The mermaids' Coffee Club - Katrine Høyer

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  • The mermaids' Coffee Club - Katrine Høyer

The mermaids' Coffee Club - Katrine Høyer My mission is to create global communities, a sacred space for women to connect, share, and nurture the divine feminine energy. For this, we need each other.

At The Mermaids' Coffee Club, we invite you to explore the depths of your feminine potential, discover the magic within your unique being, and unlock oceans of possibilities. At The Mermaids' Coffee Club, we invite you to explore the depths of your potential, discover the magic within your own being, and unlock oceans of possibilities. By striving for better Health, Wealth, and Happiness, we are a

ll able to contribute to a world of Peace and Love through our higher collective feminine spirit. Let's embark on this extraordinary magical journey together. Therefore, I invite you to follow the Mermaids, join us if you like! We look forward to meeting you. WELCOME

Don't Miss this - IF you are in doubt on how to launch your material as an online course? How Scale your business with g...

Don't Miss this - IF you are in doubt on how to launch your material as an online course? How Scale your business with group coaching? How to reach out to the right audience... ? or How just to get it all together?
SKIP your frustrations, and learn from one of my mentors, Sigrun! She has a gift ready for you, me, and 'the curios ones' too 😉
Special Gift: [12 Free Masterclasses to enjoy one by one] during the days of Dec.25th until Jan.5th (replay available)
Just take a look at this great Sketch Note from day 1 ☺️ ... and hear the story about "Spaghetti Marketing" great energy, right? You'll get an informative boost to step into your 2024 with a new perspective!
You can join us Right NOW! and you'll meet a bunch of beautiful people from most of Europe! [get Link in First comment below!]
Much Love


Ouhhh! This is a nice reminder ...
Gør du det du plejer at gøre, får du tilsvarende resultater!
Mangler du inspiration til hvad du kan gøre anderledes i 2024?
Tak et kig, mød en dygtig mentor - for det kan være svært at ændre vaner på egen hånd. [link i første kommentar]



Ouhhh! This is a nice reminder ...
Gør du det du plejer at gøre, får du tilsvarende resultater!
Mangler du inspiration til hvad du kan gøre anderledes i 2024?
Tak et kig, mød en dygtig mentor - for det kan være svært at ændre vaner på egen hånd. [link i første kommentar]

Wiii the calendar has just passed the longest night and slowly but surely the days will get longer again. But we haven't...

Wiii the calendar has just passed the longest night and slowly but surely the days will get longer again. But we haven't finished the year yet ... For these holidays I'm attending the 12 Days of Master Classes ... If you like to get my introduction please fell free (get link below in Comment) 🥰

Happy Holidays,

Much love

From me, to you Three great tips, that'll make a change🥰Let me share three of my three best tips with you…I will share m...

