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On American Glutton, Ethan Suplee will talk to everyone from experts to the average Joe, taking us on his journey from obese to svelte and back again, examining what worked and what made him gain everything back (plus 50 lbs.)

This week’s episode is with Dr. Jeremy Ayres and John Gusty! With a track record of challenging corporate agendas and ch...

This week’s episode is with Dr. Jeremy Ayres and John Gusty!

With a track record of challenging corporate agendas and championing holistic healing, John Gusty and Dr. Jeremy Ayres share their views with Ethan on health and wellness. Dr. Ayres is an International Natural Health Educator and John’s independent research illuminates alternative paths to well-being.

💪link in bio to listen and watch

Sunday Spotlight: AlMy name is Al, and I grew up fat.The theme of my life is one of shame. I grew up in a family of 3 ki...

Sunday Spotlight: Al

My name is Al, and I grew up fat.

The theme of my life is one of shame. I grew up in a family of 3 kids and a spilt home. Actually, my childhood was relatively normal, and I wouldn’t even say I was that overweight until I was probably 12 or 13. I did live my mom, who tried very hard to give us everything we needed, but she lacked in providing the emotional needs of a child. I remember very early on life feeling less than. I don’t understand it, but I felt I was the forgotten child.

Not as smart as my older sister and not the youngest, who got a lot of attention. I was the middle child. I assume that’s what paved the road for my eating to escape in my adolescent years.

I think things changed for my when we moved out of town when I was 10. I wasn’t super popular before, but I was uprooted and never really felt a part of the crowd in a new bigger school. I was kind of lonely, and though I had peripheral “friends” I lacked real connection…

Read the full amazing story on our blog! Link in bio and in stories 🔥

We love our social club spotlights

Sunday PSA: stay hydrated my friends 💦   ・・・Hydration on lock 🔐

Sunday PSA: stay hydrated my friends 💦

Hydration on lock 🔐

♥️    ・・・I cannot comprehend the pain that those around us must feel. I think of physical pain and mental/emotional angu...

I cannot comprehend the pain that those around us must feel. I think of physical pain and mental/emotional anguish as being separate, but there can be a physical debilitation borne out of that emotional turmoil, there can be physical pain because of that distress.
I spent so much time, alone in a bathroom. Harming myself as a way to cope with what existed outside those four safe walls.
I was convinced that what I did to myself was between me and myself alone. What I did to myself was nobody else’s business or concern. Despite the repeated attempts by friends and family alike to see me better, I was more comfortable alone in a bathroom.
I’ve recently watched a documentary on Nan Goldin called All the Beauty and the Bloodshed which delves heavily into her opioid addiction. At one point a grieving mother says that she was complicit in her son’s death, and that he died, “alone in a bathroom…”
I want to hug that mother and apologize, I wish I could apologize to my own mother, I have and will continue to apologize to my friends and family for the pain that I have caused.
I want to let them know that they were not complicit, their words and desires for me to get better, at that time, couldn’t reach me, I could not hear them.
But in the stark light of today, I can hear them, I can feel the pain that I caused, and I am sorry.

If you are are struggling with addiction, talking about it can be the hardest first step you might ever take.
But I have found it much better than dying alone in a bathroom.

🔥🔥🔥  ・・・Saw my old friend  over the weekend and he took these nice photographs of me.


Saw my old friend over the weekend and he took these nice photographs of me.

A little Sunday Sanity from  🙌🏼Genes vs Personal Responsibility:I have observed some urge or desire to pinpoint the sour...

A little Sunday Sanity from 🙌🏼

Genes vs Personal Responsibility:

I have observed some urge or desire to pinpoint the source point for anything we deem to be an ailment. The battle line today regarding obesity seems to be processed food vs genetics. This does very little for me personally, in fact it seems to just be more of the either/or world we live in that disregards nuance and individuality.

I find America to be highly over medicated, where there’s a problem, there’s a solution in pill form. Of course, there have been many weight loss medications, but often after some time on the market, they are pulled because either harmful side effects are discovered, or they just don’t work.

I took fen-phen as kid, I don’t remember losing weight, but I can vividly recall laying down to go to sleep at night and my whole body feeling like it was vibrating with electricity. It was just a few, very long and sleepless nights before my parents threw it away.

