First off, I do not believe this. But let's give the black man the benefit of the doubt. Something they don't normally give black women. Now let me say this. Brandon Keyzz Akins nobody in the Bigo, Black, LGBQT, Single mother's, or Struggling communities give one F*** about how much you made off their backs. Every storyline you created, every pill you helped Ebb buy, every time you used a vulnerable person for content, every female and transgender woman you used for their body. F*** you! The most you ever gave anybody publicly was a got darn lunch cash app for naming the correct songs. The beans you throw people on Bigo don't count because you earn money from that. The people you choose to help in private are usually those you have an advantage over for example, Ashleigh. You gave her money in exchange for s*x! SO get the f*** outta here with how much you have made. The communities on this side do not accept you or celebrate you.