Story Tap

Story Tap Storytelling blog for places and people in Bulgaria.

Преди два дни се запознах с Johanna Rafalski която е дошла в София от Бремен, Германия, за две седмици да потърси малко ...

Преди два дни се запознах с Johanna Rafalski която е дошла в София от Бремен, Германия, за две седмици да потърси малко вдъхновение, за малко промяна на обстановката и за да си почине от еднотипно ежедневие и емоционална монотонност.

Срещнахме се за разходка в парка, за обмяна на качествено време, идеи и генерално да се опознаем. Харесах работата на Й, не само като визуална екпресия, но и защото е намерила свои процеси на вдъхновение, какво и действа и как го вкарва в практиката си.

Тя разчита на музиката и концентрацията, която музиката и носи, практикувала е доста пъти едно и също движение, за да достигне инертност в движението на ръката си докато рисува и е намерила баланса между това да умееш да правиш нещо много добре, но и да излизаш от зоната си на комфорт, за да научиш нещо ново с което да надградиш практиката си.

Всичко това, макар и доста познато, ми се стори като подходяща причина, за да я поканя да се включи в първия официален workshop 🙂

на 16ти Април
в Conets Co-working & Design Academy


Two days ago I met Johanna Rafalski who came to Sofia from Bremen, Germany for two weeks to seek a little inspiration, a change of scenery and a break from the monotonous daily routine and emotional monotony.

We met for a walk in the park, to exchange quality time, ideas and generally get to know each other. I loved Johanna's work, not only as a visual expression, but because she has found her own processes of inspiration, what works for her and how she incorporates it into her practice.

She relies on music and the concentration that music brings her, she has practiced the same movement many times to reach inertia in her hand movement while painting and has found the balance between being able to do something very well, but also stepping out of her comfort zone to learn something new to her practice and build upon it.

All of this, although quite familiar, seemed like a good reason to invite her to join the first official workshop 🙂

on the 16th of April
at Conets Co-working & Design Academy

На 09.04.2024 направихме тест на workshop-a за вдъхновението в Conets Co-working & Design AcademyСлед теста, имах нуждат...

На 09.04.2024 направихме тест на workshop-a за вдъхновението в Conets Co-working & Design Academy

След теста, имах нуждата да разбера от всеки, какво им е харесало какво не им е харесало, какво искат да видят повече или по-малко на следващата работилница и съм много благодарна за обратната връзка, защото е хубаво да се слушаме и интересуваме от това, което правим заедно и по отделно.
Малко кадри от сетинг-а и моменти на разговорите.

Снимки: Криси от Conets Co-working & Design Academy


On 09.04.2024 we did a test of the inspiration workshop at Conets Co-working & Design Academy

After the test, I needed to find out from everyone what they liked what they didn't like, what they want to see more or less of at the next workshop and I'm very grateful for the feedback because it's good to listen and be interested in what we do together and separately.

Some footage from the sit-in and moments of the conversations.

Photos: Krisi from Conets Co-working & Design Academy

Micro Dance festival Here is the fourth member of the international jury: Today we introduce you to Manuel, an extremely...

Micro Dance festival

Here is the fourth member of the international jury:

Today we introduce you to Manuel, an extremely interesting personality and a member of the jury of the Microdance Festival. In the spring of 2008, Manuel Bonillo settled in Granada, after working for three years at in Bulgaria. He has been a piano teacher as well as a physiotherapist and has a degree in philosophy. Today, he has a degree in musicology, a master's degree in philosophy, and has completed training in lyrical singing and contemporary dance. Manuel Bonillo is the creator of the Laboratory of Stage Action "Vladimir Tzekov" in Granada.


On 17.05.2023 will host the 5th edition of the international micro-dance festival titled “Your body tells a story".

VARIANT culture and the Micro-dance festival are financed by the program.culturalroutes initiators

Sound moves you. You move with sound. Many variations. Ways of contemplation.

Sound moves you.
You move with sound.

Many variations.
Ways of contemplation.

Micro Dance festival Here is the third member of the international jury: Ryuji Yamaguchi Ryuji Yamaguchi  , choreographe...

Micro Dance festival

Here is the third member of the international jury:

Ryuji Yamaguchi Ryuji Yamaguchi , choreographer, dancer, and educator, has lived in Madaba, Jordan since 2007.
Ryuji was born in Japan and spent much of his early life between Japan and the US.
After graduating from Harvard University in 2003 with a degree in East Asian Studies, Ryuji moved to New York,
where he presented his own dance work, performed with various artists, and worked extensively
with Yoshiko Chuma and the School of Hard Knocks.

