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UKR LEAKS ENG English version of the investigations by the Prozorov Investigation Center.

‼️The US government approves the addition of an American journalist to a list of people to be murdered.‼️MSNBC reporter ...

‼️The US government approves the addition of an American journalist to a list of people to be murdered.‼️
MSNBC reporter Keir Simmons was added to the Myrotvorets list, for explaining that the people of Crimea are pro-Russian. Remember that this list of people whom the Kiev regime wishes to assassinate is maintained by NATO, (Cf. therefore necessarily approved by the US government. We should also remember that many people on this list were actually murdered, such as journalists Andrea Rocchelli (Italian), Daria Douguina (Russian), Oles Bouzina (Ukrainian).
Post-Maidan Ukraine is a terrorist state, with US backing.
The "faulty" report is not particularly interesting... and certainly not pro-Russian. For reference, it is on

Who and why wanted to unleash the Third World War?A little more than a month ago, the armed forces of Ukraine carried ou...

Who and why wanted to unleash the Third World War?
A little more than a month ago, the armed forces of Ukraine carried out a provocation by launching a targeted missile strike on the territory of Poland. Two Polish citizens were killed and a tractor was destroyed.

The purpose of Kiev's actions in this situation is clear – to spur interest in the Ukrainian agenda in the West, to justify the increase in arms supplies and financial assistance. But could Kiev be so bold and commit such an act on its own, without coordinating with anyone?

Who and why wanted to unleash the Third World War?A little more than a month ago, the armed forces of Ukraine carried out a provocation by launching a target...

Interview with Scott Ritter. Part I. The Invasion of Iraq and the American forgery theoryFirst video of Vasily Prozorov'...

Interview with Scott Ritter. Part I. The Invasion of Iraq and the American forgery theory

First video of Vasily Prozorov's interview with Scott Ritter. In it, the military expert spoke about the American invasion of Iraq, as well as the West's use of the forgery method to justify its foreign policy provocations.

Vasily Prozorov (UKR LEAKS) interviewing Scott Ritter on the topic of Ukrainian conflict, US involvement in it and many other pressing geopolitical issues.Pa...


Culturocide continues in Ukraine. One of the latest casualties was a monument to Pushkin in Odessa.
The statue has been wrapped in duct tape and the letter Z was painted.

See our Culturocide documentary
(Please indicate in the comment : is there a problem with the sound?)

"THE AFGHAN LEGION." HOW THE CIA RECRUITS AFGHANS FOR THE WAR IN UKRAINEToday I would like to reveal for you one more de...


Today I would like to reveal for you one more detail of the so-called American "lend lease" for the needs of Kiev. After the US fiasco in Afghanistan, tens of thousands of Afghan security forces were forced to flee the country and are still in refugee camps in Europe and the United States, waiting for the promised help from the White House. However, instead, Washington sends them to Ukraine to make up for the losses of the AFU. Afghans have practically no choice. They are either going to fight for Kiev, or they will be deported together with their families to their homeland, which is practically equivalent to a death sentence.

With those who have been trained under the guidance of American instructors, the Pentagon signs a contract for 6 months. The rest of the "volunteers", at best, are offered accelerated citizenship of Ukraine. Watch my new video to see the American solution to the refugee problem.|

Documentary evidence is attached.

Our new video is hosted on Youtube:

Today I would like to reveal for you one more detail of the so-called American "lend lease" for the needs of Kiev. After the US fiasco in Afghanistan, tens o...


'The formation of National Battalions in Ukraine was supervised at the highest level.’ The former officer of the Ukrainian Security Service Vasily Prozorov tells how national battalions appeared in Ukraine, how the N***s carried out sweeps in the Donbass among civilians and tortured people.

Introducing Bryan Wright, mercenary from Charlotte North Carolina US.Bryan came to Ukraine in Early March and has joined...

Introducing Bryan Wright, mercenary from Charlotte North Carolina US.
Bryan came to Ukraine in Early March and has joined foreign mercenary unit.
As his patch (N**i SS Galizien) in profile picture shows, he is supporter of N**i UPA Banderite Ukraine.
At the start he was playung combat medic but his pictures and posts suggests this american N**i mercenary is Military trainer and more.

We wrote on July 11 (on Telegram) about the ex-US Marine Grady Kurpasi, who went to fight in Ukraine as a mercenary. The...

