The Improbable Girl and The Wonder Kitty Comic

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The Improbable Girl and The Wonder Kitty Comic This is the official page for the comic series," Mari Solinski and The Wonder Kitty by J. E. Carrale

Say what you will about the personality and antics of Peggy O'Shea, however, when it comes to being a journalist she is ...

Say what you will about the personality and antics of Peggy O'Shea, however, when it comes to being a journalist she is no slouch. While her appearances from the beginning have shown her to be somewhat antagonistic to Mari and Niko, one might want to take a closer look at her, especially in "Candidate Calamity" and beyond. What did you think of this character?

Check out Small Press Christmas Carol at Small Press Heroes.  Here is a page I contributed.  It's a "jam" comic where di...

Check out Small Press Christmas Carol at Small Press Heroes. Here is a page I contributed. It's a "jam" comic where different artists do different pages of a story. Special thanks to Jason DeGroot for leading this up.

this page created by Joe Ely Carrales III Next page Previous page Start from the beginning

Ok, Folks...Issue  #12... "Candidate Calamity" is already here and ready to be shipped out.   Also, the first 3 pages of...

Ok, Folks...Issue #12... "Candidate Calamity" is already here and ready to be shipped out. Also, the first 3 pages of Issue # 13, "Journey to the Master of the World" are done and that should be ready for December or January. We, well I in any case, are going my best to get these out by Election 2024...however, it probably isn't gonna line up. But...I'm sure you will enjoy it nevertheless! :)


Yup... Issue # 12 " Candidate Calamity" is in and should be going out tomorrow and throughout the week. It features a cover by Suzie Steam artist Shane Luttrell. This was ramped up to coincide with the 2024 you can have something to read while you watch the results come it. There is a guest artist in The New People's Journal, Kurt Wilcken, of Hannibal Testla Adventure Magazine. :) Also, Issue #11, "Lost on the Trapped a Planet, Part II" The Badger crossover witg Ryan Howatt is concurrently available...with a cover by Trish Ellis.

T-Frags!  Yes!  I do so look forward to getting this.  :)  The excitement is real!   You should get a copy!

T-Frags! Yes! I do so look forward to getting this. :) The excitement is real! You should get a copy!

So, as you know, work is moving forward on Issue  #13  "Journey to the Master of the World."  With a cover by Alex Moore...

So, as you know, work is moving forward on Issue #13 "Journey to the Master of the World." With a cover by Alex Moore. Moore presented this version of what will be the "U.S.S. Seaslayer," a remarkable submarine.

Getting Alexandra Sevilla, ready for the next round of UFO Reviews in T-Frags!  #278.  Lil Alexandra is a minor characte...

Getting Alexandra Sevilla, ready for the next round of UFO Reviews in T-Frags! #278. Lil Alexandra is a minor character in "The Improbable Girl and The Wonder Kitty" but you can see her in "The World According to Alexandra" somewhat quarterly in Tetragrammaton Fragments! From UFO, The United Fanzine Organization! :)

Good News everyone!  Issue  #12, "Candidate Calamity" was just approved at the presses with cover by Shane Luttrel!   If...

Good News everyone! Issue #12, "Candidate Calamity" was just approved at the presses with cover by Shane Luttrel! If all goes well, you can read your copy right before the 2024 Presidential election....or, right afterwards. Also, work has started on Issue #13 "Journey to the Master of the World." Expect that Issue around the end of December, that will be a multi-part story. It's good all around, your Indie and Small Press publishers.

Inktober 2024 Day 14: Roam- While on a mission to the Broken B Dude Ranch it became all too clear to Mari Solinski, The ...

Inktober 2024 Day 14: Roam- While on a mission to the Broken B Dude Ranch it became all too clear to Mari Solinski, The Improbable Girl, that Zandra Niko, The Wonder Kitty, was far too engrossed in the trappings of the ranch.

Mari- (Frustrated) "Niko...are you serious?! You have got to start focusing on the mission. We have to find that satellite before Organization ORKO."

Niko- (Distracted by a local animal) " cute!"

Mari- "Niko...are you listening to me?"

Niko- "Mari, lighten up! Look, the baby Buffalo likes me!"

Mari- (sarcastic) "Oh...really?! Roaming around with a Buffalo. Perhaps we can find some dear and antelope for you to play with while we're are it!"

Niko- (excitedly) "You think so!"

Mari- "You know, the tall tales of this place might just be based on facts. What ever happened to you being the cautious one?"

