Hide and Seek Realism
Rainbow Six Siege Tactical Realism
Tagutaguan Malinawanag ang Buwan
Reup coz fb downgraded the qual
Potato Kapkan clutches the game again
Kapkan does a panic vs Blitz
Trick or Treat! Rainbow Six Siege Sugar Rush
is this an April Fools or a Halloween event? Potato tries to pewpewpew
Kapkan went psst psst
Happy Halloween from Kapkan
Siege smurfs in a nutshell
Best op?
Potato Kapkan went psst psst sneakily
This gun sounds like those catcallers on the streets
The airjab that saved us all
Cav went flying
Potato Mute clutches again
This gun is so hard for a potato. Also, my free wireless mouse was not feeling well at this time.
Potato Valk gives ayuda
Here's your ayuda ser
What sorcery is this?!
Jamon plays
Sniping Glaz
When you've had enough of Glaz annoying your ass. It's time to turn use the uno reverse card.
How a potato clutches as Valk
Potato Valk clutches the game with the help of the Diamond callouts
Potato Mute Protected the Bomb | "I'm scared"
After killing sneaky b Nøkk, potato Mute will try to clutch the game
Potato Ela clutches the game
After killing Lion, my friend died and was left alone. My panic intensifies
I always use this angle in case there are ponpekers
Potato Alibi saves de bom
Spell Potato= m.e.
Mute as Mira
Excuse me Mira, may I borrow your mirror?
Missing Buck's nades
Missing Buck's nades, when it was first removed, I cooked the flashbang HAHAHA