Madang Regional Counting has proceeded to a second quality check.
They commenced this second quality check on Friday 12th of August, 2022.
This was commenced by Madang Regional Counting officials under the instructions of Madang Provincial Elections Manager Sponsa Navi, and his Assistant Provincial Returning Officer, Albert Ului.
What they are intending to do is recheck and re-score all individual candidates' votes.
Upon completion of our first quality check, we distributed all individual candidates' First Preferences votes (ballot papers) to each of their individual ballot boxes. If a candidate had more first preference votes (ballot papers), the more ballot boxes he/she had.
So far, candidate 37, Ramsey Pariwa had the most number of votes therefore, had 12 boxes to fill his ballot boxes. Therefore, because Distribution of all ballots had already gone to each specific candidate, we have now, in Counting, each candidate already holding in their respective ballot boxes their respective first Preferences of votes.
We underwent this first quality check for 8 days begining on Wednesday, the 3rd of August 2022 and ending at 4:32pm on Thursday, the 11th of August 2022. We had been advised that all candidates' totals and overall balances were affirmed but when we were called in to begin Eliminations on Friday, the 12th of August 2022, at 11AM in the morning, it was visible to all of us scrutineers that Mr. Ului and none of his officers had in possession the Returns for each District.
We proceeded to eliminate the first candidate, candidate 29, Wesley Sanarup, but after distribution of his votes, it was found that the total of his distributed votes was over the total number of votes by 50 papers. Sanarup, according to the Electoral Commission had finished with 447 votes. But according to the real count Distribution of ballot papers, we distributed 497 of this candidate's papers. But our disagreement was that according to our scrutineer Quality Check tallies, c