HRN Network

HRN Network Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth u

World NGO Day World NGO Day is observed annually on February 27th. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the ...

World NGO Day

World NGO Day is observed annually on February 27th. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the significant contributions that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) make to society.

NGOs play a crucial role in various sectors such as humanitarian aid, environmental conservation, human rights advocacy, healthcare, education, and community development.

World NGO Day aims to recognize the efforts of these organizations, promote their work, and encourage people to support and engage with NGOs to address global challenges and make a positive impact on the world.

World Radio DayWorld Radio Day is celebrated on February 13th each year. Established by UNESCO in 2011, World Radio Day ...

World Radio Day
World Radio Day is celebrated on February 13th each year.

Established by UNESCO in 2011, World Radio Day aims to raise awareness about the significance of radio in promoting dialogue, tolerance, and understanding among diverse communities worldwide. It also highlights the unique power of radio to reach remote and marginalized populations, serving as a lifeline during emergencies and disasters.
Through various events, discussions, and activities, World Radio Day celebrates the enduring relevance and impact of radio in today's digital age. It's a day designated to recognize the importance of radio as a medium for communication, information, and entertainment across the globe. Radio has played a crucial role in connecting people, sharing news and stories, promoting cultural diversity, and fostering dialogue and understanding.

This day serves as an opportunity to highlight the enduring relevance and impact of radio in today's digital age.

World Braille Day World Braille Day is observed on January 4th each year. This day is designated to raise awareness abou...

World Braille Day

World Braille Day is observed on January 4th each year. This day is designated to raise awareness about the importance of Braille as a means of communication for blind and visually impaired individuals. It also celebrates the birthday of Louis Braille, the inventor of the Braille writing system.

Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809, in France. At the age of 15, he developed the Braille system, which is a tactile writing system that uses raised dots to represent letters and numbers. This system has greatly improved the ability of visually impaired individuals to read and write, providing them with increased independence and access to information.

World Braille Day is an opportunity to promote the importance of Braille literacy, advocate for the rights of blind people, and encourage the integration of Braille into various aspects of society, including education, literature, and technology. It also serves as a reminder of the ongoing need for accessible and inclusive measures to ensure the full participation of blind and visually impaired individuals in all aspects of life.

The rights of older personsOn December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly made October 1 as the International Day of Olde...

The rights of older persons

On December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly made October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. TThe day is celebrated annually to recognize the contributions of older persons and to examine issues that affect their lives.

This day is dedicated to raising awareness about issues affecting the elderly and to appreciate the contributions that older people make to society.

The rights of older persons are recognized and protected by various international instruments and frameworks.

Human Rights DayHuman Rights Day is observed annually on December 10th to commemorate the day when the Universal Declara...

Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day is observed annually on December 10th to commemorate the day when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The UDHR is a milestone document that proclaims the inalienable rights to which everyone is entitled as a human being, regardless of race, color, religion, s*x, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status.

Human Rights Day serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding and promoting human rights for all individuals globally. It is a day to raise awareness about human rights issues, celebrate progress that has been made, and advocate for the protection of human rights where they are violated.

Each year, Human Rights Day focuses on a particular theme or issue that requires attention and action. The day provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and governments to come together to promote and protect human rights and to reflect on the challenges that still exist in ensuring that everyone enjoys their fundamental rights and freedoms.


Deputetja Resh*taj adreson keq menaxhimin dhe nepotizmin në Qendrën Klinike

Në seancën e Kuvendit të Republikës së Kosovës të mbajtur me 30 Nëntor 2023 deputetja Albena Resh*taj, ka adresuar shqetësimin e saj lidhur me praktikat e keq menaxhimit dhe nepotizmit në Qendrën Klinike Stomatologjike Universitare të Kosovës nga ana e drejtorit aktual Kastriot Meqa, i cili sipas deputetes Resh*taj edhe vetë është zgjedhur në mënyrë të jashtë ligjshme dhe i njëjti gjatë ushtrimit të detyrës së tij ka bërë shkelje të shumta ligjore.

