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Snippets from the media showing the rotten state of the Transgenderreich bullies, the supine cowardice of companies, the nightmare police force that is the Met, and the efforts to erase women from life.

You’ve met the devil, Met officer told woman he r***d and kidnappedScotland Yard failed to sack an officer who breached ...

You’ve met the devil, Met officer told woman he r***d and kidnapped

Scotland Yard failed to sack an officer who breached a non-molestation order and then went on to r**e and kidnap a woman at knifepoint.
Cliff Mitchell, 24, of Putney, southwest London, r***d the victim at least four times and cable tied her wrists at a property in south London on September 5 last year.
He threatened to slit her throat before telling her, “You’ve met the devil.” He then forced her and another person into his white Audi and warned her he would “kill her in front of everyone” if she tried to run. He claimed he “knew how to dispose of bodies from his knowledge gained as a police officer”.
CCTV captured the moment the “distraught and scared” woman fled the car, begging motorists for help.
Catherine Farrelly, for the prosecution, said the incident was the “culmination of years of s*xual abuse”, telling a jury: “He [Mitchell] would use the fact that he was a police officer to intimidate her, saying that no one would believe her if she were to report what had been happening.”
Croydon crown court was told that the woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, applied for a non-molestation order (NMO) against Mitchell on July 20, 2023. Once granted, courts will notify a local police force so they can take action if an order is breached.
The Metropolitan Police received the NMO but said it “made no mention of Mitchell being a police officer”. The force did not make any checks and Mitchell, who was attached to the unit covering the boroughs of Ealing, Hillingdon and Hounslow, was not sanctioned or removed from frontline duties.
Mitchell denied the woman’s claims but a jury found him guilty of seven r**es against the woman, one kidnap charge and breaching the NMO.
He was also convicted of six further r**es, including three of ra**ng a child under 13, between 2014 and 2017. The victim, who also cannot be named, described feeling “empty and numb” after the attacks, which Mitchell denied. He will be sentenced for all 15 offences on May 1.
The Met said it has since revised its policy and guidance, telling The Times: “Checks are now completed on every NMO at the point we receive it, meaning that any relevant matters — such as the individual being included on a previous police report — would be raised. Subject details are also checked to ascertain if they are a Met police officer or member of police staff.”
At present, three serving officers are subject to NMOs and all were already known to the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards, responsible for investigating complaints about officers’ conduct. Mitchell was dismissed for breaching his NMO at an accelerated misconduct hearing on December 7.
Stuart Cundy, deputy assistant Commissioner at the Met, said: “This is a truly shocking case and I am sickened by Mitchell’s abhorrent behaviour and the pain he has caused the victims, who have shown enormous bravery by coming forward and giving evidence in court. It is down to their courage that he has been convicted and faces a significant custodial sentence.
“Mitchell not only carried out a sustained campaign of abuse against both of his victims, but he told one of them she would never be believed due to the fact he was a police officer. This brazen abuse of power makes Mitchell’s actions all the more deplorable.
“I know this is another case which will impact the confidence people have in us. We are doing more than we have done in decades to rid the Met of those who corrupt our integrity.”
Mitchell was located hours after the knifepoint abduction when officers flagged down his car in Putney. Days later officers searched the home of Mitchell’s uncle to find his bag and mobile phone. Mitchell’s father was also present.
Farrelly told the jury: “The defendant’s father went into one of the bedrooms and began tidying some items into a plastic bag. One of the officers asked if he could check the bag and found within it a plastic bag containing cable ties, similar to those used around [the victim’s] wrists.” Officers seized the bag. Mitchell’s phone has never been found.
During the trial it emerged that Mitchell was questioned by Met detectives in 2017 after a child reported a string of r**es. Mitchell was arrested and bailed pending further inquiries. It was suggested that detectives did not understand the medical evidence and initially “decided not to refer the case to the Crown Prosecution Service” for a charging decision. In August 2019 Mitchell was told no further action would be taken. He joined the Met in August 2021, the court was told.
After Mitchell was charged in September last year, the 2017 case was re-investigated by the force’s domestic abuse and s*xual offences unit.
The Met said: “Due to the strength of the 2017 and 2023 cases being considered together, a file was passed to the CPS in December 2023, who agreed to charge Mitchell. Over recent years, we have transformed the way we investigate r**e and s*xual offences. A key part of this is putting victim-survivors at the heart of everything we do, and putting a greater focus on suspects and their behaviour.”

