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It is going to be tough for South Africans to beat Covid 19. People are contesting the remedy, as some are against vaccine. Just for fear to face the reality.


Please, prove read this passage below:
The results that shook the nation, 2020 Matric. Class of surprises. These left us all with tears of joy and happiness. Yes, they are the best ever released in this country. Many speak endlessly about excellent performance despite schools lockdowns.
Unfortunately, message left by these results is not noticed and nobody makes noise about it. In South Africa learners pass so well without teachers physically teaching them. This is history in the making. The Grade 12 class of
2020 gave the country best results without teachers infront of them. Worse, most did not have supportive resources except text books. Even though there were some who got actually got some limited teaching. This has exposed that our current learning and teaching approach is not the only way to enhance learner performance. Therefore change or innovative ways is required. A research is necessary to find how they did it. The findings will help to change or introduce innovative ways. These results must serve as an eye opener to our education authority.

The results that shook the nation, 2020 Matric. Class of surprises.  These left us all with tears of joy and happiness. ...

The results that shook the nation, 2020 Matric. Class of surprises. These left us all with tears of joy and happiness. Yes, they are the best ever released in this country. Many speak endlessly about excellent performance despite schools lockdowns.
Unfortunately, message left by these results is not noticed and nobody makes noise about it. In South Africa learners pass so well without teachers physically teaching them. This is history in the making. The Grade 12 class of
2020 gave the country best results without teachers infront of them. Worse, most did not have supportive resources except text books. Even though there were some who got actually got some limited teaching. This has exposed that our current learning and teaching approach is not the only way to enhance learner performance. Therefore change or innovative ways is required. A research is necessary to find how they did it. The findings will help to change or introduce innovative ways. These results must serve as an eye opener to our education authority.


Perfect Love - Peferfect Marriage. Since there is perfect love there is peferfect marriage. You see, love leads to marriage. And if love is perfect so is marriage. Above all where is love there is no fear, so says Paul. So, no fear in marriage too. It is said perfect love drives out fear. So, Perfect love in marriage drives out fears of insecurities, fears of humiliations, guilt of unfaithfulness and lurking punishment. Practice perfect love love you will enjoy perfect marriage. Joy and happiness will order your marriage. Here, l speak out of experience. Never say it is not possible before practice. Do not even test it, do it. 1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." But we are, for He first loved us. So, His love in us repels all the negatives.


Life is said to be evolving. It never remains the same. And that keeps life challenging and exciting. People also change to adapt into ever changing life. To enable man to fit into changing life culture changes. When it changes it impacts on our traditions. For instance initiation schools are no more practised as in the past. However, of all the changes there are things that do not change. They remain the same but fit well in any changing situation. Typucal example is the Word of God. It never changes. It has been the same yesterday, today and will remain as such tomorrow. It is the embodiment of the truth. Values that shape human conduct never bend with changing times. The Word of God lasts forever and all the time has positive influence in our lives. It does not encourage hatred above love, disrespect over respect and disloyalty above loyalty. If we can truly follow it, this world would be a better place to live in. Let us not change things that are rigid, complete and whole. Somethings cannot be change.


Manipulated politics. Politics have never been a fair game. But truly they stand for the truth. Only polluted politicians manipulate politics for personal gains. Polluted politicians organise riots and instigate us to fight againt one common enemy but for diverse purposes. Knowing that we want better life, they want political power.. They need majority to help them gain it. Knowing that political power will get them better life. Our struggle is not theirs but the enemy is one. When they get political power, their struggle ends and fight no more. At the end, we are left alone still fighting for better life. See, we fought together with all those in power today. Yet, we are still fighting, but do they, no. Hence, when expelled from their parties, they start their own political organizations. And they mobilize us to put them in power. It is a vicious circle where we are all used. This has to be stopped. How, is all in our minds.