Deputetja Resh*taj ka shprehur shqetësimin e saj në lidhje me keq menaxhimin dhe përdorimin e praktikave të papërshtatshme në përzgjedhjen e personelit, veçanërisht kur ka lidhje me rrethet e ngushta familjare (nepotizmin), siç ishte rasti i emërimit të bashkëshortes së drejtorit Kastriot Meqa, në pozitën e zyrtares për menaxhimin e depos kryesore.

Përfaqësuesja e popullit deputetja Resh*taj ka kërkuar nga ministri i shëndetësisë Arben Vitia ta beje verifikimin e menjëhershëm të situatës se krijuar në Qendrën Klinike Stomatologjike Universitare të Kosovës.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.November 25th is recognized as the International Day for...

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

November 25th is recognized as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This day is part of the "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence" campaign, which runs from November 25th to December 10th, culminating on International Human Rights Day.

The day aims to raise awareness about the prevalence of violence against women globally and to mobilize efforts to combat and eliminate this form of human rights violation. It also serves as an opportunity to reflect on the progress made in addressing gender-based violence, as well as the challenges that still exist.
Various organizations, governments, and individuals participate in activities and initiatives to mark this day, such as campaigns, events, and educational programs.

The orange color is often associated with the campaign, and the hashtag is commonly used on social media to promote awareness and solidarity.

The International Day for Tolerance The International Day for Tolerance is observed annually on November 16th. This day ...

The International Day for Tolerance

The International Day for Tolerance is observed annually on November 16th. This day was established by the United Nations to promote and celebrate the principles of tolerance and respect among people, cultures, and nations. It serves as a reminder of the importance of tolerance in building a more inclusive and harmonious world.

Tolerance is a fundamental value that encourages understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of the diversity of cultures, beliefs, and opinions. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) plays a significant role in promoting tolerance through education and awareness initiatives.

On the International Day for Tolerance, various events, discussions, and educational activities take place around the world to highlight the significance of tolerance in fostering peace and stability. It is an opportunity for individuals and communities to reflect on their own attitudes and actions, and to commit to promoting tolerance in their daily lives.

The day also emphasizes the importance of human rights, dignity, and equality for all, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or other differences. It aligns with the UN's broader efforts to build a more just and peaceful world by encouraging dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among people from diverse backgrounds.


The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists is observed on November 2nd each year. This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly to draw attention to the issue of impunity for crimes committed against journalists and media workers. It serves as a reminder of the importance of promoting and protecting the safety and freedom of the press.

Journalists around the world often face threats, violence, harassment, and even murder in the course of their work. Many of these crimes go unpunished, creating a culture of impunity that can stifle freedom of expression and investigative journalism. The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists aims to raise awareness of these issues and to demand accountability for those who commit crimes against media professionals.

This day provides an opportunity for governments, civil society organizations, and individuals to advocate for the safety of journalists, call for justice for victims of crimes against journalists, and highlight the crucial role that a free and independent press plays in promoting democracy and human rights. It also encourages efforts to strengthen legal protections for journalists and combat impunity for those who target them.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed in October every year. During this month, numero...

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed in October every year. During this month, numerous organizations and individuals around the world work to increase awareness about breast cancer, promote early detection, raise funds for research, and provide support for those affected by this disease. It's a time when you often see various events, campaigns, and pink ribbons to show support for breast cancer awareness and research.

Many events, fundraisers, educational programs, and campaigns take place during this month to highlight the importance of breast cancer awareness and research.

International Day of the GirlInternational Day of the Girl Child, also known as , is celebrated on October 11th each yea...

International Day of the Girl

International Day of the Girl Child, also known as , is celebrated on October 11th each year. This day was established by the United Nations to raise awareness about the challenges and issues that girls face worldwide.

It is a day to promote girls' rights and empowerment and to address the unique challenges they encounter, such as gender inequality, discrimination, and violence.

The day emphasizes the importance of girls' education, health, and well-being. It encourages efforts to ensure that girls have access to quality education, healthcare, and opportunities to fulfill their potential.
Various organizations, governments, and individuals participate in events and activities to promote gender equality and highlight the importance of investing in the future of girls. The day serves as a reminder of the need to work towards a world where girls are given equal opportunities and can live their lives to the fullest.


