Greetings everyone :) Mythic Magazine #48 is now out on DriveThruRPG. This issue has a first of its kind in it: a complete, mini-RPG. I've been working on Mythic RPG 2e and Micro Mythic, so it's had me thinking about Mythic concepts being used for RPG mechanics beyond the GM emulator. This put me in a mind to test some of this with the magazine.
Steal The Rebellion! is a heist sci-fi game using very simple mechanics that derive a lot from Micro Mythic.
The other article is at the opposite end of the spectrum, "Cozy Solo", talking about making solo experiences that are relaxing and peaceful. We could all use more of that.
You can find issue #48 here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/504410/mythic-magazine-volume-48
Happy adventuring :)
Mythic Magazine Volume 48 - Mythic Magazine #48 Mythic Magazine is a monthly ezine with tips, rules, and more goodies for the Mythic Role-Playing System, Mythic Game Master Emulator, and Crafter Series from Word Mill Games. This issue contains: Cozy Solo: Chill out with solo adventures that focus ...