The Keyes Report

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The Keyes Report Positive news reports and real facts not found in the main stream media!


The Media needs to stop referring to polls regarding Biden’s age….there are plenty of people in this country between 82 and 86 that have full cognitive abilities!

The number of 80 year old people in the U.S. was 4,000 in 1971, today it’s close to 14,000. Many of these individuals have full cognitive functionality.

74% of registered voters don’t disagree with him for his age!
Their common sense is telling them that he is not nearly qualified based on visibly witnessing his severely declined cognitive abilities! And, we are only seeing his symptoms when he is in public, imagine what he is like all the time?

In the 2017 the number of flu related deaths in the U.S. was 52,000.
Last years flu season U.S. death total was 19,000.
COVID is just another strand of influenza….just like all the other strands for 100’s of years!

If you have flu symptoms stay home for 2 or 3 days and relax.
If you are elderly and higher risk, see your medical professional!

COVID testing is a huge waste of resources……let’s all assume that until a new killer strand comes along that all flu cases are from China for now!

This is the Keyes Report and I am Terry Keyes.
Feel free to share with other common sense thinkers.


The Judge orders the POTUS son to " Get a job. Stay off drugs. and You can not own a firearm!"
You cant make this s**t up!

Meanwhile ....Trump faces 3 indictments and settled another lawsuit with a pr******te!

We may want to do a better job of selecting our Presidential candidates in the future?

All the while Putin and China laugh!

Today is June 1st and it is now irrefutable that Sleepy Joe is the worst President in US history.

Today is June 1st and it is now irrefutable that Sleepy Joe is the worst President in US history.

Biden massive failure list grows … U.S. President has failed at so many government and leadership issues ….and he’s ...

Biden massive failure list grows … U.S. President has failed at so many government and leadership issues ….and he’s done all this in just 7 months….

Afghanistan…….government overthrown by terrorist and U.S. Embassy gone.
Iran…….left alone to build nuclear weapons and fund terrorism all over the Middle East. All U.S. sanctions removed.
China… restrictions removed….allowing massive trade imbalance.

Pipelines construction shut down….thousands of jobs lost
Gas prices skyrocketing….30% increase in last 180 days.

Illegal entry at Mexico border over 200,000 per month now and growing even as temperatures 110 degrees are at summer highs.
No COVID testing as 50,000 COVID positives enter monthly. (While requiring many legal citizens to vaccinate?)

Consumer prices increasing rapidly as inflation grows.
Auto industry ruined ….no new car inventory causing prices to increase over 20% or even more on some models.
Business struggling to hire as government continues to encourage unemployment..
Eviction moratorium extended as property owners struggle…..renters skate free!

Voter Fraud
Allowed to continue as administration claims that rural and impoverished citizens can’t afford ID and don’t have access to copiers? ( We can give them $300/ week……but we can’t buy them an ID and send out copier services?)

All of this….while Biden stays on vacation at Camp David receiving memory therapy sessions….all paid for by you my friends.

Please feel free to respond and share adding even more..

Biden presidency sets new records…..1. 4000% increase in Fentanyl seizures at the Mexico border…and that’s just what the...

Biden presidency sets new records…..

1. 4000% increase in Fentanyl seizures at the Mexico border…and that’s just what the Border Patrol caught…imagine how much got through?

2. US national average price per gallon of gasoline hits $3.17, highest price since 7 years ago during the Hussein Obama adiministration.

Pelosi sets new medical record…

Nancy holds the world record for the most facial plastic surgeries in one persons lifetime!


There are 330 million peeps in the USA…..and 265 million peeps have received at least 1 dose of the Chinese Flu Vaccine! ( 80% )
Everywhere in this country you can walk in and get vaccinated with out an appointment…same day!
This means that in just 3 weeks maximum…..anyone that wanted to get vaccinated fully, will have done so.

It’s time to open every business, restaurant, stadium and all venues 100%!
Grocery stores need to go mask optional July 1st.

I am here today claiming Saturday July 31st 2021 as “National Mask Burning Day!”
All American Patriots are asked to sponsor or attend large gatherings(parties) on this day to burn every mask you own.
F**k Dr. Fauci, the masks will not become seasonal for future flu seasons….he’s an idiot!

So, go forth my fellow citizens (and illegal immigrants) and begin plans for your gatherings….I encourage photos from all be posted on social media following this great day in America.

I am Terry W. Keyes…”Burn mask burn!”


