Nyctophobia Webcomic Series

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Nyctophobia Webcomic Series Official page dedicated to the webtoon Nyctophobia what's this? A livestream on a proper platform? That's neat! Anyway, you guys ...

Woah what's this? A livestream on a proper platform? That's neat! Anyway, you guys can come in an enjoy some work in progress art of a promo poster for Nycto or just come in for the nice vibe and synthwave music

Working on some promo art 🎨cozy digital art

Hello there my lovelies!So it is time to have a big discussion. Let’s talk - as they like to say. As some of you may kno...

Hello there my lovelies!

So it is time to have a big discussion. Let’s talk - as they like to say. As some of you may know - or maybe you don’t, I am somewhat quiet on this page since a while now, this project, Nyctophobia, is a pretty big deal for me. I’ve been developing this story for a bit more than 6 years now. Since college I was busting my little butt to create this little creepy, yet wonderful world in this head of mine. And not a single time since I’ve gotten tired of it.

Well, sort of…

Creating a whole complexed universe is hard, it’s gritty and frustrating at times. There’s been a few times I nearly flipped the table and said screw it. I’ve always been severe on myself on the character designs, making them feel real, relatable. I want this project to make people feel like they could emerge into that world. The other things that made this project hard was a question of teamwork. I had a co-writer & a beta reader a while back, but sadly things didn’t end up too well. Without going into too much detail, we had our differences and by the end of it, I had to thank them for the time they helped me, but it was much better to part ways, that I focused on my own things and they focused on her own.

And the other thing is; I’ve been transitioning from 1 job, to 3 jobs to then 2 and then 1… that was kind of rock ‘n roll for a period of time. Life gets ya busy sometimes! And it’s the kind of busy that drains, beats you to the ground and makes it hard to be creative. Especially with having some pretty severe ADD (attention deficit disorder), sometimes sitting down and drawing panels can be a pretty hard task for me, even though I absolutely love scribbling and doodling.

So it came to a very hard and tough decision to choose to stop working out this project, Nyctophobia, as a webcomic.

BUT I ain’t quitting the project whatsoever! No, no, no my dears; it is simply a change of direction! I’ve started working it out as a visual novel and the progress is being done at a much faster pace than how it would have been if it was simply a comic! 12 chapters and still going strong! And all of this would have been impossible if I hadn’t stumbled on Jing Otterson. She has been an absolute angel helping me out, helping with editing, pushing ideas further and giving me a well needed kick in the butt to get things moving. And there’s some pretty cool and big collaboration coming up ahead with her, so I highly recommend that you guys keep an eye peeled out on that! ;) (Also you guys should DEFINITELY go take a peek at what Jing makes and her webtoon Blood on High, it's bloody amazing!)

Personally, I give myself the challenge of being more active here. Be more there with you guys. Try to do more than just a little drawing here and there. If it is something that you guys are interested, I'll probably share some teasers, excepts of some chapters, illustrations to support the narration and such.

Some lil' sneak peak of what's going on in the early episodes that are brewing ;) i'm particularly very happy with how t...

Some lil' sneak peak of what's going on in the early episodes that are brewing ;) i'm particularly very happy with how the lighting is turning out to be!


This is a description of a strange feeling, where you experience every moment of your life at the same time, as if the entire existence contracted into one s...

"Practice makes it better"Man, hard to think that technically, this is the SAME character! And that's why, kids, it's al...

"Practice makes it better"

Man, hard to think that technically, this is the SAME character! And that's why, kids, it's always important to give multiple tries when designing a character. Don't make just one and say 'ay, that'll do' because I guarantee y'all that in a few years you're gonna want to rework it.

It's by comparing my old style to my current one that I am amazed to see the insane progress in character design I've made! As much as I hate the release of publishing so far off each time, I'm glad to see that the quality of the work is only improving.

Woah! Been out and away for quite some time! What happened? Well... life. That's how I can sum it up. But on a more seri...

Woah! Been out and away for quite some time! What happened? Well... life. That's how I can sum it up. But on a more serious note, I transitioned from have one job... to three to then two jobs. It ate up a loooooot of the time i had beforehand for working on my webcomic
Some cool stuff are coming up ahead if I can manage to do everything like I originally anticipated it to be. But one thing for sure. I'll try my darnest best to keep y'all updated!

