Apuk Gumkek First

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Apuk Gumkek First Apuk Gumkek First is a media platform for the affairs of Apuk Giir Thiik Community in Warrap State.


Point. Thank you H.W Thiik Thiik Mayardit

Christopher Manut, I advise you to first go back to school to learn English before feeding the public with this nonsense...

Christopher Manut, I advise you to first go back to school to learn English before feeding the public with this nonsense distorted with grammatical errors and propaganda. You need to learn how to write a Press Statement before you call the people of mighty Apuk Community “Villagers”.

Apuk Gumkek First


It’s Apuk Giir Thiik that doesn’t want f!ghting, with Marial Wau Community because of peace in our heart. If we accept now, we will invade this small Marial Wau in one day. Marial Wau is a small Community equivalent to Buoyar Section of Apuk Giir.

Press Statement from Buoyar Youth Association responding to Marial Wau Youth Association’s accusation.Read the document ...

Press Statement from Buoyar Youth Association responding to Marial Wau Youth Association’s accusation.

Read the document below for more information.

The known border between Apuk Giir Thiik and Marial Wau is Nyin-Akok. Apuk Community will do what it takes to get its bo...

The known border between Apuk Giir Thiik and Marial Wau is Nyin-Akok. Apuk Community will do what it takes to get its border back.

The people of Marial Wau were just accommodated by the late Sultan Giir Thiik and if the friendship has elapsed now, we are claiming it back and we don’t want the people of Marial Wau in our territory anymore.

To; Marial Wau Community; let me respond to your useless document you manipulated with a broken English, I would like to...

To; Marial Wau Community; let me respond to your useless document you manipulated with a broken English, I would like to inform you that history cannot be cheated nor can be it be rewritten.

Our brothers in Marial-Baai are trying to Manipulate the history and redefine the borderline. Historically, Marial Baai territories are found on the other side of the present day Jur River, their territories include (but not limited) to Maluil, Alel-Chok, Marial-Baai and Thurkueng. They crossed to eastern side of the river in recent past after Arab regime and its militias from Darfur (Maraliin, which later became Janjaweed) intensified their attack on Dinka ethnic groups whom they (Arabs) viewed as sympathisers of SPLA-led rebellion.

We welcomed them in Nyinakok, Kur-chok, Achongchong as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and allowed them to establish temporary shelters. And when the war of liberation dragged on a bit longer, they found it difficult to return to their places of origin, and decided to erect permanent shelters and established their traditional courts. This is how they found themselves in Apuk territories that they are trying to claim as their own today.

Palual & Payääm clans of Buoyar community are the historical owners of Nyinakok, Ngot-Bul, Kur-chok, Achongchong and other places on the eastern side of the present day Jur River. It's important to recall that Kur-Palual (Kur-Man-Amol) is where our rituals are conducted as it's where our gods stay.

Luo community(ies) are the historical neighbours of Apuk community, there's no where in history that we share a common border with Dinka Marial Baai, they are just IDPs with no any land title. They must return to the western side of the river.

Lastly, we are not villagers, the first graduate in the Republic South Sudan is Dr. Lawrence Wol from Adoor Malekdit section of Apuk Community. We are known as an educated and civilized community in Bahr El Ghazal with 5 Professors, 13 PhD holders and thousands of masters’ bachelors and Diploma holders. There is no civilization that you can tell us.

Stay tuned…

Apuk Gumkek First


Agak Achuil Lual has failed, the dollar rate is now 48,000 SSP per 100 $.

REPOST: Part II: Open Letter to H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit: A Call For The Relieve of Agak Achuil Lual, National ...

REPOST: Part II: Open Letter to H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit: A Call For The Relieve of Agak Achuil Lual, National Minister of Finance & Planning

His Excellency,
I am glad that my first open letter has reached your respective office. I am happy to have heard that you have read and understood my concerns in my 1st open letter. I am hereby writing part II to you again explaining the corruption undergoing in the Ministry that led to you being disobeyed by Agak.

His Excellency,
When you appointed Agak in November, you told him to make sure that the salaries of the civil servants and the organised forces are paid on time and also to work hard in stabilising the economy of the nation. Your great concern was appreciated by all the citizens because it shows that you care about the lives of the people of South Sudan.

However, Agak just went and paid the three months which were approved by the former leadership. Up to now, Agak have done nothing regarding what you told him and he accepted it, all the civil servants and organised forces are still unpaid for 6 months, they are suffering. With this, I can term it that the Minister is disobeying you because he has turned down what you told him and went on doing corruption and other wrong projects you did not tell him about.

His Excellency,
The Failure & corruption of the National Minister of Finance & Planning, Agak Achuil Lual has led to the Economic Hardship in the country, the economy has never changed since his appointment in November. Civil Servants and organised forces are suffering all over the country. He just lied to the Nation that he will pay the salaries for 2 months which he did not do.