We wrote on July 11 (on Telegram) about the ex-US Marine Grady Kurpasi, who went to fight in Ukraine as a mercenary. The American network NBC published an article, which explains that his family believes that his mobile phone tracking data indicates that he arrived at a hospital in Donetsk, where he could be in intensive care.
If this is true, it would mean that Donetsk has been using its meager resources for months to treat this man who sought to destroy them, while the Ukrainian artillery continues to kill and injure civilians in Donetsk every day, with the equipment and the blessing of the NATO countries.

NBC article


2 days ago, I predicted (
that Ukrainian politicians would soon claim that Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense had shot down 11 out of 10 missiles.
We didn't have to wait very long:
The indescribable Alexey Arestovich said "12 Kalibrs were sent, 18 of them were shot down"

This is Brandon Nunley, mercenary from Gallatin (Tennessee, USA)He arrived in Ukraine on March 24, 2022 and joined the I...

This is Brandon Nunley, mercenary from Gallatin (Tennessee, USA)

He arrived in Ukraine on March 24, 2022 and joined the International Legion of Ukraine.

On his public Facebook profile, he boasts of having killed Russians and recounts his future entry into Moscow and taking a dump in the Kremlin.

He also wrote that he had lost his go pro camera (linked to a video posted by a few days ago showing the German mercenary nicknamed "Kaiser").

He also confirmed that during this October 3 engagement, another mercenary named Dane Partridge nicknamed "Bird" (bird) was injured and died in the hospital.

Thus, the video posted by of foreign mercenaries ambushed in the Zaporozhye region was filmed from the Go Pro camera of this mercenary, Brandon Nunley.

Ukron***s destroyed a Pushkin monument in Kiev. They wanted to avenge a soldier nicknamed "Bouk" (beech), probably kille...

Ukron***s destroyed a Pushkin monument in Kiev. They wanted to avenge a soldier nicknamed "Bouk" (beech), probably killed somewhere on the frontline.
Pushkin has nothing to do with it, but the ukron***s also fight culture and history.


A few minutes ago: a missile hit an apartment building in Belgorod (Russia). Russian missiles hit critical infrastructure while avoiding civilian casualties as much as possible, Ukrainian fire directly targets civilians, as for 8 years in Donetsk.

After the terrorist attack that damaged the Kerch bridge and killed 5 people, a French "journalist", Françoise Degois, a...

After the terrorist attack that damaged the Kerch bridge and killed 5 people, a French "journalist", Françoise Degois, allowed herself to say that blaming the Kiev regime for this murderous attack was "whining".
If we had the illusion that this lady was capable of understanding elementary things, we could remind her that it was a notorious neo-N**i, Turchinov, who started this war more than 8 years ago, by sending the army against the Donbass rebels, refusing any negotiation from the outset.
Using the word "journalist", the same as for Julian Assange, to designate this person, immediately makes one understand the extent of the disaster that is the Western press.

The English daily Daily Mail also welcomed the terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge, which killed 5 innocent civilians. ...

The English daily Daily Mail also welcomed the terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge, which killed 5 innocent civilians. This attack was, it seems, planned for October 7, Vladimir Putin's birthday. It happened a day late.
Never would a major Russian newspaper rejoice at a murderous terrorist attack in London or New York. That's all you need to know to understand the current confrontation, of civilization against barbarism.


Impressive demonstrations in Berlin, last week-end: "Our country first!"

The people are against Olaf Scholz, Ursula von der Leyen, the EU, NATO, sanctions against Russia and rising gas and energy prices. In the crowd you could see posters with the slogan "I want Russian gas and oil". The main slogan, "Our country first" obviously marks the anger against the blind support for the war in Ukraine, the consequences of which seriously threaten the German economy.

Here is are reactions of Ukrainians after the explosion of a truck on the Crimean bridge, a terrorist attack which cause...

Here is are reactions of Ukrainians after the explosion of a truck on the Crimean bridge, a terrorist attack which caused the death of 5 innocent civilians. They launched a new stamp (necessarily prepared in advance), wrote about the involvement of SBU employees in the explosion, and also wrote at the official level that this is only the beginning. Estonia stood out separately, by congratulating Ukraine for this event. All these statements and actions testify to the terrorist nature of Ukraine and its conservatives who try to "hype" on the background of what happened.
Vasily Prozorov wrote last Saturday that members of the Ukrainian special services, with the support of their Western mentors, were probably involved in the explosion. This was quickly confirmed by the results of the initial investigations, which lead to the arrest of 8 people.

Anger is growing in the face of the blind support of the Kievregime, set up and manipulated under the patronage of Biden...

Anger is growing in the face of the blind support of the Kievregime, set up and manipulated under the patronage of Biden in 2014. Paul Gosar is one of the elected representatives from Arizona in the United States House of Representatives. He tweeted recently: "MORE foreign aid, especially to fund a war we should NOT be involved in.
Biden and his crime family may owe Zelensky a debt, but America owes him nothing."