WOMAN JAILED FOR HELPING IN FEMALE GE***AL MUTILATION OF GIRL AGED 3The victim in the case appeared at the Old Bailey to...


The victim in the case appeared at the Old Bailey to plead for Amina Noor not to be jailed, saying she understood why the refugee agreed to the procedure

Amina Noor said that she did not want the girl to undergo the procedure but would have been disowned if she failed to agree

A Somali refugee who took a three-year-old British girl to Africa for female ge***al mutilation (FGM) was jailed for seven years despite the victim’s plea for mercy.

Amina Noor, 40, described being pressured by her own family to allow the barbaric procedure. She is the first person to be convicted of taking a child abroad for FGM.

The victim kept the mutilation secret for 13 years until confiding in her English teacher at a London secondary school. An examination by doctors at University College London in 2018 found the girl’s cl****is was completely removed.

The victim appeared at the Old Bailey to plead for Noor not to be jailed. She told the court Noor “is not wicked” and said she understood why the refugee agreed to the procedure. The university student added: “I know if I had been in her position with the failure of education and pressure from people she trusted, I would have done the same.”

Mr Justice Bryan, jailing Noor, said the case involves a “young woman whose life has been irrevocably impacted by your actions”. Noor, who was aged 22 at the time, claimed her own mother said she would be “cursed” if she failed to take part in the ritual.

She was born in Somalia but moved with her family to Mombasa in neighbouring Kenya aged eight after the outbreak of a civil war in which she saw an uncle murdered. Noor moved to the UK at the age of 16 to live with her elder brothers and married her first cousin at 17. She was granted refugee status in Britain in 2003 and was given citizenship two years later.

Noor told her trial last year that she did not want the girl to undergo the procedure but would have been disowned if she failed to agree. She said the “traditional” operation was carried out after pressure from her mother and initially claimed it was performed by a female doctor at a clinic. The girl “cried out” during the procedure but afterwards “was happy and able to run around and play”, she claimed.

“I didn’t know whether this was going to be something that is harming [the girl] but I did not want to allow it whatever it might be,” Noor told the court. “I was told I would be cursed if I refused.”

Nneka Akudolu KC, in mitigation, said Noor was unaware of the extent of the mutilation. “This repugnant practice is embedded in [her] culture and she has clearly imbibed that belief, wrongly, that she was doing what was necessary,” she said.

The barrister said it was only when Noor was carrying out research along with her husband during religious instruction in 2008 that she realised the procedure that she, her mother and grandmother all endured was wrong. Noor is now a mother of seven, with the youngest child aged two.

Her son Imraan Ahmed, 20, said his mother was still traumatised by her experiences in the civil war. He appealed to the judge on behalf of his family not to jail their mother as “she is the glue that binds us all together.”

FGM is widespread among the Somali community in east Africa. The United Nations estimates that 94 per cent of Somali women in Kenya undergo the procedure. FGM has been a criminal offence in the UK since 1985. The only other conviction under the FGM Act involved a mother, originally from Uganda, who was sentenced to 13 years in 2019 for cutting her three-year-old daughter in Walthamstow, East London.

The NHS recorded 800 new cases of FGM between April and June this year. Since April 2015 FGM has been identified in 34,450 women and girls.

Detective Superintendent Andy Furphy, whose team led the investigation, said: “We know FGM can be a taboo subject, which is rarely discussed within families and communities — we must build trust with those impacted so we can protect victims. It’s not our job to judge and we will always remain sensitive and respectful.

“I hope the sentence acts as a real deterrent to those who choose to harm children in this way.”

Furphy said there were hundreds of live investigations into FGM, while the Met has obtained 847 court orders protecting girls from mutilation.

The judge praised the victim for confiding in her teacher. He said: “It is to be hoped that her courage in doing so will inspire other women to do the same, so that the perpetrators of such vile practices are prosecuted, and such vile practices are deterred.



Scotland Yard is investigating an officer who was filmed telling a gospel singer she was not allowed to perform songs of worship ‘outside of church grounds’

Harmonie London was addressed by a police officer named in reports as Maya Hadzhipetkova

Scotland Yard has apologised to a Christian busker after a special constable told her she was “not allowed to sing church songs outside church grounds” before sticking out her tongue at her.

