Proud At Large Cherokee Nation Citizen

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Proud At Large Cherokee Nation Citizen Kyle is a seasoned Attorney and a leading expert in Native American law. It is an honor to be a Cher


‼️ Don't forget: Today and tomorrow are the last days to vote early in Cherokee Nation tribal elections! 🗳️

Stop by the Cherokee Nation Election Commission in Tahlequah from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. to cast your ballot.

➡️ Learn more by watching this video:

For questions, please contact the Election Commission at [email protected] or 918-458-5899.


I have to wonder if Tulsa and Owasso’s Mayors would have joined with Stitt and A.G. O’Connor’s Petition for Certiorari in Castro-Huerta to the Supreme Court had they first contacted the tribes to ask if what the state has been saying is true OR had they waited to read the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and Cherokee Nation’s amici brief responses to the State’s nonsense. Those 2 Mayors should be ashamed. Due to my job with the MCN, I was proud to have participated in the drafting of the MCN’s brief; however, it was difficult to come up with a dozen new ways to call someone a liar. The State has now filed 40 Petitions for Certiorari seeking to reverse McGirt and I anticipate another 10 soon to be filed. The central case in the State’s legal bombardment upon the tribes is Castro-Huerta. I invite each of you to read the State’s “Petition” in Castro-Huerta because it is a shameless plea for help which is filled with half-truths and gross exaggerations designed to implore the Supreme Court to save eastern Oklahoma, especially its Indian victims, which has fallen into lawless chaos. The State is employing the strategy of win at all costs, even if you sacrifice your integrity. I am saddened by the State’s approach and lack of candor to the Nation’s highest court. I ask anyone interested in the ongoing fights over McGirt to read the pleadings filed in Castro-Huerta. It is easy:
Go to the U.S. Supreme Courts home page. Click “Case Documents”. Go to “Docket Search”. Type in “Castro-Huerta”. Click on the “Castro-Huerta” link. Click on the State’s “Petition” filed 9/17/2021. The document will open up for you to read. When done, go back to the “Castro-Huerta” page where you opened the State’s Petition and Click on the 11/16/2021 “Brief Amicus Curiae of the MCN Main Document”. When done, read the separate “Amici Brief of the Cherokee Nation”.



I am sure that most have heard about the criminal atrocities committed by Shaynna Sims who is not a member of any Indian tribe. It is being reported that it is up to the tribes to now prosecute Sims. The State of Oklahoma is more than happy to allow this uninformed, anti-tribe reporting to continue. None of the Five-Tribes in Oklahoma, including the Cherokee and Muscogee (Creek) Nations, have criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians - like Shaynna Sims - even when the victim is a member of a Federally recognized Indian tribe. If the MCN did have jurisdiction, I would immediately have filed charges against Sims and challenged application of the MCN’s statute of limitation in court as I have done in other criminal cases.

The unjust result in Sims' case is another glaring example of State prosecutor's hubris in knowingly and wrongfully exercising jurisdiction over crimes that should rightfully rightfully been prosecuted by the United States.

McGirt did not cause Sims release, prosecutors for the State of Oklahoma caused Sims release. Not once since the Supreme Court rendered the McGirt decision has the State of Oklahoma accepted responsibility for its actions. Sims would still be in prison today - serving a harsh federal prison term - had the State not wrongfully prosecuted her.

The State erred a second time in the Sims case which has directly resulted in her release to the streets. Sims, following her state court conviction, in 2017 filed a pro se (without an attorney) appeal to the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals. Sims appeal languished for 3 years because State prosecutors continually filed requests for additional time to respond to Sims’ appeal until in 2019 the Murphy case stayed her appeal and then in 2020 the McGirt decision was announced. By 2020, Sims original appeal was still pending and it was too late.

Post-McGirt the Oklahoma Criminal Court of Appeals in Matloff v. Wallace ruled that McGirt does not apply to cases where all appeals had been denied - before the McGirt decision was released. However, due to the State’s delay in defending her appeal, Sims 2017 appeal was still pending when McGirt was released. Had Sims’ appeal timely been defended by the State, which would likely have been denied by the OCCA, under Wallace, Sims would have remained in prison to serve the balance of her state prison sentence.

Everyone should rightfully be infuriated at the State, especially the family and friends of the victim, but not at the tribes and not at the Supreme Court's ruling in McGirt. State prosecutors had 2 chances to get the Sims case right and failed miserably on both counts.