There’s a problem with the vaccination numbers being reported..

They’re reporting that only 60% of US has received at least the 1st dose……They are also reporting that 237 million have received first dose or fully. Those numbers don’t match up.

Here’s the math!
There are 330 million peeps in US.
18% of US are under 16 and not able to vaccinate so that’s 55 million…
So only 275 million are eligible ……
33 million have had China Flu and have antibodies..
So only 242 million really need the shot now.

If 242 million really need it and 237 have it …that’s 97%
If you just take the 237 million already vaccinated as a percent of total 330 million population that’s still 72%.

So if the CDC can’t do simple math ….how do we know how many have really been vaccinated..

That’s your government at work for you!

Biden said in address to the nation…
“We the people means the government”
He wants to control all y’all from “Cradle to Grave”


I am Terry W. Keyes…”God help us all!”


Kamala Harris chose to wear a black mask instead of an American flag mask at Biden address speech.

Masks are falling off faces all across America. Wether the liberal politicians agree or not, this country has stopped listening to the inconsistent mixed messages regarding the
“mask rules”. More and more businesses are ignoring these rules and have adopted, “enter at your own risk policies”. I encourage everyone to start planning mask burning parties to celebrate “National mask burning day” sometime in July, actual date to be announced shortly.

Labor force has shrunk dramatically everywhere.
Due to the government’s pandemic unemployment benefits, which are the equivalent of a $40,000/year salary, nobody wants to go back to work! Restaurants and other businesses are forced to limit there open hours due to the lack of employee’s, and are still suffering financially.

Cancel Culture cancelling itself. Even liberals are now denouncing the idiotic idea that was proposed by the radical left. They’ve had some really stupid ideas in the past……but this one may top then all!
Cancel the history of the greatest nation ever?….Really?
“Stupid is as stupid does.”

6,000,000,000,000….that is what 6 trillion looks like!
In just his first 100 days, Biden has proposed the largest spend in US history.
And the best part….needles and alcohol for San Francisco homeless are considered “infrastructure”!

I am Terry W. Keyes….”That’s the truth”!


Nearly half of all U.S. that plans to vaccinate have received at least their first dose.
It’s estimated that approximately 250 million will vaccinate by Memorial Day with over 120 million already shot in the arm.

Signs of China Flu fatigue are increasing all over the nation.
Florida running national ad campaign to come visit.
Restaurants opening 100 % capacity regardless of state orders.
In person business meetings with masks optional.
Airlines adding routes back.
Governor’s being impeached and recalled!
Failed politicians disregarding the mask requirement on flights.

You can send media camera crews into live military conflicts around the world....but they are not aloud into border patrol housing facilities? WTF?

US government has no plans to penalize China for failing to report the flu outbreak from their country?WTF?

Finally,.....81 million low IQ libtards every day now asking themselves, “what the f..k did we do”?

The Keyes Report.....”What the world needs common sense”!


With J&J vaccine approval, single dose, they can have 100 million vaccinated by June. Add Pfizer and Moderna shipments of 1.5 million per day currently and that’s another 130 million by June. Already 70 million US peeps have been vaccinated.

That means 300 million vaccinations before summer. 330 million US people and survey says that over 20% of US says that they will not vaccinate.

Simple Math ...more than every desiring US citizen will be vaccinated by mid May! I’m assuming that you’re vaccinated after 1st dose.

Herd immunity already happening means that the risk of getting the Flu from China is already dropping daily and every business, every stadium, and every school should be open immediately in every state!

With 2 million signatures now gathered in California, Mr. As***le Newsom will be recalled in a special election to be held in early October.

Why do we do any business with China, let alone trillions of dollars of trade?

I am Terry W. Keyes.....”You can’t fix stupid!”


How can they claim the first female VP?.......They don’t recognize gender...and we don’t know if it is a female?

Sleepy Joe woke up long enough to:
Eliminate the Keystone pipeline jobs.
Eliminate thousands of border wall jobs.
Raise the price of Insulin ten fold.
Give 11 million illegals citizenship.
Fund Iran’s support of terrorism.
Increase gas prices.
Stab the unions in the back after they voted for him.
Visit the Lincoln Memorial without wearing his mandated mask.

California now has the signatures to recall the worse governor in state history(and we have had some bad ones).
Recall election to happen in late July!

Trump said to lower his golf scores dramatically over the next 30 days.

Biden considering his son Hunter for Director of Alcohol To***co and Fi****ms!


