QUICK HITS JFK Research Podcast, With Rob Clark & Doug Campbell

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QUICK HITS JFK Research Podcast, With Rob Clark & Doug Campbell A JFK Assassination Research News & Notes Podcast.


ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW EPISODE of your favorite JFK Assassination Podcaster's Favorite JFK Assassination Podcast HAS UPLOADED! Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/216-february-13-2025-combing-the-jfk-documents-the-future-soviet-head-of-state-who-tutored-oswald-in-minsk--64360262 to listen/download NOW!
IN THIS EPISODE~ It's back to the exploration and study of the Declassified Primary Source Material-- The JFK Files.
We'll take a look at Lee Oswald's time in the Belarusan city of Minsk, and dive into an NSA JFK Records Archive to explore a series of US State Department Cables from 1992 & 1993 that detail: A. How-- quite by surprise-- The State Department was made aware of an incredible connection between Oswald and an Eastern Bloc Head-Of-State; B. The full-court-press put on by The State Department and FBI to gain access to KGB material regarding Oswald in the aftermath of this revelation; and C. How eager the KGB was to tell the US Government what a complete load of bunk the KGB considered The Warren Report and The "Magic Bullet/Lone Gunman"-Theory to be.
And why.

Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell.
Recorded & Engineered by Momo Scaranucci, Jr. for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

"Be Ill", by Rakim The God MC (Featuring Kurupt & Masta Killa.)
"A Small Victory", by Faith No More.
"Blue Jean Blues", by ZZ Top.


ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW Episode #215 HAS UPLOADED! Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/215-january-27-2025-a-trump-s-executive-order-to-declassify-the-jfk-files-b-the-question-of-rogue-operative-vs-mastermind--63943227 to listen/download NOW!
IN THIS EPISODE~ A Very Big Development regarding the still-withheld JFK Assassination Records may- or may not- have a big impact on what we do here. We will dissect the recent Presidential Executive Order directing the Federal Government to release the remaining JFK, RFK and MLK Files and ask: What might we learn? When might we learn it? What might the process look like? How might it work? What might the timetable be?
PLUS~ we'll get into listener/reader reaction to Doug's recent piece "Most Likely To Go Rogue", published at the Assassinations Archive & Research Center ( aarclibrary.org ), and touch on the recent trip to Dallas for the 61st Anniversary of that tragic day and JFK Lancer's "November In Dallas 2024" research conference.

Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell.
Recorded & Engineered by "Little Momo" Scaranucci for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

"Only", by Anthrax
"Top Down", by Daz Dillinger
"Going So Good", by ZZ Top

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! Our first show of 2025- EPISODE  #60- is UP! Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/quic...

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! Our first show of 2025- EPISODE #60- is UP! Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/quick-hits-60-jfk-assassination-research-news-notes-with-rob-clark-doug-campbell-1-18-25-with-guest-michael-swanson--63746994 to listen/download NOW! A 3-hour marathon of JFK Assassination Studies & Discussion awaits!
IN THIS EPISODE~ Rob & Doug are joined by their dear friend, esteemed researcher, historian and author Michael Swanson ("The War State", "Why The Vietnam War?"). And as can be expected, the Assassination-related discussion and document study is thus vast and varied. Among the topics covered:
Lee Oswald's connections and contacts in New Orleans in 1963, including very interesting FBI Reports regarding a man questioned by Jim Garrison about Oswald, a New Orleans bartender named Evi Rodrigues; Fascinating and enlightening National Security Council Memoranda from early-1962 regarding the RFK/Lansdale-spearheaded "OperationMONGOOSE"; the surprising "operational inquiries" made by RFK regarding the disposal of the Castro Regime, LBJ's shadowy meeting itinerary in the 48 hours immediately after the hit, and Michael will give us some insight into his "JFKLancer" presentation from this past Novermber, which hypothesizes that it wasn't JFK's perceived inaction regarding Southeast Asia that was the main catalyst behind his murder, but rather his perceived inaction regarding Cuba that set the deadly wheels in motion.
PLUS- What American Political Figure did JFK fear most? When did the Murder Plot truly gain forward momentum? What's this about Rob & Doug starting ANOTHER podcast?