His Excellency,
The National Minister has failed already, he can not do anything than distributing money to his relatives and sick people. The ones who are enjoying themselves now are his relatives, bodyguards and sick people, all of these people have cars, houses and businesses which they were not doing before.

His Excellency,
With all this, I am humbly calling you to relieve Agak Achuil Lual and appoint any other person that will save the life of the people of South Sudan. Agak Achuil can not do anything at all, he has already failed and he deserved to be sacked. Please, my President, there are a lot of potential people who are competent to replace Agak, kindly appoint one of them for you know who is the best to replace Agak.

Part III is to be articulated...

Breaking News: NilePet MD Dr Chol Deng has ordered for the dismissal of SPLM Cadre Cde Wuor Nyang Majak from Nile Drilli...

Breaking News: NilePet MD Dr Chol Deng has ordered for the dismissal of SPLM Cadre Cde Wuor Nyang Majak from Nile Drilling Services

The Managing Director of Nile Petroleum Corporation Dr Chol Deng Thon, who recently joined SPLM IO of Riek Machar Teny has ordered the Human Resource Manager of Nile Drilling Services to terminate the contract of a long serving ruling party cadre Cde Wuor Nyang Majak from his position. A credible source from Nile Drilling Services has disclosed to our agent that the termination of Cde Wuor Nyang's contract was recommended to Dr Chol Deng by SPLM IO Secretariat because of Cde Wuor loyalty to the ruling party.

Stayed tuned for more updates
: Ten States Press


Open letter to President Salva Kiir Mayardit

By Ustaz, Gatkhor Puol Tangtony

Cc: Dr Riek Machar, 1st Vice president
Cc: Dr James Wani Igga, Vice president
Cc: Gen. Hussein Abdelbagi, Vice president
Cc: Gen. Taban Deng, Vice president
Cc: Hon Rebecca Nyadeng, Vice president

Dear president, it is with the great respect and honor to openly write to you on the issue that angered me and my likeminded citizen who might have come across the ongoing plan of reopening of Jonglei canal in favor of Egyptian people. As a concern citizen, I have seen multiple projects designed and presented to the government of South Sudan by diplomatic partners, investors and the international brokers, your government officials grasp and sign the unhesitant memorandum of understanding swithout feasibility study of the projects. The Egyptian people have become the antidevelopment of South Sudan. They have obstructed the our natural Fula dam known as “ FULA RAPID HYDROPOWER PROJECT” which requires only the engine and the turbines to generate electricity which would generate the capacity of 40MW initiated by the Norwegian people under the client ‘NORFUND” from 2011-2014. Due to encroachment of Egypt into our country development plan, this project has been forgotten. Coming back to the issue of Jonglei Canal to be reopen as a pretext of water built up in the entire Upper Nile for the last two years particularly Jonglei and Unity is a complete shortcoming of ideas you’re your infrastructural committee. It was on 27th Evening at Bari Community Association centre in Juba Market where the commemoration of singer Bangich Reat foundation was conducted. The vice president Gen. Taban Deng G*i openly declared to the audience that the reason why Bor, Fangak and Bentiu are flooded today was because Uganda have released immeasurable magnitude of water to the Nile, as a result he has suggested the opening of the Jonglei canal for an easy flow of water to the Northern corridor which is none other than Egypt. In this scenario, I had a very different opinion on this proposal and I have the proposal if consider it can help South Sudan in one way or another.
My proposal; instead of opening water to the northern corridor, we have to make an artificial lake that can be dug from Jonglei Canal eastward to saharah Tingling of Jonglei between Bor and Akoba. It can proceed to Pibor administrative, extend to the edges (60 or 80km) of border of Ethiopia and Kenya through Eastern Equatoria and back to the Nile through Magwei down to Bilnyang mountains.

What are the benefits we can get from this?

1. Agriculture: the vast land of Jonglei can create agricultural expansion to investors through irrigation scheme.
2. Animals: The animals which migrated due to thirst would return to the territory
3. It can attract the tourists and investors.
4. It can mitigate the possible flood in the future.

What are the disadvantages of opening Jonglei Canal?

1. Possible long term drought in the years to come.
2. Water from Nile tributaries will drop and will cause the users to migrate for a green pasture. This is a clear depopulation cause.
3. The fish farming business would be no more, the natural fingerling, rearing and fattening would be affected by speedy flow of water of the Nile since the Canal would be a shortcut for water to run faster northwards.

In summary, the idea of Jonglei Canal is going to endanger our country economy once we start executing the agricultural project. The government of South Sudan should prioritize the FULA DAM HYDROPOWER PLAN and dig the artificial Lake which we can give a name like the RING OF AFRICA, THE U-TURN LAKE or any of our Hero’s name for remembrance.

The dollar has gone up to SSP47,000 per $100: Where are the 2 months' salaries that Agak Achuil lied to pay 1 month ago?...

The dollar has gone up to SSP47,000 per $100: Where are the 2 months' salaries that Agak Achuil lied to pay 1 month ago?