I have been pretty quiet on FB since the election. I have been ridiculously busy doing what I seem do best - defending our sovereignty. Stitt through the State Attorney General's Office has filed 35 appeals (Petitions for a Writ of Certiorari) to the United States Supreme Court. I have filed responses in 23 of those cases as Attorney General (civil litigator) for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. I anticipate that Stitt will continue to file appeals to the Supreme Court until he runs out of our tax dollars, the Supreme Court makes him stop, or we vote him out of office. The State has a Ten Million Dollar war chest to fight exclusively with the 5-Tribes over McGirt and that money is going fast. Stitt has hired top attorneys from all over the country who are more than happy to take our tax dollars. In case you are keeping score, your tribal attorney generals for the 5-tribes (including Sarah Hill and myself) have a win count of: TRIBES - 3, STITT - 0. This includes our victory in the gaming compact litigation.

NEVER FORGET. Do you have an experience from that day?

NEVER FORGET. Do you have an experience from that day?

Do you remember where you were that day?

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the tragic terrorist attack that occurred on September 11th, 2001. 2,977 people were killed, 19 hijackers committed murder–suicide, and more than 6,000 others were injured.

Share with us your experience and photos. Wado.
, ,


FB Friends, we all need to congratulate JJ Kidwell and support him in his service as an At-Large Tribal Council Representative. Wado, Kyle


I want to thank everyone who supported me. You are wonderful Cherokee brothers and sisters. I am proud to have become a part of your lives. This election has made my life better and I thank you. I pray for our leadership.

Parents, get signed up.What a wonderful gift from our great Cherokee Nation for families who live inside and outside the...

Parents, get signed up.
What a wonderful gift from our great Cherokee Nation for families who live inside and outside the Cherokee Nation.

Cherokee Nation is offering clothing assistance to ease back-to-school costs - Regardless of residency or income, Cherokee Nation will be offering $150 in clothing assistance to students.

Sign up through the
Cherokee Nation Human Services

Cherokee Nation offering clothing assistance to ease back-to-school costs - GET SIGNED UP.

Regardless of residency or income, CHEROKEE NATION will be offering $150 in clothing assistance to students.

Applications will be accepted from July 20, 2021 to August 20, 2021.

Details for qualifying applicants are listed below:

01) Students must be enrolled Cherokee Nation citizens as of July 16, 2021.

02) Students must be 5-18 years old during the application period, or must be enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade or an equivalent school program.

03) Students can be in public, private, virtual or home-school programs.

04) Post-secondary education students do not qualify for this program.

Applications for the assistance program must be complete when submitted on the Gadugi Portal.


More information, call Cherokee Nation Human Services at

Processing of applications containing incomplete or incorrect information may be delayed, and applicants may be contacted after the deadline for additional documentation or clarification.



Tuesday, July 13 6pm-pm at Cox Center downtown Tulsa, OK
Ballroom B West is location

I urge all tribal citizens to attend the Oklahoma Community Impact Forum. The forum’s sponsor (Gov. Stitt) and panelists (including Tulsa County D.A. Kunzweiler) in a continuing effort to frustrate the implementation of the United States Supreme Court’s decision in McGirt will be exploiting the victims of crimes in order to push their political agenda. There is no other valid purpose for this forum.

Stitt, Kunzweiler, and the other panelists – despite their own role in wrongfully exercising jurisdiction over tribal members – will be feeding upon the negative impact of the McGirt decision to sway public opinion into forcing either Congressional intervention or achieving Supreme Court review.

The Supreme Court decision in McGirt which was issued barely a year ago reversed the state conviction of Jimcy McGirt. The Justices ruled 5-4 that McGirt should not have been tried by the state of Oklahoma because he is a Native American (a Seminole member) and his crimes occurred within the Muscogee (Creek) Nation’s reservation boundaries - which had never been disestablished by Congress.

The Court’s decision upended the state’s exercise of jurisdiction and removed tribal members from an admittedly over-burdened legal system that had been improperly exercising jurisdiction over tribal citizens for more than 100 years. Stitt, many state law enforcement prosecutors including Kunzweiler, and even some judges have publicly declared their consternation with the Supreme Court’s decision.

Over the last year the Five Tribes have stepped up to exercise their responsibility, but have been met with frustration from the state. Tribal nations have always aided the state when called upon and yet again the state continues to prove itself to be an adversary to the Five Tribes.