Assurance & Confidence = Faith
To show faith we must be confident and speak with assurance.
Hebrews 12:1 "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we di not see."
Faith is seen through confidence and assurance. Without the two there is no faith.
1. Confidence is
doubtless belief or
2 Assurance is positive
declaration aimed at
giving confidence.
While hope is being confident that something desired shall happen. Confidence makes us to stand by our hope, thou hope is not material or tangeable. Confidently we act or behave as if we know that what we desire shall come to pass. This is fath. Even, when things turn adversely bad in your life never give up hope. Overall, God is present.
In actual fact, we declare and act on our declaration. Now acting on our declaration shows how confident we are. Saying something in confident, is faith. You give assurance that what you say will come up as said. If you cannot speak with assurance then you lack faith. What you declare may or may not....


God is on our side
You will never know that God is on your side unless you allow Him. Just sit back and allow God to run for you. Even if you going through hard times do nothing and just have faith that He will turn things in your favour, for He has destined you for that.
Romans 8:30 - 31
And those he predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified. What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

God has people He set in advance for a particular purpose. When His time comes to use them them. Check the life of Joseph. He was despised by all including his own brothers. Even the wife of the King but he kept quiet until God lifted him up.


Broken families
South Africa is embedded with so called broken families. This has influenced our growing up.
Some families never had full warm family support. Growing up had been difficult to most of us. And that forced the the notion of survival of the fittest. Hence, many can do anything to see her/himself to succeed in life. No matter why we have both crooks and fair people. Driven by poverty and neediness.
Moreover practised because of our democratic rights. These are actually abused. Instead, our rearing up played a central role in our lives. Due to broken families, our background has affected our thinking, hence some are disloyal to our country. Glittered by fraud and corruption. To overcome this we must rebuild the broken families. Give good life to our people then South Africa will be saved.


I have discovered that some people are not honest with themselves. The Makotis and Mothers In Law sometimes do not get along with each other. But not all Bo-Makoti and Mothers In Law, for there are those eho fit well like hand in glove. Unfortunately others are like cats and rats. When Makotiisis good Mamazala is a hell and a half or visa visa. They both forget that the man or the son who brought them together love them equally. Unfortunately they cannot tear him up. Badly, he find himself in the middles of their dissension. Regrettably, men / sons in the middle do not want to take stand and defuse the situation without taking side but remain honest. Making sure that both know and respect their positions, without being rude or humiliating either. If men/sons can do so, they will establish everlasting good relationship between their wives and mothers. So, men must stand up.


Does it happen that one can feel empty? You find yourself surrounded by multy challenges but still feel empty. I mean you can't find answers and joy for life. Yes, you find yourself stagnant and mind blocked. If you ever had that experience, what could be the cause thereof? What l am sure of, this period delays one's progress in life. Sometimes you may feel worthless, this is an illusion fight it. It is a false alarm fight it for you are better than that. Although it happens allow it not to derail your life plans. You have life purpose, live it. Trigger your mind by thinking positive things outside your challenges. Refuse to entertain your troubles rather identify the cause and deal with it. Be in control.


Children learning from their mistakes.
Many people believe that they must allow children to make their own mistakes. Young parents believe in this notion. Am not sure if that is right. All am asking myself is why are parents available. What is parenting? Are they not there to guide and teach their children. Hence, Pŕoverbs 22:6. It is all about parents' role in rearing their children up.
Yes, it is true that experience is the best teacher, but not for novice or children who do not have life experience. A mistake a child makes is not a learning curve but a bad experience. Any child exposed to such take it as part of normal life practices. Parents believing in that, do not have feeling for their children. So, children do not learn from their mistakes but from what they are thought. Parents play your role and you will not blame your child for any mistake. Black people let us be black and teach our children without abusing them.


