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Geometria Sagrada English ❃ A dive into connections and evidences about the patterns that govern the universe and consciousn

Amazing double rainbow photo by Julia Crim. Double rainbows are a rare meteorological phenomenon that occur when sunligh...

Amazing double rainbow photo by Julia Crim. Double rainbows are a rare meteorological phenomenon that occur when sunlight is refracted, or bent, twice inside water droplets in the atmosphere, creating two concentric arcs of color. The inner arc is typically brighter and displays the full spectrum of colors, while the outer arc is fainter and appears in the reverse order of colors.

They are created when the sun is low on the horizon and its rays pass through rain droplets. The light enters the droplet and is bent, or refracted, at a specific angle. This causes the light to separate into its individual colors, forming a spectrum of colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Rainbows are considered to be a symbol of hope, positivity, and good luck in many cultures. They are often seen as a sign of a promise, and many people believe that they bring good luck and blessings. Some even believe that if you follow the path of a double rainbow, it will lead you to a pot of gold.

Double rainbows are most often seen in the spring and summer months, when the weather is warm and there is a higher likelihood of thunderstorms and rainfall. They can be seen anywhere in the world, but are most commonly observed in areas with abundant rainfall.

Double rainbows can last for several minutes, but the exact duration of a double rainbow depends on various factors, including the size of the raindrops, the angle of the sun, and the distance between the observer and the rainbow.

In conclusion, double rainbows are a stunning meteorological phenomenon that can bring hope, positivity, and good luck to those who are lucky enough to witness them. They are a symbol of promise and a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the natural world.

❖ Art: Unknown author (comment for credits)

Geometry is abundant in nature and one of its ubiquitous archetypes are Spirals — a mesmerizing pattern found abundantly...

Geometry is abundant in nature and one of its ubiquitous archetypes are Spirals — a mesmerizing pattern found abundantly in the universe. They manifest in various forms, showcasing their captivating beauty and inherent mathematical harmony. From the grandeur of galaxies to the delicate elegance of seashells, spirals are woven into the tapestry of existence.

In the realm of atmospheric might, hurricanes dance with power and grace, their swirling winds forming a massive spiral. These colossal storms captivate our attention and remind us of nature's awe-inspiring forces.

Venturing into the cosmic expanse, galaxies spiral gracefully through space, their arms curving outward in a celestial ballet. These cosmic whirlpools of stars and dust are a testament to the cosmic order that governs our universe.

Looking closer to home, the shells of creatures like nautiluses and snails boast intricate spiral designs. These beautiful creations exhibit the golden ratio, embodying the Fibonacci spiral, a mathematical sequence seen in nature's artistry.

Expanding our gaze to the microscopic world, the DNA helix reveals yet another captivating spiral. Within the blueprint of life, this spiraling structure carries the genetic information that shapes all living organisms.

Zooming out to the macroscopic realm, we witness the dance of celestial bodies in their orbital cycles. Planets and moons traverse their paths around stars, and moons around planets, following intricate spiraling trajectories dictated by the laws of gravity.

The presence of spirals in nature goes beyond these examples, permeating countless phenomena in ways both large and small. From the unfurling of a fern frond to the delicate tendrils of a climbing vine, nature often manifests this elegant shape.

Spirals in nature serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness and universal patterns that permeate our world. They captivate our imagination, inspiring artists, scientists, and philosophers alike. These enigmatic spirals invite us to explore the mysteries of our existence and marvel at the intricate tapestry of nature's design.


“There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche"The Tetrahedral Star represen...

“There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

"The Tetrahedral Star represents the energetic body of the human being, the mixture of Heaven and Earth, Masculine and Feminine. The two tetrahedrons contained within each other represent the two poles of creation in complete balance – Spirit and matter. All creation is based in this Divine Balance. Hidden within this body is the Higher, Divine Self, the Eternal Being. Within and from ourselves, we are the connecting link between the world of Spirit and that of matter. We live at the same time in both worlds – the greatest adventure." ~ Beth Barbaglia

📸: Unknown author (comment for credits)


We’re excited to invite you to our exclusive Free Webinar on Sacred Geometry, BioArchitecture, and Well-Being, happening...

We’re excited to invite you to our exclusive Free Webinar on Sacred Geometry, BioArchitecture, and Well-Being, happening this Monday, 11/11 at 7 PM CST.

In this special session, we’ll dive deep into transformative topics, share practical insights, and answer your burning questions. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and well-being!

Want to join us? Comment “WEBINAR” below, and I’ll send you the link. See you there! 🌟

The Binary Duplication Code: The fractal mirroring dynamics that generates all forms in nature.The Binary Sequence is on...

