Planted Tree

Planted Tree An Oriental Message to the Western World

The churches that began to engage with the world, in order to find solutions to modern and rapid developments, to meet h...

The churches that began to engage with the world, in order to find solutions to modern and rapid developments, to meet halfway with it in partial solutions, were swallowed by society!

Father Bishoy Kamel
December 6, 1931 - March 21, 1979

The pinnacle of virtue in the life of the Golden Pope!As we commemorate the passing of our esteemed patriarch, Pope Shen...

The pinnacle of virtue in the life of the Golden Pope!

As we commemorate the passing of our esteemed patriarch, Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria, the 117th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark - 3 August 1923 – 17 March 2012, we reflect on the years of his papacy, where his holiness served as a guiding light for generations. H.H. was a revered scholar of Holy Scripture, a devoted follower of church teachings, a meticulous theologian, a gifted poet, an eloquent speaker, a steadfast shepherd, and a fearless defender of truth. With his sharp intellect, encyclopedic knowledge, and unwavering commitment, H.H. stood as a beacon of pride for Coptic monasticism in the twentieth century.

Pope Shenouda III, possessed a profound foresight regarding the future of the Coptic Church, alongside an awe-inspiring presence that commanded respect from presidents and high-ranking officials. Yet, H.H. also displayed unparalleled tenderness and compassion towards the needy, the weak, and the humble, embodying the role of a gentle and caring father.

Every year on this day, we recall and reiterate all these aspects. Yet, some among us overlook his paramount virtue: his fervent zeal for safeguarding the true faith. H.H. faithfully transmitted the teachings of the Church as H.H. received them, standing firm against any attempt at false unity devoid of orthodoxy. Pope Shenouda confronted deceptive teachers and theologians, exposed impostors disguising themselves as believers, excommunicated those who strayed from the orthodox doctrine, severed ties with fallen churches condoning sin. All this while, remained steadfast against local and global pressures seeking to compromise the integrity of the Orthodox faith.

In addition to this, H.H. bequeathed to us a remarkable legacy to expand upon, devoting his writings, sermons, and lectures to addressing both longstanding and emerging heresies. Among his pivotal works in this realm are 'Nature Of Christ,' 'Comparative Theology,' 'Salvation In Orthodox Concept,' 'Heresy Of Salvation In Moment,' 'Priesthood,' 'Purgatory,' 'New Heresies,' along with other essential texts for ecclesiastical instruction.

That's why authentic reverence for Pope Shenouda transcends mere admiration for his miracle, entertaining anecdotes, or witty remarks, or even recounting personal experiences and composing tributes. Because, while these gestures are valued and deserving of recognition, they lose significance if they are tainted by a departure from the steadfast faith in the church that the revered teacher upheld throughout his lifetime.

Those sincere disciples will refrain from disseminating or endorsing, whether knowingly or inadvertently, the heresies refuted by Pope in his final work, 'New Heresies,' and in his lectures at the Clerical College—the very concepts addressed by his esteemed predecessor, Pope Cyril VI, in his pastoral letters to the church's faithful.

We earnestly pray that this message reaches every shepherd and servant within our cherished Coptic Orthodox Church, as well as in all our beloved sister Orthodox churches, urging them to safeguard the true faith, for the time is imminent!

Join us as we explore the straight path to eternal life. Follow our page.

The Apostle Paul censures, rebukes, and blames any who are sorrowful at the death of their dear ones. “We will not,” he ...

The Apostle Paul censures, rebukes, and blames any who are sorrowful at the death of their dear ones. “We will not,” he says, “have you ignorant, brethren, concerning them that are asleep, that you be not sorrowful, even as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again; even so them who have slept through Jesus, will God bring with him” (1 Thess. 4:13). He says that they are sorrowful at the death of their dear ones who have no hope. But we who live in hope and believe in God and have faith that Christ suffered for us and rose again, abiding in Christ and rising again through Him and in Him, why are we ourselves either unwilling to depart hence from this world, or why do we mourn and grieve for our departing ones as if they were lost, since Christ our Lord and our God himself admonishes us and says: “I am the resurrection: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live: And everyone that liveth and believeth in me, shall not die forever” (John 11:25)?

Martyr St. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage (+258)

If any man says that new-born children need not be baptized, or that they should indeed be baptized for the remission of...

If any man says that new-born children need not be baptized, or that they should indeed be baptized for the remission of sins, but that they have in them no original sin inherited from Adam which must be washed away in the bath of regeneration, so that in their case the formula of baptism ‘for the remission of sins’ must not be taken literally, but figuratively, let him be anathema; because, according to Rom. V. 12, the sin of Adam has passed upon all.