Difficult to sccept
To accept that you are wrong, if you are indeed at fault is not easy. It is human to accept if you are wrong but it requires courage. Many people throw tantrums and cause chaos instead of accepting the truth. Truth is a pain. Yes, it maybe true that one has stolen something, but to accept it is a different ball game. It is pride that makes us to refuse support and be corrected. Unaware that being corrected gives us chance to start afresh. Being corrected is being given second chance in life. Being corrected is a blessing, is a sign of being loved. However, many do not see it that way. But truly it is just as Job 5:17 says. When we are disciplined, we take it personal. We become defensive, despise discipline and refuse to be corrected. Correcting someone is a form of discipline. We must embrace discipline and being corrected than we shall be blessed. No harm shall happen to us.


Lobola and wedding ring are misrepresented. Both are mere show off. They are a means to marriage. They will never replace it. Marriage needs commitment from the two parties. Women's support to husbands and men's love to wives, are spices of marriage. We mustn't misdirect our commitment to ourselves rather to marriage.
Some men cheat their wives despite huge amount of lobola paid. Likewise, some women do the same with most expensive ring on their figure. This is the results of lack of commitment to marriage.
Think of it. Thou marriage can go through rough patch, it is easy to work things out, if we are committed. A commitment always provides direction. It makes us believe in our marriage. Embrace your affairs with commitment you will enjoy happy marriage. Hence Neil Strauss says: “Without commitment you cannot have depth in anything. Thank you.

HappinesEverybody deserves to be happy. Happiness is a medicine, it heals. No matter hard times we go through, once we g...

Everybody deserves to be happy. Happiness is a medicine, it heals. No matter hard times we go through, once we get happiness, we forget. In fact, it makes us live above sorrows and worries. Being happy never goes out of fashion. It makes us feel that we are living. IJ Parker said: "The way to be truly happy is to be truly human, and the way to be truly human is to be truly godly." Without joy you are not human, yes you are animalistic. I believe we need not to wait for happiness rather make it.
We don't need someone to make us happy. People bring troubles. We must stop fooling ourselves thinking that people will make us happy. But our happiness alone is limited for in God is complete. Psalm 144:15 "Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!" Guys it is pleasing to be happy. So, I say "don't worry be happy."
NB. CLICK on the link below and be happy.

Music video by Bobby McFerrin performing Don't Worry Be Happy.


When God forgives, He really does so. He actually does not remind us of our past.
Psalm 103: 12 "As far as the East is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us."

Now we know that when we are forgivn our sins are thrown far away from us. Even if we would like to reflect on them it will take our whole life to do so. Our God really forgives and forgets, which is difficult for us to do. When He does so, it is through love. But when we forgive we looking for favour in turn. Let us make this country a place to live and forgive each other. If we could do so, there would be no need for commissions.


Move on
Move on is an act of bearing the sad past and proceed in life. After every storm, we are expected to be strong enough to move on. Any life obstacle is not the end of the road. But there are some of us who get stuck and breakdown. There are two 2D of life that distruct our focus namely, divorce and death. When we have lost people who matter in our lives, yes, we must mourn for them but move on. Facing lost due to death passes no matter how painful it is. But divorce make us stupid. Many think they move on when they got another lover. Unfortunately, women more often are trapped in the same quandary. This made then to take worse decisions such as "I don't want to remarry but l want a child". This is sad absurd move. It usually leave them with more burden of rising that child alone. This defiles women dignity, for they end up with children of varying surnames. It is not only about them but children as well. Moving on with life after divorce should not leave us with the pack of sorrow. We die, we leave them to face scornful words of "one root different identities", it hurts. But it also hurts not to have someone to share life with particularly when you were used to. I really feel sorry for our ladies after divorce. They are strongly challenged. If they get married their sons don't get well with their stepfather's. If not that, their daughters fall victims of abuse by the same partner. After death of husbands or divorce ladies are left in dilemma. Sometimes anything they do to move on turns against them and hurts. But to move on, yes we have to, in a calculated manner. Move on and no regrets.