The police launched an investigation and reviewed more than 40 minutes of body-worn camera footage after an interaction between Harmonie London, a gospel singer who has almost 300,000 Instagram followers, and a volunteer officer named in reports as Maya Hadzhipetkova was published online.

In a video posted to the singer’s Instagram page, the officer is seen telling London: “No, Miss, you’re not allowed to sing church songs outside of church grounds, by the way.”

London responds by saying that she is allowed and the officer continues to insist that she cannot sing unless “you have been authorised by the church to do these kind of songs”.

London replies: “That’s a load of rubbish, you’re allowed.” The officer then walks away while another adds: “She’s not saying anything any more, thank you for your time.”

The singer continues: “Are you saying that you don’t care about the Human Rights Act?” She then accuses the officer of “laughing” — and the special constable sticks her tongue out at her camera as she films.

There is no law against singing on pavements, although Westminster council requires performers to hold a busking licence.

On Tuesday night the Metropolitan Police apologised to the singer and said the officer had been spoken to by her manager but had not been suspended.

A spokesman for the force said: “We’re aware of the significant social media commentary relating to this incident.

“The clip shows 30 seconds of a 43-minute conversation where the wider context is not immediately obvious.

“Unlicensed busking is an ongoing issue in Westminster and during the interaction, the officer and her colleagues explained the busking legislation a number of times.

“They clarified the breach was due to the busking itself, rather than anything to do with the songs being sung.

“The officer was mistaken in saying church songs cannot be sung outside of church grounds. We’re sorry for the offence caused and will take the learning forward.”

London said she was left upset by the exchange. She told the MailOnline: “I just felt very upset by the situation. It was quite humiliating. I felt downcast and sad. Even when I packed up she stood there saying ‘Are you going’?

“She didn’t even want me to stand on the pavement. She was bullying me. She was kind of laughing, kind of like ‘Hey, I’m in this powerful position’. It was very intimidating.

“I’m 20, I’m a quiet person. Although I sing, I don’t really like attention and that’s not the sort of attention I seek. I felt very humiliated and small. I felt like my human rights didn’t matter, especially when she was saying that ‘you can’t sing church music’.”

She also claimed the officer “threatened to take her equipment” and was “argumentative” in the exchange.

Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, told The Daily Telegraph: “One of my favourite things as I commute to work is to hear Harmonie’s beautiful worship.

“She blesses tens of thousands of people in the same way and brings harmony to the streets. We need more of this, not less. It is shocking that she has been treated like this.”

Norman Brennan, a retired police officer and anti-crime campaigner, tweeted: “Folks this is not a good look; some of us are trying hard to help policing get back public lost support, respect and confidence and this does not help.”

Ann Widdecombe, the former prisons minister and MP for Maidstone & the Weald, said the special constable should be sacked. When asked on GB News whether the incident raised questions on the culture and ideology of policing, she said: “Well, it certainly will if she is not struck off from the voluntary forces tomorrow morning.

“I mean, she really has got the law completely wrong and she was obviously enjoying herself rather too much, trying to boss this woman around, and there is no basis at all for saying that you can’t sing. I could walk down the street singing Onward Christian Soldiers and I would be committing no offence at all.”

Our New Model Army

Our New Model Army


How today's Fuzz work:

Caroline Farrow

Jun 7
I’m going to do a thread and limit replies. You’ll see why. Please do not speculate with names. But I think what is happening to me is important. I am not prohibited from talking about things in general terms.
Jun 7
On Monday afternoon my solicitor received a bizarre communication from Surrey police solicitors. He thought it had to do with my civil claim against them.

After some miscommunication, they sent through a bundle for a court hearing.

I am due in court tomorrow morning.
Jun 7
The police asked that “physical paperwork” relating to the court hearing against me in 2 days, was withheld from me.

They wanted me to go to a court hearing without access to the accusations and alleged evidence.
Jun 7
Surrey police have applied for a stalking protection order as a result of material I have posted on Twitter.

On page 1 of the bundle repeated misgendering is cited.

Here are the prohibitions they are seeking tomorrow morning.
Jun 7
I will be assigned an “offender manager”.