Council of Carthage (+ 419)

"Live in the world, but do not allow the world to live in you. You can own what is material, but do not allow it to own ...

"Live in the world, but do not allow the world to live in you. You can own what is material, but do not allow it to own you"

Pope Shenouda III

God allows pain for our goodJust as a ship tossed by the waves of storm will be dashed to pieces unless it has an experi...

God allows pain for our good

Just as a ship tossed by the waves of storm will be dashed to pieces unless it has an experienced captain at the helm, so anyone who is in difficulties will find their spirit broken and their hope of salvation dashed unless they are guided by the teaching of the Lord. And so if any of you find yourselves in difficulties I suggest you listen to me as I offer you, to the best of my abilities, the consolation that comes from the scriptures.

Whatever your problems, you may be crippled and oppressed by poverty, or have lost your worldly position and been reduced to an ignominious life, disease may be sapping the strength of your body, you may have lost your children and friends, the troubles of the world may weigh down upon your mind and heart, your body and limbs may be covered with leprous sores, you may be shunned by the great majority of people - yet you must not allow yourself to be broken by such terrible afflictions but must seek inner peace in the teaching of God where you will find consolation for everything that oppresses you. If you can learn from the teaching of the Lord then, just as a good captain can steer his ship into the calm of the port, you will find yourself guided to the calm of inner peace.

You must not, my friends, think that it is out of hatred for us that God sends such punishments; rather it is in order that his love may be displayed through our just actions. The Lord himself, speaking through Solomon, says in Proverbs: ‘My children, do not fall away from your adherence to the Lord because he has corrected you, for this correction is a sign that he loves you’. A parent will not hesitate to punish an erring child he or she loves most dearly, and a teacher will often strike a pupil in order to improve his or her behaviour.

Saint Basil the Great

How great is faith?! The importance of faith is clearly seen in the apostle's words about the Lord, “But without faith i...

How great is faith?!

The importance of faith is clearly seen in the apostle's words about the Lord, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him” (Heb. 11:6).

The importance of faith also shows in the apostle's description as one of the three great virtues “faith, hope and love” (1 Cor. 13:13) and the life of righteousness “Now the just shall live by faith” (Heb. 10:38).

Faith is the beginning of the road which leads to God, for how can you be united with God and God in you, to walk with Him and keep His commandments, if first, you do not believe in His existence, His divinity or in His book the Bible and all that it contains?

Thus, faith is the beginning of the road to God and an elementary necessity for salvation according to the Lord Himself “He who believes and is baptised will be saved” (Mark 16:16). “That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already” (John 3:18). He also reprimanded the Jews by saying, “You will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He” (John 8:24).

Salvation is available to every one through the blood of our Lord Jesus, but it can not save without faith. As St. Paul and Silas said to the Jail keeper “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household” (Acts 16:31).

Through this faith, the gospels were written and preached by the apostles.

John, the evangelist inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31).

Faith is the beginning of a life with God. Faith is also our companion throughout our lives, and the importance of faith in its relationship with righteousness.

Thus spoke the apostle about righteousness that was credited to faith “By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith” (Heb. 11:7). And about faith that was credited to righteousness, “And it was credited to him as righteousness” (James 2:23), The Bible also speaks of justification by faith, “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom.5:1).

Faith is a necessity to miracles and their acceptance. How great is our Lord's saying to the blind man of Jericho when He said, “Your faith has healed you” (Luke 18:42, Mark 10:52). And His saying to the man with leprosy, “Your faith has made you well” (Luke 17:19). To the sick woman He said, “Take heart daughter, your faith has healed you” (Matt. 9:22). When He heard the two blind men shouting “Have mercy on us, Son of David“ (Matt. 9:29), He said to them, “According to your faith will it be done to you” and their sight was restored.

On the other hand, we see the Lord in His home town that “He did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith” (Matt. 13:58).

The power of God can do miracles for you, but it awaits your faith. He will grant you according to your faith. For this reason, miracles happen to some and not to others although the power of God is the same.

What about he, who is weak in faith? He has to pray as did the boy's father who said, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). Here we see that God performs miracles in general according to faith, but on other occasions, He performs miracle that we may believe. In both cases faith is coupled with the miracle, either it comes before or is caused of it.

Faith, regardless of type, is a source of power.

It is sufficient that a person believes in an idea, so you see him working with Christ's power to carry it through. Faith gives him perseverance, might and courage which he would not have otherwise.

Thus, where there is faith there is power. A prayer in faith is a strong prayer. He who believes in prayer and its effect prays with warmth, assurance and power. A sermon preached by a person who believes in every word, makes a strong sermon, and through it, his faith is transmitted to the hearts of his listeners.