A home and a house serve as the human habitation. But give various connotations for our safety and shelter. .I then believe that there is no home without a house but a house without home. A home does not give you a shelter alone but gives you safety and warmth, love, care and respect. But a house gives you a shelter to be saved from coldness, rain, storm and hit. Both home and house are provided by families, parents. There are families who provide a house but not a home. And family with a home without a house is incomplete. But a family with a house without a home is insane. You see, there is no home without a house yet there can be a house without a home. An empty house is not a home. But there is no empty home because every home has a family. It is these families who make up a home. Some parents choose to stay in a house than at home. A home is not a building but gices love, warmth and comfort. Hence, there's no place like home, so it is said. If all can make home for all this country can be a place of hope. There is nothing wrong to build a house but if it does not embrace home character it is worthless. Now what is your choice, a home or a family?


Men for women
I declare "Men for women." Men, stand up and oppose gender based violence (GBV). Galatians 2:11, ESV: "But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned." Leaders before us did it, in their own space, why can't we. Paul, did it, Tata Mandela did it, why can't we? They have proven that minority can be defeated, by speaking up and standing by what one believes in. It has been long since women have been abused in this country, now it must be stopped. The rappings, killings, tortures and beatings must stop. Let us say enough is enough. These perpetrators are in minority and they can be defeated. What have women done to deserve this evil treatment? Think of the pains these woman suffer before they die/get help. What agony they endure for the sake of love? Unfortunately all men have been painted evil just because of evil minority. Men, let us go back to the roots, "majority rules". Let us rule and restore humanity across gender base. However, we need God's intervention as per Psalm 16:8 ESV "I have set the Lord always before me; fore He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken." So, let us stop be shaken by few evil men and begin to act to protect these women knowing that God is besides us. Imagine, what would this country be without women. Hence l say "Men for women."


Why a feeling that am not loved?
To find content ask, "Who am I?" Before l can claim thhat am not loved, l need to find my identify. "Am l open about myself particularly to those close to me like my parents?" "Do l want to be loved or do l love?" :Am l honest to myself or other people?" "Do l know why l am who I am?" Moreover, have you found God's purpose about this person you think is not loved? Never make assumptions about yourself thinking that people do not like you. You will live with a pain in your heart just because of unfounded issues. Face facts, have people told you that they don't love you? Don't sadden yourself, and wait for love just love yourself because you deserve it. So, you are loved, don't just feel it.


The who and the what we are. We are not characterised by what we are but by who we are. What we are is only the matter of birth. We are either male or female. That is what we are. Our origin got nothing to do with who we become. See, the moral of a person is not determined by birth. It is not necessarily the people who brought us on earth who are our parents but those who rear us up. Those who cared for us, who witnessed our first step and who heard our first words. Some of our parents are true leaders but some a wasted mind. Though true some play important role in our lives, we still slip out of their hands. It takes two to be in the life of a child, parents, and the community. I have seen worse behaved children coming from a well and good morally rooted family. See, it cannot be right blaming parents alone. Our community has sick elements that contaminate a whole. They influence who we are. We could either be good or bad. More often, we be become who we are by choice. Indeed, we choose, and some choices we make, lead us nowhere. Somethings can still be done differently to shape children’s future. See, what we got little to do with who we become, but who we are has anything to do with what we become.


What is your past?
Same past lead to different reaction to two different people. Hence, l believe one's past can be a thorn in the neck, whereas the same a break through to other. In 1986 two men lost their job due to retrenchment. One saw the opportunity to further his studies the other saw black and couldn't do anything, and did nothing. He ended up being alcoholist. He lost his family. His wife moved out, children lost life direction and one had since past on with his mother. A very decent warm family broke apart. Today he curses his past, he's not proud of. You see, faced with the same job lost the other opted for teaching wasted 3 years training but resumed on positive foot. Today he has a tale to tell and motivate others to do better. Losing a job is an agony that blocks your positive thinking. You get lost in the circle of thoughts and become mentally numb. It is an experience as a man you wouldn't wish any one to go through. "Men hold on your jobs that is the only thing that keeps your hope." But forget not that prayer has power. It is the covid 19 era, anything can happen.