In 2007, Ryuji was invited to Jordan as the dean of residential life and director of dance, to open a new co-educational boarding high school, King’s Academy King's Academy , Jordan.


On 17.05.2023 Variant / culture will host the 5th edition of the international micro-dance festival titled “Your body tells a story".

VARIANT culture and the Micro-dance festival are financed by the program.
Cultural routes initiators

Make a difference BY MOVING      #2023

Make a difference BY MOVING



Един от супер добрите танцови фестивали последните години в София!

През май месец Antistatic International Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance с програма пълна с чуждестранни и български артисти в Топлоцентрала.

С препоръка да гледате представлението на Tomi Paasonen !

16то издание - go see it!

Micro Dance festival Here is the second  member of the international jury: Paul Jenkins, originally from UK, Paul is a t...

Micro Dance festival

Here is the second member of the international jury:

Paul Jenkins, originally from UK, Paul is a theatre director, with focus on absurd theatre. 

Paul invites us to reach insight and explore our creative life, our inner theatre, our fears, hopes and dreams.

"Let us come together and speak the only language that touches the soul and alters the course of our destiny.”


On 17.05.2023 will host the 5th edition of the international micro-dance festival titled “Your body tells a story".

VARIANT culture and the Micro-dance festival are financed by the program.culturalroutes initiators

Forms of Dance.Dance forms.

Forms of Dance.
Dance forms.

These following weeks information on the jury and participants of the Micro Dance Festival by variant_cultura] space in ...

These following weeks information on the jury and participants of the Micro Dance Festival by variant_cultura] space in Sofia, BG will be shared.


Here is the first member of the jury:

Petya Yosifova - Hunkins is a Bulgarian choreographer and director. Deputy director of the theater-laboratory Alma Alter. She finished the experimental theater classes at 22rs high school in the newly opened theater class by the father of the Bulgarian modern theater - Nikolay Georgiev, then he left for Vienna where he took part in the DansWeb academy for contemporary dance, worked with Bulgarian and international artists, and behind him is more of 30 performances as a choreographer and director, which have been presented in Europe, Egypt, Jordan, Cairo and others.Petya has been part of the international jury of the International Microdance Festival since the very beginning of the festival.

In the performances, Petya looks for a concept before technique, believing that the idea and faith in art comes before everything.


On 17.05.2023 variant_cultura] will host the 5th edition of the international micro-dance festival titled “Your body tells a story".

VARIANT culture and the Micro-dance festival are financed by the program.culturalroutes initiators

Everything is changing. Movement is a lie.

Everything is changing. Movement is a lie.

This month on focus is a partnership with  and their team! You will see information shared about the space, the founders...

This month on focus is a partnership with and their team!

You will see information shared about the space, the founders, the participants selected for the International Micro Dance Festival which will take place at

This partnership aims to show and introduce you to a scene related to dance, alternative spaces and the teams behind them. As well as variety of international dancers.

Stay tuned and make a note if this your vibe!

As a result of 2 years of effort, Hristiyan Bakalov, together with Milena Dimitrova and Juliana Saiska, opened "Variant Culture" a space for immersive-- performative art.

On 17.05.2023, a microdance festival will be held there.

The space opened its doors on February 24 with the presentation of the immersive-performative installation "Discovery" by Hristiyan Bakalov.
The opening of "Variant/Culture" also marks the founding of the European Center for Immersive-Performative Art - ECIPA.

The space is the newest home for creating contemporary art in Sofia.

On 17.05.2023 it will host the 5th edition of the international micro-dance festival titled “Your body tells a story".

What was your motivation for opening Variant/Culture?
Bakalov: My motivation was that there is no space for immersive performative art in Europe anyway.
So I would have opened the space whether in Sofia or somewhere else.
But the fact that Sofia is somehow virgin ground in contemporary art gives me much more to experiment at a faster pace, besides, we won a one-year grant from the , which really gave us the opportunity to realize this idea.

Describe yourself in three words:
Striving, believing, loving!

VARIANT culture and the Micro-dance festival are financed by the program.

Possible happenings

Possible happenings

This month on focus is a partnership with  and their team! You will see information shared about the space, the founders...

