The Apprenticeship Diaries

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The Apprenticeship Diaries A Podcast about beginnings: How the tattoo artists and professionals, we revere, got their start; Wh

With TattooNOW – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉I'm honored and will continue to be a fan. 🥰

With TattooNOW – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉
I'm honored and will continue to be a fan. 🥰


This week is the wrap up with Wheelyum Dee, of The Wilted Rose, located in Chattanooga, TN. This whole time has been a divine blessing. "If not for" a hacker who almost hacked your host (using Wheelyum's identity) this podcast wouldn't have happened. It's crazy how we come together in this life and....


It's funny, I've run a podcast now for 5 years... it might be more at this point... I've lost track. 😅 I've been given a lot of kudos for it lately and it's curious to me as the entire time I've done this, I've hardly known what I'm doing.

What I want folks to know is that it's very simple to have a podcast, should you want one. You can do it for a very low cost, per month. It just takes an RSS feed host ( I use and enjoy Podbean). Podbean also creates an account and website for people to follow you.

From there, you can apply to be streamed by Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iTunes, iHeartRadio, Google Play... the list goes on.

You might also want to build your own website, as I have, specifically for your podcast ( I use Podcastpage as they are focused on aiding podcasters) If you have a podcast and want to build a webpage, I definitely recommend this company. here's a link to get started :

I was talking to a friend the other day regarding calling something "simple". Simple doesn't equivocate to easy. I suppose that's where all my "kudos" come from... The 5+ years I've done something that I really didn't understand, but just wanted to do.

Please, if you're a friend that wants a podcast, message me and I'll give you some tips. I'm still growing but I've gathered enough on my journey, to help out.

If you're not following my podcast, here on FB, please do. It's called The Apprenticeship Diaries and I'd love to keep scaling this passion project, all the time. It's been the only diary, I've ever been able to keep.

Have a powerful day friends!

We wanted to share our webpage host, Podcastpage. This is a web host that sets templates, specifically for podcasters. W...

We wanted to share our webpage host, Podcastpage. This is a web host that sets templates, specifically for podcasters.

We've found this space to be user friendly and very accommodating when it comes to contacting the company or needing assistance.

Please, check them out if you're looking for a place to build your podcast website. makes it easy to create powerful podcast websites in minutes. Without coding. Your podcast deserves a website, get yours now!

If you're not following Tattoo Career Builders, you should be. Derek Youngberg has been in the tattoo community for 30 y...

If you're not following Tattoo Career Builders, you should be. Derek Youngberg has been in the tattoo community for 30 years and his knowledge expands to so many spaces. He's offering consulting to anyone who wants to maximize their business and skip some struggles that Derek might see from his vast experience.

Go to and see what marvelous opportunities are there for you.

Live today at 3PM EST, Register in advance for the zoom link!


Welp, we pick right up where we left off last week with Wheelyum Dee. We learn more, not only about Wheelyum's journey into tattooing, but also his approach to a lot in life. Mostly, we can see a lot of faith in God; A lot of humility, as Wheelyum has had a lot of trials in his life. We know that yo...


How divine an intervention that brought Wheelyum Dee into the forefront of this podcast's world? Even more divine, we are able to wish Wheelyum's daughter, Ashley, a "Happy Heavenly Birthday" today, as this first part launches on her birthday. Wheelyum honors her passing, each year by giving away a....


Have you listened to the latest? Welp… it’s not too late. In fact, we’d like to think it’s rarely too late to get inspired, pursue life in a new way…

Check out Mary (Miss Vampira) and see all the exciting ways her life is shifting! 😎💪🙏🥰

Thank you so much Mary!😘 We need that hug in person. 😊


Mary Minahan is back! She's more broadly known as Miss Vampira and when this show first met Mary, she was a wee apprentice who moved from coast to coast, to pursue her passion to be a tattoo artist. Her first 2 part, Diary Entries (Ep. 90 & 91), were the perfect illustration of where Mary was......


We pick right back up where we left off last week, with Jake Meeks of the Fireside Tattoo Network. You'll have to listen in to see what else we discuss, but I promise that you will stay entertained. Jake always has so much to offer. Thank you so very much Jake! We are honored by you and your time; T...


Super stoked to get Jake Meeks of the Fireside Tattoo Network, on the podcast. This is a story that really hasn't been aired much as on Jake's podcast, he really tries to take the focus off himself and give the floor to his guests. In this first part, we'll learn how Jake found himself in both art a...

222!!!~ “In numerology, the angel number 222 is believed to be a powerful message from the divine realm, and can symboli...