As a kid, I wasn’t allowed to eat processed food. My mom shopped at a store called Mrs. Gooch’s (which later became Whole Foods) and Erewhon (long before the Kardashians made it famous). These stores weren’t the pillars of opulence that they are today, they were dusty and bare, Erewhon felt like it could barely keep it’s lights on! I used to sit in my mom’s car on Beverly Blvd, refusing to go into “Nowhere” as I called it, while she bought our weekly self-flagellation in the form of bland and tasteless food.

Eating non-processed foods did nothing to stop my weight gain as a child, I still simply ate too much.

So maybe my genetics played some part in me eating more than my body needed for its own physical survival? Maybe that tells me some of the story. Calley Means, a former consultant to both food and Pharma who now works to expose their practices makes a fairly strong argument against genes being a culprit. His point is that lasting evolutionary change take about a million years.

Perhaps then it’s not “lasting”? …

Read the full blog post at 🤘🏼 link in bio!

Just a little wisdom on this fine Wednesday 🔥🔥🔥  ・・・This meme is so true. It doesn’t matter what it is. No one is going ...

Just a little wisdom on this fine Wednesday 🔥🔥🔥

This meme is so true. It doesn’t matter what it is. No one is going to rescue you. There are people that will help if you want help. But you’ll have to ask first. ❤️❤️

A few month’s ago Ethan shared this post about how getting up and moving is still an every day battle, but despite that ...

A few month’s ago Ethan shared this post about how getting up and moving is still an every day battle, but despite that he was still able to kill his clone.

How did you kill your clone today? Drop your win in the comments & read original post below ⬇️


Two pictures from work.

I can easily sit on a couch looking at a screen all day. The battle to get up and move hasn’t stopped.
Despite ALWAYS feeling better after I go to the gym, there is some part of me that resists. It’s the same part of me that fixes my gaze on a McDonald’s billboard just a little bit too long, or encourages me to slump my shoulders in an attempt to be smaller.
That part of me dies a bit everyday, but I doubt that I will ever be entirely without it.

I killed my clone today

We’ve got a lot to talk about. So much, in fact, that American Glutton is coming to you not only via podcast, but we’re ...

We’ve got a lot to talk about. So much, in fact, that American Glutton is coming to you not only via podcast, but we’re sharing blogs, YouTube videos and a weekly newsletter too 👊🏻

If you haven’t heard, full videos of podcast episodes are now available on YouTube! These were formerly only for our Patreon community, but we’re excited to share that we have officially launched them for everyone.

But wait there’s more! Did you know we have a newsletter too? Every week, we send a newsletter packed with blogs, interesting articles, listener spotlights, to those subscribed to our email list. Want in on the action? Shoot us a DM and we’ll add you to the list 💪🏼

‼️ANNOUNCEMENT‼️American Glutton’s IG Subscription service is officially LIVE! For $4.99 a month members of our subscrip...


American Glutton’s IG Subscription service is officially LIVE!

For $4.99 a month members of our subscription service will receive:

•Bonus Content
•Q&As with Ethan
•Access to the private AG Discord channel

And more! First 25 members will receive an American Glutton sweatband free.

Swipe through the slides for all the details. 👊🏻

From  as featured on the American Glutton Blog•God is an interesting idea that has been argued endlessly since its incep...

From as featured on the American Glutton Blog

God is an interesting idea that has been argued endlessly since its inception. I am quite fond and even envious of those who have a deep understanding of God. I am equally envious of Atheists, since they too seem to have it all figured out for themselves.
In Maimonides book, The Guide for the Perplexed, he painstakingly details what God is not. I appreciate his text as the image presented to me while growing up was of a man, and I prefer the “unknowable” to a dude.
In fairness, I have always been basically Agnostic, though I could even rationalize The Big Bang as a moment of creation, and hold out hope for the divine.
I say all of this as the below prayer, cite’s God as the source point of necessary power.
I do believe in a power greater than myself. Quite often, the power is found by adding another’s power to myself. Me AND my wife are more formidable than me alone. Me AND a group of likeminded individuals will always be more powerful than me alone.
When I think very thoroughly about God, I am envisioning a higher power, some external source to divine power from.
I believe that extra spark is available to all of us, whether in the dark recesses of unexplored parts of ourselves, or by the addition of another. I wish you Godspeed in finding that spark, harnessing the energy and courage to confront those things worth changing.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.”
- Reinhold Niebuhr

Wishing you a glorious 2023!

