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Lindsay Makes Videos 🧠 Trauma Healing 🩹 Queerness 🏳‍🌈 Social Criticism 🌎 Star Trek 🖖 Pug parent 🐶 Silly bu****it 🤪

It looks like a lot of people think those of us with atypical needs should expect to meet them on our own, without being...

It looks like a lot of people think those of us with atypical needs should expect to meet them on our own, without being accommodated.

The attitude is, “if it’s a YOU problem, you should take care of it yourself.”

If that’s really what they believe, fine, but they should know that means they think someone with neurodivergence or other disabilities deserves a tougher life just because of random chance.

To my mind, that’s confessing to being kind of a jerk. It’s probably a lot easier to hold a belief like that if you aren’t the one being burdened with the labor.

It looks to me like in the long run, it’s less costly to be a little more considerate than it is to have a society where people who need help can’t get it.

We’re not asking for as much as it might seem. Just a civilization that treats us with civility.

Zamdanga LLC
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I think the world is the way it is because people are stubborn about hanging onto bad ideas.I think they hang on so stub...

I think the world is the way it is because people are stubborn about hanging onto bad ideas.
I think they hang on so stubbornly because they aren’t listening to the people with better ideas.
I think they aren’t listening to people with better ideas because they don’t trust them.
And I think they don’t trust them because those people don’t trust them either - and it shows.
So I think if we really want to see change, we have to start valuing earning each other’s trust more than we value having the best ideas.

Zamdanga LLC
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🙏🏻Please forward any book, class, or recording sales questions to  🙏🏻 "Everyone has a meaning making map - a framework f...

🙏🏻Please forward any book, class, or recording sales questions to 🙏🏻

"Everyone has a meaning making map - a framework for interpreting the world, connecting ideas, beliefs and experiences into our reality. And an allistic person's meaning making map is made collaboratively with other people, which causes it to approximate the mainstream cultural paradigm. Given the wide variety of brains across the autistic spectrum, each individual autistic person has to construct their meaning making map on their own.

This causes their perspective on reality to not only differ from the mainstream cultural paradigm, but also from the perspectives of other autistic people. I think this is really important to understand that it's not like there's an allistic meaning making map, and then there's an autistic meaning making map, and all the autistic people are on this team, and the allistic people are on another.

No, it really is like the allistic people are all on a team. And then all of the autistic people are individuals.

Autistic people are experiencing a feeling of chronic loneliness that allistic people do not experience."

This clip is from one of our Autistic-Allistic Communication Basics classes. Enhance your communication skills and bridge the gap between autistic and allistic individuals with this comprehensive class series. Tailored for both autistics and allistics, these classes delve into the nuances of communication styles, cognitive processing differences, and practical strategies to foster mutual understanding. Whether you're autistic and seeking tools to navigate social interactions or allistic and aiming to better connect with autistic peers, these sessions offer valuable insights and techniques for both personal and professional growth.

Class recordings will be available for sale soon at Stay connected by following us on Instagram at and for updates on class availability!

Well  ? This means war. 🚨KAJABI IS PREDATORY AND UNSAFE🚨 I still really need help fighting with these people. Please - c...

Well ? This means war. 🚨KAJABI IS PREDATORY AND UNSAFE🚨 I still really need help fighting with these people. Please - can someone talk to someone for me????

Anyone affected please email me screen grabs of what you see when you try to cancel on your own so I can use the evidence to fight for us.

If you work for Kajabi you should be so ashamed. And you’re doing this to a diagnosed disabled person which is like an extra strength reservation to hell.

Having Autism, ADHD, or trauma can make us skilled at spotting a bad guy. There are plenty of reasons for us to develop ...

Having Autism, ADHD, or trauma can make us skilled at spotting a bad guy. There are plenty of reasons for us to develop a sensitivity to the red flags. But since sensitivity cuts both ways, it also means we may perceive threat when there is none. It’s not a superpower - it’s real - which means there are pros and cons. I think it’s important we trust ourselves, but with a sense of reasonable humility. I mean, having a talent and being infallible aren’t even close to being the same thing. If we turn out to have misjudged someone, that doesn’t mean we don’t have the skill, but just because we have a skill doesn’t mean we are entitled to throw around accusations with absolute certainty. It just looks to me like too many people are coping with their trauma with delusional self-importance. I don’t think inflating ourselves inspires the feeling of connection that’s actually gonna save the world.