Just a spooky scary secret entrance in the forest, nothing more, nothing less 🍄🍂🍁

Just a spooky scary secret entrance in the forest, nothing more, nothing less 🍄🍂🍁

This has to be one of my most complexed shading I've done for only one panel, but I absolutely adore it!

This has to be one of my most complexed shading I've done for only one panel, but I absolutely adore it!

Some more work in progress

Some more work in progress

This is a very hard post to make right now, but it is so important to talk about it. I would be part of the problem if I...

This is a very hard post to make right now, but it is so important to talk about it. I would be part of the problem if I kept myself quiet about it. Up to now, everyone is already pretty much up to date with the tragedy unfolding here in Canada. Too many unmarked gravestones of Native children are being found in ancient residential schools. One was too much already. So to hear that more than 1 505 and still counting unmarked gravestones has been found... it’s devastating... Finding words to express how I feel about this is nearly impossible. I’ve always known that there were no perfect country, but since I was a kid, I was hopeful that here, in Canada, it would be different. People were nice and hardworking here. As a kid, I was constantly told at school how we, the colonizers, had befriended the Natives and they simply... just gave their lands to us.

But no.

Things weren’t so different here. The first realisation I had that things were not as I was told was with a simple song. Ani Couni Chaouani. As a kid, when the teacher would tell us about Natives and their, I cannot insist enough on this, gorgeous culture, they would make us sing this song. Never explaining the meaning of is. They would make us put on cheaply made war bonnet and run around the classroom mimicking the OWOWOW war cry.

Without ever letting us know about what any of those meant in their culture.

So it came as a slap in the face when I stumbled on that infamous song years later. Ani Couni Chaouani. At first I simply giggled as I remembered how silly it was back as a kid. We were always so happy to sing this. But then curiosity got to me. What did those lyrics mean? So I did a quick trip on google to find the translated version and I was glued to my chair.

‘’Father, have mercy on me,
Father, have mercy on me;
Because I'm dying of thirst,
For I am dying of thirst;
Everything is gone - I have nothing to eat,
Everything is gone - I have nothing to eat’’

I was mortified. We were taught that it was a HAPPY song. I was part of the problem of people ignoring the struggle the Natives were going through. Starting that day, I slowly starting dipping my toes into getting more information about what truly happened to the indigenous people. The truth was ugly. And it has been proven to everyone when the news of Kamloops, 215 unmarked graves behind a residential school. The bitterness was strong in my mouth when I read more about residential school, learned what they were about, heard testimonies of survivors. This was a nightmare. It was a nightmare that lasted for way too long and the trauma it gave for generations is unforgivable.

And the numbers only keep rising.

215 – Kamloops, BC
104 – Brandon, MB
38 – Regina, SK
751 – Cowessess, SK
35 – Lestock, SK
180 – Carlisle, PA
182 – Kootenay, BC

And there are probably more to be found...I may not be native... But I see you. I hear you. I support you and I cry with you. I chose to , not for the sake of cancel culture, but because we all need to sit back, acknowledge the tragedy in front of us, mourn and do better.

For those interested, I’ve put a few links to charities to support the First Nations communities. (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami) (Native Women’s Association of Canada) (Assembly of First Nations) (First Nations Child & Family Caring Society)

Some before/after panels! Progress is being made and i cannot be more happy about it!

Some before/after panels! Progress is being made and i cannot be more happy about it!

Making backgrounds is such a tedious job but the satisfaction that comes when I can see the progress is so worth it

Making backgrounds is such a tedious job but the satisfaction that comes when I can see the progress is so worth it

The story might not be out yet, but I'm still spending plenty of time working and making amazing connections with other ...

The story might not be out yet, but I'm still spending plenty of time working and making amazing connections with other artists out there. Which comes up with this post right here. Me and a few lovely artists decided to make a collaboration to celebrate pride month and to make a small memorial to honor all the victims and survivors of the tragedy that happened at the Pulse bar in Orlando 5 years ago. I hope you will enjoy this lovely piece of work we made together and don't hesitate to give love to those other creators! Their works are amazing ! 🌸💖🌸

Chaun really just wanted to clear up the debts that had been plaguing him and his family for years now. Nothing else. He was a simple guy. But life's not easy when everything goes against him. It was out of despair that he accepted the offer of a stranger to get some help... but that really just mad...