There is no dispute that the Supreme Court’s ruling in McGirt resulted in reversal of dozens of improper state criminal convictions. Stitt recently claimed that 76,000 tribal criminals have been released from Oklahoma’s prisons. This figure is purely contrived and does not exist in any record. The U.S. attorney’s offices and tribal prosecutors have been refiling dismissed cases when possible and are zealously prosecuting new crimes involving Native Americans.

FYI: McGirt was quickly charged in federal court, retried, and convicted.

Over the last year, the herculean tribal response in the implementation of the McGirt decision has been both openly and subtly impeded by Oklahoma’s elected leaders. Stitt and Kunzweiler have been the most vocal. Others, while less vocal, have been just as obstructive by their conduct. Oklahoma’s leadership finds it convenient to cast blame upon tribal members and the Five Tribes for the outcome of McGirt all while declining to acknowledge its role in revictimizing the victims of crimes by its wrongful exercise of jurisdiction over tribal citizens for almost 100 years.

Instead of accepting responsibility, the state stands strong in blame shifting by holding forums allegedly for the purpose of showcasing the McGirt rulings forgotten victims. Stitt and the panelists are attempting to change current public opinion which clearly favors the Five Tribe’s exercise of criminal jurisdiction under McGirt. Stitt has been an outspoken critic of the decision, and his office has organized this event for victims affected by the reversals of criminal convictions resulting from the rulings affirming the reservations of the Five Tribes.

Stitt and the panelists are more interested in fighting McGirt than in implementing it in the common interest of public safety and law enforcement. Instead of working with tribal nations, the state looks hard to find perceived failures in order to bolster its desire to criticize tribal justice and to warrant Congressional disestablishment. The state refuses to respect the goal of Tribal justice which is restorative in nature and does not immediately resort to incarceration of the poor, the mentally-ill, and those requiring substance abuse treatment. Oklahoma has asked Congress for $10 Million in tax dollars for tribal litigation to fund the continued fight against the ruling of McGirt.

The situation and challenges tribes face in implementing McGirt are directly related to the manner in which the state has handled this case. Despite the state, the Five Tribes have remained focused on implementing the rule of law and in meeting their responsibilities to public safety. The tribes have taken on the massive debt associated with increasing law enforcement, prosecution, and incarceration of tribal members who commit crimes upon reservation lands. Ignoring this sudden economic windfall, the state remains focused on disparaging tribal justice, gaining personal attention, and devoting state tax dollars to challenging McGirt in the legal system and court of public opinion.

Kunzweiler has asked the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals to block reversals granted by state district judges of several convictions. Kunzweiler has told the court that the claims of tribal citizens who were wrongfully prosecuted shouldn’t be considered and are a waste of judicial resources. Kunzweiler refuses to acknowledge that tribal nations have as much of an interest in criminal justice and public safety as the state of Oklahoma. He also refuses to acknowledge that the Tribes and federal justice systems are exercising jurisdiction over tribal offenders and abiding by the rule of law.

The state has vilified tribal nations for now exercising the jurisdiction the state previously had wrongfully exercised. Some panelists in the forum have actively thwarted efforts by the tribes to provide for the safety and security of Oklahoman’s living within the tribal jurisdictions by refusing to enter into cross-deputation agreements that would allow state law enforcement agencies to exercise the authority to process crime scenes involving tribal members. Rather than aid in law enforcement, those agencies regularly demand access to information related to disposition of criminal cases so they may criticize the tribes for the non-state-like outcomes.

Kunzweiler regularly engages in fear mongering among the public to rationalize federal intervention. Kunzweiler claiming to be speaking as a citizen and not in his official capacity employs every opportunity to disparage the Five Tribes and their administration of justice. It should be noted that Tulsa County leads the U.S. in per capita incarceration of women and is number 4 in the country in incarceration of men.

His consternation toward tribal justice seems to center around tribal unwillingness to incarcerate, unless absolutely warranted for public safety. In reality, his complaint centers around a loss of control and higher aspirations.

State jails within the boundaries of the panelists are withholding jail information over tribal members preventing tribal courts from ensuring due process over incarcerated tribal members. Those same jails have drastically sought to increase the cost of incarceration to price gouge tribes who have accepted the cost of incarcerating tribal members.

Some law enforcement agencies withing the boundaries of the panelists will not arrest tribal citizens they encounter because those persons will be prosecuted in tribal or federal court and not in state court.

The names of the panelists and sponsors of the Oklahoma Community Impact Forum who are exploiting the victims of crimes to push their political agenda should be remembered at the next election and voted out of office.