The importance of faith lies in its association with many virtues. The fruits of faith are strength, peace, courage, tranquillity and restfulness. Its fruits are a life of purity and righteousness, a life of submission and devotion to God, a life of prayer and many other virtues.

A few questions then come into mind:

-What is faith?

-What is faith, the basis of salvation and redemption?

-What is faith, the basis of all these virtues?

-What is faith, the basis of miracles and God’s words who said,

“Everything is possible for him who believes” (Mark 9:23)?

Pope Shenouda III

Christ Has Paid Our Penalty"He paid our penalty for us. Even though he who suffered was only one, he was above all creat...

Christ Has Paid Our Penalty

"He paid our penalty for us. Even though he who suffered was only one, he was above all creation as God and worth more than the life of all. That is why, as the psalmist says, “all lawlessness stopped its mouth,”(Ps 106:42 LXX) and the tongue of sin is silenced, as it were, because it no longer has anything to say against sinners. That is because we are justified, since Christ has paid our penalty. “By his stripes we are healed,” as it is written. Just as by the tree, the sin of our falling away was brought to completion, so also by the tree, our return to our original state was brought about along with the thrice-longed-for reception of heavenly blessings"

Cyril of Alexandria

The Reception of the Holy MysteriesThe Church in the world is like a scribe to men; and she teaches and makes them wise,...

The Reception of the Holy Mysteries

The Church in the world is like a scribe to men; and she teaches and makes them wise, and binds up the sores of all who come to her. And from her teaching the soul draws light, that she may overcome the darkness of death when it meets her.

Come, enter, ye foolish, that were stained with lusts, and furbish your lives with the doctrine of the daughter of lights. Be not impatient to be gone from the supper which the bride of the whole world has made, that we should delight therein.

Go not forth as soon as the consecration is (begun) in the sanctuary; for thou art a son of the household, not a stranger, that thou shouldst depart. When thou hearest: "Whoso has not received the sign, let him depart"; do not thou depart, who art signed, yea, and brought near. Be thou one of the household at the hour of these Mysteries; do not thou get up and go forth and become as one of the externs.

Thou art signed with the sign, thou art stamped with the stamp, among the brethren thou art written: why shouldst thou go forth with the unsigned, as one that cometh short? "Him who is not baptised " the priest drives out when he is about to consecrate, not thee does he drive out, who art one baptized in (lit., "of") the Divinity. Baptism, daughter of lights, is the King's sign, and thou hast put on the great sign: why shouldst thou go forth? With the oil they have signed thee, with the cross of light thy face is signed: it is to " him that is not signed " as thou art signed that they say, "Let him go forth."

Saint Jacob of Serug

Life of Faith!Faith is not merely adopting a set of beliefs that you may say in the “Creed”, but a way of life or adhere...

Life of Faith!

Faith is not merely adopting a set of beliefs that you may say in the “Creed”, but a way of life or adherence to that which leads to life.

To what benefit is believing in God without having a relationship with him, obeying and loving Him?

In addition, what is the benefit of believing in eternity and in life after death if one does not prepare for it by repentance, spiritual vigil, and loving God?

And to what benefit is believing in virtues if one does not live them? Therefore there is a big difference between theoretical faith which does not save the soul, and practical faith, the fruits of which are evident in one's life.

This book was written to explain to you the meaning of faith, its stages and types and its importance in our lives and its greatness.

St. Paul wrote, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves” (2 Cor. 13:5).

Not everyone who says he believes has faith, but is measured according to God's saying “You will know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:16).

There are those who claim to have faith, but have neither the heart nor the life of a believer. So what then is the life of a believer?

The life of faith is linked with peace, tranquillity and lack of fear, for when you become afraid, then the Lord will say to you “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matt. 14:31).

The life of a believer is also associated with purity of behaviour, for the believer feels the presence of God, who sees, hears and records all that he does. For this reason the believer feels ashamed and afraid of wrong doing in front of God.

The life of a believer is a life of submission to the will of God, Having faith that God is the maker of all things, and all that He permits to happen is for our own good. In this way, God’s children live in peace, happiness and satisfaction with all that God grants them.

The life of faith does not believe anything is impossible for the Lord, who said, “All things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23).

Therefore the believer does not quiver in times of distress, but believes wholeheartedly that God has many solutions, and will interfere to fulfil His will.

The believer does not enter into an argument with God about His doing, but accepts all things and confidence in God's wisdom and love.

The believer concentrates on the unseen than the visible things, “For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18).

The heroes of faith are not only those who defended their faith, but also those who lived a fruitful life of faith that worked in love.

Pope Shenouda III



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