By no means am I one of those people that always walks around screaming “the end is nigh” but if you’re a Bible believing follower of Jesus Christ it would be hard to deny that we are experiencing end time events.
Should we live in fear because of that? Absolutely not, we should definitely do some self-reflecting to make sure we’re prepared for such an event, we should make sure that we have done our part in sharing the love of Christ with friends and family and even strangers to make sure their souls are ready but we shouldn’t live in fear. As a Christian we should always be prepared for the end because our “end” may not be the return of the King of Kings.
I enjoy talking with elders about their life, what they’ve seen, what they’ve experienced, how many “it’s the end” phases that they’ve lived through, I won’t share the most popular answer I receive from them when I ask what they think about the current age, I’ll let you reach out to trusted mature believers yourself. They always have interesting insights, especially the ones who lived through some major wars and political crisis, but then again they always make a very valid statement.
We as Americans always judge the “end” by what we experience in America, what our news and media choose to show us happening here or in countries were closely related to, to put something into perspective, people always jump to a a quick conclusion that the end is near when a political decision is made they don’t agree with or a certain geographical location doesn’t receive rain for an extended period of time. We don’t ever think about what the believers living in a third world country that see genocide or famine, there are many unimaginable things that Americans don’t experience.
Do you think those people believe the end is near? Regardless of what anyone says, nobody knows the hour, we definitely have to always be prepared, I personally believe we are feeling the labor pains but there are also contractions, they ease and intensify periodically, the closer they get together the closer to go time it is.