A sneak preview of the totally undiluted madness that spewed from Emily in our latest episode— coming soon!!
#FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast #Podcast #PodcastersOfInstagram#PodcastersOfFacebook #movies #film #Filmmaking #FriskyEyebrows #Director #Actress #PowerCouple
We originally planned to drop this episode for the 4th of July but yo' boi and gurl caught tha 'vid and were laid up sick for awhile. Thankfully we're on the other side and doing much better, and so you get this belated holiday special. Also Jakob had a birthday since then so we decided to officially kick off summer movie season (belated, AGAIN) and are aiming to bring you all some rad up and coming episodes! Figured it was time to rip the band-aid and show Emily one of Jake's favorite comedies (a genre we haven't tackled much on the show): Team America: World Police! Also special sexy bonus guest Daniel Moser is in the house as we all profess our love for Trey Parker & Matt Stone #MattAndTreyAreBAE! Never did I expect that we'd be diving into real/deep talks when discussing a movie that has super graphic puppet sex but here we are. Listen to us rant about string based eroticism, political correctness/incorrectness, and more often than you'd think - Bo Burnham and Stephen Sondheim (seriously). What better way to celebrate this holiday than with this scathing satirical masterpiece! So strap in, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers!
#FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast #Podcast #PodcastersOfFacebook #movies #film #Filmmaking #FriskyEyebrows #Director #Actress #PowerCouple #BoBurnham #StephenSondheim #TreyParker #MattStone #SouthPark #Janiel #Danuary #holidaySpecial #belated #LoveYouMissedYou
What the hell are rules anyway? Oh man... This one was a bit of a risky bet. Jakob knows that EVENTUALLY he will show Emily something he loves that she doesn't dig (it has definitely happened before). The Rules of Attraction was in the "yeah this might not go so well" column of options for us to do an episode on. Will this be the one that breaks Emily? Will Jake ever get over that shot of Jessica Biel dancing in the hallway? Do we need @$$holes on our elbows? Join us on our unexpectedly (and traditionally tangent-laden) deep dive of this slice of collegiate debauchery from the early 2000s! So strap in, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers! 🍻
#FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast #Podcast #PodcastersOfFacebook #movies #film #Filmmaking #FriskyEyebrows #Director #Actress #PowerCouple #Richard #TheSeagull #Bateman #EmotionalVampire #FredSavage #BellyButtonCigs #Crying #Unrequited #WhatHiatus?
Ohhhhhhhhh man did we have fun watching this movie and recording this episode! This has been very high on the "I can't wait to show Emily this one" list for Jakob since the inception of our show. Tune in and join us as we talk about porn! Or rather, the porn industry... Or, well not really so much that as we just hella vibe on Paul Thomas Anderson's seminal classic, Boogie Nights, which just so happens to be set amidst the 70s-80s porn industry. Yadda yadda yadda, Mark Wahlberg has a huge talent. YOU KNOW THE FILM, DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T! This episode comes with that sexy TK421 modification (feel that bass!) as our discussion spreads wider than the performers in this uniquely dark, disquietingly provocative, highly influential masterpiece (translation: as usual, our talks are all over the place here). So *spins dramatically like Jennifer Love Hewitt* WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! (Yay old episode shout out!) Clickity click with the play button and enjoy our dive that goes oh-so-deep (okay, I'm done with the innuendos, pls forgive). Strap on, er I mean IN, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers! 💃🏽🕺🏽🍻
#FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast #Podcast #PodcastersOfFacebook #movies #film #Filmmaking #FriskyEyebrows #Director #Actress #PowerCouple #NotTravolta #ProstheicPeno #HugeTalent #DirkOrDurch #TK421 #BurtReynolds #BestLittleWhorehouseInTexas #NoRagrets #SinginInTheRain #FilmVsVideo #Disco
Strange Days have tracked us down... Join Emily as Jakob shows her Strange Days! This is kind of a rough/heavy one to ring in the new year (which obvi we are just now catching up on, HI AGAIN WE MISSED YOU GUYS!), but ohhhhh man is it a good one. Listen as we attempt (poorly) to go through the plot of this extremely dense flick that is not only Jake's favorite New Year's movie, but one of his favorites of all-time. Unfortunately at the time of recording this podcast the film STILL doesn't have a good, legitimate release stateside (BOO!). And it's a bit obscure, to be honest - it got buried in the insanely stacked release calendar year that was all of 1995... But it's got crazy amounts of talent both in front of and behind the camera and if you haven't seen it YOU ABSOLUTELY SHOULD! A hyper-violent, intensely-sexual, wholly-disturbing dystopian view of 1999 that somehow is uncomfortably relevant still today... well, just tune in and listen to Em's reaction, not to mention our obsession with Angela Basset's badassness, Jake's old-school crush on the dream that is Juliette Lewis, as well as our comparisons and potential recasting for a remake that shouldn't probably happen, and more! So pour yourself a little something-something and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers! 🍻🥳🥸🤯🤠
#FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast #Podcast #PodcastersOfFacebook #movies #film #Filmmaking #FriskyEyebrows #Director #Actress #PowerCouple #RainbowsandCorduroys #BCoop #LongHeath #RodneyKingRiots #RENT #Birdman? #JLaw #CriterionCollection #RemasterandReleasePlease #Thanksss #Squid #BadWigs #NewYearsButMakeitFashion #EndofTheWorld #Y2K
***SPOILER ALERT: We DO discuss some spoilery stuff on The Matrix Resurrections, which JUST came out. So if you haven't seen it yet, be warned!!!***
Holy hell, guys... grab a drink and strap in, cause we went a little to hard on this superfun episode! Join us as Emily discovers that nothing is real and tries to escape the simulation we're all trapped in after I finally show her The Matrix Trilogy!!! And we also checked out the newest sequel, Resurrections and talk about that too! And we are joined by a super special guest - one of our BFFs AJ from Genre Geeks (one of our favorite podcasts that we CANNOT plug or praise enough!) jumps in on this crazy epic episode that broke the 3 hour mark. Jakob thought about breaking this one into two parts, but decided TO HELL WITH THAT. We've been behind on getting new episodes out so we thought we'd end 2021 with our biggest episode to date! You're welcome, world. Listen as we try and discuss these four VERY dense cultural phenomenons as quick as we can and help us find our way back as we get lost in the weeds on tangents involving musicals, spaghetti, Monica Bellucci (*swoon), Alice in Wonderland, Nicolas Cage, Freddie Prinze Jr., Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and more! So pour yourself a little something-something and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers to a Happy New Year! 🥂
#FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast #Podcast #PodcastersOfFacebook #movies #film #Filmmaking #FriskyEyebrows #Director #Actress #PowerCouple #TheMatrix #Neo #Trinity #Morpheus #dejavu #RedPill #Spaghetti #KingGeorgeTheThirdTheFirst #ItsBulletTime #MRANDERSON #HugoWeaving #Loquacious #Tangential #Existential
**FRIENDLY CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNING** In this episode we dive into topics involving discussion on sexual assault, rape, suicide, depression, and mental health in general.
OH SNAP!!! Emily and Jakob are joined by their awesome filmmaker buddy Matthew Packman on this special episode for spooky season! Tune in as we chat about Matt's favorite movie, Ginger Snaps - a film that heavily influenced his latest feature, Morbid Colors , which we also discuss and were BOTH lucky enough to be a part of!!! So you kind of get a double dose of cinematic awesomeness in this episode. Lucky you!!! Let's celebrate the best season of the year in style... pop some popcorn, pour yourself a drink, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers!
#FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast #Podcast #podcastersoffacebook #movies #film #Filmmaking #FriskyEyebrows #Director #Actress #PowerCouple #GingerSnaps #ComingofAgeMovie #SpookyScary #Horror #HorrorMovie #FinalGirl #MorbidColors #Ginger #PodcastingwithFriends #Sisters
Head over to our Twitter (@FLTFT_Podcast) cause Emily is gonna be live tweeting reactions as we dive into James Gunn’s newest slice of awesome on HBO Max, The Suicide Squad!!!
In this episode, Jakob shows Emily the super uplifting, feel-good romp that is Requiem for a Dream!!! Everybody send her thoughts and prayers!!! We managed to somehow have fun with a very not fun (but absolutely phenomenal) film! Tune in to hear what began Emily’s continuous ranting about Jared Leto 😅 just… everyone don’t be a big bag of 🍆 to each other, okay?!? 😘👀💉📺🕺🏻
#FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast #Podcast #podcastersoffacebook #movies #film #Filmmaking #FriskyEyebrows #Director #Actress #PowerCouple #JaredLeto #MethodActing #RequiemforaDream #FeelGoodMovies #FeelBadMovies #FeelNumbMovies
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GENTLEMAN HALF OF OUR SILLY PODCAST! Don’t mind us, we’ll be watching Con Air and Shark Week to celebrate! Raise a glass to Jakob Bilinski! 🥃💥🥃🥳🤩🦈🦄
#FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast #podcastersoffacebook #birthday #ConAir #SuperSoftBirthday #SharkWeek
Listen as Emily’s brain is melted while contemplating the intricacies of theatre, film, continuous takes, method acting, and the like. Is the movie actually an adaptation of the 1977 song “Birdland” by Weather Report? Does Chekhov approve of the loose references to The Seagull? Will Emily lay off Jared Leto for once? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT #BAM #POW #WACK #KAPOW
Click this link for all the ways to listen and follow us!
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