Civil servants and organised forces are dying in his hands.

Part III: Open Letter to the President of the Republic for the relieve of Agak Achuil Lual is loading, it will be published as soon as President Kiir get back to the Country.

Article by Gatkuoth Peter Duoth will be published on Al Junubi Press


By Manyang Bany

I have received many calls from people who are asking me of why I did not come out publicly to congratulate Cde. Khamis Othow Omot on his recent election as a president of South Sudan National Students Union. Some of these people are asking me to know my opinion about this given the fact that I and Cde. Khamis were one-time a close friends.
Some of this forks went as far as accusing me of working against what they termed as interest of Jonglei state and that of Upper Nile region.

Before I answer their question here I want to put it clearly that I'm not against the success of any Comrade. I personally stood with Cde. Khamis Othow throughout his political journey with the exception of his current position.

In 2017 I as a secretary of training and planning in the upper Nile University SPLM Students league with Cde.
Khamis Ayul Ngor who was by then the Chairperson of SPLM Students league in Upper Nile University brought Cde. Khamis Othow to the Upper Nile University Students Union through the party list after he was blocked from securing the College ticket. After securing ticket to the union council, we as Students league leadership direct Cde. Emmanuel Ladu kose who was president of the Union and Cde. Sarah Nyanjang Kuol who was a speaker to convince the the councilors to elect Cde. Khamis Othow as rapporteur of the Council. In 2018 before his term of office could finish I and Cde. Khamis Ayul mobilized the Students of Greater Upper Nile in the Upper Nile University to elect him as chairperson of greater Upper Students association in Upper Nile University against Mr. Ajang Manar. In 2019, I as Chairperson of steering committee for greater Upper Nile Youth Union also with Cde. Khamis Ayul who was my deputy as the time brought him as Secretary of Finance for greater Upper Nile youth Union. This is a brief explanation of how I was relating to Cde. Khamis Othow Omot politically. I don't want to go further from here.

To answer the questions of the people who want to know why I was mute on his recent election:
first I want to disagree with the people who are trying to link Cde. Khamis Othow with SSOA in person of Hon. Changson Lew chang, the Minister of higher education Science and Technology.
Cde. Khamis Othow is a Cadre of the SPLM until today.
Why I failed to support him? I did not support him simply because his election was un procedural given the fact that those who were suppose to compete with him were blocked purposely by the people who want to use Cde. Khamis Othow as their puppet. In a situation like this it's obvious that one must have a choice and my silence in this case mean disagreement with process used to installed Cde. Khamis Othow Omot as a president of South Sudan National Students Union. Surely I have another prepared choice.

This is my personal view to the process.
It's doesn't represent the position of the institution I'm working for in anyway.

Cde. Manyang G Bany.

Part II: Open Letter to H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit: A Call For The Relieve of Agak Achuil Lual, National Minister...

Part II: Open Letter to H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit: A Call For The Relieve of Agak Achuil Lual, National Minister of Finance & Planning

His Excellency,
I am glad that my first open letter has reached your respective office. I am happy to have heard that you have read and understood my concerns in my 1st open letter. I am hereby writing part II to you again explaining the corruption undergoing in the Ministry that led to you being disobeyed by Agak.

His Excellency,
When you appointed Agak in November, you told him to make sure that the salaries of the civil servants and the organised forces are paid on time and also to work hard in stabilising the economy of the nation. Your great concern was appreciated by all the citizens because it shows that you care about the lives of the people of South Sudan.

However, Agak just went and paid the three months which were approved by the former leadership. Up to now, Agak have done nothing regarding what you told him and he accepted it, all the civil servants and organised forces are still unpaid for 6 months, they are suffering. With this, I can term it that the Minister is disobeying you because he has turned down what you told him and went on doing corruption and other wrong projects you did not tell him about.

His Excellency,
The Failure & corruption of the National Minister of Finance & Planning, Agak Achuil Lual has led to the Economic Hardship in the country, the economy has never changed since his appointment in November. Civil Servants and organised forces are suffering all over the country. He just lied to the Nation that he will pay the salaries for 2 months which he did not do.

His Excellency,
The National Minister has failed already, he can not do anything than distributing money to his relatives and sick people. The ones who are enjoying themselves now are his relatives, bodyguards and sick people, all of these people have cars, houses and businesses which they were not doing before.

His Excellency,
With all this, I am humbly calling you to relieve Agak Achuil Lual and appoint any other person that will save the life of the people of South Sudan. Agak Achuil can not do anything at all, he has already failed and he deserved to be sacked. Please, my President, there are a lot of potential people who are competent to replace Agak, kindly appoint one of them for you know who is the best to replace Agak.

Part III is to be articulated...

Open Letter to the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit Ref: A call for the relieve of Hon....

Open Letter to the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit

Ref: A call for the relieve of Hon. Agak Achuil Lual, Minister of Finance and Planning

Your Excellency, with due respect and honour, I am writing this letter to your respective office based on the subject mentioned above.

