The Media needs to stop referring to polls regarding Biden’s age….there are plenty of people in this country between 82 and 86 that have full cognitive abilities!
The number of 80 year old people in the U.S. was 4,000 in 1971, today it’s close to 14,000. Many of these individuals have full cognitive functionality.
74% of registered voters don’t disagree with him for his age!
Their common sense is telling them that he is not nearly qualified based on visibly witnessing his severely declined cognitive abilities! And, we are only seeing his symptoms when he is in public, imagine what he is like all the time?
In the 2017 the number of flu related deaths in the U.S. was 52,000.
Last years flu season U.S. death total was 19,000.
COVID is just another strand of influenza….just like all the other strands for 100’s of years!
If you have flu symptoms stay home for 2 or 3 days and relax.
If you are elderly and higher risk, see your medical professional!
COVID testing is a huge waste of resources……let’s all assume that until a new killer strand comes along that all flu cases are from China for now!
This is the Keyes Report and I am Terry Keyes.
Feel free to share with other common sense thinkers.