None spoken truths.
We do things, we don't want them to be shared or not proud of. These remain our grave secrets. We keep them, for some use them to hurt us. In marriages, it is worse. For instance, sharing the truth about a child you got out of marriage log. Better said than received through hearsay, noting it can't be hidden forever. Luke 8:17 "For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light." It can't be hidden, it has its way out, it's a fact and can't be undone. There're many marriage secrets awaiting to explode. I know this is sensitive, very emotional, but it must be spoken. "Sealed truth is a foreever piecing thorn in the neck, reveal it. Sadly, when revealed are used to scorn us, it hurts again. "Ke kgomo ya moshate." You reveal it you get hurt, you keep it, you still get hurt." The truth is, "spill the beans," deal with the consequences. "Openness is the root of true love, true love the foundation of strong marriage." But the choice is yours, for some say what you don't know will not hurt. All l can say is: "The word of wisdom never go wrong."


Hatred kills.
Hold on hatred, and die young. We may have various reasons to hate mand try to qualify the cause but it is not the purpose of life. We are taught to love but choose to hate. Hatred destroys everything. It kills one alive. If it does not literally kill us, it destroys us Spiritually, Socially, Intellectually and Emotionally and leaves us with physical one. What is the use of our physical dimension if all four are destroyed or dead? A person full of hatred can do anything no matter how disgusting it can be. Under hatred we are emotionally grieved, socially isolated intellectually numb and spiritually depressed. A man full of hatred is not in control of his life, hatred does. At this stage, our emotions are at boiling point any devious act is possible with us. Truly, we are worse than a moving co**se. Moreover, hatred causes heart attacks, depression, hypertension and diabetic so they say. Then where is life there? So, we can't afford to hate rather love and live. It's like the Bible knew about all agonies of hatred hence it said: "Do everything in love." 1 Corin, 16:14. If we can do so, we shall not die before our actual death. I mean "dying at our prime life but buried at our primeval time." So, let not your feeling kill you but love and live. Hatred kills or cause killings.


Overcome your fears. Fear is human, it must be overruled for us to do what is right. When facing her fears
M Williamson said: "I’ve come to trust not that events will always unfold exactly as I want, but that I will be fine either way. ...” . I don’t know a person who doesn’t have any fears, do you? This, forces me ask: What are your current fears? What is your take, to face or run away? Running away is not an option rather let us stand against our fears. You've had business ideas you didn't implement. People you shared with, have used them and are prospering. You're still where you were because of fear. Be courageous, so says the Bible. Note that courage is not the absence of fear, but doing what is right even under fear. To do so we need soul lifter. (Joshua1:9) l realised that fear drives us to do our best, it also leads. My mother use to say: "Fear guides you." Now, l've also noted that fear is not my stumbling block rather a guide. In many cases, fear of failure forces us to be ready for the uncertainties. Just overcome your fears and you will make the best of yourself.


Face your shame
We all go through thick and thin. Some are personally made, or created. Whether made or created there must be solution. All is to act. Shame actually makes us feel small or ashame of facing people. Hence, some resort to running away. In so doing the problem remains unresolved. This tells two sides of you. Either inconconsistance or cowardice. Is this who you are? On the other side rise up and face your shame. Situations come and pass, so it will pass too. This is the boldest stance a man can take. Face your shame man & stand firm. Yes, shame is a shame but make up your leeway.
It is essential to note that the strength of a man is measured by how he faces his shame. If you can't face it yourself then believe that God will do it for you. For in Romans 10:11, we read: "For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” Facing your shame will set you free forever.


