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Chem zamenitj kofe, chtobi podderzhatj bodrostj i uluchsh*tj koncentraciyuNapitki iz cikoriya i myati, ekstrakt shalfeya...

Chem zamenitj kofe, chtobi podderzhatj bodrostj i uluchsh*tj koncentraciyu
Napitki iz cikoriya i myati, ekstrakt shalfeya, goluboj svet i drugie proverennie sposobi vzbodritjsya dlya teh, kto ischet, chem zamenitj kofe.
Chem zamenitj kofeV spisok voshli kak populyarnie napitki, tak i ekstrakti rastenij, kotorie mogutD. O. Kennedy. Phytochemicals for Improving Aspects of Cognitive Function and Psychological State Potentially Relevant to Sports Performance / Sports Medicine volume polozhiteljno skazatjsya na umstvennoj proizvoditeljnosti i nastroenii. Odnako upotreblyatj poslednie stoit s ostorozhnostjyu. Pri beremennosti, v period laktacii i pri nalichii zabolevanij pered pokupkoj sushyonih trav stoit prokonsuljtirovatjsya s vrachom.Zelyonij chajEtot napitok soderzhitCaffeine content for coffee, tea, soda and more / Mayo Clinic v tri raza menjshe kofeina, chem kofe. Bolee togo, zelyonij chaj bogatY. Baba, S. Inagaki, S. Nakagawa. Effect of Daily Intake of Green Tea Catechins on Cognitive Function in Middle‑Aged and Older Subjects: A Randomized, Placebo‑Controlled Study / Molecules. antioksidantami katehinami, kotorie okazivayut blagotvornoe vliyanie na mozg i pomogayut izbezhatj vozrastnogo snizheniya umstvennih sposobnostej.V obzore 21 nauchnoj raboti ustanoviliE. Mancini, C. Beglinger, J. Drewe. Green tea effects on cognition, mood and human brain function: A systematic review / Phytomedicine, chto sovmestnoe dejstvie kofeina i rastiteljnoj aminokisloti L‑teanina umenjshaet trevozhnostj, aktiviziruet rabochuyu pamyatj i uvelichivaet vnimanie, v tom chisle i vo vremya vipolneniyaT. Giesbrecht, J. A. Rycroft, M. J. Rowson. The combination of L‑theanine and caffeine improves cognitive performance and increases subjective alertness / Nutritional neuroscience slozhnih umstvennih zadach.KakaoEtot napitok bogat rastiteljnimi antioksidantami katehinami i epikatehinami, soderzhit kofein i drugie metilksantini — organicheskie psihostimulyatori.Dazhe odin stakan kakao mozhet1. D. J. Lamport, D. Pal, C. Moutsiana. The effect of flavanol‑rich cocoa on cerebral perfusion in healthy older adults during conscious resting state: a placebo controlled, crossover, acute trial / Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2. L. Decroix, C. Tonoli, D. D. Soares. Acute cocoa flavanol improves cerebral oxygenation without enhancing executive function at rest or after exercise / Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism uvelichitj krovosnabzhenie mozga, oblegchitj reshenie slozhnih umstvennih zadach i umenjsh*tj utomlenie.A esli dobavitj v napitok nemnogo kurkumi, mozhno poluchitj dopolniteljnie preimuschestva dlya zdorovjya. Blagodarya siljnomu protivovospaliteljnomu dejstviyu eta yarkaya speciya pomogaet1. A. Sahebkar, A. F. Cicero, L. E. Simental‑Mendía, Curcumin downregulates human tumor necrosis factor-α levels: a systematic review and meta‑analysis of randomized controlled trials / Pharmacological research, 2. K. H. Cox, A. Pipingas, A. B. Scholey. Investigation of the effects of solid lipid curcumin on cognition and mood in a healthy older population / Journal of Psychopharmacology pozhilim lyudyam uluchsh*tj rabochuyu pamyatj i vnimanie, uvelichitj bditeljnostj i podnyatj nastroenie.Myatnij chajMentol v sostave perechnoj myati vozdejstvuet na razlichnie receptori mozga, horosho skazivaetsyaD. Kennedy, E. Okello, P. Chazot. Volatile Terpenes and Brain Function: