[FT003] Mind / Matter - La Complainte des Damnés is now released and available for streaming on Bandcamp, Soundcloud and Youtube, courtesy of Beatbox Vinyl.
Limited copies are still available on our Bandcamp and will be available in selected stores as well as other online stores.
Juno: https://www.juno.co.uk/products/mind-i-matter-la-complainte-des-damnes-vinyl/1020075-01/
Redeye: https://www.redeyerecords.co.uk/vinyl/173613-ft003-mind-i-matter-la-complainte-des-damn%C3%A9s
Deejay: https://www.deejay.de/Mind_I_Matter_La_Complaint_FT003_Vinyl__1065809
4 track album