Emily's dog escapes during an alcohol binge, but feelings of shame and lack of self-worth kept her from later picking up the dog from the animal shelter.
#therapypodcast #therapyworks #therapysession #mentalhealthsupport #therapistpodcaster #alcoholism #recoverysupport #Recovery #ilovemydog #france #Shame #selfworthjourney #selfwork
Ashley begins to #deconstruct her #evangelical and #purityculture teachings when she realizes she doesn't know which thoughts are hers and which belong to the church. Working with a therapist, Ashley moves the locus of control over her life from the church to herself.
#therapyworks #religioustrauma #religioustraumahealing #decontructingreligion #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellness #itsnormal #DoneWithChurch #therapypodcast #lifeafterreligion #religiosity #anxietyrecovery #iamthebossofme #purityculturesurvivor
Listen as Gregorio tells how a #mentalhealth #misdiagnosis controlled the younger years of his life and how a #therapist's belief in him began the long process of #emotionalhealing.
#mexico #boston #MunchausenByProxy #mentalwellbeing #peersupportspecialist #schizophrenia #advocate #lifeishard #parentsmentalhealth #homeless #losteverything #selfpublishedauthor
Sandy is an #indianwoman going to #gradschool in #Minnesota who learned that #everythingisconnected. She traces her #alcoholdependence to a childhood #bullying and learns to give herself the attention and compassion she never received.
#therapypodcast #therapyworks #internationalstudents #bullyingawareness #selfesteem #dontwanttogetoutofbed #socialanxiety #boundaries #confidentwoman
Chrissy, a #chineseamerican woman living in the #sanfranciscobayarea learns to identify and feel her emotions as part of her recovery from an #emotionallyrepressed childhood.
#therapyworks #bestlifeever #singletraveller #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthmatters #therapistpodcast #FridayFeeling
This week's guest is Joel, an 40 year old man who entered rehab for alcohol addiction. But once he was there, he learned the opposite of addiction is connection.
Join us in this powerful episode as we speak with Jane Doe, a 58-year-old American expat, who courageously shares her decades-long journey through therapy to alleviate the crushing mom guilt and anxiety that consumed her. Jane's story takes us through her youngest daughter's severe mental illness, causing a home life filled with fear, violence, and emotional turmoil, which ultimately led Jane to confront her own feelings of inadequacy, depression, and a history of self-sabotage and addiction.
In this episode of 90834, Katie shares her experiences of using therapy to help her better manage her relationships with her parents and reconnect with her childhood self. She also reveals how therapy allowed her to accept people as they are and not have such high expectations. With the transformative power of therapy, Katie found the courage to make changes in her life, take responsibility for her own thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and successfully navigate a divorce while living abroad.