This is a wonderful thing. I'm glad to have helped in my tiny way. Not everyone will agree with the name change. It will probably lose a lot of frequenters. To most of them, frankly, good riddance. We don't need people so sexist that a name change away from problematic material upsets them. The goal is to anti-sexist and this is one of many ways to do it. Also, GS had lost me as a user for years and now it's gained me. I'm sure there are many others too.
I'm working to allow my business, run by me, to have some moral opinions. I don't think business should stay silent on matters that affect them just because they're "political". It may hurt my bottom line, but I'd rather that get hurt than people.
Julian Standen has just announced via an interview (on Working Class Audio's Youtube channel) that Gearslutz will be changing their name. Julian has expressed compassion and understanding for the fact that the name was offensive and inappropriate for the workplace, and would like the site to have a....