How much do you spend worrying or feeling anxious in a day?
I read in a news article that in the US alone there are 40M or 19.1% of their population have anxiety disorder.
Wow! That's a lot!
The moment I wake up I start to worry about work, if I will get on time at work. And within the day there will be random things that I will worry about, like bills due, my workload, my boss, and so on.
And this is a normal day. There are worst days like when my 17 yrs old nephew got cancer. It was a rare cancer and the treatment will be very costly. I worried if he would survive and if the chemo would be successful. I worry about the money and the huge expense that comes along with it.
And most currently with the ongoing merger of the company that I work for, I worry if I would still have a job. And to make it worse the news said there will be 5 waves of job cuts. Meaning I will worry 5 times more until they complete all the waves.
You might be feeling the same way in your life. Like there are too many things going through your life and the world makes you anxious.
And you know what 20 centuries ago God already knew what you and I are going through.
Jesus said “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:27 NIV)
And then he continued “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV)
We live in a fallen and broken world where everything can turn into worries. And God encouraged and reminded me, "hey look at your past."
And I looked and I worried so much but my nephew is cancer free and I got all the bills covered.
Sometimes we only need to remember how God has been faithful in our lives. And maybe, just maybe, our worries will become hope and the strengthening of our faith.
Will I lose my job on the 5 waves? Who knows? I can choose to worry each day. Or I can choose to be at peace with my God. And believe that by His grace, whatever happens, He will take care of everything.
So whatever worries you or makes you anxious, acknowledge them because you need to. But don’t be too focused on it.
Life will always have ups and downs, but we have a faithful God.
Pray for wisdom, strength, and peace.
Let faith arise and be surprised how God will turn worry into victory.