Honestly it feels good to be on the other side of that, make sure to follow @adopt.knox for more clips.
Make sure to also follow @adopt.clan @adopt.warmer @adopt.grindz @adopt.reign @adopt.voltss @adopt.error @adopt.zepsie @adopt.trippy @adopt.zxro @adopt.melll @adopt.cakeb @adopt.mndlo @adopt.adapzy @adopt.floof @adopt.awaken @adopt.error @adopt.supreme @adopt.rigid
My guy got so confused 😂😂, make sure to follow @adopt.knox for more clips.
Make sure to also follow @adopt.clan @adopt.warmer @adopt.floof @adopt.grindz @adopt.reign @adopt.studd @adopt.grindz @adopt.melll @adopt.trippy @adopt.voltss @adopt.evltic @adopt.inferno @adopt.rigid @adopt.supreme @adopt.kris @adopt.awaken @adopt.error @adopt.cakeb @adopt.13th @adopt.spoopy
Highlight from last night, got the gold knife in 2 hours. Make sure to follow @adopt.knox for more clips.
Make sure to also follow @adopt.clan @adopt.warmer @adopt.grindz @adopt.error @adopt.melll @adopt.studd @adopt.keef @adopt.reign @adopt.kris @adopt.voltss @adopt.snipe @adopt.duck @adopt.zepsie @adopt.inferno @adopt.supreme @adopt.rigid @adopt.awaken
I’m just to good, even when Joey had an automatic weapon I’m still clapping😂 make sure to follow @adopt.knox for more content.
Make sure to also follow @adopt.clan @adopt.warmer @adopt.melll @adopt.studd @adopt.grindz @adopt.voltss @adopt.error @adopt.inferno @adopt.reign @adopt.snipe @adopt.kris @adopt.13th @adopt.spoopy @adopt.evltic @adopt.trippy @adopt.supreme @adopt.rigid @adopt.awaken @adopt.psycho @adopt.thrillzz @adopt.ghostt @adopt.kurama
No explanation needed, don’t hate me for using the snake shots, I was getting platinum pistols. Make sure to also follow @adopt.knox for more clips.
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•Make sure to also follow @adopt.warmer @adopt.clan @adopt.kris @adopt.studd @adopt.zxro @adopt.grindz @adopt.voltss @adopt.snipe @adopt.trippy @adopt.reign @adopt.zepsie @adopt.supreme @adopt.rigid @adopt.spoopy @adopt.error @adopt.awaken
Just going for gold and this happens, make sure to follow @adopt.knox for more clips.
Make sure to also follow @adopt.warmer @adopt.clan @adopt.scooby @adopt.kris @adopt.studd @adopt.melll @adopt.error @adopt.grindz @adopt.snipe @adopt.zxro @adopt.reign @adopt.inferno @adopt.spoopy @adopt.psycho @adopt.zepsie @adopt.rigid @adopt.supreme @adopt.awaken
When I was playing sea of thieves my cannon went crazy while fighting the fort of the Dammed.
Make sure to follow @adopt.knox for more clips
Listen I’m not complaining, but spawns are still messed and here’s some proof. Make sure to follow @adopt.knox for more clips.
Make sure to also follow @adopt.warmer @adopt.clan @adopt.badams @adopt.zxro @adopt.scooby @adopt.badams @adopt.inferno @adopt.reign @adopt.13th @adopt.grindz @adopt.trippy @adopt.andrxw @adopt.error @adopt.awaken @adopt.toxic @adopt.supreme @adopt.keef @adopt.ghostt
Mid air headshot, NOICE. Make sure to also follow @adopt.knox for more clips.
Make sure to also follow @adopt.clan @adopt.warmer @adopt.gnasher @adopt.scooby @adopt.reign @adopt.13th @adopt.grindz @adopt.snipe @adopt.steez @adopt.zepsie @adopt.zxro @adopt.kurama @adopt.psycho @adopt.cakeb @adopt.kris @adopt.supreme @adopt.awaken @adopt.error
Popped off last night with the HDR, got it gold to. Make sure to follow @adopt.knox for more clips.
Make sure to also follow @adopt.clan @adopt.warmer @adopt.gnasher @adopt.scooby @adopt.reign @adopt.13th @adopt.snipe @adopt.spoopy @adopt.savyer @adopt.zepsie @adopt.zxro @adopt.steez @adopt.kurama @adopt.warfare @adopt.cakeb @adopt.sinux @adopt.psycho @adopt.awaken @adopt.error @adopt.supreme
I’m so happy I completed the entire campaign to have the final part breakdown🖕 that’s MW I guess • Make sure to follow @adopt.knox for more clips.
Make sure to also follow @adopt.clan @adopt.warmer @adopt.gnasher @adopt.savyer @adopt.scooby @adopt.snipe @adopt.13th @adopt.grindz @adopt.sinux @adopt.warfare @adopt.reign @adopt.cakeb @adopt.doc @adopt.psycho @adopt.sticks @adopt.kris @adopt.kurama @adopt.awaken @adopt.goku @adopt.error @adopt.supreme