From me, to you Three great tips, that'll make a change
Let me share three of my three best tips with you…
I will share my three life-changing, at the moment 'my favourite three tips' that will not only transform your new year, but also have an immediate effect from the moment you begin to implement them. These tips are designed to help you with your health, wealth, and happiness. Trust me, they are simple yet incredibly effective. They will soon become powerful habits that will enhance your life in the long run.
Tip # One, the Healthy one
Your health is where we start. Have you ever considered the incredible benefits of cloves? These small spices, which are commonly associated with Christmas, are packed with goodness that can greatly enhance your health. You can start your day being very healthy by chewing one or two before anything else! give it a try and let me know what you experience!
During the upcoming year, I plan to dig deep into the science and facts that I recently learned, and I’ll share valuable insights and information from professional researchers that I follow. For exclusive updates, please subscribe the mailing of “Mermaids’ News” to ensure you don’t miss out, you won’t be disappointed!
A Wealthy Tip # Two
Now, let’s focus on Wealth. It’s important to analyse the mindset that governs our life! Sometimes, outdated beliefs and ingrained family habits hold us back from achieving true financial success even in today’s world packed with teachings. The truth is we are directed from a subconscious level and you’re not alone! It takes a load of inspiration to create that shift of mindset.
IF interested – I’ve got you covered! This holiday season, I’m excited to introduce you to Sigrun, who have 12 fantastic Masterclasses that will expose you to a vast array of knowledge, starting on December 25th. And guess what? The entire experience is completely free! It’s her ‘Special Gift’ – for you, me and any other Sister out there (brothers are welcome too ;-) ), open for inspiration, to learn and to make a change! This link is the most simple way to sign up!
and will be in the first comment below “🎁 ❤️ A Special Gift 🎁 ❤️”
The Tip # Three is for you Happiness
Lastly, let’s talk about your happiness. I would like to share with you the extraordinary power of conscious breathing. Not only is it essential for our survival, but when practiced with intention and awareness, it can bring you genuine happiness and a natural high. Not only will you be in a better mood, but also your energy will rise and your sleep will improve! Countless studies and discussions explore this fascinating subject from various angles.
🔶 Are you curious for more? Let’s meetup at “The Mermaids’ Coffee Club” Looking forward to meeting you!
Much love
🧡 Katrine
Your Mermaid sister, host, trainer, and mentor.
me, to you Three great tips, that'll make a change

From me, to you Three tips that'll make a change🥰

From me, to you Three tips that'll make a change

Happy December 2023! Can you believe how quickly this month has arrived? Let's begin on a positive note by setting our e...

Happy December 2023! Can you believe how quickly this month has arrived?

Let's begin on a positive note by setting our expectations for a prosperous holiday season, hoping for some beautiful Christmas gifts. And guess what? An exclusive surprise is already waiting for you! Do you recall the game-changing experience I mentioned last week that completely changed my perspective on several of my future projects? Are you curious? Just click on the link in the first comment below to unlock
“🎁 ❤️ A Special Gift 🎁 ❤️”

But before diving into the gift, let me share a little more about how my 2023 started on December 25th 2022, as I received a Special Gift last year from Sigrun, her 12 days of Free masterclasses!

It was Christmas and I had no other plans for the holidays, and since the weather was for indoor activities I accepted the gift, and signed up to the email list. Why not?

In 2023, I can say that these strategies have had a positive impact on my journey throughout the entire year. Through the ups and downs of online business, I have come to understand that maintaining an ongoing focus on education is crucial to success.

That's why I'm overjoyed to present you to my online business mentor, Sigrun. She is again offering this successful series of expert-led classes called "The 12 Days of Free Masterclasses" designed to supercharge any online business for the upcoming year as we approach 2024 in just a few weeks!

I will also participate, as tools and strategies have already advanced, and I must keep learning!
Much love,
P.S. Not only do these masterclasses offer practical and actionable advice, but they also provide mind-blowing insights! This incredible chance to learn from the best is not to be missed.

P.P.S. The project I finally got the courage to launch is The Mermaids Coffee Club.


Looking at life as a playground of infinite possibilities can easily become overwhelming to think of and can end being our biggest obstacle to not achieve anything at all.

The end of a year is always a good time to take the time to assess where you are and where you're going, and make a status on your life in general. Do you know what you want? Are you heading in the right direction? Or are you like many of us overwhelmed by how everything is undergoing big changes these years?

Join The Mermaids' Coffee Club where you'll meet like-minded women who dare sharing thoughts, concerns and ask the questions. This is a new community taking its very first steps - and we are reaching out to women all over the world. As We need to talk!

