9th song that's taken from Sree Sree Horisangeet. This song is a prayer song by the thinker poet Ashwinee . He expressed his gratitude and prayer to Lord Sri Guruchand, son of God Harichand, and prayed humbly with this song.
Should to say something before express about nice meaning of the song. A name guruchand also known as Guruchandra. He is the Lord of Namoshudroo. He is son of God Poornabrahma Sree Sree Horichand Thakur. He was born in a Namoshoodra family . Some one say that, He was born in a Moitheli Brahmin family but it is not true according to the song of Ashwanee.
The name of the most hated caste in the Indian subcontinent is Namashoodra though they are more in number. They went to the brink of death in the mill of religion. Harichand Tagore is the savior of the Namasoodras, the giver of their life. Harichand Thakur entrusted all his unfulfilled intentions to his son and promised that his son would fulfill it and he kept his commitments .
"Namoh Guruchandra namoh tamoh bimochan,
Amar chittaguhar andhokar karo udgeeran."
Bow to you Guruchandra, bow to you as remover of darkness. You remove the darkness of the cave in my heart.
Such we simply say, "Take away the darkness of ignorance."
"1.Namoshoodra kuludbhab, tumi bhoboadi bandhab,
Tomar sourave jagot matilo ghuchilo roirabh.
Tumi Gyandata, jagot pita, potitte karo pawan."
In fact, every human being has his own earth as same as a nation too. You are a descent of Namashoodra. You are the first of us to be friendly and stand by. The earth of Namoshudroo has come alive for you today, all nonsense, slander is gone. You are the giver of consciousness, you are the giver of consciousness to the unconscious.
" 2.Koti chandra dibakar, udit charone tomar,
Dibanisi dichchhe jhalok ghuchlo andhokar.
Amay diye alok,karo pulak,bhooloke goloker dhan."
The source of light is the sun. Like the moon, nebulae, stars are charging from the sun. All day night long it’s giving us light. In the same way, a conscious person also gives consciousness to others. You are the giver of all their consciousness. They are enlightening the world by getting the blessing from you. You enlighten me, give me consciousness.
"3.Kshudra-Namoshoodragan tander agayan vanjyon,
Dibhyagayan koria dan korile Brahman.
Hori nam dharmma kori bitaron,pashanda korle dalon."
You have given them true knowledge, which is also called divination. Enlightened by this true knowledge, today they have become Brahmins because of you.
"4.Diye pitridharmme mon,korle protigya pooron
Namohkul kalongkarashi korile haron,
Abar garhasthya proshasta dharmmo, jagote korle arpon."
You were immersed in your father's ideals and worked towards with his aim, you preached the domestic policy or religion, you established it and you removed the false stigma of Namoshoodras, and by this you fulfilled the promise which is made to your father.
"5.Amar hriday akashe,Guruchand uday hao aase,
Tomar roop madhuree, nayan bhori,dekhbo horishe.
Moorh Ashwanee koy, deen dayamoy, dao amare sreecharon."
Guruchand, come and rise in the sky of my heart. I will see you with joy and I will realize you. You are the friend of the neglected or poor, you are kind. You are the embodiment of grace, give me a place on feet.
In other words,
I am stupid, obscure illiterate, please enlighten me by giving me understanding power, knowledge and awareness.