I haven't been live here much lately, and I definitely want to apologize. There is a reason I've been keeping mostly to myself but I think now is finally the time.
Recently I have split my streaming time up between here and Twitch. It wasn't long before I realized that Twitch is a better fit for me and where I want to take this moving forward. I believe that although it will take harder work, content creation on Twitch as my primary streaming platform will be my main focus moving forward.
Thank you to any friends I've made on this platform. If you'd like to continue on this adventure with me, then please search MoonRat89 on Twitch. My avatar is the same so I will be very easy to find. Twitch is of course free to make an account on and use.
A large reason for this is that although Facebook has a discovery algorithm for content creators here, it punishes your reach if you do not continue to use the same tag. Our tags are the name of the game we stream each time we go live, which means the algorithm wants us to constantly play the same game all the time. That of course is tiring and not something I'm willing to do.
If you do not want to continue with me to Twitch, then at least here are some streamers on this platform I cannot recommend enough.
Thumb Tacos - This guy is hilarious and streams mostly retro games, and in particular super difficult Mario levels that other people create. His community is large and growing, and he deserves it. Having a large community has not made this guy a snobby streamer what so ever. He paused his game while live to call out my channel name of MoonRat because he thought it was awesome the first time I ever commented on one of his streams. There's no question he puts in the hard work, as his channel is incredibly fun to watch.
JimboSlyce - Another guy who also streams retro games, but occasionally at the time of this writing throws in some Call Of Duty and Fall Guys with his friends and viewers. JimboSlyce and I became instant friends the moment we met on here. His energy he brings to his streams is infectious. This is one of the guys who can be just as entertaining on camera as his own gameplay, and for that reason and many more I believe his future is bright on this platform.
Slightlybuffguy - As you can probably guess from his name, this guy is all about having fun from the moment he goes live. Slightlybuffguy mostly streams Fortnite at the time of this writing, but has talked about returning to the classics for some retro games. He will also play Fall Guys from time to time. I personally have played Fall Guys with him a few times, and I'm not sure I ever stopped laughing. He also has a deep knowledge about games current and old, making him very fun to converse with when he's live. If you're looking for a guy who probably has a heart of gold while popping heads from long range on Fortnite, this is your guy.
May0nnaise Man - May0 as he is known by his community is a Rocket League streamer. He's better at the game than I ever could be. Watching some of the goals he pulls off sometimes are absolute stunners. That being said, May0 is not only loved for his good gameplay and personality, but he heavily invests in the strong community that he has. I would often hop into his live streams and find him engaged in mini games on screen with his viewers. These side games are something he's put a lot of time into, and his community loves him for it.
Thank you all for the support on this platform for the last year. Where ever I go, if anywhere, I'll never forget where I started.
Here because my last platform is awful for variety streaming! Single-player and Multi-player stuff! Retro and Current are on the menu!