Look out for The Mermaids - so much more to come!
Until next post - stay safe
❤️// Katrine H

Be a happy Empty-Nest ParentMove through grief, relief, into joy in 4 weeks Register on this link:

Be a happy Empty-Nest Parent
Move through grief, relief, into joy in 4 weeks
Register on this link:
Has your adult child left home for good? Or is about to?
Now it's your time to plan for the next part of your life, and to give yourself some important focus!
Each week you will get through insights, inspiration, and exercises on how to "set sail" and navigate towards your new goals.
Online Course begin Monday 20th February here on FB
PS. To Share is to Care, more parents need these insights!
See you inside
❤ Katrine
Register on this link BEFORE Sunday 19th 10PM / 22:00 CET

Hej, jeg hedder Katrine, Tilgiv mig, må jeg forstyrre dig et øjeblik?Jeg glæder mig meget til nu at kunne slå dørene op ...

Hej, jeg hedder Katrine,
Tilgiv mig, må jeg forstyrre dig et øjeblik?
Jeg glæder mig meget til nu at kunne slå dørene op til "The Mermaids’ Coffee Club” (Havfruernes Kaffeklub), og du er inviteret. Kig med her!
Du vil sandsynligvis spørge "Drikker I kaffe?"
Svaret på det er et stort JA, det gør vi, og vi drikker te og popper champagnen eller en Tonic, når der er anledning til at fejre en begivenhed, uanset størrelse.
Søg efter hjemmeside / FB-gruppe "The Mermaids’ Coffee Club”.
"Hvorfor havfruer"? spørger du måske?
Svaret er, at havfruer nyder naturen ved stranden eller kysten eller havnen. Havfruer elsker solen og har ikke noget imod at blive våde og have det sjovt uanset vind og vejr. Uanset om du kan lide at svømme eller bare dyppe tæerne, er det helt fint. Du er dig, lige som alle andre er dem selv. Det vigtigste er at du skal nyde din tid og gøre det, der er vigtigt for dig og have det sjovt sammen med andre.
"Hvad laver man i ”The Mermaids’ Coffee Club”? Er også et ofte stillet spørgsmål!
Vi har slået os sammen og værdsætter hinandens selskab og forskelligheder. Vi har en online samling månedligt, med et tema/emne, der giver viden, perspektiver og ideer. Andre havfruer mødes hver morgen til Zumba og til kaffe bagefter. Det er op til dig, hvordan du kan deltage og skabe tilstedeværelse i en gruppe lokalt og endda hjælpe med at opbygge flere grupper af "The Mermaids’ Coffee Club". Planen er, at vi er et globalt fællesskab af sunde, velhavende og glade havfruer.
Er du nysgerrig?
De kategorier og emner, vi fokuserer på, vil være sundhed, velstand og glæde. Da det er områder, som vi alle er i kontakt med på den ene eller anden måde. Som medlem inviteres du også til at bringe emner op, der kan være relevante for flere Havfruer.
For eksempel opstår der hele tiden ny viden om, hvordan vi kan understøtte vores sundhed. Der er historier at dele om, hvordan nogle har overvundet sundhedsrelaterede udfordringer, hvilket kan være meget inspirerende for andre. Du kan bl.a. læse min historie om, hvordan jeg balancerede mit helbred efter en kritisk diagnose, som er et blogindlæg på vores hjemmeside. Søg efter "The Mermaids’ Coffee Club" her vil du lære endnu mere om os.
Vi kan altid tale om penge! Dette er et interessant emne for mange! Især kvinder, der måske ikke har overvundet at være fuldt ansvarlige for at tjene flere penge og jonglere med den "overflod", vi alle har lov til at skabe. At få månedlige store overraskelser, når vi betaler vores regninger eller ikke har en pensionsløsning på plads, kan være emner, der holder de fleste af os vågne om natten. Hvorfor ikke dele dine bekymringer og lade os dele løsninger der er at arbejde videre med. Så bliver vi alle inspirerede og skaber smilende ansigter rundt omkring os, hvilket der er brug for mere end nogensinde.
At være glad og gå i glæde – er også et emne at vokse med løbende. Det er derfor vi er her på denne planet, så at sige. At have oplevelser at lære fra og grine ad og nyde. Vi skal vitterlig ikke være syge, fattige og ulykkelige... Tværtimod! Det er hele ideen med "Havfruernes Kaffeklub" at skabe rummet og holde balancen sammen i disse skøre tider.
Hvis du hører og følger dit kald, så vil jeg glæder mig til at byde dig velkommen indenfor i "The Mermaids’ Coffee Club"
Ps. Du er velkommen til at dele dette indlæg til andre smukke mennesker, over hele kloden - jo flere vi er, jo bedre! Hold dig ikke tilbage, men kontakt mig gerne hvis dette tiltaler dig. Du kan bruge både FB-gruppen og webstedet til at komme i kontakt.