Repost from •As a shame riddled kid, I never wanted people to look at me. I would find eyes lingering on me and feel a v...

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As a shame riddled kid, I never wanted people to look at me. I would find eyes lingering on me and feel a visceral physical reaction. My heart rate would increase, I would feel a constriction in my chest, my breathing would become shallow and my skin would tighten. I could mitigate this discomfort with camouflage, a t-shirt at the beach, a “back the f*** off” scowl on my face at all times, even many layers of clothing in the summer. Anything to obfuscate your view of me, even though some of them (wet t-shirts) did little in reality, would set me more at ease.
Being an actor has been a wonderful disguise. When eyes fall upon me, perhaps they are wondering if they’ve seen me in some movie or television show, instead of being transfixed by my own self inflicted disfigurement.
Acting, the precise moment of character embodiment, has also been the most at ease I’ve ever felt. Because where my own body was wrong, the characters I played were meant to be fat. So I found brief moments of reprieve from my own self hatred, because in those moments I was, exactly how I was supposed to be.

As with anything in my life, I’m now a bring my food to work guy.
meals come with me to set every day now, because I no longer want to have to rationalize my existence to myself.

  from •Two perspectives (a mantra, a practice, a work in progress):1) I can do nothing successful to change my unwanted...


Two perspectives (a mantra, a practice, a work in progress):

1) I can do nothing successful to change my unwanted state.
2) With much effort and work I can find a path toward change.

1) Shame will keep me from beginning because I want success before I admit to myself and others that I need help.
2) Everything I am hiding, from myself and others, is already known. Those who will help, will do so with empathy. Shame cannot get in my way.

1) I will begin tomorrow.
2) “Yesterday it’s tomorrow right now.” (I learned that from my daughter Billie Grace when she was 3)

1) My life is unimportant.
2) I have value.

1) No one cares for me.
2) I care for myself.

1) The misery is chronic.
2) I can trade acute discomfort for chronic misery and will exert less total effort.

1) Everything I perceive is real and absolute.
2) I can change my mind about anything.

Happy Friday

I love this reminder that so much of weight loss and gaining control of your health is based on small, simple steps. Doe...

I love this reminder that so much of weight loss and gaining control of your health is based on small, simple steps. Does simple equate to ease? No! But actively making small changes, one at a time, can eventually lead to big results.

Good reminder today as we celebrate Halloween - can you eat 1 piece of candy instead of 10? Walk the block before passing out candy? Drink extra water throughout the day?

Thanks for the truth 💣 Dr. Spencer Nadolsky]!

Repost from Dr. Spencer Nadolsky]

Cutting out extra fat and extra carbs is doable for some! Not everyone will be able to do this sustainably, but it’s worth showcasing!

Also mind you this patient was around 300 pounds. Do not compete absolute weight loss amounts as it is all relative. Everyone has their own journey. ❤️

This might just be the truest thing on the internet right now 😂👊🏻Repost from •Why is this true? Lmao

This might just be the truest thing on the internet right now 😂👊🏻

Repost from

Why is this true? Lmao

Repost from •“I’m ready to change.”How many times did I say those words to myself, and then fail? Countless.I often mist...