Tema: “Roli i mediave në mbrojtjen e të drejtave të njeriut në Kosovë dhe BE”

Koncepti i të drejtave të njeriut është shumë i gjerë dhe nënkupton edhe obligime për respektimin, mbrojtjen dhe përmbushjen e të drejtave civile, politike, ekonomike, sociale dhe kulturore, të parapara me të drejtën ndërkombëtare me traktate dhe shumë instrumente tjera juridike.

Të drejtat e njeriut prekin çdo aspekt të jetës sonë. Çdo moment i jetës sonë është gëzim apo mos gëzim i të drejtave tona. Të drejtat dhe obligimet mund të identifkohen duke përdorur instrumente të ndryshme të drejtave të njeriut, siç është Konventa Evropiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut dhe Konventa Ndërkombëtare për të Drejtat Civile dhe Politike.

Të kujtojmë që korniza ligjore e Kosovës është shumë e fuqishme sepse shumë prej këtyre instrumenteve janë pjesë e Kushtetutës së Kosovës. Kjo nënkupton se të drejtat të cilat i parashohin ato duhet të garantohen nga të gjitha institucionet. Nëse institucionet janë përgjegjëse për realizimin e këtyre të drejtave, është e rëndësishme që njerëzit të jenë në dijeni për të drejtat e tyre dhe të ngritin zërin kur ato nuk respektohen, për çka shpesh raportohet edhe në media.

Se cili është roli i mediave në mbrojtjen e të drejtave të njeriut në Kosovë dhe Bashkimin Evropian dëgjojeni programin e realizuar.


Roli i mediave në mbrojtjen e të drejtave të njeriut në Kosovë dhe BE

The European Day of Languages The European Day of Languages is indeed celebrated on September 26th each year. This annua...

The European Day of Languages

The European Day of Languages is indeed celebrated on September 26th each year. This annual event is organized by the Council of Europe and the European Union to promote linguistic diversity and multilingualism across Europe. It aims to encourage people of all ages to learn and appreciate the languages spoken in Europe, which number in the hundreds.

The European Day of Languages celebrates the cultural and linguistic richness of Europe by organizing various activities and events, such as language classes, cultural performances, language-related games, and competitions. It serves as a reminder of the importance of language learning and the role of languages in fostering intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding, and cooperation across Europe.

Language learning is not only a means of communication but also a gateway to understanding different cultures and perspectives. Celebrating this day helps to raise awareness about the benefits of multilingualism and the importance of preserving and promoting Europe's linguistic heritage.

Greenpeace DayGreenpeace is known for its global activism in advocating for environmental protection, conservation, and ...

Greenpeace Day

Greenpeace is known for its global activism in advocating for environmental protection, conservation, and the promotion of peace.

The organization was founded in 1971 by a group of activists in Vancouver, Canada, who were initially focused on opposing nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific. Over the years, Greenpeace expanded its mission to address a wide range of environmental issues, including climate change, deforestation, ocean conservation, and more.

Greenpeace Day may be observed by the organization itself or by supporters and activists as a day to raise awareness about environmental issues and the work that Greenpeace does to address them. The specific date and manner of observation may vary from year to year and from one region to another.

While there is no established historical background for Greenpeace Day, it can serve as a reminder of the ongoing efforts to protect the planet and promote sustainable practices. It's an opportunity for people to get involved, support environmental causes, and work towards a greener and more peaceful world.

Edhe fshesat elektrike bëhen “te mençura”Inteligjenca artificiale është prezente në jetën tonë prej vitesh, por kohët e ...

Edhe fshesat elektrike bëhen “te mençura”

Inteligjenca artificiale është prezente në jetën tonë prej vitesh, por kohët e fundit jemi gjithnjë e më të vetëdijshëm se edhe pajisjet e thjeshta shtepiake janë bërë befas “të zgjuara”.
Fshesat robotike me inteligjencë artificiale nuk janë më një gjë e rrallë, por kur inteligjenca artificiale gjen rrugën e saj drejt një fshesë elektrike klasike, është diçka e re.

