Meetings.... ugh. Keep or Kill?
We're calling it: the only benefit of lockdown was no unneccesary work travel... but now that even that conference in Milwaukee is back on your calendar, here's how to make it work FOR YOU.
Are you essential to the bottom line of your business? If not, get there. We're coming into September... which is when companies who aren't going to make their EOY numbers start laying off by the thousands.
👾NEW EPISODE👾 How to keep your job, in the face of AI. Yeah. It's on all our minds and we have a game plan for you.
📝 NEW EPISODE 📝 Have you ever been blindsided by your manager telling you you're not doing your job? Yeah..... there's a way to keep that from EVER happening again. And it starts with your job description.
🔥HOT TAKE🔥 Corporate America has a bias toward families... leaving single women, single mothers left to take on longer hours and more workload. We don't have an answer for this, but we do open up the floor for discussion.
My grandma used to say "Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell, and making them look forward to the trip." .... 👀.... and now, we've made that sentimate "corporate". You're welcome.
🤓 Get your nerd glasses on, we're diving into economic theory today
🇺🇸 Taking concepts from military teams and applying them to Corporate America isn't a bad idea! Check out Episode 117 before you start willy nilly CC'ing everyone's manager. mmmkay???
Seems like a good week to learn something from the Armed Forces 🇺🇸 This concept of "Keep it On the Plane" helps clarify which issues are worth escalating, and which should be handled one-to-one. Check it out!
We 🖤 Women's Health | So when we discovered "Let's Talk About Breasts," a podcast by The Rose, we couldn't help but get involved. Learn more about their incredible program and schedule your mammogram today at
🍔Ep. 142 out now on Spotify & Apple Podcasts🍔 We're really crushing these non-sports analogies 😅 Today we're breaking down job descriptions and what parts you need to pay attention to when applying for a new job (spoiler: it's the bacon, not the bun!)