Repost from

“I’m ready to change.”
How many times did I say those words to myself, and then fail? Countless.
I often mistake desire for readiness. “I want to change” should come before “I’m ready to change.”
I have often not put enough thought or understanding into the words I use with myself, and then am confused at various less than desirable outcomes. Desire alone is meaningless if we don’t do the work..thomas has a formula for readiness. It consists of three balanced points: Awareness, Willingness, Preparedness.
Awareness is the analytical point. Do you know everything you need to know about your goal?
I failed many times because I believed things that were not true. I believed that carbohydrates were making me fat. That if I excised them from my diet, I would lose weight. When I stopped losing weight for long periods of time despite perfect adherence, and then even gained weight, I felt broken. My awareness was not up to the level required of my goal.
The next point in the formula is willingness. This is the emotional area. Are you willing to do everything it takes to accomplish your goal? Have you visualized all that it will take? Have you then gone through the second and even third order effects?
Many times, I said to myself “I will do anything” only to find there was much I was unwilling to do.
I can recall years ago starting a “stay hungry” version of keto, so long as I was mostly hungry, I would lose weight. But I began this right before the holidays, and I hadn’t taken into consideration what dieting would be like for those weeks. I quickly failed.
The final point of readiness is preparedness. This is the action point. Have you gathered and prepared everything you will need to accomplish your goal?
“I will start my diet tomorrow,” only to wake up to a refrigerator filled with non-diet foods has derailed me more than once.
When I’m dieting, it is unwise for me to cook or shop while hungry, this kind of unpreparedness has ruined perfectly good progress on multiple occasions.
Each of these points is done prior to me being ready.
It is from the point of readiness that my plan is executed.

Are you ready?

Repost from •Skin•Skin is the largest organ of the human body. Some of it’s functions are waterproofing the rest of our ...

Repost from


Skin is the largest organ of the human body. Some of it’s functions are waterproofing the rest of our organs, it is the first line of defense against bacteria and other organisms, it acts as a cooling system via sweat, and it delivers information to us via tactile sense.
Our skin grows as we do, and yet always wants to remain elastic so that when needed, we can store more fat, and for childbearing purposes in women.
Once you’ve stored so much excess fat that your skin is stretched taut, it will grow larger to accommodate. Some women even find that if they do not return to their pre pregnancy size fast enough after giving birth, that skin around their abdomen has grown in anticipation of needing to expand from the larger set point.
There is no natural path for reducing skin. No type of diet, or cream, or fancy red light application that will get skin to grow smaller.
Autophagy has been cited by adherents of Intermittent Fasting as way to get your skin to consume itself. This is total nonsense. Your body will consume fat, then muscle, and finally as it approaches death during starvation it will begin to consume organs. Your teeth will fall out before you see a reduction in skin size via this method.

  from On buoyancy  Last month my family and I were vacationing at a lake in New Hampshire. The house were we staying at...


On buoyancy

Last month my family and I were vacationing at a lake in New Hampshire. The house were we staying at had a floating platform about 25 yards offshore and at some point every day, we’d swim out to it. On one of these days, Clementine wanted to swim out further, so I went with her. We were just treading water, out in this lake, and I started to think, “this is really fu***ng hard, let’s get back to that platform!” Not wanting to look like a total wuss in front of my 17yr old daughter, I started casually heading back for it. “Where are you going?” she asked, “We’re not done…”

She was really enjoying watching me struggle.

As a kid I spent as much time in the water as possible. We lived in Los Angeles and would frequently go to the beach.

I would often sit frozen on the beach, trying to be small and unseen, waiting for eyes to be cast in directions away from the shortest path I could take into the water. Inertia was not on my side, so when a moment appeared, I would often miss it since my body at rest, decidedly wanted to stay, at rest.

Eventually an opportunity would arise, and I would be able to summon the adequate mental and physical strength to move as quickly as possible, from my safe perch, into the water.

I wanted to rapidly get small again, so I would move out into water that hid all of my body save my head, or I would crouch. There I would remain for most of the day.

The same went for pools, quickly in while eyes were averted, and there I would stay. Long past my fellows. Long past pruned fingers and toes. There was such safety in that water.

Being in the water did something magical for me, it eased gravity. Whatever the force of gravity had on my body out of the water would evaporate within. There was a noticeable reduction of the overall pressure I experienced in the rest of life.

I knew that part of what allowed me to stay in longer was my insulation, this was obvious to me. My friends went blue and shivery long before I did.

Normally I would try to obscure or disguise my fatness, and if staying in the water long past my fellows was a direct link to fatness…

Continued on blog, link in bio.

  from •I was a teetotaling bartender. But with food. I starved myself for years but became obsessed with making food. I...


I was a teetotaling bartender.
But with food.
I starved myself for years but became obsessed with making food.
I would cook elaborate meals for my family, that I couldn’t eat.
I flew to Beijing once to see how they prepared duck at Li Qun Roast Duck.
I forced my wife to enjoy offal at St John’s in London.
I dragged my kids out into the boondocks of Chianti to watch an Italian butcher () recite Dante while he carved up Spanish beef.
I’m much happier now, practicing moderation. Even if it’s a work in progress forever.

  from •On Starvation •Don’t think it’s lost on me, not one bit of it. 9+ million people starve to death every year. The...