~ “In numerology, the angel number 222 is believed to be a powerful message from the divine realm, and can symbolize balance, harmony, and spiritual alignment. It can also be associated with love, collaboration, and nurturing creative energy. Some say that seeing the number 222 repeatedly can mean that you are in the flow of the universe’s light, and that you are exactly where you are meant to be.”

This could be the case OR… I just have ADD (ADHD)? Either way, this isn’t a long Diary Entry. I update on my life and express gratitude to for collaborating over the last two weeks.🙏 Gratitude for , , .dna and shoutout , who is the focus of next week’s Diary Entry. Jake Meeks was gracious enough to donate a 2 part Entry to this show and I’m excited to air his journey into tattooing. Thanks Jake. 😎

I forgot to mention another collaborator in , who’s being bold and just moved to AZ. Lots of love and prayers.

As always… I love you Listeners and praise God for each of you! 🙏😘


This is just a brief check in to thank Gunnar, Paradise, all behind Paradise, share a bit of what has me all over the place these days and lastly, announcing my time with Jake Meeks of Fireside; A two part Diary Entry on his time getting into tattooing will release next Tuesday (Part 1). God bless y...


In this second half, Gunnar Ga***rd offers a powerful message about personal accountability. He expands on where he's at in his journey now and gives more beautiful insights. He's also a great pet sitter. Gunnar is such a great human and incredible talent. He's been tattooing for 27 years and is goi...

 is always a pleasure. Course, we’ve only talked a few times😅; In that time, however, the conversation has been very pas...

is always a pleasure. Course, we’ve only talked a few times😅; In that time, however, the conversation has been very passionate, caring and genuine.

Listen in to hear about this tattoo artist of 27 years. He’s experienced quite a bit and wants so deeply for it to help those who are up and coming.🙏 He’s traveling a lot this year and doing his seminar “27” where 27 tips will be unveiled to working professionals; It will cover topics that most don’t think of at the start of a journey into tattooing.

In this 2 part Diary entry (this being Part 1), he’ll share his apprenticeship journey, those he met along the way, what this work has done for his soul and with organizations like , what he hope we can have in the future.

Gunnar will be bouncing around the US (please go to his IG to check to see if he’ll be in your area) until Oct 24-27th, where he’ll be presenting at .

Thank you so much Gunnar.🙏🥰 I hope to talk more as you’re good people. As always… Thank you Diary Listeners!


Gunnar Ga***rd is such a beautiful person and incredible talent. He's been tattooing for 27 years and is going to be presenting his seminar "27" at this year's Paradise Tattoo Convention. Listen in and fall in love with Gunnar, as he talks about his early days and his love for tattooing. Moreover, d...

I don’t know the artist of this illustration, but I want to thank them along with Diary Listeners. I do believe this is ...

I don’t know the artist of this illustration, but I want to thank them along with Diary Listeners. I do believe this is a DnD character that when searching images for this show, this looked ideal; I’m grateful to the talent and the concept. Hopefully using it here, in this way, will be allowed.🙏 I mean no offense and don’t aim to abuse.

God bless you Listeners.


God bless you and thank you, Apprenticeship Diary Listeners! ****If you liked The Apprenticeship Diaries (T.A.D.), please follow us, rate, and review us! Also, get our webpage to climb on the search engine by visiting it HERE. If you would like to donate to the show, we greatly appreciate the suppor...

So excited for this year’s  !  is calling forces together to create something epic for the next generation. It was such ...

So excited for this year’s ! is calling forces together to create something epic for the next generation. It was such an honor to be included in this discussion on . Thank you and !🙏

If you didn’t catch last week’s episode on The Fireside Tattoo Network, here is the re-release of the show (audio). Make sure to follow and know that if Paradise is seeming impossible to get to, this might be your chance to make it. ☺️


I'm so very honored and pleased to re-launch this wonderful news which first aired on Fireside Tattoo Network. This news is worth re-stating as Tattoo Career Builders expands this endeavor, all the time, so that this can be as big and bountiful as we all what it to be. Listen in to hear this wonderf...

This week confronts an inevitability of Life… Death. When we seek passion and especially when we embark on a life of ser...

This week confronts an inevitability of Life… Death.

When we seek passion and especially when we embark on a life of service, we will run into death. We will be asked to feel in ways we didn’t see coming and sometimes, not know what to do with these emotions.

I ( ) have been in the service industry my whole life. I’ve never been shielded from death as it was always apart of the paradigm. It’s never easy as there’s no “fixing”, but there are ways to cope and love each other. As service providers, there’s also a special connection to our clients (the impact that’s made within the work).