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🚨URGENTKajabi is still charging people for Lindsay’s Echo Chamber even though I shut down the community and cancelled my...

Kajabi is still charging people for Lindsay’s Echo Chamber even though I shut down the community and cancelled my Kajabi account.

I can’t respond to any emails about this because my account is cancelled so attempts to reply take me to a 404 page.

Someone please help me get Kajabi to fix this immediately! My communication with their customer service isn’t effective if this is happening. I am so scared and so sorry.

And Kajabi, maybe not by law, but in my heart, you owe me hundreds of dollars. I don’t even care about an apology. Just fix this and disappear from my life.

I think when autistic people crash into their 'autistic certainty paradox' and feel their logic is the only truth, they ...

I think when autistic people crash into their 'autistic certainty paradox' and feel their logic is the only truth, they risk ending up being too combative with anyone who questions their views.

We’ll often see ourselves as heroes - beacons of rationality in an illogical, misguided world. And it shows.

I think as autistic people, we have to make a concerted effort to recognize the subjective goals underlying our logic, and give ourselves permission to feel certain without absolute certainty. We don’t have to be infallible to trust ourselves and move forward. We will always be responsible for choices we have to make with imperfect information. It’s not fair, but on an individual level, nothing ever is.

Acknowledging that everyone's perspective is shaped by personal and societal influences and embracing the messy, subjective nature of the human experience can pave the way for more inclusive, empathetic, and respectful conversation across diverse communities.

This is part 3 of 3. Follow if you want to hear more thoughts about things like the autistic certainty paradox.

Otto the autistic owl asks Allie the allistic dolphin, “How come the other dolphins don’t like me?” Allie gives Otto adv...

Otto the autistic owl asks Allie the allistic dolphin, “How come the other dolphins don’t like me?”
Allie gives Otto advice on how to get along with them better, but that just makes Otto get defensive. “Why should I have to do all of that? They should stop being mean.”
Otto feels like if Allie responded with advice, Allie must agree with the assessment of the other dolphins, which feels like a extension of the shaming. Otto assumes if Allie didn’t agree, her answer would be something critical of the dolphins, like “They’re irrational” or “They’re haters.” Not something critical of Otto.
Otto doesn’t realize they’re giving Allie a job that Allie and their friends expect people to do for themselves - validating their own perspective.
Some autistic people struggle to organically form a sense of boundaries, so when people say critical things to us, it feels as if “we don’t have the right” to disregard it without support.
But Otto doesn’t need Allie to give them permission to disagree with the mean dolphins.
Otto is entitled to their own beliefs about them.
Imposing an obligation on Allie to agree was neither fair nor rational.
It may not be obvious to Otto that just because their feelings aren’t universal, or shared by Allie, doesn’t mean they’re not valid.


Zamdanga LLC

Lindsay Makes Videos 💔🩹💖
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Lindsay’s Fallout ⚙️
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I worry a lot about privileged men who don’t know they’re autistic. They face particular challenges regulating their ner...

I worry a lot about privileged men who don’t know they’re autistic. They face particular challenges regulating their nervous systems in a world changing as fast as ours which probably won’t get addressed until they know.

Societal advantages have a tendency to shield people from contrasting perspectives, so privileged unaware autistics can remain oblivious that logical conclusions can still be subjective. If their culture’s truths feel ubiquitous enough, it’s easy to equate personal logic with universal truth day to day without much resistance.

When these guys I’m talking about are scoffing at experiences that challenge their worldview, it looks like they’re ‘kicking marginalized groups while they’re down.’ But to their minds, those experiences must be a lie or exaggeration, because that’s the only explanation they have access to for how dramatically their nervous system is reacting.

These aren’t bad guys - but this lack of guidance regarding how to interpret signals from their autistic nervous systems leading to blindness to humanity’s inherent subjectivity can transform otherwise noble intentions into bombastic displays of insensitivity, egocentrism, and entitlement.

This is part 2 of 3. Follow if you want to hear more thoughts about things like the autistic certainty paradox.

Just some highly ADHD-mood tunes to brighten your day!“Beautiful Mind” by Tom Cardy and Brian David Gilbert“I Don’t Know...

Just some highly ADHD-mood tunes to brighten your day!