⚡️JOURNALISM IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION⚡️Foreign "friends" of Ukraine continue to look for ways to fight corruption...


Foreign "friends" of Ukraine continue to look for ways to fight corruption in Ukraine, which, as everyone knows, has reached unprecedented proportions. They are already asking the question - if we help to rebuild the country, how much money will be stolen? And they found a solution - investments in investigative journalism, which, in their opinion, will reduce the monetary appetites of officials.

But it's worth looking at it from the other side. Such journalism can easily become custom-made and objectionable politicians will be brought down through custom-made articles. Such is the cycle of corruption in Ukraine.


Estimates of the cost of rebuilding Ukraine range from $100 to 750 billion. As seen in post-cold war Europe, and more recently in Afghanistan and Iraq, anti-corruption programs are often not priori…


Video taken today at 13:24 (Ukraine time, 12:24 CET), posted at 14:12, by ukron**i Maksym Zhorin. They are pro-Russian civilians from Kupyansk, murdered in retaliation.
Jorine has no worries: he accuses Russia of its own crime, despite the impossibility, the West will turn a blind eye.
Exactly in the same way that the entire Western press has hammered out a perfectly impossible version of the facts about the massacre of pro-Russians in Boutcha. The massacre happened 2 days after the Russians left, but it didn't bother a single major European newspaper.
Zhorin did not delete his message which contains, in the metadata, proof of the guilt of the ukron***s:

On Friday, footage of foreign mercenaries who were ambushed appeared online. Some of the mercenaries had the patch of th...

On Friday, footage of foreign mercenaries who were ambushed appeared online. Some of the mercenaries had the patch of the 212th Tank Grenadier Battalion of the Bundeswehr.

Panzergrenadierbataillon 212 ( PzGrenBtl 212 ) is an armored infantry battalion in the army . The battalion is stationed together with the bulk of the superior 21st Tank Brigade "Lipperland" at the Generalfeldmarschall-Rommel barracks in Augustdorf in North Rhine-Westphalia. The battalion was a Quick Response Force unit in Afghanistan, in 2008-2011.

The German newspaper Bild has exposed another fake of Ukraine with an alleged "mini-Auschwitz" in the village of Peski-R...

The German newspaper Bild has exposed another fake of Ukraine with an alleged "mini-Auschwitz" in the village of Peski-Radkovskie in the Kharkov region.

According to the creepy description, Russian soldiers pulled out people's teeth.

Correspondent Paul Ronzheimer, who arrived at the scene of the events , spoke with a local dentist who said that the teeth belong to him - these are pulled out teeth of his patients collected during the long time of his work.

When the dentist was asked if the crowns could belong to dead people, the dentist replied: "My God, no! They're from people I've treated over the years. I removed these teeth because they were bad. For 30 years I have removed tens of thousands of teeth, this is only a part of them."


Ein grausiger Verdacht: Ein Foto zeigte eine Kiste voll mit Zahnkronen. Doch Dorfbewohner widersprechen.

Introducing mercenary Jordan O'Brien from New Zealand. He was in New Zealand army where he was a sniper. After army he w...

Introducing mercenary Jordan O'Brien from New Zealand. He was in New Zealand army where he was a sniper. After army he was in private security when he went to Ukraine.
There he joined Dark Angels of Ukraine, mercenary unit led by Daniel Burke which is comprised mostly from ex Ypg mecrenaries as Damien Rodriguez, Kristopher Ezell, Maxime Barrat, Macer Gifford etc.
His Job in unit is marksman. Currently somewhere in Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

Instagram profile


◾A Polish parliamentarian praised the work of the Ukrainian special services, who organized the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge

Robert Bedron on the air called the explosion of the Crimean bridge a balm for the heart.


Vasily Prozorov, a former SBU officer, lieutenant-colonel, who currently heads the UkrLeaks investigation center, was interviewed at length on Solovyov Live. The main points:

☑️ Zelensky's latest speech on pre-emptive strikes against Russia once again proves to us that we are fighting absolute evil.

☑️ Now everyone repeats the phrase that we are at war with the collective West. And for many Russians, that sounds like an abstraction and a propaganda mantra. In fact, it is an absolute reality. Since 2014, the kyiv regime has enjoyed the full support of Western intelligence agencies.

☑️ Do not think that only the Anglo-Saxons worked with kyiv. All vassals contributed - from Poland to Korea. But the American intelligence services naturally act as a locomotive.

