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"It's a Matter of the Feet"


Finally, we had the chance to visit the FARM PLATE in Daraga, Albay (Bicol, Philippines).


My husband did the voiceover, and he did a fantastic job. It felt like he was right there with us in the video.
Thank you hubby bear! ❣️❣️❣️
😃 Enjoy watching guys! 😃

❤️❤️❤️ Dream came true ❤️❤️❤️

❤️❤️❤️ Dream came true ❤️❤️❤️

With The 8th Emerald Cafe X Just Follow The Goat – We just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉

With The 8th Emerald Cafe X Just Follow The Goat – We just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉

New found coffee shopNew friendNew place to hangout

New found coffee shop
New friend
New place to hangout

He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.‭‭Matthew 28:...

He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.
‭‭Matthew 28:6 NLT‬‬

He Is Risen

In Matthew 28:6, the angel's proclamation echoes through the ages, embodying the core of the Christian faith: "He is not here; he has risen!" These words resound with hope, power, and fulfillment of prophecy. Jesus conquered death, fulfilling His promise of resurrection.

The empty tomb invites us to ponder the significance of Christ's victory over death. It's not merely a historical event but a transformative truth that reshapes our lives. Jesus's resurrection offers us redemption, forgiveness, and eternal life. His triumph over death assures us of God's power to overcome every obstacle and bring new life from the ashes of despair.

As we celebrate Resurrection Day, let's reflect on the empty tomb not as a symbol of absence but as a beacon of hope. It beckons us to encounter the living Christ, to witness His transformative power in our lives, and to share the good news of His resurrection with a world longing for hope and salvation. May we come, see, and embrace the risen Savior, experiencing His resurrection power in our hearts and lives today.


Blessed Resurrection Sunday!

"Tetelestai" encapsulates Jesus' journey to the cross, where he declared "It is finished," marking the completion of His...

"Tetelestai" encapsulates Jesus' journey to the cross, where he declared "It is finished," marking the completion of His mission of redemption on Good Friday!

Golden Shower Trees, with their vibrant yellow blossoms, must add a lovely touch to Thailand's summer landscape. Enjoy t...

Golden Shower Trees, with their vibrant yellow blossoms, must add a lovely touch to Thailand's summer landscape. Enjoy the sight!

Namprathai Church-Khonkaen คริสตจักรน้ำพระทัยขอนแก่น Church Retreat "Circle of Love" 1 John 4:16

Namprathai Church-Khonkaen คริสตจักรน้ำพระทัยขอนแก่น
Church Retreat
"Circle of Love" 1 John 4:16


Sunday Worship Service
"The 3S in Building Up"

**The Beauty of a Well-Timed Word**In our journey through life, we encounter countless moments where words wield tremend...

**The Beauty of a Well-Timed Word**

In our journey through life, we encounter countless moments where words wield tremendous power. Whether in times of celebration, sorrow, or uncertainty, the right words spoken at the right time can have a profound impact on both the speaker and the listener.

Proverbs 15:23 reminds us of the beauty and significance of offering fitting replies. There's an art to speaking, not just in the words we choose, but also in the timing of their delivery. Just as a perfectly timed melody can transform a piece of music, so too can a well-timed word transform a conversation or situation.

Consider the times when someone's timely encouragement lifted your spirits or when a wise counsel steered you in the right direction. These moments are not just random occurrences but rather instances where someone spoke with wisdom and discernment, offering words that were precisely what was needed in that moment.

As followers of Christ, we are called to be mindful of our words and their impact. Ephesians 4:29 exhorts us to speak only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. This requires attentiveness, empathy, and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's guidance.

However, being mindful of our words doesn't mean we always have to say something profound or eloquent. Sometimes, the most fitting response is a simple word of kindness, a listening ear, or a comforting presence. It's not just about what we say but also about how we say it and when we say it.

Let us strive to cultivate hearts that are attuned to the needs of those around us, seeking opportunities to speak life, hope, and encouragement into their lives. May we be instruments of God's love and grace, using our words to uplift, inspire, and bring healing to others, just as He has done for us.

Today, let us prayerfully ask God for wisdom and discernment in our speech, that we may consistently offer fitting replies that reflect His love and truth in every situation we encounter.

May this devotional inspire you to use your words wisely and to seek opportunities to speak life into the lives of others.

Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!
‭‭Proverbs 15:23 NLT‬‬

Psalm 33:18 reminds us of God's faithful care for those who fear Him and rely on His unfailing love."Fearing" the Lord i...