Your Excellency
The people of South Sudan, civil servants and all the organised forces have suffered a lot, they have not received their salaries for 6 months even though the Ministry of Finance has received huge loans from IMF and the World Bank. The minister is used to lying about the release of 2 months' salaries which he did not do.

Recently, he has deceived the chief of IMF to South Sudan on the usage of the recent $225 million loans provided by IMF to strengthen the economy of South Sudan. The Minister lied that he has used the money as being wanted. He said that prices in markets have reduced which is a big and a pure white lie, prices are still high as before, and it's even going up more. The dollar rate has again raised from 40,000 SSP to 43,000 SSP which is also a sign of failure from the Minister of Finance.

Your Excellency
The world Bank on March 4, 2022, provided $34 Million to support Financial Management Reforms in South Sudan. The project aims to advance public financial management reforms, strengthen key oversight institutions, and improve budget transparency and outcomes in the country.

Your Excellency
It's not clear now, how this money will be utilised by the Ministry of Finance under the leadership of Agak. The Ministry did not announce the money being received as well. It needs a better person than Agak to use that $34 million to strengthen the economy of South Sudan.

Your Excellency
Our country is rich, we have oil and the International market for oil which is our most export has raised due to the sanction that the America and the Western countries made on Russia. We are getting a lot of money in the oil and that money goes to the Bank. We also have non-oil revenue which is being collected on a daily and monthly basis. The money for non-oil revenue can pay the salaries of the civil servants and the organised forces without touching the money being raised in exported oil.

Your Excellency
The lives of the people of South Sudan matter, the ministry of finance under the leadership of Agak Achuil Lual is just idling not being careful of the civil servants and the armed forces.

Your Excellency
Before Agak poorly utilised the $34 Million loans given by the World Bank, kindly relieve him as soon as possible and appoint the person who will implement the project of the Public Financial Management (PFM) & Institutional Strengthening Project (PSMISP). This project needs someone better than Agak to utilize the money in a way that will strengthen the economy of South Sudan and help its people as needed by the World Bank & IMF.

Your Excellency
If you want to help the people of South Sudan, the only thing you can do is to sack Agak Achuil Lual and replace him with any other better person that will survive the economy of South Sudan, pay the civil servants and the organised forces and implement other projects that will help the vulnerable people of South Sudan.

I hope that letter will reach you and you will put it under your highest concern as you are the only person that cares about the lives of the people of South Sudan seeking away to help them. Your people haven't yet died, therefore, it is not too late to help them.

Lastly, we are approaching election time, therefore, the Minister of Finance should be a better person than Agak, he should be a person that will manage the public money to help in implementing Chapter IV of the 2018 Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS). I will not recommend anyone because you know who is the best to do that if you have to relieve Agak.

Thank you,
Yours Gatkuoth Peter,
Citizen of South Sudan

The Director-General of the Directorate of Nationality, Passport, Immigration and Civil Registry Gen. Atem Marol Biar ha...

The Director-General of the Directorate of Nationality, Passport, Immigration and Civil Registry Gen. Atem Marol Biar has directed the Director of Admin and Finance to send 1 million USD into his account in Eco Bank. He sent 300,000 USD to his children in Nairobi.

He has lost 5 cars of the recent cars he bought with an aim to ease the mobility of staff, the 3 cars ended up in Bor town and 2 have reached Nairobi for the mobility of his children in Nairobi.

Atem has also dismissed most of the previous directors and senior staff from Bahr El Ghazal and Equatoria and replaced them with his relatives and community mates from Bor.

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If you go on the Facebook world of the Minister of Finance and see the reactions of citizens of South Sudan under his po...

If you go on the Facebook world of the Minister of Finance and see the reactions of citizens of South Sudan under his posts, you will truly know that 90% of the citizens of this country don't support Agak Achuil. He can not deliver at all, his being there is to chop our money with his family, relatives and friends.

Help please, who is this guy called Mayar Nyok Piol Mawien and how is this man related to Hon. Agak or he is the staff a...

Help please, who is this guy called Mayar Nyok Piol Mawien and how is this man related to Hon. Agak or he is the staff at the Ministry of Finance? This man is disturbing our inbox with nonsense praising the corrupt minister of finance who did not pay the civil servants. We need to know him. Please hit our inbox and tell us who the guy is.

Corruption in the Ministry of Finance and Planning is rapidly growing higher.By Gatkuoth Peter DuothThe National Ministr...

Corruption in the Ministry of Finance and Planning is rapidly growing higher.

By Gatkuoth Peter Duoth

The National Ministry of Finance and Planning has been reported as one of the most corrupt Ministries after the appointment of Agak Achuil Lual as the minister. The Ministry is running out of cash after Agak distributed money. Civil servants remains unpaid for 6 months.