I will not be allowed to use any Social Media, Social Networking, Gaming, Dating (lol) site without this person’s written permission and having supplied them with usernames and passwords for all sites within 3 days.
Jun 7
In addition the following requirements are added:

1. Allow Police Officers to enter your registered address(es), between the hours of 8am and 8pm, to conduct a risk assessment, monitor devices, and manage compliance of the order

Jun 7
2. Provide your Offender Manager with any mobile, digital, or internet enabled devices for examination, review, and monitoring purposes, immediately upon request. You must also your provide your Offender Manager with any access PINs, passwords, or patterns. Examinations may be… Show more

Jun 7
3. Re-register home address every 12 months at a Police Station (within 365 days of last registration)

Jun 7
4. Provide your Offender Manager with list of all mobile, digital, or internet enabled devices that you own or have access to use. The list must be provided within three days of the order being granted or within three days of any changes

Jun 7
The police officer says this:

I believe that while presenting a significant interference with the respondent’s privacy rights, it is an appropriate course of action in the circumstances.

Jun 7
Signed by Surrey Police Superintendent

“I consider that in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 8 of HRA, an interference by this force as a public authority is in accordance with the law and is necessary.”

I left out another condition Surrey police are asking for.

5. Possessing, owning or using more than one mobile phone and one SIM card, unless with written permission from your Offender Manager in the area that you reside. You must provide the telephone number and unique identifying numbers of all device(s) within three days of this order being granted or within three days of and supplying any changes within 3 days of any such change.

With loonies like Walsh around, feminism AND the fight for protected female spaces is difficult. A constant fight. I mea...

With loonies like Walsh around, feminism AND the fight for protected female spaces is difficult. A constant fight. I mean, what does one do to put Walsh right? Or do we let him self-harm by posting this sort of laughable twisted twaddle?

Aqeela Azimi and her staff were in the middle of doing a bride’s hair and make-up at the Max Beauty salon in Kabul. They...

Aqeela Azimi and her staff were in the middle of doing a bride’s hair and make-up at the Max Beauty salon in Kabul. They bustled around with brushes and tongs, chatting and laughing. Then a phone pinged with news that left them distraught: the Taliban had ordered the closure of all Afghanistan’s beauty salons.

“First I didn’t believe it,” said Azimi. “We all began checking social media. Then when we realised it was real, we all started crying.”

Beauty salons were one of the last refuges for Afghan women who are barred from most work as well as public baths, gyms and parks. But now the Ministry for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has declared beauty salons are un-Islamic.

A video posted on Twitter last week by its spokesman, Mohammad Sadiq Akif, particularly emphasised eyebrow shaping and hair extensions as being “forbidden by Sharia law” and warned that bridal makeovers were leaving grooms in debt.

“It seems like the Taliban just want to wipe women out,” said Azimi, 27. “There is nothing left for us. Even lipstick is a threat.”

Since taking power almost two years ago, the hardline Taliban militants have imposed so many restrictions on women and girls that many describe it as gender apartheid. Girls are banned from high school and university. Women are prohibited from travelling without a male es**rt, and working almost anywhere except hospitals and girls’ primary schools.

Aqeela Azimi, 27, will struggle to feed her family after she was forced to close her salon, being the sole provider for her children

In December, the Taliban banned women from working for aid agencies even though, for cultural reasons, only women are allowed to distribute food to women. This was followed in April with a ban on women working for United Nations organisations.

“The ban on beauty salons seems like the last door closing,” said Zahra Joya, founder of Rukhshana media, an online news agency focusing on women. “Every day I wake up to messages of women committing suicide.”

For two hours after getting the order to close, Azimi and her staff did nothing but weep. Eventually the distraught bride, whose eye make-up had run with her tears, persuaded them to finish the job so that she would not be late for her wedding. Then Azimi pulled down the shutters.

She and her eight workers will struggle to feed their families. Her husband, a former interpreter for the US, is in hiding, leaving her as sole provider for their children and extended family.

With Afghanistan in the grip of what the UN says is the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis — 28 million people needing assistance — there are few options.

“I am worried beauty workers will be forced into prostitution,” warned Azimi. “It’s the only way left for women in Afghanistan to make money. I am sad but also angry.”

Just a few weeks ago, the Taliban had suddenly come to the salon, demanding she pay registration and tax for the year ahead. “They took the tax then closed us down.”

Beauty salons are not only the last remaining means of income for women in Afghanistan but also the only place they could gather after the Taliban closed one door after another on them.

Although the economic crisis triggered by the departure of foreign troops and diplomats left many unable to afford haircuts or treatments, Azimi says some women would come just to sit in the salon.

“It was the last haven for women — the only place women could come and be happy,” said Azimi. “So many women came to my shop and asked if they could just sit there. We had former headmistresses, scientists, policewomen, so many educated people just asking for a seat, saying I just want somewhere for myself.”