Every child a blessing.
Not even a single parent masters human creation. When a child is born we can ONLY marvel the poor baby's presence. We also get fascinated by the magic of their growth. In growing they learn to love us. But this is mainly created by the way we rear the child up. It hurts so much to see your child not loving you but gives all love to outsiders. Your child begin to feel happy when not at home and spends more time with friends and those who were never there during the hard growing times. Now you are the list prioritised in his/her life. It's heart breaking. At this point in life surrender your child unto God. Isaiah 54:13 says “All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children." This verse must motivate us that God will teach them. Where we get tired, allow God to take over. But they are a blessing from God. We must exchange their hurtful treatment unto us with love and caring heart. Parents despite all odds never give up on loving and supporting your child no matter what happens. So, stay well.


Talking platform
Creating platform for our children to talk freely with us.
As we teach them to listen, we must also teach them to talk freely. For, we can see that they have listened, by how they respond. It must not be a one way, listening without being heard. Being heard is a sign of recognition. Dit bewiese dat jy vat my kop toe. This is what children enjoy. They will not like to be disappoint by you. They know they are respected and they will also show that respect unto you. Be in their lives from the start. Grow with them through their developmental stages. Avoid controlling their minds, but guide their emotional response.
When they were young you used to do things for them and they were grateful. Your taste was theirs, but as they grow old they develop their own taste and you should allow them to. There will never be family confrontations. The challenge is we want to think for them even when they are no more babies. To avoid this, accept that in their early life, they learnt from you, now learn from them. It remains with us to create that transformational platform.
Parents stop being robots or pilot parenting, sharing is teaching with care. Forget a bit about instructing and commanding, share. Your child will know what robot lights mean rather than you acting as one. It is easy to comply through sharing than under command. Your home is not a soldiers' training camp where you comply and complain later. In sharing everybody owns the rise and fall of the family, than blaming and praising an individual. Make children believe in you as parents. A parent addressing them at their level of understanding. In this state, sharing builds in, hence, the bible says, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6). Make your children be your pride by giving them talking platform.


""Love is a fuel of life, without love life is stagnant." It's love that unites nations, communities, families and couples. Yes, it's love that gives life. It is irreplaceable and cannot be faked. All those who fake love are tyrant. They pretend to love for their own selfish gains. Countries fall apart due to false leaders, false men, false fathers and false young men. If we love, we protect the interest of our country, community, family and children. Nowadays, we go through a lot of killings because of faked love. Love is sincere, straight forward and does not work for itself. It serves diligently without greediness. Romans 12: 9 says "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” So, our leaders are urged to hate what is evil. I plead for love. It is love but not hate that shall redeem us from poverty, fraud and corruption. If we can love one another this world will be our home. Hence, Jesus said in John 15:12: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." l love love and hate hate.


Children and emotions
Emotions and thinking are interwoven. The difference is on how we respond to situations. Our response tell if we have given a thought before acting or we were emotional. It is not wrong to be emotional. Emotions reveal either good or bad feelings. But it is mean to act with bad feelings such as hurting others.This is wrong emotional behaviour. It matters not how underlying causes may justify our actions. A parent can have justifiable causes to beat up someone's child who had beaten her son but that doesn't make it right. Your strong hand can be your left hand it doesn't turn it to be your right hand. Your right will always be your right no matter how weak it may be. Edtional react will always be unacceptable if hurts others. In some cases, you may be the victim of your emotions. If allowed to prevail, they build walls not bridges between us. It is the conduct that we must protect our children against. Stop saying "l told him hell or where to get off." This shows we're failing to control our negative emotions. It doesn't mean when you can't control your laughter, you must do the same with your anger. These are two divergent emotional reactions. It's what we must teach children to control. We experience killings, thefts, rapings and revengeful acts for perpetrators failed to control their emotions. It appears like some don't think before acting. But listen here, they do it is just that their emotions cloud up their thinking. This country can be a better place if all can lean to control their emotions. Only our children are better suited for the purpose. Only disciplined children will be the best candidates. Parents, let's do our tasks and our children will finish the race.




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