Don't let this season pass without believing for something miraculous.
"God can do anything!" Luke 1:37 ERV #JustBelieve #seasonsgreetings #HopeForTheHolidays #FaithJourney #miracleshappen
Divine Protection: You Are Covered by God! 🛡️ In times of uncertainty, remember this powerful truth: God is your ultimate refuge. Declare with confidence: "God, you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!" He rescues you from hidden dangers, shields you from harm, and wraps you in His protective embrace. Under His mighty arms, you find perfect safety and unshakeable peace.
How does knowing God's protection make you feel? Share below! 👇
#findingmeagain #FaithJourney #FaithInGod #DivineProtection #TrustGod #SpiritualStrength #FaithInAction #speakgodstruth #DeclareIt #Godstruth
Feeling lost and heartbroken without anything to give after loss? Remember,
the greatest offering you can give to God...Is Your Broken Heart! See, #Psalm 147:3 (TPT) He heals the wounds of every shattered heart. #childofgod #betterlife #overcominggrief #comforter #griefsupport #griefandloss #embraceyourjourney #embracelife #christiandevotion #christianpodcaster #christianblogger #youcanmakeit #bibleencouragement #christianbloggers #findingme #findingmyself #griefpodcast #godslovehealing #livinglife #journeyoffaith #journeytohealing #walkingwithgod #faithingod #trusttheprocess #trustingod #godsloveneverfails #griefjourney #startingoveragain #startinganewlife #embracethenew #newcreationinchrist #allthingsnew #gettingunstuck #newjourneybegins #onewithchrist #guidedbygrace #faithoverpain #faithofgod #overcomingsadness #overcomingloss #newlifemotivation #christiandevotional #godslove #youcanovercome #godsloveisamazing #godsloveinaction #beencouragedtoday #sharinggodsword #jesusloveyou #godknowsyourheart #godknowsyou ##encouragementvideo #godgotyou #godiswithme #neveralone #identityinchrist #woundedhealer #healing #healingjourney #nothingtohide
Never underestimate God's love for you. The feelings of grief, loss, and sadness may make you question or doubt God's unconditional love for you. But His love never fails and does not change. Take his love into your heart today. #childofgod ##overcomingobstacles #griefsupport #griefandloss #embraceyourjourney #christiandevotion #youcanmakeit #bibleencouragement #christianbloggers #findingme #findingmyself #griefpodcast #godslovehealing #livinglife #journeyoffaith #journeytohealing #walkingwithgod #faithingod #trusttheprocess #trustingod #godsloveneverfails #griefjourney #startingoveragain #embracethejourney #newcreationinchrist #AllThingsNew #newjourneybegins #OneWithGod #guidedbygrace #faithoverpain #faithofgod #overcomingloss #christiandevotional #godslove #youcanovercome #godsloveisamazing #godsloveinaction #beencouragedtoday #sharinggodsword #returntogod #jesusloveyou #neverfails #prodigalson #luke15
Jesus Deserves Your Celebration
Happy Birthday to me, but Jesus deserves the celebration. Learning to #celebrate without our loved ones is more than a challenge when you have been greatly loved. But in John 10:10, Jesus came that might have life in #abundance. Therefore, we can celebrate the life He has given us. I'm choosing to celebrate by sharing a birthday tradition from my mom. #CherishedMoments #CherishedMemories #missingmymom #findingme #findingmeagain #newbeginnings2024 #findingmewithdrmarchella #lifeafterloss #celebratinglife #learningtolive #embracinglife #embracingchange #embracingme #celebratingme #EmbracingTheJourney #faithjourney #FaithInGod #faithinJesus #faithinaction