On Starvation

Don’t think it’s lost on me, not one bit of it.
9+ million people starve to death every year. The idea of inflicting this intentionally on self seems absurd. For all of human history, mankind has battled famine A LOT.
But we arrive today in a landscape of caloric opulence, in some parts of the world.
When I was a kid, I didn’t see so many fat people, I felt very much alone in my fatness. Today, it seems to be everywhere in America. There can be a multitude of nuanced reasons for this, some of it has been shown, through science, to be socially contagious. And so, like with so much else, self inflicted starvation may fall into this arena.
I did not find that self inflicted starvation was a useful tool, because I used it to punish myself, not to make myself stronger. Not to confront my damaging habits and compulsions, but rather to harm myself in penance and swap out one bad habit for another.
I’ve found that my path to healing has a lot more to do with ideas that make me well, make me valuable, make me important, make me strong, and nothing to do with shame and punishment of self.
It also feels quite embarrassing to me that in a time when people are starving against their will, that I could intentionally participate in this act with some idea that it was possibly bettering my health.
I’ve found, that the only path that lead anywhere useful was slow and hard and filled with acts towards self done out of kindness.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” has always seemed a valuable quote to me. If you value kindness to any degree, I assure you, kindness to self is a useful step.

This post came about out of a conversation with my oldest daughter Bella, she inspires me every single day. ❤️

Repost from •Despite years of trying to switch over my default of apathy and gluttony, it still takes real cognitive eff...

Repost from

Despite years of trying to switch over my default of apathy and gluttony, it still takes real cognitive effort to show up everyday for the life I want.

This message from Dr. Spencer Nadolsky] is 🔥!We’ve been having some good conversation around this idea on Discord, and i...

This message from Dr. Spencer Nadolsky] is 🔥!

We’ve been having some good conversation around this idea on Discord, and it’s always worthy of an extra reminder that, it doesn’t matter how or where you start, as long as you start. 5 minute walk, 10 minutes of yoga, a small step is still a step.

P.S. Wondering about Discord? Join the American Glutton over on Patreon to gain access to live chats and messaging on the Discord platform. If you have questions about what Patreon is or how to join, leave them in the comments!

Repost from Dr. Spencer Nadolsky]

I hear this from patients all of the time. They really feel the workouts need to be punishing. They think they need to be super sore to improve. They think they need to be in the gym every day for at least an hour at a time. None of this is true.

I generally start people with one or two days a week of full body workouts that last about 20-30 minutes. Then I add one more day if they can and the start adding extra sets of needed.

On top of this, doing a lot of walking along with some intentional aerobic exercise if they have the time is great.

If you want to see what I prescribe, click on the link in my bio to check out my LiftRx program. It’s designed for the beginner in mind, but strong enough for intermediate lifters. ❤️

TRIFECTA] spittin’ the truth! Loved this realistic look at what weight loss is REALLY like.   from TRIFECTA]•Nobody said...

TRIFECTA] spittin’ the truth! Loved this realistic look at what weight loss is REALLY like.


Nobody said it was going to be easy.

Ohhh, they went there! 😅😬  from •😅

Ohhh, they went there! 😅😬



🔥Repost from •“How did you do it?”That’s a question I get asked a lot, and mostly I feel that a very short, if not one w...

🔥Repost from

“How did you do it?”
That’s a question I get asked a lot, and mostly I feel that a very short, if not one word, response is desired?
“How’d you do it?”
“Diet and exercise!”
“Intermittent fasting”
Is what I feel the expectation is.
I quite often will say “diet and exercise” to someone struggling, and I can feel the weight of their disappointment, because I know they’ve tried just that, if not many times.
It’s not an outright lie I suppose. Much in the same way if you asked someone how they built a house and they answered, “a lot of hammering,” wouldn’t be an outright lie.
Any diet is just a tool. And likewise, exercise is simply a tool as well.
If you want to change your life, it will probably require many tools. Similarly to building or rebuilding a house, a single hammer is probably not enough.
I’m not going to say “diet and exercise” anymore because though it’s not untrue, it’s so lacking in totality that it feels to me to be dishonest.
Here is a picture of me having just exercised and about to eat, two of the tools I found helpful with weight loss. There are many tools out there: changing habits, opening up to a friend, setting goals on top of goals on top of goals, limiting television and phone time, being honest with myself and others about the various situations I find myself in, not eating while watching tv, limiting processed foods, avoiding situations that I have trouble maintaining my plan on, doing physical things that I’ve been too scared to do, being vulnerable.
There are many tools, I hope that you find yours.

