Grenade Launcher + Machine Gun Turret Combo Elim - Vehicle Weapon Swap Elim
#fortnite #FortniteC5S3Wrecked #gaming #fortnitebattleroyale #fortnitegameplay #fortnitefunny #fortnitefunnyclips
Bet he wasn't happy with this trade. I was pretty pleased all the same 😉
#fortnite #gaming Manuel Ortiz I'm back on PS4 now
8 Elim OG Solo Zero Build Win 💙
#fortnite #nintendoswitch #gaming #fortnitegameplay #fortnitebr #videogames #fortnitecommunity #fortniteog #3rdPersonShooter #highlights #highlight
10 Elim OG Solo Zero Build Win 💙
#fortnite #nintendoswitch #gaming #fortnitegameplay #fortnitebr #videogames #fortnitecommunity #fortniteog #3rdPersonShooter #highlights #highlight
4 Elimination Solo Zero Build Win 💙
Haha I feel so bad for the guy who was inside and dies to my double airstrike! 😂 Haha one huge benefit of a destructibles environment unlike COD. The proximity launcher is also sick. Love being able to hit people reliably near the side of cover, or in this case, anticipating their path and hitting a wicked shot "blind" through the trees!
#codwarzone #fortnite #nintendoswitch #gaming #fortnitegameplay #fortnitebr #videogames #fortnitecommunity #fortniteog #3rdPersonShooter #highlights #highlights
5 Elim Solo Zero Build Crown Win
#fortnite #nintendoswitch #gaming #fortnitegameplay #fortnitebr #videogames #fortnitecommunity #fortniteog #3rdPersonShooter #highlights #highlights
19 Elim Solo Zero Build - im back baby! 😍
#fortnite #nintendoswitch #gaming #fortnitegameplay #fortnitebr #videogames #fortnitecommunity #fortniteog #3rdPersonShooter #highlights #highlights
My first video in a long time. Hopefully I can keep up with being back into things.
#fortnite #fortnitebattleroyale #fortnitegameplay #fortnitecommunity #fortniteog #victoryroyale #videogames #gaming
Another Sniper Montage! 😍
#fortnite #sniper #highlights #montage #snipermontage #fortnitegameplay #FortniteChapter4 #heavysniper #gaming
Ridiculous Graphics Glitch Ruins 4v2 EndGame
#fortnite #fortnitefunny #squads #nintendoswitch #gaming #fortnitefail #2nd #fortnitebr #fortnitegameplay #FortniteChapter4
Boing! Flick Headshot! Storm Karma! 😂
#fortnite #fortnitefunny #funny #3rdPersonShooter #nintendoswitch #FortniteChapter4 #fortnitegameplay
Pump Interrupts Final Opponents ODM Gear to Save the Win
#skybase #jedi #starwars #dub #gaming #fortnite #fortnitegameplay #FortniteChapter4
Almost Ran Out of Skybase Mats, but Luckily Storm Pulled to Me to Help Secure the Win! 😍
#fortnite #skybase #dub #victoryroyale #gaming #FortniteChapter4 #nintendoswitch
Ridiculous Graphics Glitch Ruins 4v2 EndGame 😭😮
Got So Many Kills This Game 😮
#fortnite #fortnitegameplay #FortniteChapter4 #gaming
My First FB Reel Fully Pre-Edited With CapCut Mobile App, and a Crown Win 👑 to Boot!
#capcut #fortnite #nintendoswitch #victoryroyale #videogames #gaming #win #dub #solos #FortniteChapter4 #Crownwin
11 Elim Solo Victory Royale
Didn't Get Many Eliminations But I Did Get The Win! 😍
Pulse Rifle, Accelerant Shotgun, and Sniper help me Secure 14 Elimination Solo Crown Win 👑