This is because ministry has given contracts to illiterate and self-claimed businessmen who are at the same time from his community called Gogrial, particularly Kuac Ayok. The list of the self-claimed businessmen who are still lobbying to be given other contracts by Agak Achuil are:
1. Paulino Diing Madol
2. Adim Adim D
3. Diing Adim the younger brother of Adim
4. Makiir G*i Thiep

These businessmen have signed an agreement with Agak, if they are given contracts then Agak should have 30% of the money given and they have all accepted the deal. This is a sign of the smart corruption undergoing in the Ministry, when you hear that any of the above-mentioned businessmen are given contracts, just know that Agak has received his 30% in different projects/contracts.

On the other hand, all the bodyguards and boys of Agak Achuil Lual have been given new cars by the Minister, some of them who are his close boys have been given a free house bought by the Minister. Where does the minister get that money? The source of the money he used is for the Government, this money is supposed to be paid as salaries to the civil servants who are suffering for more than 6 months of arrears.

Agak Achuil has also transported his 2nd wife from Australia for the first time to come to Juba so that she will be responsible for the company businesses planned to be established soon with our oil money. His wife landed on Wednesday at Juba International Airport.

More will be developed in this article......


Dr. Chol Deng should refrain from lying about his wealth and achievements.

Last week, the Certified Thief and Greatest Liar of 21th Century Dr Chol Deng tried to defense himself from corruption charges levelled against him in the social, during the international women's day organized by NilePet Women Association at Nilepet Training and Development Center. He blindfolded and misled the innocent women about his his personal properties and false achievements in the NilePet.

First and further most, Dr. Chol Deng was born in a poverty stricken family. His father was a subsistence farmer by profession. Dr. Chol first served as a Prison Service private in Malakal under the name Isaac Chol Deng and this is his first job in 1990s, and he was brought up in the house of Amos Agok.
He was employed by the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources (GoSS, Juba) as a junior staff in 2007 for six months and went for a Holland/Netherland Masters Scholarship Program in 2010 through Sudan's Merrowe Dam, he came back desperately in the 2014, and proclaimed himself as a PhD holder which surprised many of his colleagues on which criteria he applied to obtain the PhD.

In early 2015, He was employed by the former Managing Director Paul Adong Bith Deng as a consultant of Training in Nile Petroleum Corporation, after his desperate lobbies failure to be appointed directly as Nilepet MD against Paul Adong.
During that time, he was residing in the house of his distant uncle Amos Agok and a colleague apartment in Hai Thoura, Juba. He used to move on foot from the house to office. Any staff who was in NilePet in 2015 will prove this right. In the mid of 2015, Paul Adong have him V8 for his mobility, but he ( Dr Chol) was traumatized by the chronic hunger and poverty, he sold off the V8 car which was given to him for his facilitation.

In his speech to the innocent and uninformed women during the International Woman Day at the NTDC, just as he lied in December 2018, by claiming that he constructed road from Juba to Rumbek, even people can drive a Premo car to attend wedding in Rumbek and comeback Juba the day, given smoothness of the road he have constructed as Nilepet MD. Dr. Chol lied that he had a beautiful and longest hairs on his head and big stomach before his appointment as a worse managing director by the president. He went ahead and claimed that he had big towers ( buildings) in Juba before his appointment. Dr Chol with his naturally balded head has reached the level of not fearing God and respect to well educated women. All those who know Dr Chol Deng by physical appearance in 2014 and 2015 will prove him wrong. In early 2015, Dr Chol Deng's personal appearance had no different with a malnourished child leave alone having a beautiful and longest hairs on his head and big stomach, those who knew Chol Deng childhood can attest to his physical appearance.
How can a poor man who struggles to secure a mere plate of bean own a tower ( amara) if lying is not in his blood. He bought his first ever house where his family is currently staying in Jebel Dinka, Juba, during the time he was a Director General of NilePet Downstream Division, after he sold the hundred thousands of fuel trucks in the black market and bribery kickback from fuel suppliers to contacts of Letters of Credits LC ( Luqman, Kengas, Oryx Energy and Dalbit).Who can deny this?

In September 2017 when he was appointed as a NilePet Managing Director, after he sabotaged former MD James Thelweng Rok. He bought and constructed over 8 towers in various suburbs across Juba and in abroad apart from numerous small concrete houses.
Chol started bullying everyone in Nilepet that numerous and well-known PhDs holders with his questionable PhD of a foreign institution, where he led unaccountable fistfights with several employees. The noticeable once was when he physically fought Mr. Makur Majok Koryom in present of MD at Official Management Meeting, his fight against Mr. Chiek Reec Kuol, and lately, with a junior staff Ring Charles Mayen, the first day in the office after his reapportionment and many fights that we can't mention because of time.

NB: verified these information if you doubt these findings.

The National Ministry of Finance has been turned into a community sector by Agak Achuil Lual. Since he stepped into the ...

The National Ministry of Finance has been turned into a community sector by Agak Achuil Lual. Since he stepped into the Ministry Premises, he started giving money to the people of his community and relatives. He brought in the businessmen from his community, those of Adim Adim, Diing Madol and many others.