The Binary Duplication Code: The fractal mirroring dynamics that generates all forms in nature.

The Binary Sequence is one of the primary bases of life itself, as it is a super efficient way that nature found to progress. It is perceived in the mitosis of cells, according to the study of embryology. This sequence occurs by doubling numbers (different from the Fibonacci sequence, in which we add the number to the previous one respectively to find the next one).

Observe this binary sequence: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512...
The numbers are doubled at each step.

Now consider these facts:
• There are on average 37 trillion cells in the human body;
• An adult human body must replace 2.5 million red blood cells every second of its life.

Absurdly high numbers, do you agree? But that's how it works and that's why there is a coherence to why mitotic cell division is based on the binary sequence. It is simply the most efficient way, as it requires the least effort and time for this need for renewal of the human body's cells to be achieved.

It seems a little impossible to reach such high numbers in such a short time. But watch the explanation and you will realize how almost magical this process is:

• The first ten mitotic divisions result in 512 cells;
• The second ten mitotic divisions result in 524,288 cells;
• After 30 mitotic divisions, the result is 536,870,912 cells.

This is simply incredible! With just 30 mitotic divisions, our body can produce half a billion cells! Furthermore, only 46 mitotic divisions are needed to reach the 37 trillion cells in our body. Detail the fact that 46 is the number of chromosomes we have in an average cell!

It is no coincidence that humans chose the binary sequence as the basis for computers in terms of storage and resolution. Whoever created the computer knew that the efficiency of this sequence would allow the use of as few chips as possible to reach the maximum possible numbers.

❖ What are your thoughts on this?


For you to be born, from 12 previous generations, you theoretically needed a total of 8,190 ancestors in the last 400 ye...

For you to be born, from 12 previous generations, you theoretically needed a total of 8,190 ancestors in the last 400 years:

2 Parents
4 Grandparents
8 Great-grandparents
16 2nd great-grandparents
32 3rd great-grandparents
64 4th great-grandparents
128 5th great-grandparents
256 6th great-grandparents
512 7th great-grandparents
1,024 8th great-grandparents
2,048 9th great-grandparents
4,096 10th great-grandparents

Think for a moment – ​​How many struggles? How many battles? How many hardships? How much sadness? How much happiness? How many love stories? How many expressions of hope for the future – did your ancestors have to go through for you to exist at this moment?

In practice, it is common, when going back a few generations in a genealogy, to find ancestors who appear repeatedly in different places in the family tree. This is due to the inexorability of the "ancestor complex" theory, which demonstrates that marriages between relatives are inevitable, resulting in a disparity between the theoretical number of ancestors and their real and possible number, reducing the number of unique individuals involved in the family tree when compared to the theoretical mathematical projection that each position in the genealogy would not be repeated.

Even so, this number is still quite high, inviting us to reflect not only on the speed at which we reproduce and the transformation of our ways of life, but also on what concerns the life of each being that was part of the process so that each of us could live today.

❆ What is your perception of this?


The amazing eye of a tokay gecko.ᅠThe pupil of nocturnal geckos allows clear vision in extreme light conditions, becomin...

The amazing eye of a tokay gecko.

The pupil of nocturnal geckos allows clear vision in extreme light conditions, becoming very large at night and contracting into a thin slit with many holes during the day.

“At night, this noisy and aggressive gecko has a large, nearly round, pupil when fully dilated. But when these geckos must be active during the day, their pupils constrict to a vertical ellipse with four diamond-shaped pinholes decorating the vertical stenopeic slit. With the pupil constricted, the vertical polycoria combined with the stenopeic slit would produce an image of considerable clarity and would significantly limit the light flux to the retina. The multiple apertures and the slit will provide a relatively larger visual field than would a circular pupil of equal surface area.” (Schwabb 2000:1215)

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

"As a means of contrast with the sublime, the grotesque is, in our view, the richest source that nature can offer." ~ Victor Hugo

📸: TantoYensen



Did you know that ancient geometric patterns could hold the key to a balanced and vibrant life? Sacred geometry is more than just beautiful shapes; it’s a blueprint for harmony, connecting mind, body, and spirit. At the 3rd International Congress on Sacred Geometry, Conscious Architecture, and Well-Being, world-class experts will show you how these patterns can transform your spaces into sanctuaries of wellness.Join us online on Nov 16-17, 2024, and discover how to unlock energy, harmony, and healing in your own environment. 👉 Comment “CONGRESS” if you want to attend.🔖 Use my coupon code “TIAGO” to get 55% off. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! Enroll now to secure your spot – prices will increase soon! 🔗 The link is in our profile!

Lichtenberg figures on the human body caused by lightning strikes. (Swipe to the side >> to see all images)The chances o...