Niko- (annoyed) "Really? You mean to tell me the story of a dinosaur running around loose and a flying dragon thing could be real. I think maybe you need to get real. (Humph)

Nods to Larry Johnson

With THE MIGHTY ENERGYGIRL – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉

With THE MIGHTY ENERGYGIRL – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉

Inktober 2024 Day 13: Horizon-  While originally upset that Flight Lieutenant Percival Forbes-Smyth, commander of Wrangl...

Inktober 2024 Day 13: Horizon- While originally upset that Flight Lieutenant Percival Forbes-Smyth, commander of Wrangler Squadron, had snuck in a purchase order for a Tannenbaum 253 Biplane into the 2012 Budget Major General Kawallis warmed up to it as the aircraft had endured to the pilots of then unit. Additionally, it was an excellent element for Public Affairs are it was a hit at airshow along side the A-10 Thunderbolt II's which were a mainstay of the Squadron. Most Sundays, Percy took Mari Solinski out for her flying lessons because, after all, a superhero should know how to fight.


PERCY: (YELLING) " are doing so well! Keep it up nice and steady!"

MARI: (YELLING unable to hear Percy as she is forward of him in the second "student" seat.) "What?!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU...WHAT DID YOU SAY?"





Inktober Day 12: Remote-  With Xaviron, The Druid, having destroyed a Pacific Port and threatening South Texas by headin...

Inktober Day 12: Remote- With Xaviron, The Druid, having destroyed a Pacific Port and threatening South Texas by heading to attack San Antonio, the news media is scrambling to cover the event. Jenny H. Jeffers, well know Nationally Syndicated TV host had taken a crew from her mid-West Headquarters to do a Live Remote from Leal Road, a point just south of San Antonio. There, she encounters to Lion Gazette reporters, Peggy O'Shea and Alexandra Sevilla. They are not happy to see one another.

JENNY JEFFERS: (On the air) "And here I stand ready to report the DESTRUCTION of the Alamo City. The sole reporter this close to the action!"


JENNY JEFFERS: "O'Shea, can you silence your little gnome for a minute, were on the AIR! LIVE."

PEGGY O'SHEA: "I hate to agree with the Little Worm, but you are NOT then only reporter on the scene."


JENNY JEFFERS: "Oh....wait...this just in! I stand corrected. Yes.... it seems I was mistaken. There are other reporters here at Leal Road. But....wait....Yes.... It would seem, while they are present, I am the only reporter who.... 'Brought their GAME!'"

Inktober 2024 Day 11: Snacks-  Life working in The Lion Gazette mailroom is pretty soft, however... around 2:30 or 3:00 ...

Inktober 2024 Day 11: Snacks- Life working in The Lion Gazette mailroom is pretty soft, however... around 2:30 or 3:00 pm something takes place. You see, lunch was hours ago and dinner is hours away and people can get both Improbably hungry and Wonderfully famished. The solution? The Snack Machine down by the print shop.

MARI- (ripping open a bar of chocolate 🍫) "OH you dear candy bar! Where have you been all my life! (Chuckle) Niko, isn't snack time great!)"

NIKO-(crunching and chewingpotato chips) "Can't talk...must eat chips!"

Inktober 2024 Day 10: Nomadic- As with all things, the journey to "The Trapped Planet" and the ensuing adventure sparked...

Inktober 2024 Day 10: Nomadic- As with all things, the journey to "The Trapped Planet" and the ensuing adventure sparked as much investigation as paperwork. As commander of The Wrangler Squadron as well as direct participant, Flight Lieutenant Percival Forbes-Smyth, RAF led the presentation to Lt. GENERAL John Morelli, US Army and one Dr. Holly Peña of the Federal Department of Super Humanics. Assisting him was the ever lovable Agent Merrie Olzmabil also of FDSH.

PERCY: "Although originally Nomadic, the Hippolith soldier is one of Jynmond's most fierce baddies. Their skills as nomads make them a particularly sticky-wicket when they are organized under a military command structure."

Gen. MORELLI: (puzzled) "Are these things really all that dangerous?"

PERCY: "Sir, I can safely say...with malay weapons such as this quality steel sword and the pikes such as the one Agent Olzmabil is holding...they gave us what's for. Cor Blimey...they mass in numbers, like me grandfather would say, like lads to puddin'"

Dr Peña: "Amazing! Could Solinski and Niko take them?"