More to be articulated and exposed........

Follow Al Junubi Press for the latest news and information about corruption in South Sudan.

Follow Al Junubi Press for the latest news and information about corruption in South Sudan.

Did you know IMF released $334 million after $225 million and the public didn't hear anything about the money and its us...

Did you know IMF released $334 million after $225 million and the public didn't hear anything about the money and its usage?

IMF has recently given $334 million as a loan to South Sudan under the leadership of Agak Achuil Lual and the Ministry did not announce the loan received to the public.

Agak Achuil Lual deceived the IMF chief that he has changed the economy of South Sudan and had used the loan he received from IMF.

The Minister of Finance said last week that he has done a lot of things for economic reforms citing a decrease in the dollar rate in the market and a decrease in prices in the market. And yesterday, the IMF chief appreciated the Ministry and the Central Bank under the current leadership not knowing that he has been fooled.

The dollar rate has never gone down again and the market is still high, there are no changes that have been made. Agak was supposed to work harder in letting the dollar rate go down but instead, he received $334 Million that was given as a loan by IMF without announcing that money to the public. He did not explain to the general public how the money is being used. This is a sign of ongoing corruption under his tenure.

Agak should announce to the public how the money has been used than finishing the money in darkness. As citizens of this country, it's our right to know how this money is used because salaries are unpaid and citizens are still suffering.


Dr. Chol Deng Thon is the most corrupt, devil, weakest, thief and womanizer Managing Director since the NilePet establishment.

Apart from 300,000,000 billion he had stolen in his tenure that acquired him fiver 8 towers within and abroad the country , he again embezzled $ 215,000,000 in just five months Dr. Chol Deng failed to accomplish a single task since his reappointment in October last year. Instead of starting from where the former managing director stopped, Dr Chol put on hold all the company projects and concentrate on enriching himself and his cliques at the expenses of the suffering citizens. The general public should know that NilePet, the sole national oil company, has totally collapsed in the hand of Dr. Chol Deng and it is a matter of time for the office' keys to be handed over to the presidency.

The complete failure of Dr. Chol Deng is summarize in details below:-

1 Stoppage of the Construction of NilePet Headquarters.

NilePet headquarters was initiated by the former Managing Directors Eng. Paul Adong Bith, Hon. Joseph Cleto and Hon. Machar Achiek Ader and the construction kicked off during the tenure of Hon. James Thelweng Rok Reech. The construction was continuing successfully during Eng. Bol Ring's tenure. Dr Chol Deng put on hold the construction of NilePet headquarters upon his reappointment as a managing director in October last year. The funds that were allocated for the constructions were diverted by Dr Chol Deng to the finishing of his private towers in various suburbs across Juba City. As NilePet Building is located along Buluk - office of the president road, Dr Chol cheated the president and the public by painting the exterior part of the building so that President would be seeing it when going to his office and get convinced that the work at the construction site is continuing which is a white cheating kind of cunning.

2. Diversion of 75,000,000 dollars meant for staff medical Insurance to his personal account

Dr. Chol Deng Thon has embezzled the medical insurance for the staffs and used the money to finish his private buildings. Anyone who doubts this should visit Dr. Chol's two towers along facebook road in Atlabara. His two private towers are at the finishing stage- workers are working up to late hours on daily basis. The NilePet staffs are at risk of dying from treatable diseases due to lack of money for treatment simply because their insurance funds are diverted by the Certified Thief Dr Chol Deng.

3. Putting on hold of the refinery.

The refinery was partially completed at the time of Eng. Bol Ring before he was relieved from the post of Managing Director. Unfortunately, the most corrupt managing director in the person of Certified Thief Dr Chol Deng immediately put on hold the final stage for operationalization of the refinery, unfortunately he focuses on stealing the available money in the company coffers. Nothing new has been added to the refinery since Dr Chol reappointment and anyone who doubts this information should personally visit the refinery and confirm it by himself or herself. The last week updates from sycophants on refinery is nothing new but all mentioned were achievements of former Managing Director.

4. Embezzlement of the staff's arrears

NilePet which was like a paradise during the tenure of former managing Directors, it became a hell upon the reappointment of the Certified Thief Dr. Chol Deng. Dr. Chol Deng has punished the staffs of NilePet by embezzling their dress allowances, Ester Allowances and Salaries not forgetting the medical insurance funds. Up to date, the staffs of NilePet haven’t received their arrears, dress allowances and other benefits.

Below are Dr. Chol Deng's current policies which his good boys term as achievements.

1. Division within the corporate staffs.

Dr. Chol Deng has divided the NilePet staffs on the basis of loyalty, clan, tribal and regional background. He is favoring those who are related to him and those who worship him in the social media and at the tea places. He has allocated a separate budget to his good boys and cliques leaving the vast majority of staffs under risk of starvation.