Kjo është pikërisht ajo që bënë në Samsung, kur ndërtuan inteligjencën artificiale në fshesën elektrike Siç shpjegojnë ne Samsung, procesori i AI mundëson pastrimin efikas të çdo dhome falë analizës dhe njohjes së llojeve të ndryshme të dyshemesë.

Kështu, vetë pajisja njeh nëse është në parket, pllaka apo qilim dhe rregullon fuqinë së thithjes në mënyrë që të kapë të gjitha thërrimet dhe gjurmët e pluhurit.


“Të drejtat e grave në Kosovë dhe Bashkimi Evropian”

Të drejtat e grave janë të drejta në kuadër të të drejtave të njeriut me një vëmendje të veçantë për gratë dhe vajzat në të gjithë botën. Këto të drejta krijuan bazën për paraqitjen e lëvizjes së të drejtave të grave në shekullin XIX dhe mbi bazën e saj edhe lëvizjen feministe gjatë shekullit XX. Në disa vende, këto të drejta janë të institucionalizuar ose të mbështetura me ligj, zakone e tradita lokale dhe sjellje, ndërsa në të tjera ato injorohen dhe shtypen. Ato ndryshojnë nga nocionet më të gjera të të drejtave të njeriut përmes pretendimeve të një paragjykimi të qenësishëm historik dhe tradicional kundër ushtrimit të të drejtave nga gratë dhe vajzat, në favor të burrave dhe djemve.

Çështjet që zakonisht shoqërohen me nocionin e të drejtave të grave përfshijnë të drejtën e integritetit trupor dhe autonominë; e drejta e lirisë nga dhuna seksuale; e drejta e grave për të votuar; e drejta e mbajtjes së posteve publike; e drejta për të lidhur kontrata ligjore; e drejta e barazisë në familje; e drejta për të punuar; e drejta në paga të barabarta; e drejta riprodhuese; e drejta e zotërimit të pronës; e drejta në arsim dhe edukim...

Kushtetuta e Kosovës, u siguron qytetarëve të vendit të drejta të barabarta pa marrë parasysh përkatësinë etnike e fetare dhe gjinore.

Por, sa respektohen në praktikë të drejtat e grave në Kosovë dhe si qëndron statusi i tyre në raport me Bashkimin Evropian, dëgjojeni programin e realizuar.



Mother Teresa AnniversaryMother Teresa, also known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, ...

Mother Teresa Anniversary

Mother Teresa, also known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, capital of North Macedonia. She passed away on September 5, 1997. Mother Teresa was a Catholic nun and missionary known for her work with the poor and needy in Calcutta, India.

She founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of women dedicated to helping the poor, sick, homeless, and destitute. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work.

Considered one of the 20th Century's greatest humanitarians, Mother Teresa was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church on September 4, 2016.

Eruption of Mount VesuviusThe eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD is one of the most famous volcanic eruptions in histor...

Eruption of Mount Vesuvius

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD is one of the most famous volcanic eruptions in history due to its catastrophic impact on the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Here's a brief overview of the eruption:
The eruption occurred on August 24, 79 AD.
Mount Vesuvius is classified as a stratovolcano, which is known for its explosive eruptions. The eruption in 79 AD was a Plinian eruption, characterized by the expulsion of a massive column of ash, pumice, and gas into the atmosphere.

The eruption had a devastating impact on the nearby towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, as well as several other smaller settlements in the region. The volcanic debris buried these towns under layers of ash and pumice, effectively preserving them for centuries.
Thousands of people were killed in the eruption. Exact numbers are uncertain, but it's estimated that between 10,000 and 25,000 people may have died.

The volcanic ash and debris that buried Pompeii and Herculaneum effectively sealed and preserved the cities, providing valuable insights into daily life in ancient Rome. Excavations of these sites began in the 18th century and continue to this day, uncovering well-preserved buildings, artwork, and even the casts of victims who perished in the eruption.

Human rights quotes"Human rights are not a privilege to be earned, but an inherent dignity to be respected. They stand a...

Human rights quotes

"Human rights are not a privilege to be earned, but an inherent dignity to be respected. They stand as a testament to our shared humanity, reminding us that every individual deserves fairness, justice, and the opportunity to live a life of meaning and purpose. Upholding human rights is not merely a legal obligation; it is a moral imperative that calls upon us to build a world where compassion triumphs over cruelty, where freedom reigns over oppression, and where the rights of one are recognized as the rights of all."