This month on focus is a partnership with and their team!

You will see information shared about the space, the founders, the participants selected for the International Micro Dance Festival which will take place at

This partnership aims to show and introduce you to a scene related to dance, alternative spaces and the teams behind them. As well as variety of international dancers.

Stay tuned and make a note if this your vibe!

As a result of 2 years of effort, Hristiyan Bakalov, together with Milena Dimitrova and Juliana Saiska, opened "Variant Culture" a space for immersive-- performative art.

On 17.05.2023, a microdance festival will be held there.

The space opened its doors on February 24 with the presentation of the immersive-performative installation "Discovery" by Hristiyan Bakalov.
The opening of "Variant/Culture" also marks the founding of the European Center for Immersive-Performative Art - ECIPA.

The space is the newest home for creating contemporary art in Sofia.

On 17.05.2023 it will host the 5th edition of the international micro-dance festival titled “Your body tells a story".

What was your motivation for opening Variant/Culture?
Bakalov: My motivation was that there is no space for immersive performative art in Europe anyway.
So I would have opened the space whether in Sofia or somewhere else.
But the fact that Sofia is somehow virgin ground in contemporary art gives me much more to experiment at a faster pace, besides, we won a one-year grant from the , which really gave us the opportunity to realize this idea.

Describe yourself in three words:
Striving, believing, loving!

VARIANT culture and the Micro-dance festival are financed by the program.

 would be killing it РЦСИ Топлоцентрала] this Friday 24th of March with much colours, brass vibes and desire to just hav...

would be killing it РЦСИ Топлоцентрала] this Friday 24th of March with much colours, brass vibes and desire to just have a good time!

Oh and some authors music tracks!

Performers would be:
🎷Christian Krastev .22
🎷 Ivan Petkov
🎷 George Angles
🎷 Vladislav Mirchev
🎷 Ivaylo Manev

Where: РЦСИ Топлоцентрала]
When: 24/03/2023 Friday
20:00 Doors open
21:00 Start

Entry: 10 leva

MUSIC MAKES YOU … ? Whatever you like 🏵️


Whatever you like 🏵️

I should start reading more 🐙🤍

I should start reading more 🐙🤍

Sharing a little bit of what happened last week at the presentation of the sixth issue of Списание „Й“ Most times organi...

Sharing a little bit of what happened last week at the presentation of the sixth issue of Списание „Й“

Most times organisers and participants in events worry about the number of people who will be attending a particular event. Or this is at least what have learned so far by working at Топлоцентрала

And I’ve been thinking since then upon this question:
Isn’t it more important and effective to actually have less people, but more interested in the topic? Isn’t it better to be surrounded by like minded people who may or may not know each other for the sake of supporting something they believe in and something that matters to them?

The answer is yes, it is better to have this type of public, hence why I’m happy for Diana Sofronieva, the editor of the magazine.

She wanted to present the issue and the magazine, get new ideas about new topics, further development and find a person to help out with the work load of the upcoming issues.

I can’t really ask or hope for more!
Some shots from the event from last week.

The issues are published by Scribens
Story is supported by Национален фонд „Култура“/ National Culture Fund, Bulgaria

THE HOUSE OF THE SHORT STORY  .ikratko The first online magazine for short stories in Bulgaria founded by Диана] It’s an...


The first online magazine for short stories in Bulgaria founded by Диана]

It’s an online platform providing the means and space for professional writers and the lovers of the craft.

Short interview with Диана] reveals her motivations, the process of creating and building the magazine and some current affairs such as:

• THE SIXTH ISSUE OF SHORT STORIES “ACROSS LANDS” published by the publishing house

Where?: Bar Stage
When?: 09/03/2023 at 19:00-21:00

Magazine logo by .artroom
Design cover work by

Tho project is realised by the support of

Full interview on

It does, and when it does write you think it’s silly or stupid, or the opposite. It brings those sensations and feelings...

It does, and when it does write you think it’s silly or stupid, or the opposite. It brings those sensations and feelings of something meaningful and also fun.

So do write with the heart, please. It’s one of the best reads!

Sweet debut performance and a full house by SkyWay Official Looking forward to the next one!This project is supported by...

Sweet debut performance and a full house by SkyWay Official

Looking forward to the next one!

This project is supported by the Национален фонд „Култура“/ National Culture Fund, Bulgaria




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