Written & Hosted by Rob Clark & Doug Campbell.
Additional Content Written by Michael Swanson.
Recorded & Engineered by "Little" Momo Scaranucci For Drop-D Podcast Productions.


ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW Episode #214 has uploaded! Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/214-december-27-2024-the-motivation-and-manipulation-of-lee-harvey-oswald-with-authors-larry-hancock-david-boylan--63490603 to listen/download NOW!
IN THIS EPISODE~ We sit down with two of my favorite people-- in-OR-outside of the Research Community-- David Boylan and Larry Hancock!! The conversation? A look at their absolutely GROUNDBREAKING new book, "The Oswald Puzzle: Reconsidering Lee Harvey Oswald" (Available for pre-order now at Amazon!).
"The Oswald Puzzle" is a deep-dive into the falsely-accused Lee Oswald like none you've read, and we'll hit many facets of Larry & David's fascinating analyses. They paint a portrait of a frequently-bored, highly intelligent young man who was not as easily manipulated, not nearly as impressionable as many in the Research Community would like -- or need-- us to believe.
Along the way we'll touch on everything from the probable TRUE nature & origin of the infamous "Backyard Photographs" to the many misconceptions about Oswald to the truly dangerous CIA-JM/WAVE Operatives who were PROVABLY watching Oswald like a hawk in New Orleans 1963. (These guys were the TRUE connections to WAVE, the true threats to Kennedy. Hint: None were named "Clay" or "David".)

Written And Hosted by Doug Campbell
Recorded And Engineered by Momo Scaranucci for Drop-D Podcast Productions

"'Cause We Believed It", by Ty Tabor
"Dusted", by ZZ Top


We have TWO— that’s right, TWO fantastic guests lined up for an all-new show to close out the year!! Here’s a hint. Coming this weekend…

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW EPISODE  #59 of QUICK HITS On The JFK Assassination hosted by the AWARD-WINNING Rob Clar...

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW EPISODE #59 of QUICK HITS On The JFK Assassination hosted by the AWARD-WINNING Rob Clark & Doug Campbell HAS UPLOADED! Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/quick-hits-59-jfk-assassination-research-news-notes-with-rob-clark-doug-campbell-december-7-2024--63216192 to listen NOW!
IN THIS EPISODE~ Momo is gone, back home for the Holidays, but Doug is back from Dallas and fully ensconced in Drop-D's new "Big Comfy Studios" on Music Row, Rob is manning his station at TLG Studios, and we have a wide-ranging array of fascinating Assassination-Related information to dive into! Among the topics covered:
The guys will read and analyze the CIA "Secrecy Agreement" signed by none other than Earle Cabell-- mayor of Dallas and brother of CIA Deputy Director Charles P. Cabell--- upon becoming a CIA Domestic Contact in the late '50s; The deathbed confession of E. Howard Hunt and the fascinating pulp spy novels that Hunt wrote and published throughout his career; We'll dive deep into a US Secret Service Report prepared specifically for LBJ that details monumental challenges and man-hour nightmares inherent in post-Presidential protection of Presidential Spouses and widows, and we'll read a couple of comical, creepy and crazy letters received in relation to Mrs. Kennedy after the death of her husband.
PLUS, we'll discuss an unmistakable and palpable "Paradigm Shift" happening in the Research Community, Rob will relate a genuinely CRAZY and grisly tale of an alleged plot to steal JFK's remains, the strange tale of Pfc. Eugene Dinkin, why documentaries on noted disinfo agents will never draw a decent crowd, the many many virtues of a simple plate of biscuits & gravy and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Written & Hosted by Rob Clark & Doug Campbell
Recorded & Engineered by Doug Campbell for Drop-D Podcast Productions

Sunshine in the heart of Music Row!It’s time for a new QUICK HITS…!

Sunshine in the heart of Music Row!
It’s time for a new QUICK HITS…!


Whodunnit? Rob Clark says...

Doug joins The Lone Gunman Podcast! Recorded live from November in Dallas 2024 (guesting from his hotel room above the c...

