Tag or share ❤️ with a fellow procrastinator.
#advice101 #pressplay #procastinationatitsbest
A wise man @marvinuche said “we fit program this life” and honestly we can. There is a lot this life will throw at you. If you like challenges, it will excite you because it is only pushing you to want to conquer and be better.
I am just here to give you a pat on the back . It will be alright and you are doing an amazing job with this life thing. It ain’t easy but you will come out better and stronger…
P.s in the middle I was trying to quote Rihanna’s song .🤣🤣🤣. This video was spontaneous
Have a lovely week. Where is your head at?
#motivationalvideo🎥 #pressplay▶️🎥 #blackandwhitevideos #advice101 #wefitprogramthislife #staypositivemyfriends #naijacreative #femalecontentcreator #naijafemaleentrepreneur #batribe #seeehn #alittlepieceofmotivation #socialmediaadvicer #internetadvice #goffyadvicer
I will always be an advocate for rest. Maybe why I am particular about it is because I have watched people completely shut down due to stress. See ehn I know it gets tough and you’ve got to grind but don’t forget once in a while to put your above the water and breathe . You can always take a break . Take pauses and continue.
You deserve to at least reap the reward of your labour.
Work while you can and rest when you should.
Hope I am making sense?
#amessagetoyou #adviceforyou #advice101 #batribe #femalepreneur #pressplay▶️🎥
In all honesty , this is me right now . I did not achieve anything in January. I think so but incase you helped me to see my achievements, abeg let me know .
This is current mood and I
actually don’t feel bad about it and feel you shouldn’t too. It happens and we will surely get back up.
I learnt something today and I’ll like to share. I was reading a book by @thebriantracy titled “The power of Self -discipline “ . In a part of the book, he was talking about goals and I quote
“There are no unrealistic goals; there are only unrealistic deadlines.” Deadlines are guesstimate. Sometimes you will achieve your goals before the deadline, sometimes at the deadline, and sometimes after the deadline.
If this is your current mood, leave your favorite emoji in the comment section.
#underachiever #advice101 #humanfeelings #relatablememes
I recently was thinking about how much we could achieve or acquire by just saying a word . Let say “ if I say I want a Tesla “ for example I could have one . Something like that . Giving the word power.
It’s no longer news that there is power in the tongue or in words but sometimes I wish we could believe just as much as we let them out of our mouth.
I really would have loved to talk to you guys more but here is just a little advice . When you say something to yourself, believe it and don’t just casually say it. It could mean so much .
How did the weekend go?
#digitalcontentcreator #femalecontentcreator #advice101 #goffycontentcreator #powerinwords #pressplay▶️🎥
When I saw this video I knew I just had to use it. Honestly I thank God for my life …
Tell me , what are you grateful for today?
#ithankgodforeverything #whatareyougratefulfortoday #digitalcontentcreator #digitalcontentcreative #unsolicitedadvicer #advicecoach #advice101 #pressplay▶️🎥 #discoverunder500followers #batribe #instaboosteracademy #jooget #relatablecontentonly #femalecontentcreator #gratitudepost❤️ #BANcommunity #advicefortheday #naijafemaleentrepreneur #abujacontentcreator #josfemalecontentcreator
So I brought the old post back . Looking it now , it reminds me of when I started content creation. I did not jack about it and I was just going with the flow. I cringe 😬 too as I watch because I noticed some of the errors and God I wish I knew then .
Hey I know better now and still improving each day as I stay consistent.
So advice for the day: Still push out your ideas 💡. Your version is just what we are waiting for.
Enjoy this oldie !!
#pushyourideas #oldvideo🎥 #pressplay▶️🎥 #advice101 #batribe #jooget #videocreator🎥
There are a lot of places I have sentimental attachment too and one of those places is being on air at a radio station. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Abigail in the morning, an O.A.P (on air personality) in the afternoon and content creator by night.
Finding a place that makes you happy can be difficult because you first have to connect and later see if your connection with that place is consistent. Well I have found my consistent connect with radio and that is definitely one of my happy place.
My advice for you today is: Find your happy place.
Where is your happy place?
#findyourhappyplace #happinessiskey🔑 #radiogirlsrock #pressplay▶️🎥 #abujacontentcreator #joscontentcreator #lagoscontentcreators #advice101
Happy new month my advice 101 tribe . First I want to say thank you for sticking with me till now . I love you ❤️.
So i know some of you who made new year resolutions feel bad that you had made mistakes already. Don’t feel bad . We have a lot of months to go . You can correct your wrong.
This is message goes out to you my friend who is never punctual. I need there are a lot of circumstances that may warrant your late going but try to be early. Cultivate the habit this month.
What bad habit will you love to change?
#happynewmonth2022 #febuary2022 #newhabits #punctualitymatters #personaldevelopmenttips #girlinajacket #advice101 #contentforyou #batribe
You are very much capable of love .
#valentine2022❤️ #valentineiscomingwheresyourboyfriend #youarecapableoflove #loveseason🌹🌹🌹 #advice101 #batribe #tribecalledena #BANcommunity #contentforsingles #singlesforum #jos #lagos #abuja #contentcreator #femalecontentcreator
This is a continuation to the post I made yesterday but just maybe in a more calm manner . Yesterday mans was pissed and just wanted get it off my chest.