2. Embezzlement of 215,000,000 million dollars within six (6) months.

Dr. Chol Deng has received 215 million from the period of October 2021 to March 2022. No one knows what he has used this huge amount for. The 215 million dollars ended in his account. He used small amount of 215 million for bribing some powerful politician allies to maintain him in the position. He also used over 1.5 million to hire spiritual leaders , Nigerians, Angesna and Local witches to pray for his maintenance in the position. Last week, He sent the human resource Manager Mr. Michael Ruot Mayen to go and consult a powerful witch in Nigeria after receiving a news of looming relieve from the position of Managing Director. A source close to Dr. Chol revealed to our team that Michael Ruot Mayen went to Nigeria with 150,000 dollars.

3. Consumption of fuel in the name of Presidency.

Chol Lam who is a cousin to Dr.Chol along together with Kuol Arop the Director of Greater Equatoria Depots steals on daily basis 15,000 liters in the names of Presidency. On every truck you would find there is a portion allocated to Presidency of which our sources confirmed not to be true. They are the one stealing this amount of fuel and sell it in the black market. Based on the sources, these crooks smuggled out this amount at earlier morning from 6:00 Am before crowd emerge in the compound. We have photos as evidence for that …..We will avail them as the matters required.

4. Recruitment of Relatives.

Last week our informant revealed to us that Chol has appointed over 300 staffs, majority being from his home area plus sycophants and slay queens. We had able to get some names that we put on post last weeks and more are collected will be published very soon. Chol is making this corporation is a political club for his political gain on the regime change. Despite of our call on the leadership to monitor this act of evil of Regime change from Dr.Chol, our leadership seems to have given deaf hear about, but it will be too late to recovery from such underground activities
5. Abusing of former managing Directors in management meetings.

On every management meeting Dr.Chol abuse former Managing Directors. He always goes as far as even insulting some of them. This is a clear frustration in his personality. He thought the formers MD are the problems now knowing that he is the problem to himself. His renowned stealing and looting are imminent and will for sure bring him down in long run process.
6. Manipulation of media.

The 64 tribes page which on daily basis insulting the leadership is sponsored by Dr.Chol. this is beside to the hired boys those of Akok Ater Arol, Garang Ater, Peter Dhal Makam, the Rebel Biem Deng , Mathiang Aguek so many others. Hiring sycophants to defend him is attitude of mafia members.

7. He jail many senior staffs namely Dr. Ayul Yuar, Eng. Kuol Deng Malith, Mr. Makerchot Maper Manyiel Dut, former director finance in Nile Drilling Service, current Eng.Majak Arop, President of Nile Drillings and Seevices, and before, in 2016, 2017 and 2018 he jailed Ustaz Jok Paulino, Mr. Mark Mabil Ajak and etc.

8. He release government documents to the social media.
Last week Chol released all documents bearing activities of Nile drilling as media warfare against Eng. Kuol Deng Malith, something is off unethical base. We all have ill approvals documents copies but we don't post them for sake of the Country. But they will be available at the time of court because we believed that Dr.Chol will be taken to court anytime soon or in the nearest future.
He is a true corrupt, thief and womanizer man South Sudan has ever had. The concern AUTHORITIES and the PUBLIC are free to verified the above-mentioned issues using their own way.Dr. Chol Deng Thon is the most corrupt, devil, weakest, thief and womanizer Managing Director since the NilePet establishment.

Apart from 300,000,000 billion he had stolen in his tenure that acquired him fiver 8 towers within and abroad the country , he again embezzled $ 215,000,000 in just five months Dr. Chol Deng failed to accomplish a single task since his reappointment in October last year. Instead of starting from where the former managing director stopped, Dr Chol put on hold all the company projects and concentrate on enriching himself and his cliques at the expenses of the suffering citizens. The general public should know that NilePet, the sole national oil company, has totally collapsed in the hand of Dr. Chol Deng and it is a matter of time for the office' keys to be handed over to the presidency.

The complete failure of Dr. Chol Deng is summarize in details below:-

1 Stoppage of the Construction of NilePet Headquarters.

NilePet headquarters was initiated by the former Managing Directors Eng. Paul Adong Bith, Hon. Joseph Cleto and Hon. Machar Achiek Ader and the construction kicked off during the tenure of Hon. James Thelweng Rok Reech. The construction was continuing successfully during Eng. Bol Ring's tenure. Dr Chol Deng put on hold the construction of NilePet headquarters upon his reappointment as a managing director in October last year. The funds that were allocated for the constructions were diverted by Dr Chol Deng to the finishing of his private towers in various suburbs across Juba City. As NilePet Building is located along Buluk - office of the president road, Dr Chol cheated the president and the public by painting the exterior part of the building so that President would be seeing it when going to his office and get convinced that the work at the construction site is continuing which is a white cheating kind of cunning.