Opening her own salon in Kabul six years ago had been the happiest day of her life. “My salon was my life, my biggest achievement,” she said. “I started working in salons at 12 and people called us bad names, because of their traditional mindset, so I fought very hard to make this business.”

It soon became popular, employing 13 staff, and at weekends and in wedding season would serve as many as 40 customers in a day, including two or three brides.

They closed when the Taliban took over in August 2021. But then were told they could reopen as long as they removed all pictures of women. In some cases, the Taliban had already scrubbed out faces in the pictures.

With the flight overseas of so many of her middle-class customers combining with an economic crisis, customer numbers halved and Azimi reduced her staff to eight.

In her best months in the summer she was making up to 60,000 afghanis a month (about £530), though in winter it sometimes dropped to just £80.

She had followed all the rules, she said. Earlier this year they were told they must wear a hijab so only their faces were showing.

The closure came with no warning. The Ministry for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice ran video interviews with women apparently supporting the ban. “Women come out of those salons looking like monkeys,” said one.

“That’s ridiculous,” protests Azimi. “Even wives of Taliban came for haircuts or make-up.”

According to the Ministry for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, beauty salons go against the values of Islam

Some owners bravely took to the streets to protest on Wednesday but were quickly dispersed by Taliban.

Azimi says she has no idea what to do. A few of her competitors are planning to open clandestine salons like the underground schools for girls but she worries it is too risky. “What if one of our customers tells the Taliban?”

Others say their only option is to pay smugglers to leave the country and try to get to Britain or elsewhere in Europe.

“We could have tried to leave at the beginning because of my husband’s previous job but we wanted to stay and help our country and I didn’t want to leave all I’d worked for,” she said.

Now she is not so sure. Her daughter, 10, is in her final year at primary school after which there will be no more school unless things change. “It’s not acceptable for me to see her stuck at home,” said Azimi. “We’ve lost our future and are now seeing the loss of our children’s future.”

As with the previous restrictions, there has been international outrage over the closure of salons.

Rina Amiri, the US special envoy for Afghan women and human rights, tweeted: “The Taliban ban on beauty parlours removes another vital space for women’s work at a time when they’re struggling to feed their families, eliminates one of the few refuges for women outside the home and further transforms the country into a cruel and extreme outlier in the world.”

But the international community appears at a loss about what to do. The Taliban seem impervious to criticism, despite the worsening humanitarian situation in which people have been forced to sell their children and organs.

“The poverty on the ground is visceral, in your face,” said Samira Sayed-Rahman, director of policy and advocacy in Kabul for the International Rescue Committee.

Famine was only avoided last year by international aid.

Frustration over the Taliban, however, combined with other overseas demands such as the war in Ukraine has led to a sharp decline in funding for Afghanistan. So far the UN has received less than 15 per cent of its $4.6 billion appeal launched earlier this year.

“We are seeing a double burden,” said Melissa Cornet, the humanitarian adviser in Afghanistan for CARE. “The difficulties of working with constraints imposed by Taliban combined with the lack of funding.”

JK Rowling says same-s*x toilets sacrifice girls’ dignity after Ess*x school calls in policeIgnoring gender privacy for ...

JK Rowling says same-s*x toilets sacrifice girls’ dignity after Ess*x school calls in police

Ignoring gender privacy for sake of trans ideology makes attacks ‘entirely foreseeable’
JK Rowling says gender neutral toilets are “sacrificing” girls’ dignity and privacy for trans ideology after a school in Ess*x was forced to call in the police.

After revelations by The Telegraph that a teenage boy had been arrested over allegations of serious s*xual assaults in mixed-s*x lavatories, the author and campaigner said that such attacks were “entirely foreseeable and preventable”.

“Girls’ safety, privacy and dignity is being sacrificed to an incoherent ideology pushed by lobby groups, which gives predatory males easy access to victims,” Ms Rowling said.

Her comments came after Ess*x police were called in to investigate four allegations of serious s*xual assault at a local school. It is understood that three of the attacks allegedly took place in toilets shared by boys and girls.

A boy under the age of 16 has been arrested and bailed as police conduct further inquiries.

Campaigners and MPs have warned that mixed-s*x toilets are a “safeguarding risk” and called for the Department of Education to protect single-s*x spaces in its imminent transgender guidance for schools.