USA Chinese Flu Hospitalizations currently.

Of 330 million peeps, 101,000 in the hospital with China Flu today(.033%), of which only 19,950 are in ICU (.006%).

As***le Newsom issues Southern California Stay at Home order effective at midnight today for 23 million peeps.
Last CA lockdown started in March with less than 900 flu the end of the lockdown there were over 8,000 flu hospitalized....that worked so now he’s decided to try same thing again!
INSANITY......doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result?

While Biden asks that all of America wear a mask for 100 days from his inauguration...thru the end of April,...because it’s worked so well for the last 260 days?

These are the geniuses running our governments...

Most SoCal county sheriffs have announced that they will not enforce the order.

The Keyes Report..I am Terry W. Keyes

HYPOCRITES Government officials and politicians are defying their own rules nationwide.Reports everywhere this week of o...


Government officials and politicians are defying their own rules nationwide.

Reports everywhere this week of officials breaking their own rules:
Gov. Newsom attends restaurant party with 6 couples from different households with none wearing a mask.
50 legislators (politicians) from multiple states attended a conference traveling to Maui...despite their states advisory not to travel....paid for by taxpayers.

Sheriffs all over NY proclaim they will not enforce Cuomo’s ban on family gatherings for Thanksgiving..

With China Flu positive test rates rising, the CDC data shows no significant increase in either hospitalization or death rates....despite what NBC reports.

The graph attached shows the green line and the gray line well below the highest rates earlier this year.

Vaccines from 2 companies are scheduled to deliver to 40 million in US before years end after FDA approval next week.

The Sky is not falling my friends.

The Keyes Report....I am Terry W. Keyes


China Flu update week 45:

More testing every month and more positive surprise there?

Great news again today.. the most positive tests ever, ...over 130k ....and still only 745 deaths yesterday compared to 1700/day in April.

Great inspirational speech from our president elect yesterday...”...we are all in for a very dark winter this year”.....

Fact’s going to be a great winter:

Chinese flu hospitalizations are not even close to April/May highest levels.
Daily Chinese flu deaths are very slowly going down every month.
The high risk peeps know well enough now to protect themselves while entire states have gone back to business.

Home sales are skyrocketing and interest rates are at the all time lowest.
Gasoline prices at 2-3 dollars nationwide.

And the Buffalo Bills are killing it!!

I am Terry Keyes...”Stay positive America and try not to watch the lame stream media.”


I don’t care if you’re Republican,Democrat, Independent, Facist, or LGBTQ........

We need to open America....

Small businesses are dying..
What good is another $1200 if you can’t go out and spend it everywhere.

Florida, Texas and many other states are open for business, with no increase in hospitalization and ChinaFlu deaths are decreasing every month since July!

It doesn’t matter how many people test positive!!!!
Young college students don’t even get symptoms when positive.
We have therapeutics.
We can continue to quarantine all that are high risk.
Trump age 74 recovered in 3 days....

Where the f..k is the common sense?..

I am Terry W. Keyes...and the China Flu deaths continue to decrease as planned!

There is no increase in US COVID hospitalizations....The daily China Flu death average dropped over 25% in September ove...

There is no increase in US COVID hospitalizations....

The daily China Flu death average dropped over 25% in September over August,.....and continues to drop in October.

30 weeks of data from CDC



The presidential election is decided in only 8 states.

October 2016:
Clinton led by over 10 points in national polls.
Believe it or not,
Clinton had a larger lead in the 8 battleground states than Biden currently has in those same states.

October 2020:
Trump within the margin of error in only 2 swing states with all polls polling larger number of democrats than republicans.

Disregard the media, the following states are the only states that will select the next president.....if you live in any other state .....I still encourage you to vote ...especially states with close congressional and senate seats up for grabs.

Florida (29 electoral votes) Biden plus 3points
Pennsylvania (20). Biden plus 9
Ohio (18). Even
Michigan (16) Biden plus 8
North Carolina (15) Biden plus 7
Arizona (11). Biden plus 4
Minnesota (10). Biden plus 7
Wisconsin (10). Biden plus 5

Remember these poll numbers when you see the actual results in each of these states.....

You will never get this information from the was never discussed after the last election.

I am Terry W. Keyes....


CDC reverses another statement on Chinese Flu...
They posted that Covid is spread by small droplet nuclei(aerosol)....then reversed, ....pulling the statement...
Which is it?………they have no clue...
Then they say Trick or Treating advised..
Possibly the only agency run worse than the Veterans Administration!