2. Diversion of 75,000,000 dollars meant for staff medical Insurance to his personal account

Dr. Chol Deng Thon has embezzled the medical insurance for the staffs and used the money to finish his private buildings. Anyone who doubts this should visit Dr. Chol's two towers along facebook road in Atlabara. His two private towers are at the finishing stage- workers are working up to late hours on daily basis. The NilePet staffs are at risk of dying from treatable diseases due to lack of money for treatment simply because their insurance funds are diverted by the Certified Thief Dr Chol Deng.

3. Putting on hold of the refinery.

The refinery was partially completed at the time of Eng. Bol Ring before he was relieved from the post of Managing Director. Unfortunately, the most corrupt managing director in the person of Certified Thief Dr Chol Deng immediately put on hold the final stage for operationalization of the refinery, unfortunately he focuses on stealing the available money in the company coffers. Nothing new has been added to the refinery since Dr Chol reappointment and anyone who doubts this information should personally visit the refinery and confirm it by himself or herself. The last week updates from sycophants on refinery is nothing new but all mentioned were achievements of former Managing Director.

4. Embezzlement of the staff's arrears

NilePet which was like a paradise during the tenure of former managing Directors, it became a hell upon the reappointment of the Certified Thief Dr. Chol Deng. Dr. Chol Deng has punished the staffs of NilePet by embezzling their dress allowances, Ester Allowances and Salaries not forgetting the medical insurance funds. Up to date, the staffs of NilePet haven’t received their arrears, dress allowances and other benefits.

Below are Dr. Chol Deng's current policies which his good boys term as achievements.

1. Division within the corporate staffs.

Dr. Chol Deng has divided the NilePet staffs on the basis of loyalty, clan, tribal and regional background. He is favoring those who are related to him and those who worship him in the social media and at the tea places. He has allocated a separate budget to his good boys and cliques leaving the vast majority of staffs under risk of starvation.

2. Embezzlement of 215,000,000 million dollars within six (6) months.

Dr. Chol Deng has received 215 million from the period of October 2021 to March 2022. No one knows what he has used this huge amount for. The 215 million dollars ended in his account. He used small amount of 215 million for bribing some powerful politician allies to maintain him in the position. He also used over 1.5 million to hire spiritual leaders , Nigerians, Angesna and Local witches to pray for his maintenance in the position. Last week, He sent the human resource Manager Mr. Michael Ruot Mayen to go and consult a powerful witch in Nigeria after receiving a news of looming relieve from the position of Managing Director. A source close to Dr. Chol revealed to our team that Michael Ruot Mayen went to Nigeria with 150,000 dollars.

3. Consumption of fuel in the name of Presidency.

Chol Lam who is a cousin to Dr.Chol along together with Kuol Arop the Director of Greater Equatoria Depots steals on daily basis 15,000 liters in the names of Presidency. On every truck you would find there is a portion allocated to Presidency of which our sources confirmed not to be true. They are the one stealing this amount of fuel and sell it in the black market. Based on the sources, these crooks smuggled out this amount at earlier morning from 6:00 Am before crowd emerge in the compound. We have photos as evidence for that …..We will avail them as the matters required.

4. Recruitment of Relatives.

Last week our informant revealed to us that Chol has appointed over 300 staffs, majority being from his home area plus sycophants and slay queens. We had able to get some names that we put on post last weeks and more are collected will be published very soon. Chol is making this corporation is a political club for his political gain on the regime change. Despite of our call on the leadership to monitor this act of evil of Regime change from Dr.Chol, our leadership seems to have given deaf hear about, but it will be too late to recovery from such underground activities
5. Abusing of former managing Directors in management meetings.

On every management meeting Dr.Chol abuse former Managing Directors. He always goes as far as even insulting some of them. This is a clear frustration in his personality. He thought the formers MD are the problems now knowing that he is the problem to himself. His renowned stealing and looting are imminent and will for sure bring him down in long run process.
6. Manipulation of media.

The 64 tribes page which on daily basis insulting the leadership is sponsored by Dr.Chol. this is beside to the hired boys those of Akok Ater Arol, Garang Ater, Peter Dhal Makam, the Rebel Biem Deng , Mathiang Aguek so many others. Hiring sycophants to defend him is attitude of mafia members.

7. He jail many senior staffs namely Dr. Ayul Yuar, Eng. Kuol Deng Malith, Mr. Makerchot Maper Manyiel Dut, former director finance in Nile Drilling Service, current Eng.Majak Arop, President of Nile Drillings and Seevices, and before, in 2016, 2017 and 2018 he jailed Ustaz Jok Paulino, Mr. Mark Mabil Ajak and etc.

8. He release government documents to the social media.
Last week Chol released all documents bearing activities of Nile drilling as media warfare against Eng. Kuol Deng Malith, something is off unethical base. We all have ill approvals documents copies but we don't post them for sake of the Country. But they will be available at the time of court because we believed that Dr.Chol will be taken to court anytime soon or in the nearest future.
He is a true corrupt, thief and womanizer man South Sudan has ever had. The concern AUTHORITIES and the PUBLIC are free to verified the above-mentioned issues using their own way.




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