has been an INCREDIBLE tool for me.

   Repost from •First slide is from my first acting job, Boy Meets World early 90s. Second slide is from the movie Dog w...

Repost from

First slide is from my first acting job, Boy Meets World early 90s. Second slide is from the movie Dog which came out in February of this year.

I do a lot in a state of automaticity. How tedious would driving be if it was narrated by analytic thought, “gentle gas, turn wheel left, slight adjustment right, feather break, check rear view…”?
For so long, I wanted to successfully change my body while remaining in a state of automaticity with regard to how I ate. Some of what seemed like solutions to me were things like, “just remove carbs” or “just remove processed foods” or “eat only these foods which apparently your blood type prefers” or “eat like a caveman” etc etc etc ad nauseam.
I wanted to stay asleep at the wheel, because that seemed way easier than completely relearning how to do something. It’s much easier to make one small adjustment with the promise of total change. The trouble was, I’d spent decades cycling these things. I’d lose some weight and gain it back, and repeat, each time with more shame and self loathing.
They were all versions of get rich quick schemes for me.
I’m no longer interested in looking for the simple quick fix, I was more of a complete rebuild.
It is difficult, but I also found being obese difficult.

These ideas and more discussed on

😂 A little midweek humor to get you through this hump day 👊🏻Repost from •Ah yes wisdom and such🌀

😂 A little midweek humor to get you through this hump day 👊🏻

Repost from

Ah yes wisdom and such🌀

When I say I love TRIFECTA]… I mean it. 👊🏻Repost from •Happy Sunday!•Wherever I go, TRIFECTA] comes with me. •Last year ...

When I say I love TRIFECTA]… I mean it. 👊🏻

Repost from

Happy Sunday!

Wherever I go, TRIFECTA] comes with me.

Last year I spent a few months in Mexico City working. I brought a suitcase of frozen trifecta into the country because I really like the simplicity of knowing exactly how much energy is being put into my body and the knowledge that it’s there and ready for me.
I’m glad they didn’t look in that suitcase, and I did get my 8lbs of whey protein tested (but it got through!).

Repost from •I did not actively choose to be the person in the first frame. I do actively chose to be the person in the ...

Repost from

I did not actively choose to be the person in the first frame.

I do actively chose to be the person in the second frame every day.

I did not actively chose to not fit into public spaces, to wear multiple shirts to disguise my figure and soak up sweat, to become an expert at calculating small physical exertion like walking up a few steps, to worry for the collapse of every chair I sit in, to be perpetually exhausted, to live with pain and discomfort, to care so little about my life that the idea of dying in my sleep was something that occurred to me nightly with no remorse.

I do choose to not live that way anymore. I choose it over and over and over again.
It is my Groundhog’s Day, and I am grateful for the opportunity every morning.

😮😮😮   ・・・Two perspectives:1, I can do nothing successful to change my unwanted state. 2, with much effort and work I can...

Two perspectives:

1, I can do nothing successful to change my unwanted state.
2, with much effort and work I can find a path toward change.

1, shame will keep me from beginning because I want success before I admit to myself and others that I need help.
2, everything I am hiding, from myself and others, is already known. Those who will help, will do so with empathy. Shame cannot get in my way.

1, I will begin tomorrow.
2, “today is yesterday’s tomorrow.” (I learned that from my daughter Billie Grace when she was 3)

1, my life is unimportant.
2, I have value.

1, no one cares for me.
2, I care for myself.

1, the misery is chronic.
2, I can exchange acute discomfort for chronic misery and will exert less total effort.

1, everything I perceive is real and absolute.
2, I can change my mind about anything.

Happy Hump Day



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