Been a bit quiet lately on this page, but I can guarantee you guys that a lot of progress is being done on the comic! Th...

Been a bit quiet lately on this page, but I can guarantee you guys that a lot of progress is being done on the comic! The prologue has finally been completed and the 1st chapter is well on its way! For now enjoy this little background practice I've just made!

quick warm up of the day! It's very sloppy but i like making very rough sketches to get a grasp of what the general illu...

quick warm up of the day! It's very sloppy but i like making very rough sketches to get a grasp of what the general illustration will look like before slapping down the details!

When working on panels like these, I can hear Doris from Finding Nemo saying 'just keep swimming' but instead it'sJust k...

When working on panels like these, I can hear Doris from Finding Nemo saying 'just keep swimming' but instead it's

Just keep drawing, just keep drawing, just keep drawing...

Still a lot of work going on, but I couldn't help but get a pang of nostalgia when comparing some of the early sketches ...

Still a lot of work going on, but I couldn't help but get a pang of nostalgia when comparing some of the early sketches of the main characters to how I draw him now. A lot improves in 3 years, I can tell you that!

some work in progress!

some work in progress!

Small wip of an ongoing illustration for one VERY special chapter in the comic! I've always been a sucker for tarot card...

Small wip of an ongoing illustration for one VERY special chapter in the comic! I've always been a sucker for tarot cards

UPDATE!I know lately I've been kind of silent on this page and for this, I am deeply sorry. Life is kind of hectic and h...


I know lately I've been kind of silent on this page and for this, I am deeply sorry. Life is kind of hectic and having a full time job kind of take up a lot of my time. I've also started a painting project to work a painting for my bathroom.

But fear not! The webcomic is still not dead! Sometimes it is healthy to take small breaks and work on other things so the quality of the project still shines at its best ☺️

Do you guys big ongoing projects ? Share it down! Let's all support each other 💖

Ps: if you guys are curious, your can check my tiktok foreversaltyqueen to check out the progress of my painting!

Warm up of the day!

Warm up of the day!

Getting back to working full time at my job has put a slow down on the making of the comic, but I'm still working as har...

Getting back to working full time at my job has put a slow down on the making of the comic, but I'm still working as hard as I can on it! Making a comic is not only drawing, but there's a lot of writing and scripting that is put into it. It's a bit of a struggle to sit down and write since I get easily distracted, but it's still a thing that needs to be done! I am just happy to finally see progress and I can share a bit with you guys!

Warm up of the day! I'm a bit slow on updates lately due to work, but work is still getting done don't you all worry guy...

Warm up of the day! I'm a bit slow on updates lately due to work, but work is still getting done don't you all worry guys!

It's at moments like this that it shocks me that I have been working for a long time on that project when the difference...

It's at moments like this that it shocks me that I have been working for a long time on that project when the difference in the artstyle is this painfully obvious.. Man, that design came up to me back in 2018. It's crazy to see how much my artstyle improved in only 3 years!

A small WIP of a current work in progress! Doing some concept art and it'll be a piece to study/practice light source an...

A small WIP of a current work in progress! Doing some concept art and it'll be a piece to study/practice light source and whatnot. Pretty happy with how it looks so far!

Finally the page cover is done! A lot of work is being put into the making of this webcomic. It's hard doing everything ...

Finally the page cover is done! A lot of work is being put into the making of this webcomic. It's hard doing everything all by yourself lol. But I am very happy with how everything is turning out to be! And I can finally say that some big updates are coming soon with this project! It's not ready yet to be revealed to the public, but I am pretty sure you guys will like it! And one of the most recurrent question I am having lately is:

When is your webcomic going to be published online?

Well, my lovely dumplings, the answer is this: I don't have an official date. There's a LOT of work and planning to do. There was also a lot of things that needed a good polish. But with how everything is going now, I can say that I am aiming by the end of 2021 to have the first 10 chapters ready to be published.



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