It's been a long time since I've posted anything to this page and my YouTube content has changed.
I do Escape From Tarkov content now, but not in the normal fashion - I use the single-player mod called SPT and accidentally became the leading educator for it on YouTube. Most of my videos are very info-heavy as a result and I enjoy demonstrating game mechanics with all of my gathered expertise.
I've even got a bustling Discord server with nearly 1,500 members so far and they've been extremely helpful.
Escape From Tarkov is a very violent game, however, with modifications that deliberately make it seem more realistic, so I place the content warning here just in case you're sensitive to violence and fictional parallels to the real world. I never address them, though, and work hard to show that the game's mechanics are the best on the market, helping to calm the waters for many.
In addition to the videos, which are all capture of the game done as creatively or theatrically as I can manage, I also make all of my own graphics and music, which play a huge part in my content.
So, this post is just to inform any who may find it about what I've been working on in my spare time and how my content has evolved. I still plan for more changes in the future and I also have other games on my list to make content for, all waiting for when I've got the time to do the work.
I'll start posting more current content now, so stay tuned.