“Beautiful Mind” by Tom Cardy and Brian David Gilbert

“I Don’t Know What We’re Talking About” by Ninja S*x Party

“Incredible Thoughts” by The Lonely Island (featuring Michael Bolton!)

Definitely look them up!


Lindsay Makes Videos 💔🩹💖
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Lindsay’s Fallout ⚙️
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Zamdanga LLC

I think every time you find yourself giving to others with zero expectations and zero resentment, you should stop and no...

I think every time you find yourself giving to others with zero expectations and zero resentment, you should stop and notice that... Now you know it's not too much to ask for.


Zamdanga LLC

Lindsay Makes Videos 💔🩹💖
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Lindsay’s Fallout ⚙️
▪️ on YouTube
▪️ on Instagram

What is the autistic certainty paradox? It’s my term for when we have a deep-seated conviction in the objectivity of our...

What is the autistic certainty paradox? It’s my term for when we have a deep-seated conviction in the objectivity of our own beliefs and logic. It can either underpin an unshakable belief system, or make it impossible to settle into any belief system at all.

Accepting a new idea can require rigorous testing against our current worldview. Once it “passes,” it may register in our minds as objective fact. This fosters a strong sense of rightness that judges contrasting views as inherently incorrect. This isn't the same as a reasonable pursuit of truth; it's a miscarriage of logic.

It’s easy to mistakenly take our conclusions as universal truths if we came to them logically, but that overlooks a fundamental aspect of human reasoning: values. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” is hardly logical to a career rogue individualist whose needs have never been served by a collective. What seems logical to one may be irrational to another if they’re each operating from different values.

Logic, while a powerful tool, is not an end in itself - but a means to pursue goals that are inherently subjective and value-driven.

If we ever find that our logical conclusions are putting us at odds with people, it may be worth examining the values we stacked all that logic on top of.

This is part 1 of 3. Follow if you want to hear more thoughts about things like the autistic certainty paradox.

A lot of us wear masks for social approval. We avoid rocking the boat because we're avoiding the consequences. We say ye...

A lot of us wear masks for social approval. We avoid rocking the boat because we're avoiding the consequences. We say yes when we want to say no. Then we trick ourselves into believing that it's the other's fault. I think if we set our boundaries and people are hostile about it, then sure, that's on them. But if we don't set them and other people benefit from that self-neglect, that's on us.

Everybody’s doing the best they can.

Are you an ADHDer currently looking for that thing you always lose? Word to the wise... No, it's not ridiculous to check...

Are you an ADHDer currently looking for that thing you always lose? Word to the wise... No, it's not ridiculous to check the refrigerator. 🤣😅

🙏🏻Please forward any book or class purchasing or sales questions to  🙏🏻Allistics - Finding it challenging to connect wit...

🙏🏻Please forward any book or class purchasing or sales questions to 🙏🏻

Allistics - Finding it challenging to connect with autistic friends, co-workers, or loved ones?

⁠⁠Join us for a class specifically designed for allistics to strengthen their autistic communication skills. Uncover the complexities of autistic-allistic interactions, understand diverse cognitive styles, and acquire practical strategies for clearer, more rewarding communication. Ideal for improving both personal and professional relationships with autistic peers. ⁠⁠Register today and make your communication as rewarding as it is impactful!⁠⁠ Link in bio!

Peace is on the Other Side of Pain.

Peace is on the Other Side of Pain.

Everybody’s doing the best they can.

Everybody’s doing the best they can.

What is The Rigid Autistic Meaning-Making Map (RAMMM)?A framework for conceptualizing the rigidity associated with autis...

What is The Rigid Autistic Meaning-Making Map (RAMMM)?

A framework for conceptualizing the rigidity associated with autism, from an autistic perspective.

It provides explanations for autistic behaviors that are often mistaken for stubbornness or pointless inflexibility.

As a concept, the RAMMM fits into several categories:

✨ Educational Tool: It teaches autistic and allistic people about how autistics see and interact with the world, improving communication and support in places like schools and jobs.

✨ Philosophical Approach: It's a deep dive into neurodiversity, pushing for more respect for different ways of thinking. It questions typical ideas of normalcy and functionality, urging us to embrace neurological differences.

