Elastic pen holder for agenda
I was giving up, but my head is harder than 🪡 and cloth, I had to unstitch this pen holder twice, it's not perfect, but I did it, for me it's beautiful and useful. Do not give up at the first obstacle, try and try again that you will succeed
#portapenne #portaoggetti #portapastelli #agenda #bulletjournal #bullet #cancelleria #cucire #cucito #diycreativitygame #DIY
#penholder #tools #pastelholders #agenda #bulletjournal #bullet #stationary #sewing #diycreativitygame #DIY #tutorial #sewingtutorial
From cap to pin Hello already on vacation? With the bottle cap and the #epoxyresin I created a #spillcolorful #coloredbrooch #momenticreativi #creativity #craft #diytutorial #hobbycreativitutorial #tutorial #epoxyresin #acrylics #paint #diycreativitygame #resinaepossidica #ilgiocodellacreativitá
Runner rainbow
Buon giorno, in questo tutorial, vi faccio vedere come fare un runner personalizzato, realizzato con della semplice stoffa bianca e dei colori acrilici. Scrivete nei commenti se vi è piaciuto e se vorreste vedere altri video sul tema decora la tavola 💚 buon divertimento
Easter Decorations
🐰Quadretti per Pasqua da fare da soli o insieme ai più piccoli 🎨🖌️ #easter #pasqua #lavorettidipasqua #mammaebimbi #papàebimbi #decorarecasa #decoration #homedecor #easterhomedecor #loveeaster #diy #doityourself #craft #diycraft #faidate #creative #creativity #creatività #giocareconlafantasia #creativitygame #papercraft