This Entry asks for prayers but also announces some very awesome happenings in tattoo education; Please listen to learn🙏. Especially show up to Listen to tomorrow’s show and learn what’s coming out of and . It’s very exciting and is just thrilled to be in-the-know… Tune in so you can be hip to the happenings too.🙏😋

God bless you Listeners and have a powerful week!


This Entry confronts an inevitability of life... Death. There have been a few big deaths for the tattoo industry, along with your host personally and these recent events have spawned this week's reflection; How to confront death and what is so incredible when we seek to serve others. This podcast ex...

As we move through June and get closer to July 4th, I’m going to meditate on this creed that my father shared with me to...

As we move through June and get closer to July 4th, I’m going to meditate on this creed that my father shared with me today. He said that as he read it, he thought of me.🙏🥹 This was such a beautiful thing to be given to me today and especially after Father’s Day. I have to say that the mentorship I’ve received from both of my parents as well as growing up in America, has given me the tools to be as I am today; Above all, the gifts given by my Creator. 🙏🥰

I wanted to share this with all of this show’s Listeners. I do think this is what I try to be and does speak to the American spirit. I think this is what all of us here, who are drawn to this podcast (and the pursuit of or passions), have in their hearts. 🙏🥰

If nothing else, this made me smile and I wanted to share it with all of you, to whom I’m grateful for. 😘

A simple admission. Incidentally, this image is made from a Google search of the word “conserve” and this was the images...

A simple admission. Incidentally, this image is made from a Google search of the word “conserve” and this was the images which popped up. This Diary Entry doesn’t speak about water but I do find it interesting what certain searches produce.

This Diary Entry is a conversation on not only the word “conservative” but what it is to your Host (me: ).

God bless you wonderful Listeners!


I'm coming out and elaborating in this week's Diary Entry. There's a few confessions and attempts to outline my concepts of things. This is a further submission to this podcast expressing a want to be as transparent as I can be with Listeners; A willingness to be seen. Check it out and remember: If....

I’ve been all over the place… Mostly on a guest spot.😅🙏 However, Tuesday did yield a podcast. Catch this week’s personal...

I’ve been all over the place… Mostly on a guest spot.😅🙏 However, Tuesday did yield a podcast. Catch this week’s personal Diary Entry, anywhere you find podcasts.

Glad to not be so gross anymore. Thanks for all the well-wishes I received; They worked! 💪😎🙏😘


This is a personal entry that really celebrates the return to health and well-being. As most who listen know, your host was suffering burnout and then, as if it could be bet on, fell ill last week. We don't know what this mysterious plague was but it leveled your host enough that all work had to cea...


Happy Memorial Day Diary Listeners. 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Check out how much smaller my right side is from my left. I’m trying to get moving again and I’m not gonna lie, I feel s...

Check out how much smaller my right side is from my left. I’m trying to get moving again and I’m not gonna lie, I feel so old. I don’t know if my feet have always been this uneven? 🤔 I know other parts of my body are.😅 I know my right eye is higher than my left.

Most of my tattoos speak of the pursuit of balance, but what I’m finding is that with that pursuit, one is given much to juggle. Our balance cannot grow in stagnation or in comfort. Only in trials and perpetual movement.

I’m sick this weekend and feel this is time for a re-start. I got going pretty well in January and by February, was a complete mess. 🤣 I’d like to try the carnivorous diet again, but next time, I must plan better. It was truly the hardest duet for me. However, it did help my pain sooooooo much.

I also want to tip Listeners off that a Re-brand is coming soon. I’ve been thinking about where my heart is taking me and I think I have to reorganize and figure out what’s next… Even here (as much as I’m elated as to where the show has gone and how many people it’s touched.

I’m not going to do much until I’m certain, but I’d like to ask for prayers Listeners. Please guide me and ask that the next direction, be put on my heart. 🙏




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About The Apprenticeship Diaries

I was sitting around with my friend Evan Olin (amazing portrait artist), and discussing what it was to be a mentor, and comparing that, to what we remember being a mentee; In that moment, I thought, “There should be a podcast about this!”

From that lightbulb moment, came the mission to make The Apprenticeship Diaries (T.A.D) Podcast: A collection of apprenticeship stories from top tattoo artists. The truth is, we all had our start, and unlike other professions, tattooing is a field where all starts are unique.

Please listen, rate, review, and follow us, as we share tales about what they did, what they do, and the sacrifices made to the tattoo gods.

If you are a tattoo artist, a fan of the tattoo industry, a collector, wanting to apprentice as a tattoo artist, or just enjoy listening to beginnings, this is the podcast for you!