LISTEN IN TO LAST NIGHT'S PODCAST. the "Indigenous Sounds" , July 5th podcastI want to ear...


Click the "Indigenous Sounds" , July 5th podcast
I want to earn your vote, listen in on what I bring to the table.
Kyle Haskins, candidate for Cherokee Nation Tribal Council At Large seat

GOING LIVE JULY 5TH! LISTEN IN ONLINE.Tune in to Indigenous Sounds with Whitehorse WSLR, Sarasota 96.5 on Monda...

Tune in to Indigenous Sounds with Whitehorse WSLR, Sarasota 96.5 on Monday July 5th from 9pm-11pm EST.
Streamed live on the Internet.


I (Kyle Haskins, candidate for At Large CN Tribal Council seat) will be taking questions on the air.

Monday July 5th from 9pm to 11pm EST, 8pm to 10pm CST, 7pm to 9pm MST, 6pm to 8pm PST.

Send Questions by email or text [email protected] or sent via text message to 941-225-1291.

What steps would I take to see that at-large citizens receive the same benefits as citizens living in the 14-county area...

What steps would I take to see that at-large citizens receive the same benefits as citizens living in the 14-county area.

The way to make this happen is to create independent funding for at-large citizens that is not otherwise restricted by the federal government, including:

E. Answer
Reducing dependence upon federal funding.

F. answer
Exploring creation of tribal financial institutions, a tribal insurance
company, and other innovative programs i.e. cryptocurrency.

G. Answer
Fully Utilizing tribal federal priority for government contracting.

H. Answer
Focusing on education & healthcare, including tele-medicine for
urgent care; tele-psych (no need for labs or diagnostic imaging);
mobile units for vaccines.

I answer
Compacting for car tags with other states.

J Answer
Thinking outside the box. I am willing to look
at other tribal nations for innovative ideas.

What steps would I take to see that at-large citizens receive the same benefits as citizens living in the 14-county area...

What steps would I take to see that at-large citizens receive the same benefits as citizens living in the 14-county area.

The way to make this happen is to create independent funding for
at-large citizens that is not otherwise restricted by the federal
government, including:

A. Answer
Post-McGirt we should be exercising sovereignty by charging the
tribal tax rate on sales and remitting sales taxes from tribally owned businesses directly back to the Cherokee Nation not the OTC.

B. Answer
Post-McGirt we should stablish a medical foundation, fund it with
ACA funds, then create or buy into an insurance pool with the other at-large members of the 5 Tribes to provide a tribal nation’s
insurance coverage for at-large citizens or use those funds as an offset to insurance premiums or uncovered expenses.

C. Answer
Charging for access to Port-of-Catoosa on Cherokee lands.

D. Answer
Reprioritizing our tribal spending.
See continued Part 2 of this question...

AMAZING, WHAT AN HONOR.Wilma Mankiller will be on the 2022 quarter along side several other amazing women.I wonder how m...

Wilma Mankiller will be on the 2022 quarter along side several other amazing women.

I wonder how many quarters will be produced.
See more details from this article about it.

Cherokee Coffee Talk - Honor

The first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation will be stamped onto the 2022 quarters, the U.S. Mint announced.

Other notable women joining Mankiller are celebrated author and poet Maya Angelou, the first American woman in space Dr. Sally Ride, suffrage movement leader in New Mexico Adelina Otero-Warren and the first Chinese-American film star in Hollywood, Anna May Wong. , ,

Read full story



See another side of me, meet Bailey, my joy. It is amazing what a pet will do for raising your spirit. If you care to share, post your joy(pet) with me.

Best, Kyle Haskins


Read the resolution -

What are your thoughts as citizens about this resolution? Wado.

WHAT AN HONOR. HIS BODY OF WORK IS AMAZING.Academy Award-winning Actor Wes Studi (Cherokee), Will be Keynote Speaker at ...

Academy Award-winning Actor Wes Studi (Cherokee), Will be Keynote Speaker at RES 2021

Studi, who grew up in Tahlequah, Okla., is known for his portrayal of Native Americans in a way that forever shattered age-old stereotypes in the movie industry.

Breaking new ground, he brought fully developed Native American characters to the screen, and then took it a step further by highlighting the success of Native Americans in non-traditional roles.

Read story

WOW!, At-Large Cherokee citizen, Haylee Chiariello kicked off the week well at the 2021 Miss Oklahoma competition. Here ...