Lichtenberg figures on the human body caused by lightning strikes. (Swipe to the side >> to see all images)

The chances of being struck by lightning are about 1 in 300,000. And although about 90% of those struck survive, the electric discharge leaves a tattoo-like mark on some of them, known as a Lichtenberg figure.

Lichtenberg figures are fractal ramifications generated by electrostatic discharges. They have been known since ancient times, but it was Georg Christoph Lichtenberg who, in 1777, during his research on what at the time was called "electric fluids", carried out the first experiments to reproduce them. There are thousands of examples of these figures occurring throughout nature.

Lichtenberg figures on the human body result from the rupture of blood capillaries (small vessels) due to the diffusion of current during the electric discharge. As lightning moves toward the surface of the body, it can force red blood cells out of their capillaries and into the epidermis, like a bruise.

"We are all electric creatures, floating in the electric sea of this electric universe." ~ Walter Russell

✦ What are your thoughts on this?


The Golden Angle – 137.5° and the Pattern of Rotating Fields of Natural ExpressionsㅤThe Golden Angle is descriptive of t...

The Golden Angle – 137.5° and the Pattern of Rotating Fields of Natural Expressions

The Golden Angle is descriptive of the pattern of sunflower seeds, pinecone, romanesco broccoli, the eye of insects such as the fly and numerous occurrences in nature, based on the rotation rate of Fibonacci numbers of the counter-rotating fields that define it.

In the case of a sunflower or a pinecone, for example, if we count the number of parallel spirals in each direction, we will get consecutive numbers along the Fibonacci series. In the pinecone example in the image, we notice 8 spirals in the counterclockwise direction and 13 in the clockwise direction.

The ratio between the clockwise and counterclockwise spirals is an approximation of Phi – The Golden Ratio.

The angular formula for creating this natural vortex is given by dividing the 360º of a circle by 1.618²... (Phi²), resulting in an angle of 137.5º, also called Golden Angle. The other angle resulting from dividing 360º by 1.618... (Phi) is 222.5º, which exactly complements the difference between 360º - 137.5º and is also seen in phyllotaxis and in many natural phenomena.

The Golden Angle is mathematically created by following this consecutive order of distribution at 137.5 degrees to form the familiar and most elegant pattern as seen in sunflower seeds.

Plants use the Phi Angle to distribute their leaves for maximum exposure to sun and rain, increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis, generating better moisture for the roots and facilitating insect pollination.

“It is this property of producing, by simple additions, a succession of numbers in geometric progression or similar forms that explains the important role played by the Golden Section and the Phi series in the morphology of life and growth, especially in the human being, body and in botany." ~ Matila Ghyka, The Geometry of Art and Life



The archeologist and doctor of prehistoric music Jean-Loup Ringot captured while playing the lithophone, a unique instrument of rocks and pieces of rock capable of producing musical notes from the vibration generated by the contact of objects.

For those who are not familiar with the lithophone, it is a prehistoric instrument, played more than 7000 years ago, which is found throughout the African continent, as well as in South America, Australia, Azerbaijan, England, Hawaii, Iceland, India and many others places where our ancestors lived in the past. Therefore, it is not the property of a single culture, but a discovery of humanity, which in contact with nature, understands the musical properties of the rocks.

In addition to the lithophone, which produces notes from the contact of the rocks, there is a series of instruments that work in the same way that they -but, of course, without using stones-, such as the xylophone, the marimba, the glockenspiel, the gamelan and the vibraphone.

⚝ Enjoy the soft music of nature!


The geometry of fractals involves creating repetitive patterns, "like themselves" and housed within each other. The basi...

The geometry of fractals involves creating repetitive patterns, "like themselves" and housed within each other. The basic idea of ​​fractal figure generation is beautifully and elegantly represented in Russian dolls (Matryoshkas/Matrioscas) that nest in decreasing size one inside the other.

Interestingly, "Matryoshka" means "little matron", and they are sometimes also called "Babushka" dolls, meaning "grandmother".

Each of the dolls is a miniature, though not quite the same version as the larger ones. Fractal geometry emphasizes the relationship between the patterns of a complete structure and those of each component part. For example, the pattern of the branches of a tree resembles that of the main branches, which come out of the trunk. The pattern of a river resembles the patterns of its tributaries. In the human lung, the fractal pattern of the bronchi branches is repeated in the small bronchioles. Arterial and venous vessels and the peripheral nervous system also have similar patterns.

Birth, reproduction and death are also fractal processes, and we are perfect examples of this, connected to an infinite process that unites the macro and the micro. Thus, it is possible to understand the self-similarity that forms us and our Family Tree, from the replication and recreation of the genetic codes of our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents...