Investigation of the Cognitive and Mood Effects of Mentha × Piperita L. Essential Oil with In Vitro Properties Relevant to Central Nervous System Function / Nutrients na reshenii slozhnih umstvennih zadach i pomogaet borotjsya s ustalostjyu.V odnom eksperimenteMoss M, Jones R, Moss L, Cutter R, Wesnes K. Acute consumption of peppermint and chamomile teas produce contrasting effects on cognition and mood in healthy young adults. Plant Science Today chaj s myatoj pomog molodim lyudyam tochnee i bistree vipolnyatj zadaniya, svyazannie s pamyatjyu, uvelichil bditeljnostj i vnimateljnostj.Korenj cikoriyaKorenj cikoriya ne soderzhit kofeina i ne pomogaet prognatj sonlivostj ili luchshe sosredotochitjsya. No poskoljku ego vkus i zapah napominayut kofe, on mozhet zamenitj kruzhku privichnogo napitka.Priyatnij bonus cikoriya — visokoe soderzhanie inulina, rastvorimih pischevih volokon, kotorie podderzhivayutM. Nishimura, T. Ohkawara, T. Kanayama. Effects of the extract from roasted chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) root containing inulin‑type fructans on blood glucose, lipid metabolism, and f***l properties / Journal of traditional and complementary medicine zdorovje kishechnika.Ekstrakt shalfeyaPriyom ekstrakta shalfeya polozhiteljno skazivaetsya na kognitivnih funkciyah pozhilih lyudej — uluchshaetA. B. Scholey, N. T. Tildesley, C. G. Ballard. An extract of Salvia (sage) with anticholinesterase properties improves memory and attention in healthy older volunteers / Psychopharmacology rezuljtati v zadachah na pamyatj i vnimanie.Pomogaet on i molodim. Suhoj shalfej v kapsulah po 300–600 mg uluchshaetD. O. Kennedy, S. Pace, C. Haskell. Effects of cholinesterase inhibiting sage (Salvia officinalis) on mood, anxiety and performance on a psychological stressor battery / Neuropsychopharmacology nastroenie, snizhaet trevozhnostj, podnimaet subjektivnij urovenj bditeljnosti i spokojstviya.Gingko bilobaPriyom ekstrakta etogo rasteniya v techenie 4 nedelj uvelichivaetMashayekh A, Pham DL, Yousem DM. Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cerebral blood flow assessed by quantitative MR perfusion imaging: a pilot study. Neuroradiology krovosnabzhenie mozga i podderzhivaet umstvennuyu proizvoditeljnostj.Neskoljko issledovanij pokazali1. I. Hindmarch. Activity of Ginkgo biloba extract on short‑term memory. Presse Medicine 2. U. Rigney, S. Kimber, I. Hindmarch. The effects of acute doses of standardized Ginkgo biloba extract on memory and psychomotor performance in volunteers. Phytotherapy Research 3. D. Warot, L. Lacomblez, P. Danjou. Comparative effects of Ginkgo biloba extracts on psychomotor performances and memory in healthy‑volunteers / Therapie 4. D. O. Kennedy, A.B. Scholey, K. A. Wesnes. The dose‑dependent cognitive effects of acute administration of Ginkgo biloba to healthy young volunteers. Psychopharmacology, chto odna doza ekstrakta (120–600 mg) uluchshaet rabochuyu pamyatj i rezuljtati v testah na vnimanie.ZhenjshenjEtot prirodnij adaptogen soderzhitJ. Kim. Pharmacological and medical applications of Panax ginseng and ginsenosides: a review for use in cardiovascular diseases / Journal of ginseng research ginzenozidi — antioksidanti, kotorie obespechivayut zaschitu ot okisliteljnogo stressa, povrezhdeniya i gibeli kletok.Dazhe odnokratnij priyom 200–400 mg ekstrakta zhenjshenya horosho skazivaetsya na umstvennih sposobnostyah: uvelichivaet1. J. L. Reay, D. O. Kennedy, A. B. Scholey. Effects of Panax ginseng, consumed with and without glucose, on blood glucose levels and cognitive performance during sustained ‘mentally demanding’ tasks / Journal of Psychopharmacology 2. J.L. Reay, A.B. Scholey, D.O. Kennedy. Panax ginseng (G115) improves aspects of working memory performance and subjective ratings of calmness in healthy young adults. Human psychopharmacology 3. A. Scholey, A. Ossoukhova, L. Owen. Effects of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) on neurocognitive function: an acute, randomised, double‑blind, placebo‑controlled, crossover study / Psychopharmacology tochnostj v zadaniyah na pamyatj i skorostj v testah na vnimanie, pomogaet borotjsya s ustalostjyu.Ekstrakt bakopa monjeEto mnogoletnee rastenie soderzhit bakozidi — organicheskoe soedinenie, kotoroe zaschischaetV. C. Sekhar, G. Viswanathan, S. Baby. Insights into the Molecular Aspects of Neuroprotective Bacoside A and Bacopaside I / Current Neuropharmacology kletki mozga ot okisliteljnogo stressa i podderzhivaet umstvennuyu proizvoditeljnostj.Metaanaliz devyati issledovanij s uchastiem 518 lyudej pokazalS. Kongkeaw, P. Dilokthornsakul, P. Thanarangsarit Meta‑analysis of randomized controlled trials on cognitive effects of Bacopa monnieri extract / Journal of Ethnopharmacology, chto priyom okolo 300 mg ekstrakta v denj uluchshaet rezuljtati v zadachah, svyazannih s vnimaniem, i uvelichivaet skorostj obrabotki informacii.Kak eschyo mozhno vzbodritjsya bez kofeEsli zapas bodrosti nuzhen srochno, poprobujte neskoljko variantov: Sdelajte razminku. Ustrojte neboljshuyu progulku ili vstanjte i vipolnite neskoljko prostih uprazhnenij: prizhkov Jumping Jacks, prisedanij, naklonov i povorotov korpusa. Dazhe pyatiminutnaya razminka uskorit krovoobraschenie i progonit son. Poslushajte muziku. Energichnij trek mozhet ne toljko razbuditj vas, no i uvelichitjL. A. Angel, D. J. Polzella, G. C. Elvers. Background Music and Cognitive Performance / Perceptual and Motor Skills skorostj obrabotki informacii, tak chto vi budete soobrazhatj bistree. Esli estj vozmozhnostj, potancujte pod bodruyu kompoziciyu: kombo iz muziki i fizicheskoj aktivnosti dolzhno srabotatj eschyo luchshe. Vzdremnite. Esli vi chuvstvuete sonlivostj v seredine dnya i mozhete najti mesto dlya sna, poprobujte prilechj na 10–15 minut. Dnevnaya dryoma pomogaetF. Dutheil, B. Danini, R. Bagheri. Effects of a Short Daytime Nap on the Cognitive Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta‑Analysis / International journal of environmental research and public health ostavatjsya sosredotochennim i vnimateljnim v techenie neskoljkih chasov posle probuzhdeniya. Toljko obyazateljno postavjte budiljnik: esli vi prospite boljshe 40 minut, inerciya sna zastavit vas poteryatjsya v prostranstve i vremeni. Vklyuchite goluboj svet. Korotkovolnovoj svet, blizkij k dnevnomu, snizhaetE. Sunde, T. Pedersen, J. Mrdalj. Alerting and Circadian Effects of Short‑Wavelength vs. Long‑Wavelength Narrow‑Bandwidth Light during a Simulated Night Shift /Clocks Sleep sonlivostj i uluchshaet proizvoditeljnostj dazhe vo vremya nochnoj raboti. Primite holodnij dush. S neprivichki takaya procedura vizivaetN. A. Shevchuk. Adapted cold shower as a potential treatment for depression / Medical hypotheses vibros noradrenalina — nejromediatora, kotorij uchastvuet v otvete na stress, a takzhe beta‑endorfinov, prizvannih borotjsya s boljyu. V rezuljtate uchaschaetsya serdcebienie, podnimaetsya davlenie, uvelichivayutsya bditeljnostj i vnimanie, uluchshaetsya nastroenie. No esli ispoljzovatj etot metod postoyanno, organizm priviknet i effekt umenjsh*tsya. Material bil obnovlyon 3 avgusta 2022 goda.




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