National Book Lover's Day National Book Lover's Day is indeed celebrated on August 9th each year. It's a day dedicated t...

National Book Lover's Day

National Book Lover's Day is indeed celebrated on August 9th each year. It's a day dedicated to promoting the love of reading and books. People celebrate by spending time reading their favorite books, sharing book recommendations, visiting bookstores or libraries, and participating in literary events.

If you're a book lover, this is a great opportunity to indulge in your passion for reading and perhaps even discover new books and authors to explore. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or any other genre, National Book Lover's Day is a chance to celebrate the joy and knowledge that books bring into our lives

Hiroshima DayHiroshima Day, observed on August 6th, commemorates the anniversary of the atomic bombing of the city of Hi...

Hiroshima Day

Hiroshima Day, observed on August 6th, commemorates the anniversary of the atomic bombing of the city of Hiroshima in Japan during World War II. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb named "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, resulting in immense destruction and loss of life.

The bombing led to the deaths of an estimated 140,000 people by the end of that year, with many more suffering from long-term health effects due to radiation exposure.

Hiroshima Day serves as a somber reminder of the devastating consequences of nuclear warfare and the importance of pursuing peace and nuclear disarmament. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki played a significant role in ending World War II and shaping the course of history, but they also raised ethical and moral questions about the use of such powerful and destructive weapons.

Many people around the world observe Hiroshima Day with ceremonies, memorial events, and calls for nuclear disarmament to ensure that such a tragedy is never repeated.

Louis Armstrong's birthdayLouis Armstrong, often known as "Satchmo”, was a highly influential American jazz trumpeter, c...

Louis Armstrong's birthday

Louis Armstrong, often known as "Satchmo”, was a highly influential American jazz trumpeter, composer, and vocalist. Born on August 4, 1901 (though some sources suggest 1900), in New Orleans, Louisiana, Armstrong became one of the most recognizable and celebrated figures in the history of jazz music.

Louis Armstrong's contributions to the world of music are immense. He played a pivotal role in the development of jazz as a distinct and innovative genre. His trumpet playing was characterized by his unique improvisational style, technical skill, and emotional expressiveness. He also had a warm and gravelly singing voice that became instantly recognizable.

Some of his most famous recordings include "What a Wonderful World," "Hello, Dolly!," and "When the Saints Go Marching In." He collaborated with numerous other prominent musicians of his time and was a key figure in the evolution of jazz from its early roots to a more complex and sophisticated art form.

Louis Armstrong's impact extended beyond his music. He broke down racial barriers in the entertainment industry and used his fame to advocate for civil rights and social justice. He toured extensively both within the United States and internationally, spreading the joy of jazz and leaving a lasting legacy on music and culture.

Louis Armstrong passed away on July 6, 1971, in New York City, but his influence continues to be felt in the world of music and beyond. He is remembered as a true pioneer of jazz and a cultural icon.

Watermelon Day Watermelon Day is a food holiday celebrated annually on August 3rd in the United States. It is a day dedi...

Watermelon Day

Watermelon Day is a food holiday celebrated annually on August 3rd in the United States. It is a day dedicated to recognizing and enjoying the delicious and refreshing watermelon fruit.

Watermelon is a popular summer fruit known for its sweet, juicy, and hydrating qualities. It is often enjoyed at picnics, barbecues, and other outdoor gatherings during the warm summer months. This holiday is an opportunity for people to indulge in this delightful fruit and explore various ways to incorporate it into their meals and snacks.

On National Watermelon Day, people might celebrate by slicing up fresh watermelon and sharing it with family and friends. It's also a great time to try out creative recipes, such as watermelon salads, smoothies, or sorbets. Some communities or organizations may even host watermelon-themed events or contests, like seed-spitting competitions or watermelon carving contests.

Whether you enjoy it by the slice, in a salad, or blended into a drink, National Watermelon Day offers a chance to savor one of summer's most beloved fruits. So, on August 3rd, join the festivities and celebrate the deliciousness of watermelon!