Therefore, the story of evolution itself is fractal, and this is the same process that occurs with the story of ascension to higher and higher levels of consciousness.


The pinecone is universally revered as one of the purest naturally occurring forms of Sacred Geometry, its pattern being...

The pinecone is universally revered as one of the purest naturally occurring forms of Sacred Geometry, its pattern being the flower's evolutionary precursor, having its spirals in a perfect Fibonacci Sequence, much like the geometry of a rose or a sunflower.

This ubiquitous formation in nature is a common type of phyllotaxis pattern, from the ancient Greek phýllon "leaf" and taxis "arrangement", which refers to the set of principles that govern the arrangement of leaves along the stem of plants. But not only in the plant world, these same principles govern the configuration of cycles of harmonic vibrations at all scales of nature, including in our DNA and in the orbits of the planets.

The pinecone symbol is one of the most mysterious emblems found in ancient and modern art and architecture.

Few scholars realize this, but in different cultures the pinecone alludes to the highest degree of spiritual illumination, as well as the Lotus Flower and several other symbols that refers to the rotational symmetries of electromagnetism, which describes the natural forces of creation through the science of Light.

The Pinecone symbol can be found in the ruins of Indonesians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Buddhists and Christians. It also appears in the designs of esoteric traditions such as Freemasonry, Theosophy, Gnosticism and esoteric Christianity.

The pinecone has the same meaning for everyone: it symbolizes the science of light and its relationship with the mind and body through our vestigial organ, the "pineal gland" or "Third Eye", which represents the unified awareness that directs the evolutionary energy flow. The shape of the gland has a phyllotaxis pattern similar to that of the pinecone, hence its name Pineal Gland has its origin in the word "Pinecone".

Harmony in Three PartsThree was considered the first number, while one and two were seen as the parents of numbers.Altho...

Harmony in Three Parts

Three was considered the first number, while one and two were seen as the parents of numbers.

Although three becomes the first number, it only exists in the two-dimensional world. No matter how you set up the points, it will always produce a plane of undefined thickness that doesn't exist in the three-dimensional world.

Life forms in general have a separate three-part structure. From the body parts of an insect (so named because the origin of the word means "in sections") to the head-trunk-legs structure of the human body with its own subsequent tripartite subdivisions and the three layers of heart muscle, all express the same principle. The geometry of fruits and vegetables will be tripartite when they start out as three-petaled flowers. These are just a few examples out of thousands.

It is interesting to note that many Sacred Structures present a Triad form, as well as several customs of countless peoples, cultures and traditions are also based on this same concept. When we see the number three, we are perceiving something divinely harmonious and complete.

Remember, all matter is built from invisible lines of force from standing wave geometry. Geometric analysis of life forms helps us find the underlying patterns that shape all events.

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Did you know that the character for the Chinese word for medicine actually comes from the same character for music? Chin...

Did you know that the character for the Chinese word for medicine actually comes from the same character for music? Chinese ancestors believed that music had the power to harmonize people's souls in a way that medicine could not.

In ancient China, one of the primary purposes of music was healing. Music was believed to have the power to heal the heart, enrich the mind and harmonize a person's soul. Hence the old saying: "Music before medicine".

During the time of Huang-Ti, known as the Great Yellow Emperor (2698–2598 BC), people discovered the relationship between the pentatonic musical scale, the five elements, and the five internal and five sensory organs of the human body. During the time of Confucius, scholars used the calming properties of music to help improve and strengthen people's character and conduct. The Chinese character for “medicine” (藥 yào ) even derives from the character for “music” (樂, yuè ). In the West today, scientific research has also validated music's therapeutic ability to lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, increase concentration, stabilize heart rate, and much more.

⍟ Comment there, which song has the power to make you feel good?


"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." ~ Marcel Proust✦ What are...

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." ~ Marcel Proust

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Our reality is very structured and, in fact, life is even more structured. This is reflected in nature in the form of ge...

Our reality is very structured and, in fact, life is even more structured. This is reflected in nature in the form of geometry. Geometry is the very structure of our reality, and therefore we live in a coherent world governed by invisible laws. These laws manifest our experience of the natural world. The Golden Ratio (Phi = 1:1.618...) governs the proportions of our world and can be found throughout the hologram of universal forms.


Who would have thought that a simple cabbage could reveal so much beauty, so much detail and mystery? ✨🥬"Nature always h...

Who would have thought that a simple cabbage could reveal so much beauty, so much detail and mystery? ✨🥬

"Nature always has hidden surprises for those who pay attention." – Joseph Cornell

✧ If you see magic in nature too, leave a 🌟 in the comments and share this post with someone who needs to see this!




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