Katrine Hoyer
Grundlægger af

“The Mermaids’ Coffee Club”
Inspiration til sundhed, velstand og glæde
Søg efter hjemmeside / FB-gruppe "The Mermaids’ Coffee Club”.

Hi, my name is Katrine, Please forgive me, may I disturb you for a few moments?I'm super excited about opening the doors...

Hi, my name is Katrine,
Please forgive me, may I disturb you for a few moments?
I'm super excited about opening the doors to "The Mermaids Coffee Club" and you're invited. Please come and have a look!
You will probably ask “Do you drink coffee?”
The answer to that is a big YES, we do, and we drink tea and pop the champagne or a Tonic when there is an occasion to celebrate an event, regardless of size.
Look up for Website / FB group "The Mermaids Coffee Club”.
“Why mermaids?”, you might ask?
The answer is that mermaids enjoy nature by the beach or the coast or harbor. Mermaids love the sun and don't mind getting wet and having fun regardless of wind and weather. Whether you like to swim or just dip your toes, it's perfectly fine. You are you, and just like everyone else is themselves. The most important thing is that you should enjoy your time and do what is important to you and have fun with others.
"What are you doing in 'The Mermaids Coffee Club?' Is also a frequently asked question!
We have joined forces and value each other's company and differences. We have an online gathering monthly, with a theme / topic that provides knowledge, perspectives and ideas. Other mermaids meet every morning for Zumba and for coffee afterwards. It is up to you how you can join and create presence in a group locally, and even help building more groups of "The Mermaids Coffee Club”. The plan is that we are a global community of Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy Mermaids.
Are you curious?
The categories to discuss will be within Health, Wealth, and Happiness. As these are areas that we all are in touch with somehow. As a member, you are invited to bring up topics that may be relevant to more Mermaids.
As an example, there is constantly arising new knowledge on how we can support our health. There are stories to share on how some have overcome health related challenges, which can be very inspirational to others. You can read my story on how I balanced my health after a critical diagnosis, which is a blog post on our Web site, just search for "The Mermaids Coffee Club" here you will learn even more about us.
Also, We can always talk about money! This is an interesting topic for many, especially women who may not have overcome being fully responsible for making more money and juggling the "abundance" we are all allowed to create. Getting monthly big surprises when we pay our bills or don't have a retirement solution in place, can be topic that keep most of us awake at night. Why not share your concerns and let us share solutions to move forward with – so we all get inspired and can create smiling faces all around us, which is needed more than ever.
Being happy and walking in joy – is also a topic to grow with continuously. That's why we're here on this planet, so to speak. Having experiences to learn from and laugh at – and enjoy. We really shouldn't be sick, poor and unhappy... On the contrary! And that's the whole idea around "The Mermaids Coffee Club" to create the space and keep the balance together in these crazy times.
If you hear and follow your call, I look forward to welcoming you inside "The Mermaids' Coffee Club"
Ps. Feel free to share this post to other beautiful people, across the globe – the more we are, the merrier! Don't hesitate, but feel free to contact me if this appeals to you. You can use both the FB group and the website to get in touch.

Much love
Katrine Hoyer
Founder of
The Mermaids Coffee Club
Inspiration on Health, Wealth, and Happiness
Look up for Website / FB group "The Mermaids Coffee Club”.



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