want to control things we have no control over, and we think we know better than God. Yet He shows up to rescue us and put us back on solid ground. And when we do fail, just like in Psalms, “when our foot slips it is His love that supports us,” He is there; lovingly as a devoted Father would be.
When I am obedient and can walk away from something He’s asked me to, I imagine Jesus jumping up and down, waving His hands in the air, "Yes, Father, she did it!"
What do you keep going back to? What step of obedience can you take today to move in a different direction?