Media reports that a State University in NY had 400 students test positive for Wuhan Flu.....Three days later they forgot to report that only 7 were symptomatic....

One week from today...The great debate will happen!
The successful businessman, with orange skin and no verbal or Twitter filter will face off against
The 47 year politician with stage 2 dementia who thinks that 61% (200,000,000) of US has,or had, China Flu...he only missed by 3 zeroes.....
You might want to record this one...

6 weeks from today, 8 US states (137 electoral votes)will determine who will serve as the next President.

I am Terry W. Keyes.....”This too shall pass”


Covid 19 death rate dropping dramatically half way through September!

The media is silent about the average daily China Flu deaths thru September 15. Total average US deaths now under 700/day(only 6% are solely Covid) ....lowest since China flew the flu here.

Great to see fans in the stands at College and NFL games in the states with good Governors!

Thanks to our founding fathers wisdom,...the states (not the US population as a whole) each pick their choice for president through the electoral college. This system ensures that massive amounts of people, who choose unemployment and welfare instead of supporting themselves, can’t elect politicians that will continue supporting them in exchange for their vote.

The current US demographic populations are such that only 12 states decide who the next President will be.....don’t pay any attention to national polls...they actually have nothing to do with who the next president will be.

In the next days and weeks I will go though each state that matters and provide factual data never discussed in the national media.

If you live in a swing state, must vote....your presidential vote really counts.

I am Terry W. Keyes and I approve of this message.


Nancy Pelosi violated SF city ordinance and enters closed salon, then proceeds to walk about the salon employees with no mask.....she needs to apologize to the nation and then step down from congress!

Never in US history has a presidential candidate refused to do interviews. Extremely strange.

Dr. Fauci enjoying his last 2 months at the National Institutes of Health....Trump to ask for his resignation on November 4.

San Diego county mandates all Salons, Barbershop, Gyms, and Restaurants require all customers to sign in with name and phone #.....this should prove interesting...
In a few days I’ll post a picture of a list from a local restaurant...stay tuned for the results of another politicians stupidity.

I am Terry W. Keyes.....”Please stay seated with your seatbelt fastened for the remainder of 2020.”


CDC finally proves us right .........and the fake news Media wrong again.

I have been reporting for months.....that more than 90% of all reported China flu deaths we’re actually causes other than Covid 19.

Through the first 8 months of 2020 the US annualized total deaths from all causes (including Covid) is less than any of the previous 10 years. Less than 3 million total deaths this year from All Causes...lowest in a decade ....and politicians shut the country down?

94% of all so called Covid deaths would have died anyways.
Think what the US government could have done with all that money that was paid for Covid deaths in error.
Cancer research?
Heart research?

How the hell is a restaurant supposed to survive at 25% capacity?..that’s like saying you can only have 1/4 tank of gas, when it takes a full tank to get where you’re going!
Newsom has to be the dumbest governor ever?

I will no longer be reporting that the US China flu death rate continues to we now have been confirmed by the CDC.....US citizens are actually dying from exiting co- morbid conditions, not Covid.

Starting next week I will be focusing on the presidential election...and providing facts that the media will not tell you.

The China flu was killed 9600 people, not 180,000.
If you have co morbid illness please quarantine yourself....everyone else....go about your business.

I am Terry W. Keyes...”Wow...really?”


Chinese Flu update:

There are no new fake “hotspots” in the US.
The number of daily positive cases has been dropping since July.
Total US deaths daily average continues to decline weekly.

United Airlines can fly from LA to NY with every seat filled(152) on a 737.
You can go to a grocery store with people touching items and squeezing avocados and replacing everything to the shelves.

But you can’t go to church and sit 6 feet apart in CA.
You can’t sit 6 feet apart inside an air conditioned restaurant in CA with record heat and humidity outside.
You can’t go to a Hair Salon with less than 10 people all six feet apart.

CA governor tells restaurants, churches, and salons to plan on reopening December 1......reason is, ......they don’t want to do it on November would be too conspicuous and obvious!

I am Terry W. Keyes....”Libtards will always be libtards....don’t let them get you down!”

Despite the media’s daily attempts to make us all believe that the Chinese Flu is’s not!  The daily av...

Despite the media’s daily attempts to make us all believe that the Chinese Flu is’s not!