Psalm 33:18 reminds us of God's faithful care for those who fear Him and rely on His unfailing love.

"Fearing" the Lord in this context doesn't mean being afraid of Him, but rather having reverence, awe, and respect for His greatness, holiness, and authority. It's about recognizing His sovereignty and living in obedience to His commands out of love and reverence.

When we fear the Lord and rely on His unfailing love, we position ourselves under His protection and provision. It's a relationship built on trust, knowing that God is faithful to His promises and His love endures forever. This verse reassures us that God is actively watching over us, guarding us from harm, and guiding us along His perfect path.

In our journey of faith, there will be challenges, uncertainties, and trials, but we can take comfort in the assurance that God is with us every step of the way. His love never fails, and His watchful eye is always upon those who seek Him wholeheartedly.

So, let's cultivate a heart of reverence for God and rely wholeheartedly on His unfailing love. Let's trust in His guidance, knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us. As we walk in obedience and dependence on Him, we can rest assured that He is our ever-present help and faithful protector.

But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.
‭‭Psalms 33:18 NLT‬‬

Let's dive deeper into the significance of Philippians 4:4:In this verse, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of ...

Let's dive deeper into the significance of Philippians 4:4:

In this verse, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of rejoicing in the Lord always. It's not a suggestion based on favorable circumstances but a command rooted in the unchanging character of God. Paul repeats this command to emphasize its significance, urging believers to maintain a continuous attitude of joy.

But what does it mean to "rejoice in the Lord"? It goes beyond mere happiness based on temporary circumstances. Instead, it's a deep-seated joy that stems from our relationship with God. It's an acknowledgment of His sovereignty, goodness, and faithfulness, regardless of our present situation.

This verse challenges us to shift our focus from our problems to the greatness of our God. When we delight in the Lord, we find peace that surpasses understanding, knowing that He is in control. Our joy in Him becomes a powerful witness to the world, demonstrating the transformative power of faith in Christ.

So, let's take this command to heart and make a conscious effort to rejoice in the Lord always. Let's cultivate a habit of gratitude, praise, and trust in God's unfailing love, knowing that He is worthy of all our worship and adoration.

‭‭Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, take pleasure in Him]; again I will say, rejoice!
Philippians 4:4 AMP‬‬

Psalm 16:11 in the New Living Translation reads: "You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence...

Psalm 16:11 in the New Living Translation reads: "You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever."

This verse speaks to the believer's confidence in God's guidance and provision. Let's break it down:

1. **Guidance**: "You will show me the way of life." Here, the Psalmist acknowledges God's role as a guide in life. In our journey, we often face decisions, challenges, and uncertainties. Yet, the assurance comes from trusting that God will lead us on the path that leads to true life, abundant and fulfilling.

2. **Joy in God's Presence**: "Granting me the joy of your presence." The Psalmist finds joy not just in what God provides or where He leads, but in God Himself. There's an intimacy implied here, a closeness with God that brings a deep, abiding joy. This joy doesn't depend on circumstances but on the unchanging nature of God.

3. **Eternal Pleasures**: "And the pleasures of living with you forever." Lastly, the Psalmist looks beyond the immediate present to the eternal future. The pleasures found in God's presence aren't temporary; they are everlasting. This reminds us that our hope extends beyond this life, and in God's presence, there is fullness of joy for eternity.

So, as we reflect on this verse, may we trust in God's guidance, find joy in His presence, and anticipate the eternal pleasures of living with Him forever.

You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.
‭‭Psalms 16:11 NLT‬‬

Psalm 30:11 beautifully captures the transformational power of God's presence in our lives. Here's a brief devotional re...

Psalm 30:11 beautifully captures the transformational power of God's presence in our lives. Here's a brief devotional reflection on this verse:

1. **Turning Mourning into Dancing**: The psalmist acknowledges God's ability to turn their mourning into joyful dancing. This imagery conveys a profound truth about God's redemptive work in our lives. Even in our darkest moments of sorrow, God has the power to bring about a radical transformation, replacing our grief with joy. He offers us hope and restoration, inviting us to exchange our sorrow for His joy.

2. **Clothed with Joy**: The psalmist vividly describes how God takes away their clothes of mourning and clothes them with joy. This metaphor highlights God's role as our provider and healer. He doesn't just alleviate our pain; He completely changes our identity and attire, wrapping us in His joy and peace. Through His grace, we are no longer defined by our past struggles or sorrows but by His abundant love and mercy.