WOW!, At-Large Cherokee citizen, Haylee Chiariello kicked off the week well at the 2021 Miss Oklahoma competition.

Here are her words: Tonight was a dream! I spoke my Cherokee language on the Miss Oklahoma stage and won the preliminary on-stage interview award! my heart is so full – ᏩᏙ 💗

Follow her this week as Saturday is the final day of competition, she represents us all very well. We Are Cherokee.

Wish you the best, Kyle


I want to thank everyone who voted for me and the other candidates. Everyone ran a professional campaign. I am proud to be Cherokee.
The runoff is July 24! I hope to earn your vote.



AT LARGE CHEROKEE CITIZENS AND IN DISTRICT, here are a few questions and answers based around the funds being distributed to each and every Cherokee Citizen no matter where you live. Wado.

You can register your child/children as an dependent under the parent/guardian’s Gadugi account/application.

Enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend - Kyle Haskins, candidate for Cherokee Council At-Large Seat


This will be something to watch over time. How do you feel about this? See my comments below in the Facebook Feed.

FUNDS PASS.It looks like tribal council passed the resolution and every Cherokee citizen At Large and in district will b...

It looks like tribal council passed the resolution and every Cherokee citizen At Large and in district will be getting a one-time lump sum of $2,000 each.

Now is a good opportunity for At Large communities to come together with tribal councilors putting new ideas out on how At Large citizens can gain more from how the rest of the $1 Billion in funds will be spent.

Applications for signing up will begin June 2nd, more information Cherokee Nation coming. Questions. Call 918-453-5058 or Email [email protected], it is on the web site

$2,000 lump sum COVID relief individual assistance
payment to all 392,832 Cherokee Nation citizens

Resolution passed today. Start the conversation on how to spend the rest of the funds over three years...

You can register your child/children as an dependent under the parent/guardian’s Gadugi account/application.

Applications for signing up will begin June 1st, more information to come. Questions. Call 918-453-5001 or Email [email protected], it is on the web site

WHAT ABOUT FREE SPEECH?  I have been a public servant and therefore a public figure since 1997.  As I have been reminded...

I have been a public servant and therefore a public figure since 1997. As I have been reminded in my race for at-large Tribal Council, some Cherokees are very kind, a few are not. Whether you hold public office or are running for office – you are a public figure. Anyone who is a public figure knows that you are subjecting yourself to extreme and often unwanted criticism by others.

Sometimes criticism by the people you represent is justified and provides a learning moment; other times verbal attacks occur in person or in social media and such abuse is simply mean spirited and is never warranted. Taking such abuse is, however, the unfortunate price for being a public figure. My family and I have experienced it all. We have been threatened, stalked and trespassed upon. I have always viewed these unfortunate times as the price my family and I have paid for the honor of me being called “Your Honor”.

Read the resolution -

The Cherokee Nation should use restraint before it enacts laws whose design is to create a chilling effect upon our citizen’s right to criticize our elected officials. Our Nation should also exercise caution in passing laws that only protect our elected officials and not the rest of our citizens.

The United States is one of the few countries in the world that permits criticism of public figures without fear of governmental retaliation. Countries that do not permit criticism of leadership are totalitarian countries that suppress free speech. Free speech is protected in the United States by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

For those times when a citizen’s behavior crosses the line - the Cherokee Nation has existing laws regarding stalking, harassment, assault, battery, etc. At least one candidate for office in the upcoming election has been assured that he will be arrested upon passage of this law.

Those threatened arrests violate yet another basic foundational tenet of our society – the prohibition against the creation and enforcement of ex post facto laws (criminal laws applied retroactively).

Whether you are for or against this proposition, contact your council representative and tell them what you think, but do so politely. Remember, they represent you!

Best, Kyle Haskins - At Large Candidate for Tribal Council


NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS ELECTION, I will always be willing and available to work with and support ANYONE in our tribal government - at any level - for the betterment of the Cherokee people. I am Cherokee.

What an honor to have Wes Studi (Cherokee) in an Oscar award winning animated film. Wes Studi played - Counselor JerryPi...

What an honor to have Wes Studi (Cherokee) in an Oscar award winning animated film.

Wes Studi played - Counselor Jerry

Pixar's Soul has won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature, becoming the only film ever to win that award without playing in U.S. movie theaters. ,


Pixar's 'Soul' Wins Best Animated Feature — The Film Never Played In U.S. Theaters

Wes Studi played - Counselor Jerry




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