The daily average of China Flu deaths in the US remains the same since the death rate started dropping dramatically the week ending April 18. That was the date that the pandemic stopped growing in the US.
Since then the daily death rate as dropped from 2,400 down to about 1,000 per day.

With 35 days until fall, .......the flu that was sent from China seems to be slowly going away.

Column 1 is the date for the week ending.
Column 2 is all Covid deaths for previous week.
Column 3 is all US deaths..

An interesting fact from this CDC data:
Currently, the total US deaths ( all deaths), year to date is almost 10% less than 2019....including Covid!
Think about that?

12/08/2020 not listen to media reports today “Georgia hits a new single day record for Covid deaths”
The truth is.....many counties do not report over the weekend and release the information on Monday or Tuesday ....the 150 deaths reported in GA today is 4 days worth for many counties.

Deaths since the very first China Flu death,
CO .........11/day

Other than New York,....(The only real hot spot)
The number of Covid deaths has become directly proportionate to the population size in each in the end there really are no hot spots....just more people and more fake news.

So, should the media have reported today?

“With Georgia reporting several days worth of Covid deaths today,.....they continue to remain relatively low when compared to larger population states.”

That my friends ....”Is The real news”


Updated China Flu Facts:

The number of new US cases peaked on 7/25/20.
The US 7 day average new cases continues to decline weekly.
US Deaths currently at 49 per every 100,000.
US deaths peaked on 4/25/20....4 months ago.
Of the 160,000 US deaths, only 180 are under age 24.(.11%)
81% of all US deaths are over age 65.

MLB after 18 games , 3 flu hospitalizations and none dead.


I began tracking the Chinese Flu in early April.
I have logged new case, hospitalizations, deaths, percentages and ratios... I knew the media was misleading and spreading fear and I wanted actual facts and growth rates.

Now that we have 4 full months of data it’s very clear how and where this flu spread in America.

If you look back at the entire country the peak for hospitalizations and deaths was mid to late April. Hospitalizations mid and Deaths follow by 2 weeks. The peak for new cases was mid July and possibly currently....we will know in 2 or 3 weeks.

If you look back at just Florida, the peak for hospitalizations was July 21 and currently 15 % down from there.
And similar to the national numbers it looks like the peak for deaths in Florida will be August 1.

California new cases peaked July 27, hospitalizations peaked July 17, and deaths last week.

As of today, I will not be reporting new cases. With an extreme increase in new cases last month and the relative large drop in deaths, it’s now evident that new cases are irrelevant.

I will keep updating total US deaths as they decline,
and at some point begin focusing my report on facts about the election.

I know y’all can get the numbers, my goal has always been to interpret the data factually and relative to what really matters.

Who cares if we have 1/2 million new cases a day, if know one dies?
Only the media.

I am Terry W. Keyes....”What’s the difference between politicians and hypocrisy?”


China Flu deaths continue to decline every month.

From April thru July now, the average daily Chinese flu deaths have declined every month. August starting off on that same trend with an average of 712/day so far.

With the highly populated states CA, TX, and FL now experiencing the natural spread of the virus, the virus is either losing it’s potency or the medical community is treating it better.....probably both.

As these states near their peak over the next few days, it’s possible the US can start to put this massive inconvenience in the rear view mirror.

Analyze this:

State. Cases. Deaths.
NY 416,298. 32,710
CA. 512,175. 9,396
FL. 491,884. 7,157
TX. 448,245. 6,878


If the US government announced today......every person (including illegal residents) that has a black eye .... gets $10,000 ....millions of people would start punching each other in the face!....

As long as hospitals and testing facilities get paid for Covid deaths and testing .....there will be Covid cases....lots of them.

USA death rate history lesson:

1950 US death rate was 9.6 per every 1,000people.
2008 US death rate was 8.12
2019 US death rate was 8.78
2020 US death rate as of July 1.....8.88

US death rate has been rising for the last 12 years at an equal to or greater pace than Covid 2020 already...

Statistically, people over age 80 with co-morbid conditions have a month to month life expectancy...
Take those people away from the Covid death list, there would be no news....

The Chinese flu is real...
Last years flu was real ....but nobody got paid extra to label it a political weapon.
Cancer deaths are real...nobody gets paid extra
Heart failure deaths are real...nobody gets paid .
Automobile deaths are real...why not take all our cars away?

The death rate for positive tested peeps today less than half of the April rate...

Don’t pay attention to the daily numbers....

Average daily Chinese flu deaths
April 2,000 per day
July 1,000 per day




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