I hope you find this thought provoking and if I may ask, why do you want to be successful? 🥰👇🏾👇🏾 let’s me know down in the comment section.
#advice101 #personaldevelopmentgoals #personaldevelopmentcoach #growthtips #growthgoals #personalgrowthgoals #naijacreative #jooget #seeehn #everythingnaart #advice101tribe #instaboosteracademy #batribe
I’m tired of keeping this video on my phone. Let’s just say it made more sense to me today than it did the day I recorded.
Everyone want things to happen swiftly. Like the way I sometimes want an egg to boil . We don’t know that having to wait for the egg to boil, teaches us patience. When quickly turn off the stove and bring out the egg just after 3minutes, it’s a total mess. The outside might be cooked properly but the yoke may not be.
P.s I don’t know where I’m heading too with this illustration.
What’s you take on growth ?
#advice101 #storytelling #storytellingcreative #videocontentcreators #pressplay▶️🎥 #femalecontentcreator #goffyadvicer #batribe #personaldevelopmenttips #growthstrategy #enatribe #femaleadviser
I don’t have a proper caption for this and also , I’m actually tired of keeping this video on my phone and waiting for the right moment to post.
So here you go! I don’t know where this persona is coming from .
Manage it.
#femalecontentcreator #instaboosteracademy #everythingnaart #goffyadvicer #advicemonday #advice101 #jooget
Do you consider yourself a people pleaser?
Do you find yourself saying “yes” to people only to regret it moments later?
Do you tend to put others’ needs before your own?
If you answered in the affirmative to any of the above questions, it may serve you to become better at saying “no.”
It’s important to be able to say no so you feel empowered while still maintaining your relationships with others. Saying no helps you establish healthy boundaries and enables others to have clarity about what they can expect from you.
What are you going to say No to this week? 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
#freeadvice #instagrambestfriend #advice101 #femaleprenuers #femaleprenuership #femalecontentcreator #storytellingcreative #petsonaldevelopment #personaldevelopmenttips #valuesandprinciples #naijacreative #wearecreatives #enatribe #everythingnaart #batribe #seeehn #adviceandtips #joscontentcreator #abujacontentcreator #nigeriacreative #goffycontentcreator #instaboosteracademy
I promise you ehn, you are the best motivation or ginger you can give yourself. You know exactly where it hurts and what gives you sleepless night. The best some of us and even your friends can do is to give surface solutions . You have to take our surface solutions inside for it to have deep reactions unless you will become prayer point.
Does online courses/Instagram post you took/saved to make you more money or make you become a better person have played their part . It’s time for you to play yours.
Put them to work! Practice them!
Do not be the horse in those words African mothers say “ you can take the horse to the river but you can’t force it to drink” .
I hope I make sense
P.s what are your plans for the weekend?
#wisewordsoftheday✌️ #personaldevlopment #valuesandprinciples #personalgrowthanddevelopment #growthtip #principlesandvalues #pressplay🎥 #presssplay #femalepreneur #friendlyadvicer #advice101 #femaleadviser #adviceforall #femalecontentcreator #joscontentcreator #abujacontentcreator #ibadancontentcreator #instaboosteracademy #BAtribe #seeehn #bantribe
I really don’t like leaving you uninspired or unmotivated. So here is something for you!
Do you have a tunnel or toilet ?
To be really sincere, I don’t know what I was talking about but I know someone will get one or two sense out of it.
Just know this; positivity doesn’t take the problems away, it just helps you handle them better.
I’m sure this makes sense.
P.s I don’t know why I was shining my eyes oo.
Have a lovely weekend jare .
#freeadvice #freeadvicefriday #instagrambestfriend #advice101 #femaleprenuers #femaleprenuership #femalecontentcreator #storytellingcreative #petsonaldevelopment #personaldevelopmenttips #valuesandprinciples #naijacreative #wearecreatives #enatribe #everythingnaart #batribe #seeehn #adviceandtips #joscontentcreator #abujacontentcreator #nigeriacreative #goffycontentcreator #instaboosteracademy
I have kept this video for way too long in my gallery just because I felt it was incomplete. Well it’s out of my gallery.
Less talk;more action.
What’s one thing you picked from the video?
#Batribe #lesstalkmoreaction #putintheworkgettheresults #femaleprenuers #femalecontentcreator #joscontentcreator #abujacontentcreator #wearecreatives #naijacontent #naijacontentcreator #workhardquotes #pressplay🎥 #seeehn #BANcommunity
Why are you not following me?
Why haven’t you told your friends to follow me ?
#freeadvice # Instagrambestfriend #getadvice #advice101 #femalepreneurship #femalecontentcreator #storytellingcreative #petsonaldevelopment #personalsevelopmenttips #valuesandprinciples #naijacreatives #wearecreatives #enatribe #batribe #seeehn #adviceandtips #joscontentcreator #abujacontentcreator #nigeriacreative #goffycontentcreator #instaboosteracademy
Sometimes you just gat to take the bull by the horn and join the violence fc ring leader.
It’s natural with human to want take advantage of someone who is timid and really can’t speak up sometimes. Just because they want to be in the spot light.
Well today is your day of liberation if you have always been picked on . At school, worship center, at work etc.
Watch and find out your first step...