Time to put the psychology into social media
I did my psychology degree part-time while I worked full time, something I am incredibly proud of. It takes commitment, self-discipline and some serious studying. While I was getting my degree I worked as a PA, then an Office Manager and then a Medical Practice Manager. I managed to get promoted and get my higher education at the same time. Once I had achieved all of that, my husband and I moved to another country, learned a new language and had two beautiful girls. During that time I used my skills to support my husband’s business, which, through social media has gone from strength to strength.
Then came the point when I felt that I had time for more, I thought I’d like to get back into psychology and helping people and so I started up my own small counselling practice. www.talktotonia.net which I do a lot of free counselling through. But with a growing family what I really needed was to earn a little money. I started out by offering Virtual Assistant services and very quickly realised that the thing that most people needed help with is Social Media Management, and when I thought about it some more, I realised that this is where I could really offer something unique. As a psychologist, I am in a perfect position to help guide people to their ideal client, their market and make sure that their branding is hitting the right spot. After all, you can't go fishing without bait, and you don't know what bait to use unless you know what you’re fishing for. Ask any fisherman, it is the first thing you learn when you pick up a fishing rod.
So if you are still unsure if I can help then please get in touch for a free consultation, and I can show you exactly how I can help!