Hell to the freaking YEAHHH I am so excited to be apart of this line up! ORCA has birthed a darker side which I am so excited to share with you all.. 😻😻😻
🔥 The music lineup for 𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗼𝗽𝘀𝘆 𝗜𝗜𝗜 is here! 🔥
Jive Prøbåb1e Cåuże ORCA Propagate Spyrax Enchanted Distortion
This smorgasboard of local talent will take us from stomping progressive chunks of bass, heating up with deep explorations of the twilight and night styles before Farebi takes the stage for our 2 hour journey into the forest..
And then? You'll just have to come and see.
Do save some energy for the late night acts though - it's gonna get fast 💨🚀
Tickets deep into 2nd release now. No door sales if sold out prior! - https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/autopsy-iii-byo-warehouse-ft-farebi-jalebi-tickets-399881595617
♡ AuTopSy