✨ Advocacy Framework: It supports autistic individuals by explaining behaviors that are often misunderstood. This is vital in environments where understanding and supporting neurodiversity are crucial for true inclusion and equality.
If you want to learn more, pick up my short book The Rigid Autistic Meaning-Making Map. Link in bio!

Why did I write “The Rigid Autistic Meaning Making Map”?Because I’ve been disappointed by how I usually see people talk ...

Why did I write “The Rigid Autistic Meaning Making Map”?

Because I’ve been disappointed by how I usually see people talk about autistic rigidity.

They tend to say rigid thinking is just a part of autism and leave it at that. It reduces our behavior to mere ‘autistic stubbornness’ without looking any deeper.
This perspective often comes from non-autistic people and sadly, many autistics learn about themselves this way. It keeps us from understanding our own rigidity, or even from recognizing it in the first place.

If you want to learn more, pick up my short book The Rigid Autistic Meaning-Making Map. Link in bio!

Allistics - Finding it challenging to connect with autistic friends, co-workers, or loved ones?⁠⁠Join us for a class spe...

Allistics - Finding it challenging to connect with autistic friends, co-workers, or loved ones?

⁠⁠Join us for a class specifically designed for allistics to strengthen their autistic communication skills. Uncover the complexities of autistic-allistic interactions, understand diverse cognitive styles, and acquire practical strategies for clearer, more rewarding communication. Ideal for improving both personal and professional relationships with autistic peers. ⁠⁠Register today and make your communication as rewarding as it is impactful!⁠⁠ Link in bio!

Allistics - Finding it challenging to connect with autistic friends, co-workers, or loved ones?⁠⁠Join us for a class spe...

Allistics - Finding it challenging to connect with autistic friends, co-workers, or loved ones?

⁠⁠Join us for a class specifically designed for allistics to strengthen their autistic communication skills. Uncover the complexities of autistic-allistic interactions, understand diverse cognitive styles, and acquire practical strategies for clearer, more rewarding communication.

Ideal for improving both personal and professional relationships with autistic peers. ⁠⁠

Register today and make your communication as rewarding as it is impactful!⁠⁠ Link in bio!

Autistics - Struggling to make sense of conversations with neurotypicals and allistics? ⁠Join us for an allistic communi...

Autistics - Struggling to make sense of conversations with neurotypicals and allistics? ⁠

Join us for an allistic communication class designed specifically for autistics. Dive into the nuances of autistic-allistic interactions, explore different cognitive styles, and learn practical strategies to bridge communication gaps. ⁠

Whether you're looking to enhance personal relationships or professional interactions, this class may be just what you’re looking for. ⁠

Sign up now and take a giant leap towards a more harmonious social life!⁠ Check out the link in bio!

Autistic-Allistic Communication Basics - for Autistics - July 28 - 10am-2pm PDT

Autistics - Struggling to make sense of conversations with neurotypicals and allistics? ⁠Join us for an allistic communi...

Autistics - Struggling to make sense of conversations with neurotypicals and allistics? ⁠

Join us for an allistic communication class designed specifically for autistics. Dive into the nuances of autistic-allistic interactions, explore different cognitive styles, and learn practical strategies to bridge communication gaps. ⁠

Whether you're looking to enhance personal relationships or professional interactions, this class may be just what you’re looking for. ⁠

Sign up now and take a giant leap towards a more harmonious social life!⁠ Check out the link in bio!

Autistic-Allistic Communication Basics - for Autistics - July 28 - 10am-2pm PDT


✨ Autistics - Struggling to make sense of conversations with neurotypicals and allistics? ⁠Join us for an allistic commu...

✨ Autistics - Struggling to make sense of conversations with neurotypicals and allistics? ⁠

Join us for an allistic communication class designed specifically for autistics. Dive into the nuances of autistic-allistic interactions, explore different cognitive styles, and learn practical strategies to bridge communication gaps. ⁠

Whether you're looking to enhance personal relationships or professional interactions, this class may be just what you’re looking for. ⁠

Sign up at the link in my bio and take a giant leap towards a more harmonious social life!⁠


Hey, I'm not sure I have any interest in posting to this page for the time being. Facebook forced me to make one to open the Meta Business Suite even though I only meant to use it for Instagram, and now the connection between Facebook, Instagram, and the business suite is totally broken nonsense.

I'll delete this message as soon as it's irrelevant.

Sorry to everyone I invited to a page that's probably going to be dead.



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