PERCY: "Er...let's just say Solinski was able to affect affections from them effectively efficient enough to affect an effect."

Gen. MORELLI: "What the Hell did he just say?"

Inktober 2024 Day 9: Sun-  After discovering the evil Dr. Tara Daffida and Organization ORKO was behind the Cult, Mari a...

Inktober 2024 Day 9: Sun- After discovering the evil Dr. Tara Daffida and Organization ORKO was behind the Cult, Mari and Niko found themselves betrayed by their "new friends" and captured.

Dr. DAFFIDA: (gloating) "See, should have joined us willingly. It will be sad to think you lovely young things might be torn to pieces by our...faithful followers!"

MARI: (defiant): "Never! What have you done here? Is this more of Dr. PEEMOSIS' mind control chip stuff?"

Dr. DAFFIDA: "What?! No...this is just good ole fashioned social engineering. These people are losers looking for something to believe in. Pity they found us! They are loyal to THE BRIGHT ONE and, as he is a trademark of Organization ORKO, thus they are loyal to us! BWAH-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!"

NIKO: (sheepishly) " they know they are worshipping the logo for CBS Sunday Morning?"

DR. DAFFIDA: "What?!?" (Looking closely at the altar) "Damn that Horace, can't he ever be serious! Well, it's a good thing no one gets up early on Sundays!"

Inktober Day 8: Hike- The Federal Department of Super Humanics, or FDSH (Also FEDSUP in Government "NEWSPEAK"), has only...

Inktober Day 8: Hike- The Federal Department of Super Humanics, or FDSH (Also FEDSUP in Government "NEWSPEAK"), has only a nominal amount of control over Mari Solinski, The Improbable Girl, and Zandra Niko, The Wonder Kitty, as they reside in another sector of the Federal Government. However, as a show of Good Will between Departments, Maj. General Kawallis ensures the girls attend the mandatory annual training FEDSUP conducts. Often, this training is under The Mighty EnergyGirl who runs them through the metaphorial "ringer."

THE MIGHTY ENERGYGIRL: (In the semi-arid lands near Monument Valley) "Ok girls. Here we are. Time for that hike I promised you."

NIKO: (Exhausted) "You mean that wasn't it?"

THE MIGHTY ENERGYGIRL: "Endurance...Ladies! You'll have to learn to crawl for your life before you learn to run for it."

MARIA: "Well, let's get started. A 120 minute hike will be good for us?"

THE MIGHTY ENERGYGIRL: "Minutes? No, Solinksi, that 'M' stood for 'Miles.' This is a 120 mile hike!"

MARI and NIKO: "WHAT?!?"

Inktober 2024 Day 7: Passport- On a somewhat personal mission, Mari and Niko defy Major General Kawallis' strict orders ...

Inktober 2024 Day 7: Passport- On a somewhat personal mission, Mari and Niko defy Major General Kawallis' strict orders and call upon their friend, Queen Maria Von Arthur of Ruritania to help infiltrate the oppressive State of Veravania. Dressed as Rutitanian Nobility and armed with a LESS THAT GENUINE passport, Mari and Niko somehow make it through customs.

BORDER GUARD- "Danke, Freifrau Von Belstaat, what is your business here in Veravania?"

MARI- (Dressed as Freifrau Gretchen Von Belstaat and in her perfect Rutitanian, courtesy of her Super powers, while holding a KITTYFORMED Niko) "If you must know, I am visiting my cousin. She lives here in Frankschter. I thank you for your relatively polite demeanor. Your countrymen are seldom known for their hospitality!"

BORDER GUARD- (taken aback by Mari's boldness) "You speak sharply...may I suggest you recall you are no longer in Ruritania. (Guards in the background are called to attention by something out of frame.) Here we have no aristocracy." (Hands back the passport)

MARI- "I will keep that in mind, Gefreiter! Have a great day!" (Mari grabs the passport and walks off)

NIKO- (After some distance) "Are you stupid! Talking to "Hitler's Cousin" that way! They might have shot us right there!"

MARI- "I read that they like strong women here."

NIKO- "Where did you read that? The restroom at the depot."

MARI- "OH Hush! It distracted the guard from that phoney passport, didn't it."

Look what came in today!  A very well put together title from the mind of Creator Ben Dunn, founder of Antartic Press an...

Look what came in today! A very well put together title from the mind of Creator Ben Dunn, founder of Antartic Press and creator of many comics including Ninja High School and Tomorrow Girl. Keep an eye out for his Kendra Series!



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