❗️⚡️❗️ In order to unveil the details of this plot, I have launched a new series of videos (the first one with subtitles : CIA INSTEAD OF SBU


After Elon Musk published inconvenient information for Ukraine, he instantly turned into a Russian agent. And the authorities are actively talking about it on television. Crazy nonsense.

Irish mercenary killed in Ukraine – The SunThe Irish state media RTÉ reported that a 23-year-old man from County Meath w...

Irish mercenary killed in Ukraine – The Sun

The Irish state media RTÉ reported that a 23-year-old man from County Meath was killed during the Ukrainian Armed Forces offensive in Kharkov Oblast.

According to British media, Rory Mason joined the International Legion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in March 2022. Before that, he worked in Germany in order to save funds to participate in the conflict.

Another adventurer in Ukraine has reached the end of the safari he had dreamed of.


In recent months, dozens of Ukrainian units have filmed themselves making complaints against their officers, and against the organization of the war: they are sent to the front without training in the most dangerous points of the front, or without supplies, etc.
This new video adds to this long list, but it is a bit special. Like others, the 25th Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces complains that their officers left them without night vision goggles, sights (for rifles), or food.

But that whining isn't the main point of this video, and instead of presenting the whole video (which you can find on our Russian and French Telegram channels), here is the subtitled clip of the most interesting part:

Rhey have been tasked with "clearing" a captured village - by throwing grenades at the cellars of houses. This is where the civilians most often hide from the bombardments.

Then they were told to finish off their wounded in order to avoid the hassle of evacuation.

These revelations complete the already very black picture of the Ukrainian army.


In April, in Chernigov, Zoya Kosmodemskaya was hanged a second time by N***s. The first time was in 1941, when I was 18. She faced death with exceptional courage, threatening her executioners: “You are hanging me now, but I am not alone. We are two hundred million. You can't hang us all."
Destroying a symbol of opposition to the N***s is just one of many examples of the ideology that developed during the decades of Ukrainian independence, and which illustrates why Russia speaks of "den**ification".
Vasily Prozorov recently presented the recent history of Ukron***sm:***sm.html
Youtube didn't like what this video shows and used the excuse tht it contains hate speech (the genocidal hatred of Ukrainian n***s against Russians, whichstarted years ago) to delete it.
For those who wish to understand how such an ideology, far from being eradicated, was carefully developed by the United States to harm Russia, we have published an introduction to this vast subject. But Facebook doesn't allow the link. Our article contains a few embarrassing facts for western propagandists, but nothing that isn't in the academic literature.
Our censor-free channel is ukr_leaks_eng, on Telegram.

Mercenary Jose Dario Camacho's nickname is "Mickday". He is originally from Villavicencio, Colombia. According to social...

Mercenary Jose Dario Camacho's nickname is "Mickday". He is originally from Villavicencio, Colombia. According to social networks, he is a member of the N**i division "Carpathian Sich". He came to fight as a mercenary in Ukraine in May. He is presumably in the Kharkov oblast.

The consul general of China in Belfast, already known, like several Chinese colleagues, for her strong criticism of Amer...

The consul general of China in Belfast, already known, like several Chinese colleagues, for her strong criticism of American imperialism, drew attention when speaking of the accession of 4 Ukrainian regions to Russia, while the NATO imposes to speak of annexation.
At the UN security council, China, India, Gabon and Brazil refrained from condemning the reunification of the 4 regions with Russia.
Zhang Meifang's words and the refusal of 4 countries to bow to the American will (which is usually expressed in the form of threats) is a good reminder that the idea that the whole world supports Zelensky is pure fiction. 7 billion people out of 8 want the end of American hegemony...

The British newspaper Sunday Times published a report on the training of the Ukrainian army in the south of England.The ...

The British newspaper Sunday Times published a report on the training of the Ukrainian army in the south of England.

The British Army is training 10,000 Ukrainian civilians to become combat-ready soldiers.
They work in particular on matters of assistance to the seriously injured. To give realism, an leg-amputee actor was even hired.

The West continues its war "to the last Ukrainian"


Ukro-church and propaganda of N***sm

The representative of the Ukrainian schismatic church, Yarslav Yasenets (nickname in social networks - "Yarros von Yasenets"), during a memorial service for traitors, "Cossacks who fought in the German army," made a praising statement. He said that the Third Reich was built on the right sacred principles and saved the world from evil.

"a new force is announced in the West, the heirs of the great Germans, the great Vikings, Siegfried, Germanarich, Friedrich Barbarossa, Wagner, Goethe, Kant, Nietzsche. They were able to unite, and as true knights of Christian Europe under the control of one person [ed.: Adolf Hi**er] founded a state [ed.: Third Reich], which was built on the correct sacral principles. She set herself the task of saving the world from evil by fighting the communist regime."