World Day Against Trafficking in PersonsWorld Day Against Trafficking in Persons is observed on 30th July every year to ...

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is observed on 30th July every year to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking and to promote the protection of the rights of trafficking victims. The day serves as an opportunity to reflect on the global scale of this heinous crime and to call for collective efforts to combat and prevent human trafficking.

Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights that affects millions of people worldwide. It involves the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons through force, coercion, or deception for the purpose of exploitation. Victims of trafficking often suffer from various forms of abuse, including forced labor, s*xual exploitation, and involuntary servitude.

On this day, governments, organizations, and individuals come together to organize events, campaigns, and activities to shed light on the challenges faced by trafficking victims and to promote awareness and understanding of the issue. Advocacy initiatives and educational programs are conducted to inform the public about the signs of human trafficking and the importance of identifying and supporting victims.

Day of Friendship The International Day of Friendship is celebrated annually on July 30th. This day was proclaimed by th...

Day of Friendship

The International Day of Friendship is celebrated annually on July 30th. This day was proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) in 2011 with the idea of promoting friendship between peoples, countries, cultures, and individuals as a way to inspire peace and build bridges between different communities.

The importance of friendship in promoting peace, understanding, and cooperation among nations and individuals is emphasized on this day. The UN encourages various activities and initiatives that foster friendships and mutual understanding among people from diverse backgrounds.

On this day, people are encouraged to participate in various events and activities that promote friendship and understanding. These can include cultural exchange programs, community gatherings, social media campaigns, and other initiatives that bring people together.

The International Day of Friendship serves as a reminder of the significance of friendship in creating a more compassionate and united world, where individuals and communities can work together for the greater good. It is a celebration of the power of friendship to transcend differences and promote a shared sense of humanity.

Global Tiger Day International Tiger Day, also known as Global Tiger Day, is an annual event celebrated on July 29th. Th...

Global Tiger Day

International Tiger Day, also known as Global Tiger Day, is an annual event celebrated on July 29th. This day aims to raise awareness about the conservation and protection of tigers, as they are one of the most iconic and endangered species on our planet.

The tiger, scientifically known as Panthera tigris, is a majestic big cat species that once roamed across various regions of Asia. However, due to factors such as habitat loss, poaching, and illegal wildlife trade, the global tiger population has declined significantly over the years.

International Tiger Day serves as a platform to promote tiger conservation efforts and highlight the importance of preserving their natural habitats. Various organizations, wildlife conservation groups, zoos, and individuals participate in educational events, campaigns, and activities to spread awareness about the threats faced by tigers and the need for conservation action.


Të drejtat e komuniteteve jo shumicë në Kosovë dhe Bashkimi Evropian

Me termin komunitet jo shumicë nënkuptohet një grup njerëzish me prejardhje të ndryshme etnike për dallim nga shumica e popullatës që jeton në një shtet. Në çdo shtet të botës ekzistojnë komunitetet jo shumicë, por jo në çdo vend atyre u njihet statusi ligjor, të drejtat themelore, përfaqësimi në institucione, përdorimi i gjuhës dhe simboleve kombëtare.

Republika e Kosovës në bazë të Kushtetutës së saj është shtet multi-etnik dhe përbëhet nga disa grupe etnike. Shqiptarët përbëjnë shumicën e popullsisë, kurse komunitetet e njohura me ligj janë komuniteti serb, turk, boshnjak, rom, ashkali, egjiptian, goran dhe komunitete të tjera.

Kushtetuta garanton të drejtën e jetesës dhe të drejtat tjera të njeriut për të gjithë njerëzit pa dallim etnik, racor apo fetar dhe të gjitha komunitetet jo shumicë e kanë të rregulluar me ligj pozitën e tyre në institucionet vendore.

Gjithashtu, janë të rregulluara të drejtat themelore të pakicave nacionale, integrimi i tyre, pozita dhe përdorimi i gjuhës dhe simboleve kombëtare.

Por, sa respektohen në praktikë të drejtat e komuniteteve jo shumicë në Kosovë dhe a ndikon statusi i tyre në raport me anëtarësimin e vendit ne Bashkimin Evropian, dëgjojeni me poshtë programin e realizuar.




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