Ms Rowling pointed to research from 2018 which found that 90 per cent of attacks in swimming pools and sports-centre changing rooms happen in unis*x facilities.

Her comments were echoed by James Esses, a co-founder of campaign group Thoughtful Therapists, who said: “This is what we warned would happen. This madness must end. Now.”

The revelations come just days before the Government is expected to release guidance which is expected to say that students should not be allowed to use facilities designed for the opposite s*x. The advice it will give on mixed s*x toilets remains unclear.
Ess*x school

The school, which is not being named by The Telegraph to protect the identity of the victims, had not carried out an impact assessment on the provision of gender-neutral toilets and they are not legally required to do so.

The Ess*x secondary does not have a written policy on the issue and could not answer questions about whether their single-s*x toilets and changing rooms could be accessed on the basis of biological s*x or gender identity.

It has a number of boys toilets and girls’ toilets and one set of cubicles in an “open suite” that are not designated and can be used by either s*x.

These have always been gender-neutral facilities, but new signs were put on them earlier this year, sources said.

An Ess*x Police spokesman said: “We are currently investigating reports of serious s*xual assaults, which are believed to have occurred at a school in Ess*x. A boy, under the age of 16 has been arrested and since been bailed with conditions.

“We are working closely with the school and local authorities whilst enquiries for this investigation continue”

An Ess*x County Council spokesman said that they are “working closely with Ess*x Police and relevant authorities regarding a safeguarding matter at a school in Ess*x”.

“We are supporting the leadership at the school and will provide additional support to the school community if required,” they said. “The school has communicated with parents and carers and has offered support.

“Due to the ongoing police investigation the school is unable to comment on specifics around what they are doing in response to the allegations.

“However, the school takes all allegations extremely seriously and will always review policies and safeguarding procedures following safeguarding matters such as this.”


A post from Twitter:

Dear men-who-think-you’re women,
(And all those who pathetically tow their lines)
I’m done.
I’m done giving you any benefits of any doubts.
I’m done worrying about your “health care,” when I’ve had breasts so big that my back has been injured since I was 19. You think insurance covers that?
Or the scar tissue I’ve got from stem to stern from pushing out a 9 lb baby?
My female body doesn’t get complimentary “affirmation.” I get HEALTHCARE, meaning I’m treated when I am ill or injured.
Same as YOU, you petulant children.
I get LESS than you, in fact. As does every woman.
70c to the dollar DOESN’T just apply to pay, pumpkin.
I am DONE providing you “proof” you just dismiss by calling me stupid, or TERF, or N**i. (Especially when I’m not the one advocating for gay kids to be sterilized.)
I’m DONE pretending that you are in ANY way oppressed, because “trans rights are human rights”… because that’s bu****it.
HUMAN RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS, and you are friggin humans.
What’s more, you have ALWAYS been counted as such, which is more than we can say as women.
What YOU want are women’s rights, for MEN.
Those rights were not established because of how we dress, or think, or because we had hurt feelings we needed the world to accommodate.
They are established because of our BIOLOGY.
Muscle mass, bone density, lung capacity, grip strength (making it possible for 90% of men to be able to kill 95% of women with your bare fu***ng hands.)
Biology in the way that WE, women, bear the burdens of REPRODUCTION. Whether or not that is something one woman is capable of makes no difference.
They are burdens YOU DO NOT and CAN NOT EVER bear.
I’m done bending over backwards to be kind to you, when you will call me a slur for anything I say.
I am DONE pretending that you weren’t born with the platinum card of human rights dangling between your entitled legs.
I’m DONE pretending that you are anything but little, pathetic, WEAK men who have found an excuse to be nasty and mean to women, because you can’t get laid by anything but your own right hand, and you’re JUST. SO. MAD. ABOUT. IT.
Grow up. BE A MAN. Stop being fu***ng cowards trying to find new ways to hide in our skirts and spit in our faces along the way.
And, maybe, just maybe, remember that there is a power in us that you can NEVER attain, and that deep down, in your tiny little malnourished souls, you still fear with everything in you.
Remember that were women are FORCES of Nature.
We are witches. And we are to the point of cursing. Push us too far, and it is the Greatest Mother who will strike you back.
Rethink your life.
Rethink your entitlement.
Because I am DONE trying to spoon feed you through your infantile tantrums.
Grow up.
Or fade away.
There is nothing here your petulance has the capacity to erase.
6:29 AM · Jun 24, 2023




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