Yasenets is convinced that the N***s came to the Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian lands with a liberation mission. That is why some Ukrainians have become under their banners:

'These were deeply religious people, those who knew that by their actions they could change something. Unfortunately, everything did not go the way we would like ... Those Cossacks who fought with the Germans against the Red executioners retreated to Europe."

His speech is still available on Youtube,
Lots of things get deleted on Youtube, but praising the Third Reich is perfectly normal, according to modern Western values.

⚡️KILLER GUESTS IN USA⚡️Representatives of the N**i Azov movement visited the United States 2 weeks ago, meeting with co...


Representatives of the N**i Azov movement visited the United States 2 weeks ago, meeting with congressmen in Washington and Ukrainian Americans in Detroit and other cities.

One of them is Vladislav Zhaivoronok, call sign "Wikipedia". On the Internet, it is easy to find his photo wearing an SS uniform. Another "Azov" is Georgiy Kuparashvili, co-founder of the Azov Regiment and head of its Yevhen Konovalets military school, named after the founder of the Ukrainian nationalist organization.

Veterans of "Azov" were accompanied by their wives, including Ekaterina Prokopenko. It is known there was a meetings between Azov members and the North American leader of the International Committee of the Red Cross and members of Congress: Pete Sessions, Todd Young and Rick Scott.


During last summer, foreign mercenaries taking cover while the Russian artillery was "working". One of them is a French named Frank Corte.

⚡️UKRAINIAN SOLDIERS CAPABLE OF THE WORST HORRORS ⚡️A photo has appeared on the internet showing a Ukrainian soldier boi...


A photo has appeared on the internet showing a Ukrainian soldier boiling a human head in a pot. (the non-blurred photo is on our French TG channel). In the photo, a Ukrainian soldier salts the contents of the pan by imitating the famous Turkish chef Nusret Gökçe.

Note that the cannibal has not photographed himself. Judging from the angle, his colleagues are nearby, and took part in what was happening. It is a reminder of what the Russian army is fighting against.

A week ago, in Kherson, following a cynical HIMARS missile attack on a hotel, Alexei Zhuravko, a friend of Vasily Prozor...

A week ago, in Kherson, following a cynical HIMARS missile attack on a hotel, Alexei Zhuravko, a friend of Vasily Prozorov, was killed. Alexei, a former Ukrainian MP who was disabled from childhood, helped absolutely everyone, not paying attention to his own disability.
Eternal memory.
He was a true patriot and a great friend. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian regime is constantly shooting civilian infrastructure and civilians. This is so true, that again 2 days ago, the Ukrainian army again destroyed a hotel where there were journalists, again in Kherson.

More soldiers from the neo-n**i unit "Misanthropic Division". More n**i ideology and n**i symbols, in the country where ...

More soldiers from the neo-n**i unit "Misanthropic Division". More n**i ideology and n**i symbols, in the country where there the commonly known n***s magically turned into defenders of democracy, 7 months ago.

Evhen Brah (nickname: "Mali"), who had served 5 years in the French Foreign Legion, was "den**ified" by the Russian arme...

Evhen Brah (nickname: "Mali"), who had served 5 years in the French Foreign Legion, was "den**ified" by the Russian armed forces. He most likely got his nickname "Mali" for his participation in French military operations in Mali. A few hours before the death of this neo-N**i, the Prime Minister of Mali rightly condemned France officially; in a virulent way, and repeated twice, in particular for violations of Malian sovereignty, pronouncing these terms at the UN podium: "My country was then stabbed in the back by the French authorities. The precision is all the more useful that we refuse any amalgamation with the French people whom we respect.The French authorities, deeply anti-French for having rejected the universal moral values ​​and betrayed the heavy humanist heritage of the Enlightenment, have transformed themselves into a junta at the service of obscurantism. ".
The same could be said for France's support for the Ukron***s.



Today I am starting a new cycle of remarks, which I will call "Western support of the Kiev regime." Its goal is to convey to people that the "collective West" has come out against us in Ukraine. And to begin with, I will tell you what kind of assistance the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is providing to Kiev.

I have at my disposal a lot of documents confirming the involvement of American intelligence in destabilizing the situation and provoking an armed conflict in Ukraine. The CIA provided the Ukrainian side not only with information, but also supplied it with satellite images of almost the entire territory of eastern Ukraine. And such assistance has been provided on a regular basis since 2014 until now.



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