Doug joins The Lone Gunman Podcast! Recorded live from November in Dallas 2024 (guesting from his hotel room above the conference, alone with a big Texas Brisket sandwich, to be precise) this past Friday night! We discuss Alan Dale 's Commemorative Lecture Series at The AARC (link in comments) that features ALL NEW Works Of Research (among others) myself, Larry Hancock, Pat Speer, Charles Drago, and new works by David Talbot, as read by Alan Dale. We ALSO discuss all the presentations that were going on at the Lancer conference this year, including presentations by Mike Swanson! JOIN US. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1Ec6o5LvC6/

Join us tonight at a special time, as TLG correspondant Joesph Borelli reports in LIVE from November in Dallas 2024. He may be dragging a few "special guests...

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW EPISODE  #58 of JFK Assassination Reasearch News & Notes with ROB and DOUG has UPLOADED!...

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW EPISODE #58 of JFK Assassination Reasearch News & Notes with ROB and DOUG has UPLOADED! Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/quick-hits-58-jfk-assassination-research-news-notes-with-rob-clark-and-doug-campbell-october-19-2024--62425985://www.spreaker.com/episode/quick-hits-58-jfk-assassination-research-news-notes-with-rob-clark-and-doug-campbell-october-19-2024--62425985 to listen/download NOW!
IN THIS EPISODE~ Rob & Doug are BACK! Among the many topics discussed:
Rob shares (2) intriguing and obscure personal letters dealing with the New Orleans aspects of the Conspiracy: One claiming and detailing an alleged strange encounter with Lee Oswald in the French Quarter prior to The Assassination, and one alleging a murder-for-hire-plot targeting Jim Garrison! Planned by some folks with very familiar names!
PLUS~ The "truthwashing" of a notoriously dishonest ex-Air Force Colonel continues via a new documentary featuring outdated interview footage, The Boys give the run-down of a VERY busy Research Conference Season in Dallas next month, Rob is developing an impressive capacity for Clairvoyance, Momo is quiet for a change, and Doug forgets what day it is.

Written & Hosted By Rob Clark & Doug Campbell.
Recorded & Engineered By Momo Scaranucci, Jr. For Drop-D Podcast Productions.


ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW EPISODE #211 HAS UPLOADED. Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/211-october-5-2024-an-insider-s-memoir-of-the-garrison-investigation-with-h-l-arledge-and-rob-clark--62253212 to listen/download NOW.
IN THIS EPISODE: We are joined by TWO amazing guests; Louisiana True Crime Author/Investigative Journalist H.L. ARLEDGE (Including "Dirty Phenix: Birth Of The Dixie Mafia", his "Bayou Justice: Louisiana Cold Case Files" series of books, and the website bayoujustice.com) and ROB CLARK from "The Lone Gunman Podcast"!
The discussion will center around a fascinating document: a 51-page personal diary/journal detailing behind-the-scenes-goings-on of The Garrison Investigation in New Orleans that resulted in the prosecution of Clay Shaw for complicity in the murder of JFK, as recorded for posterity by one of Garrison's paid staff investigators.
We will look at promising leads not followed up-- including the real, actual individual named Clay Bertrand, and his real, actual connections to people connected to the case-- infiltration of Garrison's investigation by malevolent entities hell-bent on stopping his efforts, a disturbing link between political power brokers who aided Garrison's campaign for District Attorney and 544 Camp Street (oh yeah, for real!), the curious way Garrison reacted to the notion that The Mafia existed in Louisiana in the 1960s, Lee Oswald's actions during the summer of 1963, and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell.
Recorded & Engineered by Momo Scaranucci for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

"Agenda", by Galactic Cowboys
"Hazmat Rap", by Czarface
"Heartache In Blue", by ZZ Top


ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL NEW EPISODE of YOUR FAVORITE JFK Assassination Research Podcast HAS UPLOADED! Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/quick-hits-57-jfk-assassination-research-news-notes-with-rob-clark-doug-campbell-august-3-2024--60913711 to listen/download NOW!
IN THIS EPISODE~ After a one-week Covid-delay, Rob and Doug are BACK! Join us for this marathon episode of JFK Assassination Research News & Notes! Among the MANY topics of discussion:
A deep dive into two companies- outside contractors- that had both master keys and unfettered after-hours access to the Texas School Book Depository Building; Three little-known witnesses who told The FBI matching stories of seeing two men with a rifle behind the TSBD- the day before The Hit; The FBI and Secret Service habitually ignoring possibly-fruitful leads; Did Billy Lovelady and Bill Shelly go back inside the building, or sprint to the grassy Knoll?; The New York Times is spreading some absolute BS about The Kennedy Brothers, and some amazing documented statements by Secret Service Chief James Rowley, including an account of a bullethole discovered in the *interior* of President Kennedy's helicopter by The Secret Service, prior to The Assassination.
PLUS- "Quick Hits-As-Show Prep"...again, a CIA employee hears whispers of Conspiracy, listener emails, Momo's cousin goes to Dallas and MUCH MUCH MORE!

Written and hosted by Rob Clark and Doug Campbell.
Recorded and engineered by Momo Scaranucci for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW EPISODE of the World's FAVORITE JFK Assassination Conspiracy Research Podcast HAS UPLOAD...

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW EPISODE of the World's FAVORITE JFK Assassination Conspiracy Research Podcast HAS UPLOADED! Click THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/quick-hits-56-jfk-assassination-research-news-notes-with-rob-clark-doug-campbell-june-29-2024--60555531 to listen/download Episode #56 NOW!
IN THIS EPISODE~ Rob, Doug and Momo are BACK! Among the MANY Assassination-centric topics discussed:
Infamous Dallas Police Department Detective James Lavelle; The inconsistent follow-up DPD-interview of Texas Scool Book Depository Manager Ochus Campbell; Another instance of Common Sense precluding the validity of a Prouty-claim; The strange case of one Mr. Robert Glass, and more exploration of the Dealey Plaza/Watergate Connection.
PLUS, Rob meticulously critiques a "Performance Assessment" of The Secret Service on 11/22/63, a discussion of Echoes & Ballistics in Dealey Plaza, Rampant Nitwittery kills a once-popular and relevant online research forum, Rob is smitten with a Nashvillian who recently went viral, and The Guys ask: Just how hungover WAS JFK's Secret Service Detail that day?

Written & Hosted by Rob Clark & Doug Campbell.
Recorded & Engineered by Curato "Little Momo" Scaranucci, Jr. for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW episode of THE Undisputed  #1 JFK Assassination Research & Study Podcast HAS UPLOADED! C...

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! An ALL-NEW episode of THE Undisputed #1 JFK Assassination Research & Study Podcast HAS UPLOADED! Click this link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/quick-hits-55-jfk-assassination-research-news-notes-with-rob-clark-doug-campbell-5-25-24-with-guest-s-t-patrick--60173697 to listen/download NOW.
IN THIS EPISODE~ Rob and Doug are joined by the esteemed host of "The Midnight Writer News Show" and publisher of the excellent periodical "GARRISON: The Journal Of History And Deep Politics", Mr. S.T. PATRICK!
Among the many topics discussed: The dubious and troublesome Oswald-story told by one Gilberto Alvarado; Forgeries and scams related to JFK Assassination Research; How the "Hierarchy" of The Assassination Research Community gets soooo much soooo completely wrong; Does Lee Harvey Oswald deserve the lionization/adulation that some bestow upon him?; The ONE aspect of "Operation Northwoods" that Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy considered a FANTASTIC Cuban-Pretext idea, and Bud Fensterwald interviews an Oswald-connected CIA asset.
PLUS, Oswald in Mexico City, a wide ranging discussion of E. Howard Hunt, his "deathbed confession" and possible mission in November 1963, a Robert Cutler-book reveals the true circumstances of Hunt's hiring by the Nixon White House, Momo goes on vacation, listener emails and MUCH MUCH MORE!

Written & Hosted by Rob Clark and Doug Campbell.
Additional Material by S.T. Patrick
Recorded by Doug Campbell
Engineered by Curato "Little Momo" Scaranucci, Jr. for Drop-D Podcast Productions




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