Mitchell Chase - Typology & Allegory: Ruth, Daniel, Esther, Rahab’s Cord, Scapegoat, & the Temple
Mitchell Chase moved to Louisville in 2010 to be a student in the SBTS doctoral program. Mitch graduated in 2013 with his PhD in Biblical Studies, and he taught for eight years as an adjunct for Boyce College and SBTS. In 2022 he joined SBTS faculty. He has written articles for online and print publications, and he is the author of several books in the areas of biblical studies, hermeneutics, and discipleship. Mitch currently serves as the Preaching Pastor at Kosmosdale Baptist Church, where he has been since 2012. In this episode we discuss his book 40 Questions About Typology and Allegory. We talk about Jesus foreshadowed in the old testament through types and allegory including, Jonah, the brazen serpent, Esther, Daniel, Ruth and Boaz, the Exodus, the Israelite conquest, building the temple and much more!
Dinah Dye - The Jewish Feasts: Prophecy, Timelines, the Rapture & the Millennium
Dinah Dye is an author, TV host (Israel TV Network) and Co-Host to Returning to Eden, discusses the language of the Kingdom of God from a Biblical and ancient Near Eastern perspective. In this episode we discuss the jewish feasts or festival such as passover, pentecost and the day of atonement. We get into fulfillments, prophecy, timelines, rapture, the 7000 year plan, and much more!
Ryan E. Stokes - The Satan: How God’s Executioner Became the Enemy
Dr. Stokes joined the faculty of Carson-Newman in 2019, having taught previously at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He teaches courses in both the Old and New Testaments and serves as Director of the Master of Arts in Applied Theology program. In addition to numerous scholarly articles and essays about the Bible, Dr. Stokes has authored the book The Satan: How God’s Executioner Became the Enemy (Eerdmans, 2019). As an ordained Baptist minister who has pastored congregations in Connecticut and Kentucky, Dr. Stokes also enjoys preaching and teaching the Bible in churches. Dr. Stokes lives in Jefferson County, Tennessee, with his wife and two sons. In this episode we discuss Satan. We talk about the difference between Satan in the old and New Testament, the serpent in the garden, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12, the fall of Satan, Satan’s abilities, his physical nature, his army, his responsibility for the evils of the world and much more!
Brian Tabb - Revelation: Unlocking the Mystery
Brian Tabb oversees academic programs at Bethlehem College & Seminary and teaches courses in hermeneutics, biblical languages, exegesis, and research. His research interests include suffering, the use of the OT in the NT, Acts, and Revelation. He also serves as general editor for Themelios, published by The Gospel Coalition. In this episode, we discuss his book, All Things New: Revelation as a Canonical Capstone. We talk about Revelation encompassing the entire church age, Revelation “from” vs. “of” Jesus, the meaning of “soon” to take place, a priestly kingdom and the church as true Israel, the beast, the antichrist and end times.
Stephen Dempster - How to Read the Old Testament (as More Than a Just a Collection of Books)
Dr. Stephen Dempster (PhD, University of Toronto) is Professor of Religious Studies at Crandall University. Dr. Dempster is the author of numerous academic articles on the Old Testament canon and biblical theology. He has also authored two books, a forthcoming commentary on Micah in the Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary Series. In this episode, we discuss his book, Dominion & Dynasty: A Theology of the Hebrew Bible and how to read the Old Testament as a complete narrative rather than a hodge podge of books. We talk about the literary view of scripture, the original order and structure of the Hebrew tankah (which differs from the Masoretic), when the exile ended, dominion being usurped at the fall, the Torah, the former prophets, the latter prophets, and the writings.
John Walton - Is God Creating a Temple in Genesis 1? (God's Rest, Man Made of Dust?, The Fall, Etc)
John H. Walton is an Old Testament scholar and Professor at Wheaton College. He was a professor at Moody Bible Institute for 20 years. He specializes in the Ancient Near Eastern backgrounds of the Old Testament, especially Genesis and its creation account. In this episode, we discuss his books, The Lost World of Genesis 1 and The Lost World of Adam and Eve. We talk about what is being created in Genesis 1, what does it mean for God to “rest,” what is means to subdue the earth and take dominion, the age of the earth, the fall and much more!
Joe Marino - Is the Shroud of Turin the Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ?
Joseph Marino, former Benedictine monk and Catholic Priest, who is a long-time sindonologist (one who studies the Shroud of Turin), takes it one step further by linking these scientific findings to religious interpretations and looking at their possible significance. Marino has a B.A. in Theological Studies from St. Louis University and has lectured and written extensively on the Shroud for over 40 years. In addition to having published a Shroud newsletter, he has appeared on various radio and television programs discussing the Shroud. In this episode we discuss the history of the shroud, and address some objections to it’s authenticity.
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Pierce Taylor Hibbs - How Should I Respond to Anxiety?
Pierce Taylor Hibbs is a husband, father, writer, teacher, and student. He has a BA in Professional Writing from Elizabethtown College (2007), an MAR in Theological Studies from Westminster Theological Seminary (2010), and a ThM in Systematic Theology (2016) from the same institution. In 2019, he completed his MA TESOL degree from Biola University. He’s been working at Westminster for several years, helping native and non-native English speaking students to improve their writing for the glory of God. In this episode we discuss his book, Struck Down But Not Destroyed: Living Faithfully With Anxiety. We talk about God’s purpose in suffering, how to view anxiety from a biblical perspective, how to think about fear and much more! This is a great episode for anyone who has had, knows anyone or experiences anxiety.
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62. G.K. Beale - The End Times Temple (The Temple and the Church’s Mission)
Rev. Dr. Gregory K. Beale (PhD, Cambridge) ha held the position of the J. Gresham Machen chair of New Testament and is research professor of New Testament and biblical interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary, but is now building graduate program at Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas. Dr. Beale’s academic interests include the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament, the book of Revelation, the biblical-theological theme of temple as the dwelling place of God, and the topic of inerrancy, among others. In this episode we discuss his book, The Temple and the Church’s Mission. We talk about the temple in the cosmos, in the garden of Eden, at Mt. Sinai, in the tabernacle and now in the Church. We discuss the structure of the temple and how the presence of God will eventually cover all of the earth in New Jerusalem, prophecy, and much more!
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Paul Williamson - What Happens When We Die? (Ghosts, Hell, NDEs, Etc.)
Dr. Paul Williamson teaches Old Testament at Moore Theological College in Australia. He has a BD from Hons and his PhD from Belfast. He specializes in Hebrew and Aramaic. In this episode, we discuss his book, Death and Afterlife: Biblical Perspectives on Ultimate Questions. We discuss the intermediate state, ghosts, Lazarus and the rich man, hell (temporal or permanent), judgement and near death experiences and much more!
Jennifer Nizza - Do Psychics Really Hear From the Deceased? (Ghosts, Demonic Possession, Etc.)
Jennifer Nizza is an ex-psychic, saved by Jesus Christ. In this episode, we discuss how God took her from a professional psychic to an minister of the gospel, as told in her book, From Psychic to Saved. We discuss demons, tarot cards, astrology, numerology, ghosts, and much more!
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John Walton - Did God Order Genocide? (Lost World of the Israelite Conquest, Just War, Nephilim etc)
John H. Walton is an Old Testament scholar and Professor at Wheaton College. He was a professor at Moody Bible Institute for 20 years. He specializes in the Ancient Near Eastern backgrounds of the Old Testament, especially Genesis and its creation account. In this episode, we discuss his book, The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest. We get into Holy land, just war, the iniquity of the Amorites, genocide, Nephilim and much more!
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