In essence, Psalm 30:11 reminds us of God's transformative power in our lives. No matter how deep our pain or sorrow may be, God can turn our mourning into dancing and clothe us with joy. As we trust in Him and surrender our burdens, He offers us new life and a reason to rejoice. Let's lean into His presence and allow Him to work miracles in our hearts today.

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.
‭‭Psalms 30:11 NLT‬‬

This verse from Psalm 9:2 is a beautiful expression of gratitude and worship towards God. Let's break it down into two k...

This verse from Psalm 9:2 is a beautiful expression of gratitude and worship towards God. Let's break it down into two key points for a devotional reflection:

1. **Joy in God's Presence**: The psalmist acknowledges that their heart is filled with joy because of God. This joy isn't dependent on circumstances but stems from a deep relationship with the Most High. In our lives, we, too, can experience this joy when we turn our focus towards God and dwell in His presence, finding contentment and peace regardless of our external situations.

2. **Praise and Worship**: The psalmist declares their intention to sing praises to God's name. Worship is not just an act of gratitude for what God has done, but also a recognition of who He is - the Most High, the Creator, the Sustainer of all things. When we sing praises to God's name, we align our hearts with His will and acknowledge His sovereignty over our lives.

In summary, this verse invites us to cultivate joy in God's presence and to express our gratitude and reverence through praise and worship. As we do so, we deepen our connection with God and experience the abundant life He offers us.

I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.
‭‭Psalms 9:2 NLT‬‬

This verse from Psalms 41:1 highlights the profound blessing that comes from showing kindness to the poor. It reminds us...

This verse from Psalms 41:1 highlights the profound blessing that comes from showing kindness to the poor. It reminds us that God is deeply concerned for the well-being of those in need and promises rescue for those who extend compassion and support to them.

As we reflect on this verse, it prompts us to consider our own actions towards the less fortunate in our communities. Are we actively seeking opportunities to help those in need? Are we demonstrating kindness and generosity to those who are marginalized or struggling?

By being compassionate and generous towards the poor, we not only fulfill a duty of love and justice but also align ourselves with God's heart. Moreover, this verse assures us that when we extend a helping hand to those in trouble, God stands ready to rescue and support us in our own times of need.

Therefore, let us be inspired to live lives marked by kindness and generosity, knowing that as we do so, we participate in God's work of redemption and experience His faithful provision and protection.

Oh, the joys of those who are kind to the poor! The Lord rescues them when they are in trouble.
‭‭Psalms 41:1 NLT‬‬

Psalm 33:21 beautifully follows the theme of trust and hope in the Lord established in the previous verse. Here, we see ...

Psalm 33:21 beautifully follows the theme of trust and hope in the Lord established in the previous verse. Here, we see the natural response of our hearts when we place our trust in God's holy name – rejoicing.

When we trust in the Lord, we align our hearts with His will and His purposes. We acknowledge His sovereignty and goodness, recognizing that He is worthy of our trust. As a result, our hearts are filled with joy and gladness, regardless of our circumstances.

Trusting in God's holy name means putting our faith in His character, His promises, and His unfailing love for us. It's an act of surrender, letting go of our own understanding and relying entirely on His wisdom and guidance.

In moments of uncertainty or difficulty, our trust in God's holy name becomes our anchor. It grounds us in the assurance that God is faithful and true, and that He is working all things together for our good.

So, let us rejoice in the Lord always, trusting in His holy name with all our hearts. May our lives be a testimony to His faithfulness, as we experience the joy and peace that come from placing our trust in Him.

In Him, our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name.
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭33:21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In Psalms 33:20, we find a beautiful reminder of where our hope lies – in the Lord. The verse portrays God not just as a...

In Psalms 33:20, we find a beautiful reminder of where our hope lies – in the Lord. The verse portrays God not just as a distant figure but as an active presence in our lives, as our Help and Shield.

When we put our hope in the Lord, we acknowledge His sovereignty over our circumstances. He is our Help, ever-present, to assist us in our times of need. Whatever challenges or trials we may face, we can take comfort in knowing that God is with us, ready to guide us and provide us with the strength and wisdom we need to overcome.

Additionally, God is our Shield, protecting us from harm and danger. He guards us against the attacks of the enemy, both seen and unseen. As we trust in Him, we can rest assured that He is our ultimate defender, shielding us from the storms of life.

So, let us anchor our hope firmly in the Lord, recognizing His faithfulness and power. May we continually seek His help and trust in His protection, knowing that He is our ever-present help in times of trouble.
We put our hope in the Lord. He is our Help and our Shield.
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭33:20‬ ‭NLT‬‬



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